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Just finished the main story and I really don't get why this game is so maligned. Did auto-battle really filter journalists that hard? Considering strategic orientation of the battle system toward paradigm deck composition and paradigm shifts, auto-battle was a good and useful mechanic. I think the "hall way sim" complaint is overblown, the linear and open segments are well-balanced. People complain about the "20 hour tutorial" which I really don't understand, the early-to-mid part of any JRPG is going to be a different kind of experience than the late-to-postgame, and this game does a good job differentiating the segments. Two-man battle teams present a different, somewhat more desperate challenge than the late game where you have all options at your disposal. And, I love the menus, I love the UI design overall and don't get why people complain so much about the Crystarium. Even though its sections are more linear than the Sphere Grid, you actually have pretty significant control over how you develop the characters until the deep post-game.

Admittedly, Taejin's Tower and Oerba feel unfinished, the weapon upgrade system is tedious, and the summons felt like wasted potential. But this game delivers on graphics, gameplay and story imho.

What did you think of FF13? Should I keep going with the post-game grind or just jump right into XIII-2?
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>But they cry and whine about it!
I don't remember that part.
First part is schizo-tier.
13 just sucks both narratively and mechanically while also being a slog to playthrough. 13fags are delusional for defending this mess of a game.
You mean their entire story arcs? You don't remember Tidus crying about his dad, whining about being stuck in another world, shrieking hysterically when he discover's the meaning of Yuna's pilgrimage, screaming at Auron like a petulant brat? Or Snow's blowhard pretend hero facade that crumbles and gives way to him begging for forgiveness and feeling sorry for himself?

I mean I'm playing contrarian here and was being sarcastic with the whole repress emotions thing. I agree that they are ultimately good masculine role models because they overcome their crises and move forward rather than wallowing in the end, but they are also crybabies who do definitely have their hysterics.
>but they are also crybabies who do definitely have their hysterics
The irony of this anon. kek
>You don't remember Tidus crying about his dad, whining about being stuck in another world, shrieking hysterically when he discover's the meaning of Yuna's pilgrimage, screaming at Auron like a petulant brat? Or Snow's blowhard pretend hero facade that crumbles and gives way to him begging for forgiveness and feeling sorry for himself?
Snow falters one time, and it's when Barthandelus is lying to them.
Tidus is younger, and struggles more.
But both are shown to ultimately overcome their anxiety and face their challenges bravely.
Young male gamers need to see more of that.

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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Why do you meet so many gays
>replies actually defending the atrocious vanilla models
based anon making the skyrim babies seethe
I just met Delphine for the first time in my game. Her voice actress seems surprisingly bored and bland, pretty flat delivery.
I laughed so hard anon, thank you!

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are there any good mods for bannerlord yet?

overhaul mods would be preferred but also are there any mods that fix the levelling so its more like warband?
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My standard mod list is this
>Garrisons do something
>Realistic battles mod
>De Ri Militari
>Houses of Calradia
>Warlord pack

The Realistic battles mod makes armor far more realistic but it’s too much in my opinion. However De Ri Militari balances the troop trees so that only top tier troops are heavily armored.
Vanilla needs a lot of content mods, but there are almost no overhaul mods out right now
XPtweaks so it's less aids for you and companions
RBM, combat overhaul, it's a tradeoff though archery/xbow will be shit but the shields will no longer work as forcefields that block everything in front of them
Eagle Rising for some Roman kino(also Carthago, Dryatians, Britannia, G*uls, Scythians), comes with new weapons too (pilum, slingshots, gladius)
Fourberie, allows you to assassinate nobles disguised, break out multiple prisoners, stage riots to reduce loyalty, participate in underground fights, hire bandits, have a hideout
Think Banelord will have stuff like WF&S and Viking Conquest etc.? or will they just pull a Cyberpunk, put back most of what's promised, then fuck off to the next thing?
The latter. They will leave it all to the modders this time. Have to check when warband and Napoleonic etc came out.

What is your favorite Diablo-style RPG?
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Warhammer - Chaosbanne
>no complexity
>, no risk or reward
The fuck does that even mean in ARPG? You sound like a schizo with a lot of buzz phrases about pegging and holes. Just pay a whore to strap one on for you if you truly like hardcore that much, same stupid masochism.
>Grim Dawn is a perfect litmus test on if you have good or bad taste in video games, in fact it's indicative of your worldview as a whole. You are ruled by predisposition and ingroup-approval.
oh yeah that mighty GD bandwagon where GD dominates the normiesphere, step off with your larping in your own head
>meanwhile the POE skinner box compels me to defend that piece of bloated crippleware shit
lmao, fucking please double queer, you're like a young senior citizen that gets angry if something is a little more imaginative than a slot machine POE pull. Almost every POE player is a clone spitting this angry rhetoric too because your leisure time must be a frustrating grind with no end. Kind of like you trying to get a woman off.
>>Time to start dinner, oh I got some time I'll pop another exp elixir
>Personally, I do not see Diablo ever reaching the POE audience because it will alienate the mentioned casual audience above. The paragon board is a joke because everyone copies whatever streamers do, but maybe this itemization rework will add some depth to builds again. Maybe even setting up for the expansion by redoing the foundation?
Fair enough, I'm done speculating on copium of games to improve anymore now though. They're either fun right now or they get shelved right now.
I might give it another whirl with a sorc "melee" build just to see what's possible now. He looked pretty cool with a lightning staff and effectiveness wasn't a joke.
I don't watch streamers at all but the boards definitely had one best path at least in the pet necro case. You play enough of these to be better than all the streamers and it's just self evident after a while.
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Grim Dawn's dual-mastery system was weird. I always felt like my characters were much stronger if they focused points into one mastery.
The only exception being Demolitionist's Flame-touched and Vindictive Flame, which pair well with any class due giving such a huge boost to damage output and survivability.

For the most part, I think dual-classing is more of thematic thing. It's something you do if you want to make a certain type of character rather than the most powerful thing possible. My Death Knight (soldier+necromancer) was great fun, even if he didn't actually need any of the soldier skills.
Obviously poe but i also hate it. Then project diablo 2. Last epoch is fun. Been playing it all day actually. Just needs more time.

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>"These NPCs are not scripted. We give them general goals and they figure out on their own how to accomplish them."
It's been almost two decades, why can't RPGs ACTUALLY accomplish this now? It would make their worlds far more believable and alive and feel less dead.
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might just be notr and archolos, I haven't played G1 in longer
>I’m making an rpg
No you aren't, this is just bait to keep your shitty thread alive
Nice schizo theory lmfao. It was a good guess, a good shot in the dark. But I am making an rpg. 2d, 3/4 view like A link to the past. But with Oblivion like AI. About a year into development. Hopefully will finish is 2 more. This thread interested me because it goes without saying that Oblivion has the best NPC and AI logic. So I checked it out
pics or gtfo
Hard to suggest, when we don't know anything about your game.

Keep it simple, like down to schedules and reactivity, but try to make them significant. Try to design a quest where NPC schedule comes to play. Have NPCs comment on a large variety of things like events, your character, the weather, whatever you can think of.

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CRPGs aged extremely badly with their clunky mechanics and wikipedia infodumps while classic JRPGs still hold up to this day. BG2 was quickly forgotten in place of BG3. RTwP shit was a product of its time. Something like pic related will remain timeless and iconic forever while RTwP slop is already almost forgotten.
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I still prefer rtwp. I didnt buy bg3 because low iq turn base. I own most modern crpgs other than that one.
Op got filtered
I mean that's everything ever made. Young people don't care about anything from the past in general. Did you care about the movies, books or shows your grandparents watched? At best maybe a few your old man liked, right?
A few well meaning ones with historical interest will go back and replay old games, but they'll seldom finish them or feel anything meaningful towards them.
I've met maybe two people under the age of 25 that genuinely sperg out about old media, the rest are old fucks here and on /vr/ still huddled around the tiny fading embers of our innocence. This is our retirement center.
I feel like you're right. I'd like to be a more western style game, with less stats, and a bit more mature content. Try to bridge the gap.
These games are not fun to play. Reading a wiki is more enjoyable than playing them.

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>Is the last male tank in a AAA western rpg ever
Literally who
who dat seems based
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Stop replying to yourself, op.
Dai is based but everyone here is too retarded and old to stop caring about their first childhood RPG

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This shit could not be more overrated
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Good bait. Have a (you,) but I'm wriggling off the hook now.
This sneed could not be more chucked
I was just playing this. Its interesting which makes it immersive. 10/10
I could see it being boring if youre a zoomer incapable of finishing a paragraph.
As the youth of today might say, slay based queen.

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If you thought the combat in this was bad, you got filtered. It really is that simple.
>B-but armor-penetrating crits!
Are based, yeah. They add a sense of gritty realistic insecurity to the wasteland, most combat encounters are potential death even if you're well stocked-up. Armor can be penetrated via well-aimed or lucky shots, this isn't unrealistic.
>But I don't care about realism, I want fun!
Go play Mario.
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>Should I install the restoration mod?
The answer to this is always "no" and it doesn't even matter which game you're talking about. They're always kludges of modder fan fiction "interpreting" cut content.
I got kinna pissed lately cause I wanted to do a Big Guns / Unarmed playthrough and looked up the perks, and slayer makes every melee hit a crit but you can't get it until level 24, but also has more crits which give a +5 chance to crit and can be taken three times..

I don't want to take more crits then later take slayer and waste 3 perks on it, but I also don't want to wait till level 24 to take slayer and grind through that shit until I'm bored with the game.

It kinna feels like bad design.
The combat is abominably bad in these games. It's primarily luck based with pretty much no strategy and the crappy UI makes things even more tedious than they need to be. It won't even let you control your own companions without installing mods. You can't blame the age of the games either because it's turn based. Turn based games have existed since the dawn of civilization. And even if that wasn't the case, there's no excuse for the gameplay being this bad when you can pick a random TRPG from a decade earlier and it would still play better than this.

Fallout 1 and 2 are shit games. The writing is terrible too so it's not like the role playing elements make up for it. Fallout games only became remotely playable when Bethesda started making them.
> The writing is terrible too
Yeah I was on your side until you dropped that stinker, now I just want you to fall down.
He's right though the writing is bad. If it wasn't for Tony Jay and other good voice actors, you wouldn't give a single shit about Fallout 1's story.

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More like shitout because it's shit
more like fuckout because i got the fuck out of that shitty game
Odds that OP wasn't alive in 1997: 100%
So I'm level 12 almost 13 with the Turbo Plasma rifle, the Alien Blaster and the Hardened Power Armor. Can I just go fuck the master and the super mutants? I feel very OP right now.
Rage bait

High IQ Mass Effect roleplayers immerse it up by coming up with creative in-universe reasons why nobody says his/her name. Such as naming your character:

>Commander Adolf Shepard
>Commander Nigger Shepard
>Commander God Shepard
>Commander Osama Bin Ladin Shepard
>Commander Devil Shepard
>Commander Satan Shepard
>Commander Hitler Shepard
>Commander Monkey Shepard
>Commander Big-Head Shepard
>Commander Queenie Shepard
>Commander Queefy Shepard
>Commander Stinky Shepard
>Commander Pussy Shepard

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Good thing every Krogan in the Galaxy is well-read on human name/title synax and also respectful enough to not insult Shepard by speaking his real name
>I'm putting a team together
>Then disbanding my team and surrendering our ship before ME3
Kind of. Depending how you define female
Please get help before it's too late.
If a thread is 121 days old that means no one actually likes the game. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Is it for the best that the FF7 remake is deliberately straying from the original?
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That he does.
He's been making garbage template discussion threads to necrobump in order to bump off threads he doesn't like. When certain threads are close to archiving he goes in and necros them.
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The fuck is that?
Her Nipple. Like the other anon noted.
Because that was worth the bump.
>all starting weapons are the best.
Nail Bat is the best weapon in that game actually

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Oh look, another video where Tim Cain shits on Fallout 2. Why is he so bitter?
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substitute the word you find fitting
Son, don't go into creative fields expectin' to get rich
He's been a lead the whole time except when he asked to not be lead, JUST a Sr Dev. And he's gay with no kids. If he has a 401k he's probably a millionaire a few times over.
Son, turn into one of them gay fellers if you want financial stability
>doesn't want to argue over semantics
Fake nerd, to be honest.

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Do you prefer skyboxes/backgrounds or actual level geometry to convey distance in an RPG?
both are good if done well
>see that mountain? you can climb it.
if the RPG doesnt let me do this, the RPG is trash
whichever keeps the performance steady
also the game on the left is RTS, not RPG, get better example
Idk what I like more, but the Zelda map is one of the greatest maps of all time. If not the greatest of all time.

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So, what's the verdict? Is it any good? How does it compare to WotR? Can I play it yet or is the usual after-release horde of bugs still in need of patching?
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You can play from start to finish with relatively few issues. But there will be SOMETHING.
I liked it, partly because I like W40k setting more and Owlcat had soem fun with it, but it;s a very different beast than the pathfinder games.
And combat/progression is just more broken cause it is largely homebrew. It spirals down after chapter 2 and especially after chapter 3, but you can still have fun figuring out how to break it.
>combat/progression is just more broken

As in what? You shit over the opposition if you use your brain?

>it;s a very different beast than the pathfinder games.

How so?
Easily the worst story of Owlcats games and by far the worst balanced owlcat CRPG, which should say something.

It's playable now but you still shouldn't even consider touching this fucking game until it gets a re-release. While the first half of the game plays alright (now) it's still fucking unfinished. It needed more time in the oven.
Combat is completely different rules (turn based with cover, point based action economy)
Progression is essentially 60 levels (you get levels at like 4 times the pace from pathfinder) with each level allowing to pick from specific set of talents or abilities and having 2 distinct tiers of archetypes (going from 1 to 2), but not freely.

It's pretty good early one since you need to understand what combos well for your character and party, equipment matters and enemies are threatening with even mobs piling up damage.
However you start outscaling them fast if your choices are not completely subpar and you can rape the action economy (70% reason o for that is the officer archetype). At some point in the last 3d of the game, you reach the universal 'exemplar' archetype and can pick all the abilities and talents you missed plus a few new broken ones, which makes the building decisions you made before matter less (you bring more combos online, more stat scaling) and the enemy cannot catch up at all.
So it goes from an interesting and possibly challenging system of battle and progression to an early one and later irrelevant one.
It combos with the curse many CRPGs have and the later acts not finishing the plot and questlines nicely (call it rushed or them just not knowing what to do). If you could tolerate the pathfinder games, you likely can this one too in that regard,
I will say though, space battles are the best minigame they have done so far (not a high bar) and colony management is pretty interesting, but I wish it could be expanded upon a bit and have it pop up in the main story..
For what it's worth, I like most of the companions too. Pasqual (tech priest) is one of my favorites in general, not just Owlcat games.
Alright thanks for the write up. I'll give it a shot when I have time, although I have to say the botched last act gimmick being something of a crpg trope at this point makes me weary as hell.
WotR was so bad with this to the point I'd never consider touching the game again, even though I mostly enjoyed it.

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