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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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For those of you who backed it or somehow pirated it, what do you think? I'm about to do the Mine Dungeon from the Beta.
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>beastryn get oppressed for literally no reason
Furries do not exist, why should I give a single fuck about them?
Pretty sure I got some from the underground boss rush.
>instead of a reference to a nursery rhyme
It isn't a reference to a rick and morty line. It is a translator in-joke, a reference to "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub."
Still inexcusable but you have to specific about these things.
>Note: Furries do not actually oppressed in any meaningful capacity and it's all mouth service
I really have to wonder if that one dude's furry hate boner was something the dub added to make him seem like more of a bad guy.

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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male and female in same situation
Can he actually fight or is this another frabi situation?
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It is time for anon to learn his place.
Shitposting aside, no clues, all we know is that he's a side character and the globo of Thirst.
He should be a soul arts user (Joker class from blight) like Outoku is. He can probably fight since he's a monster boy too, like Clar.

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Post games where the choices aren't obvious pick good choice for good thing and bad choice for bad thing.
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>Do you give the man $5?
>Or do you give your friend $5?
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I gave this a shot, great prologue or whatever, goes immediately down the drain after Colorado Springs.
I don't think I've ever played an RPG that took such a nosedive after the beginning of the game.
The Bizarre was meh, and the Reaganites even more so. I have no problem with lampooning muh rightwingers, but Reagan? Really? Talk about low hanging fruit, should have went with Nixon.
A shame, if it had managed to keep the same quality as the start it could have gone down as a pretty great RPG.
>you give the man $5 to build a fence to keep dogs out of his town, and those dogs will go on to eat homeless women and children who are thrown out of the town on the whims of the power hungry mayor
>You give your friend $5 to buy collars that train the dogs into attack mutts that he abuses and uses to rob people traveling to this supposed safe town

the real, exploration/investigation unlocked option is to kill or otherwise implicate either the mayor or your friend and get the townspeople to raise the dogs as companions and workdogs for the lonely harsh environment

amazing how everytime someone tries to simplify something they sound like a fucking retard themselves without a creative atom in their body and can never give an actual real example of something they enjoyed. You dont even like videogames you just shit on bad ones
>help guy out, get bad ending
>help his rival out, get bad ending
>be murderhobo, get no ending
That's not morally ambiguous, that's withholding critical information from the player to trick them into a gay butterfly effect. Morals should be obvious because I don't want to be 99% good, except for the one time I let a demon slaughter a whole village. If I'm roleplaying as a morally ambiguous character, then my choices should reflect that, not the ending of a quest.
but in these games youre either explicitly told the outcome of your actions or have them sprung upon you for not investigating deep enough into the components of the quest. The clues are usually evident in things like actually speaking to the Mayor about the security of the town and him revealing that he cares more about creating a divide between his safe haven and the outside world anyone who doesnt like him can go to with a zero tolerance policy, including pregnant women- and your friend revealing how much malice he has for good people almost literally for no reason because he was slighted once extremely harshly

the moral ambiguity comes in what each person wants and whether theyre valid enough for wanting to do these dubious things. You have a point when the quest is some red herring horseshit about helping a woman whose husband has gone missing before she pushes you into a murder scene and turns the whole town on you but moral ambiguity in the form of purposefully choosing the lesser of two evils is not really as shit as


How come STR doesn't reduce the action point cost of heavy melee weapons?

How come INT is so bad of a stat to dump? It doesn't even have an 8 INT feat, let alone one that requires 10.

How come CON maxing still doesn't have its unique fun aspect?

For being main stats, they are sorely contentless
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maybe they are being insecure due to basically everyone yelling how this game is unbeatable without proper build planning
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Ah, you're right of course.

Recommendations: Infused pig strider boots. You can find very high quality from Constantine and Effreitor Hanna, padding is whatever but I use dense.
If you plan to use Ratto pajamas all the time, then you can use Fatso's leather, paired with the best dense padding you can find to make actually fairly resistant and very fast strider boots. Free Drones merchant will have your back on the padding.
Second, while energy shields are always good, you will need a good high high shield sooner rather than later, because fire explosions will absolutely fuck you over.
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this is the ultimate hammer build
to adapt it to balors, I might suggest wearing the industrial exoskeleton and fitting in the heavy metal feat (drop grenadier)
you dont need 20 str to use balors, you just get a -5% accuracy penalty for each point of str you dont have
so at 20 str you would have 95% accuracy against a 0 dodge enemy, at 19 str you would have 89%, at 18 85%, and so on; for some reason its 89 and not 90 at 19
Has the LMG nerf/minigun buff happened yet?
Last update
>October 12th
It's not happening, is it?
Heavy Duty was just a scam to get the missing funds required for Infusion.

which alice is your alice, anon?
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Does Wolris wear anything to hide her pussy, or just the oyster bra over her nipples? Important information needed for a commission.
>A large chunk of us here witnessed the rise and fall of many great communities.
I get it, everyone here is tired of that. Just try to direct that to the trannies plaguing this place next time. The actual drop of quality will only come from their usual cancers.
The thing above is the same one below me thinks.
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>might be biased from hanging out with people that have basic media literacy, though.
Very probable because I just don't see it. I feel that the average consumer nowadays can't enjoy anything other than the most fotm sloppified crap that the industry keeps shitting out. Anything that flees from what's declared "safe for comsumption" is demonized to all hell.

Very well put. I wish people could just enjoy things again without worrying what the other might think. Social media is one of the worst plagues that ever came to society. Nothing feels genuine anymore.
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>captcha HHATA

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Post your favorite/hated chink rpg, I am really liking "a hero road to passion"
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you know what you need to do...
>conserve some terms
Oh, it does? That's vital with wuxia.
Sorry OP
There is just a few of good chink wuxia RPG games
Most are either 30 years behind the curve or microtransaction mobile shit
If you must, look for Heluo studio, but dont expect miracles
the names of characters filter me.
The best xianxia game I have played was Corruption of champions with the Xianxia mod. its entirely text based and its got gayshit in it but big numbers go up.

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Why do so many westerners try to make their own jrpgs but not the other way around? For every semi popular retro jrpg there is some indie fuck making a rip off but you don't see eastern takes on crpgs (ie, bg, fallout) or open world rpgs (Bethesda).

At best they make lots of drpgs like wizardry but that genre might as well be another flavor of jrpg now.
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Except Asians are smarter than Americans
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>Just a bunch of plot edging.
>I don't want to goon to your plot, I want to coom!
You're right. The only Japs ever do right is art. A computer RPG will never be made in Japan.
Their localized games have built-in cheats. In Deus Ex the player dealt 4 times the damage, took 40% less damage, etc. When you've been around modding games you might have also noticed how nonchalant Japs are about adding overpowered cheat items/abilities..
Asians are also incapable of playing games in first person that aren't static pictures. You'll often see them complaining about 'motion sickness'.
Sucks cause SoS and Chained Echoes put so much effort into the art, unlike actual Japanese devs like Square, but they suck at designing gameplay and their stories are gay
Westerners are mentally ill.

Lol. Lmao even.
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Sirs, please do not redeem update for next-gen Fallout 4 sirs. We are working on an update for the update! Redeem Starfield while you wait!
Honestly. I've played these games on console, and on pc with the original discs. I have never run into a gamebreaking bug. Anyone that does and complains didn't have a save prepared, and was rightfully filtered.
anyone that has had such issues knows youre a bozoid for saying "filtered" when the issues can begin early in a save and persist until they eventually break the game, giving no indication anything was ever broken because of the way cells, the game and everything in general works in Bethesda products.

Loading a prepared save from hours ago that is still broken doesnt solve anything
>ive never had bugs :)
is probably the most spastic response in relation to buggy games
I've never understood why they persist in this absolutely deranged style of software and game development, even beyond the insanity that is their cells. It's always the least intuitive thing possible, designed specifically to have zero depth and infinite width. Is publicly executing Howard and Pagliarulo cartel style the only solution?
they persist in it because ironically "it just works" and theyve never needed to adapt to literally any technological change if people have been buying the same game for a decade in the millions. You even now have people spitting at modders saying "Bethesda owes you nothing" when factually the modders have made better actual game assets, systems and content in the entire definition of "videogame" than Bethesda probably ever have.

people dont actually give a shit, Skyrim has been solidified as "the greatest game ever made" for a lot of people so theres literally zero reason to deviate from how it was made. Even now, people will forget how borderline amateur Starfield was when ESVI gets a new trailer

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What is the difference between "Quality of Life improvements" and casualisation? Are they one and the same? Maybe QoL is when something is made more convenient without changing the difficulty, like letting you fast travel, but casualisation is when it makes it easier, like letting you save anywhere, like SMT SJ Redux?
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This is the best answer, everything else is pretentious
random anime high schooler and art by someone other than kaneko don't belong in strange journey, play the original
Is adding a map to dungeons quality of life, or casualisation?

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Imagine having the creative freedom to make over a dozen full-fledged RPGs with continuous plot and lore, and wasting it on 90% slice of life soap opera in the most generic fantasy setting possible.
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it's the in-between setup episode
>and so are the characters.
That’s a result of localization team changes. The Sky characters in Crossbell are much closer to their jap portrayal rather than their Xseed localized components - i.e. they’re massively more bland and flat.
i used jp voice acting for sky and crossbell though. actually, the crossbell games seemed way closer to the og than sky did? (i dont speak japanese, just in sky there were obvious points where theyre saying something completely different to whats written, sometimes being boring/comical when the voice has more emotion). i just hate that the characters get basically no development and are just a happy family the moment they meet each other. wazy and randy were cool though, and i cared about kea so much but i feel like she had missed potential. i would have loved azure's story way more if she died at the end
The games aren't complex but they're fun and relaxing. The heroes are likable, even the villains are mostly likable, and the gameplay is deep enough to be fun without becoming a chore.
the trails series is the final boss of any jrpg fan's backlog which is respectable on its own lol

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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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Honestly think Void Highlord looks better animation wise.
>all that grinding items for the darkon class
wake me up when i can just buy it, skipping all that
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>he can't just buy it
>she doesn’t have it yet
i dont have the classes and am too retarded to do ultras...

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
Playing the second game

>super fast combat when you're holding down X/A
>autowalk, even across multiple maps
>varied outdoor areas
>race/gender/class specific portraits but you can change portraits to use other classes'

I love it. I wish they kept the vancian magic system from the first game though.
Literally bought a psp for this game because I was a big etrian odyssey fan

Biggest we have Etrian Odyssey at home moment thankfully they released Elminage 1
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Just beat EOU1 classic, after beating the post game I'm probably gonna play Potato Flowers next or Wizardry 1-3 SNES. Any good western DRPG recommendations that aren't tile-dancers? Nothing against them I'm just in the mood for stuff closer to Wizardry.
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I was just about to make a thread too, fun series. Probably should have used this pic instead. Its out on Steam, PS5, and the Switch

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>Xenoblade 1/X
>FF 12/13
>White Knight Chronicles 2
Are there really no other SP focused games out there? You know, the ones that capture aspects of autobattling and the love or hate hotbar wankery?
Everything I look at is either a Diablo clone or a CRPG
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Have you tried the Tales of series? You have random battles, but other than that the auto attacks are automated and you control any character on your team you want manually while the others are on auto just like Xenoblade. I've personally only played the older ones but I think the new ones still have the same system.

You should also look into Star Ocean, Rogue Galaxy and Valkyrie Profile 2, all for PS2.
>Star Ocean. Check the latest version and work backwards until you find one you like the look of.
>Rogue Galaxy. Just play this, it has great side-systems and item grinding as well on a scale similar to Xenoblade.
>Valkyrie Profile 2. Direct sequel to VP1, I recommend you play that first or watch a playthrough but the 2nd game changes the battle system to be what you're describing and you get to pick your party members to customize your team/build.
I forgot about the auto mode in Tales. Correct me if I'm wrong though, unless you disable everyone from using skills, it's pretty much just auto-battle. And even then you'll just have to constantly pause and menu for skills
All the others you listed do come close but their reliance on input-to-attack falls on the action side instead of the tab targeting side.
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From my own research seems like GW1 is the closest I'll find. Early game has NPC companions that help you out, but once you hit level 20, a later expansion has permanent NPC companions that you can fully customize
I also forgot entirely about the Dragon Age games but Origins always came playing as either a CRPG with constant pausing or an action game like 2/DAI would become.
Not that RtWP CRPGs don't come close, the problem is that they always feel like turn based but sped up with a focus on party builds and steamrolling enemies rather than playing around with the chaotic tactics that comes rom hotbaring your abilities in real time
Yes you can complete the vast overwhelming majority, if not everything, with customizable AI companion builds. Guild Wars has three standalone campaigns and one expansion; Nightfall provides the fastest access to Heroes which are the customizable companions. but every campaign(/outpost), from the very start, has Henchmen which are premade companions.
You can, of course, play with others at any time but the actual combat/exploration/gameplay is instanced.
yeah that's actually a good one. It is really fun I got the collection for 12$ on steam during a sale

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