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>Fallout show hits
>/vrpg/ is now full of fallout threads
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It would be fine if the show was good but its not.
Its ass.
The writing is worse than F3 and F4 fused together.
I'm part of the Fallout spam, solely to make this board, and /v/ and /vr/ so bloated and sick to death of any Fallout discussion, it becomes a red-flag permanently, and people stop jerking it off endlessly and people hate it.
If only you put all that autistic energy of yours into bettering your life you wouldnt be a broke incel.
sure sure
just give the kikes free advertising
very convincing, (((anon)))
What a life.

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>drops four defender shields (0.2%)
>drops no bright crystals (2%)
Not an RPG
yes it is
> Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games created by Japanese game designers Tetsuya Nomura and Shinji Hashimoto, being developed and published by Square Enix.
ARPGs aren't real RPGs
Got it once and then never again.
How is it any less rpg than any jrpg?

i have beaten fallout 1 more times than i can count.

i almost always quit fallout 2 by SAD/Reno/SF. I just lose interest knowing how much more game there is. why
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Dev is different from business and management, you dumb.
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Dude even in power armor being within six squares of a mini gun is an instant game over.
And I don't like you.

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Well what are the ideas?
Are you an idiot. I'm not going to say.
kek are you samefagging or are you just hoping to suck that dudes dick? fuking lawl!
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Well then if I don't know what I'm missing out on I won't give a shit, will I?
It was announced before the game even launched as part of the Goy Edition. Who the fuck wants more of this garbage game anyway?

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Are there certain in-game organizations or structures that you find very cozy? I really like the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout games, and it gives me the same feeling as the Jedi Temple in Knights of the Old Republic games. I also like the Heroes Guild in Fable. What similar thing do you like in other games?
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Erebonia got cucked lmao
And their games suck!
You have your head so far up your own ass you'll complain no matter what threads are made.
TES' Dark Brotherhoods, specially oblivion's
god I was first playing IWD1 during a snow holiday from the school. I still remember everything that was on my desk at the time, when the music hits, the snowy landscapes, snow outside RL, no school, really into R.A Salvatore books at the time... damn, how can one know such joy anymore? I am at the end of my wits. Nothing makes me happy. Nothing keeps my attention more than a couple of days. how to get better anons?
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joining one of the many many many guilds in this game, can turn any of the bajillion towns in the game into feeling like home

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people who hate fedex quests should just play adventure games instead
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Sloppaquest bros... it's our fucking decade
Ah, but you said involve skills, not require. Although the first thieves guild doesn't require skill either.
The real debate is:

Kill Quests vs Fetch Quests
For me it's fetch quests. Any chump can kill, real gamers can bring it back
Fetch quests made more sense in MMOs when you had to cooperate with actual people to get them done.
Conversely a detailed multipart story quest unfortunately makes less sense in MMOs since someone had to put the dog/trash/kid out and is now out of sync with the rest of the group while everyone else is bored and runs off to do another fetch quest while waiting which are good to do in small bites like that.

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All that money for such a shitty game, huh?
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When I see out of place names of backers scrolling and repeating, the impact really, really dies. Meanwhile in Suiko 1, almost 40 Stars can die or retire if they lose an army battle
It's because bad translations are often the easiest issue to show off once a game releases since it's just a screenshot. Gameplay issues need some more time for someone to get some playtime in and write a script for a video essay
People already noticed the gameplay was shit within 24 hours and were posting here.
I'll agree though that the no-lifers that would immediately put in 16-20 hours on day 1 and the cocksuckers that would make or watch a video essay aren't necessarily the same group of people.
>In order to win, you just use he active abilities for leaders
I've won every battle without editing teams or using abilities. You can literally just do nothing for the first few rounds while the AI rushes a few units towards you, overpower them and then take out the stragglers. Most battles the main leader just sits there for a few rounds.

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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
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>A Garden Eden Creation Kit is a terraforming device that sucks up the radiation in a certain area.
That is absolutely NOT what it does.

>In reality, it was a more modest tool. The kit included seed and soil supplements, a cold fusion power generator, matter-energy replicators, atmospheric chemical stabilizers and water purifiers. The replicators were advertised as capable of creating food and basic items needed for building new environments.
>In other words: He wants to turn it on.
>You rephrasing it doesn't fucking change it.
OKAY anon, and with that level of retarded over-simplifcation, the Italian Mafia simply "just want to run a business."

>And dont even get me started how retarded it is for the Enclave to want to to control technology that they already posses or use it to "blackmail settlements into joining his faction" when they consider wastelanders mutants.
They clearly don't already possess it, other-wise they wouldn't want it, dumb-fuck.

>And to do that they destroy the piece of technology that would have achieved that.
Uh, what? Lone Wanderer doesn't destroy it.

>I sure can tell that you didnt either.
Says the dumb-nigger that didn't play the game and is now making up retarded excuses that make no sense. FRFR, no cap.
From the Fallout Bible:
>force-field schematics and 3D printing arrays to make everything from buildings to clothing from the raw materials of the earth

No wonder your opinions are so shit its because you know nothing about the lore besides Todd's sloppy seconds.
Sure the GECK may purify a tiny area like Vault City, but Project Purity could purify the whole ass river basin.

And even all this retardation is based on the idea that the GECK does the same shit.
Like this is a video game, I'm not convinced the GECK is this magic tool.
It clearly isn't presented that way in Fallout 3, so it doesn't matter.
The Enclave wants the purifier for the power of owning it.
Likewise the Brotherhood doesn't want their enemies to have that power.

Isn't this most real life conflicts?
Two parties fighting over a resource?
That old screencap is retarded

how do i get into this shit? Looks like fucking Tibia
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yeah i agree on that one, its like Dwarf Fortress - no one really plays this shit. i got nudes yesterday from FwB, gonna visit her this weekend
You got filtered already. Accept it and move on.
It's a shame they removed the unique poster count for threads. Because then we would all be able to blatantly see that this is OP desperately trying to samefag-hate this random game. On top of being a graphics-whore.

Also, Tibia is probably a better game than anything you've ever played and liked.
is more like he is asking how do you even play or find fun on that kusoge....the answer is you don't you either attempt to play it and realize the mess it is or simply become a braindead praising this "game".
Play the game long enough to get out of the town and experience combat. Because that's what you'll end up thinking about the whole time.

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This is essentially the REAL Gothic 3.
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>haven't uncovered the full plot with the brother yet
>I'm around the right level to begin exploring Vardhal
The brother plot is already over long ago at that point. If you want to know more about it, you should explore the sewers of Archolos once your uncle disappears. But seeing your expectations, let me tell you: it will disappoint you.
>already over long ago at that point
Wait, what? But Marvin is still bitching about finding his brother, even after I just killed the minecrawler queen.
I'm not sure if I'm getting you. You're telling me you're about to go to Varhal which is the point of no return that leads to the final chapter and the end of the game. You discover the truth about Jorn in chapter 4 IIRC. And can discover more about it in chapter 5 after the uncle disappears. But this last part is optional, so you have to explore if you want to discover it
>You're about to go to Vardhal
On my own...At least, I got to the crypt by myself, slaughtering my way in, killed the cursed troll, skeleton shadowbeast, and skeleton mage, unlocked the teleport. My next aim is to penetrate Vardhal....Or can I not get to it until I get to the required quest for it?
>Or can I not get to it until I get to the required quest for it?

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Why didn't anyone tell me this game wasn't just a silly meme and that it's actually really good?

Even the parts that get meme'd on the most make perfect sense in hindsight.
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Kill yourself, schizo-kun. You are the second worst poster on the board and everything you post is incoherent retarded shit.
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Are you familiar with the plot of Sonic 06?
>It's No Use!
>Why didn't anyone tell me this game wasn't just a silly meme and that it's actually really good?
Because its not good at all.
>It also felt to me like Sony and SE were both trying very hard to bury the last gen versions
MS kinda avoided that confusion thanks to their smart delivery system but yeah, I think that's a bit of it being cross gen and a bit of SE trying to release every game they had in a shippable state all in one year. The game isn't heavily optimised at all, it's clear they pushed it out the door as early as they could but also trying to overlap with their autumn/winter release window which was packed full of games.
They released a few patches in the first month but they were to change things like the wrong textures loading in and fixing lighting (series S/X had this disabled for example), like it took them 5 months to patch in DLSS.
Square-Enix really didn't wanna overspend on this game at all.

Anyone else find the setting comfy?
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the maze?
I’ve thought about playing this but when I tried the SNES SMT games I wanted to shoot myself. Great music and aesthetic but sinfully dull gameplay and endless grind. Strange Journey seems like it’s more of the same. It’s probably not a popular opinion but, other than Nocturne, I don’t generally care for mainline SMT.
Nocture is great and I spent alot of time just grinding levels to see how strong demons get. I have the fairy you get maxed out at lvl 99 and max evolution. good stuff. I tried playing the older versions like snes and stuff but it was a chore.
>line break
I did play last bible III but due to a npc not spawning in the rom I cant continue the story and so I stopped playing it. pity I was greatly enjoying the game and its graphics and setting. I do have last bible II im playing (translation also) and that's pretty good. Ive been sitting in this one area just grinding levels out so im way overpowered for where im supposed to be.
You're only actually in the antarctic for the first half of the very first zone in the game.

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With the recent interest in Fallout, I decided to pick up Fallout 3 again. I'm planning a Moira-centric run using the Craterside Enterprises mod, and I am wondering what NSFW mods would work best with it. I have heard of the Quo Vagis and Seducing Women mods, but I'm not big on the idea of banging anyone other than Moira.

Would also appreciate advice on other recommended Fallout 3 mods.(And no, I am not doing a ToTW run, this is just Fallout 3 alone as Craterside Enterprises is not ToTW- compatible)
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Go preach your Earth is Flat crap and your Todd is God crap elsewhere you cretin. He failed us, Todd fell off the horse and broke his back, it is as Wulf said "the Empire is old and dying now" and it's time for something new. Bethesda has given us great times in the past but now the time has come for the beast to die
>Todd Howard is pretty based and successful
>Because Starfield was a based complete 100% wholesome success, prove me wrong
Oh yeah?? Well actually Starfield was GAY!! What do you have to say to that, shill?

Heh...check and mate, kid
None of those three have been objective failures. They turned huge profits. Only Starfield is seen in negative light by fans now.
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>Bro what are you talking about? Todd Howard was actually paid quite handsomely to sell his soul
Nobody is disputing that Todd achieved the feat of acquiring substantial portions of materialistic wealth here, he did. What we are saying is Todd has sacraficed his good reputation and therefore is now viewed as a dishonorable lowlife by a fanbase that no longer respects Todd
I won't apologize for the truth

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What is most dark and depressing RPG game out there? I liked that quest in Fallout Nevada about pedo kidnapper that holds children in his basement and that you can make a deal with him (best trader in the game). That gave me some True Detective vibes
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I think Digimon Cybersleuth had a few from their what in the actual fuck moment quests. Like most quests were a Digimon that wanted to be a boxer interrupting broadcasting of a boxing match, or a fire digimon fucking with the building's AC, but then you had the cat that got sealed in the server room's ghost, or the sex doll organ trade, or Hacker's Memory with the kid hacking his whole classes' VR gear to simulate murdering them all for bullying him.

Those are some of the best types for disturbing for me, sure Fear and Hunger has disturbing stuff, but that's all it is. I know it's coming all the time. When you've been dealing with normal stuff and then suddenly crazy, that tonal shift helps sell it. Sort of like the original It miniseries vs. the remake movies. Tim Curry is creepier to me because he looks like and acts like a normal clown, until he goes hard, while Skarrsgard is designed to be scary looking at all times, and never really does any normal clown stuff, just going straight for scares.
Those 6 people are all that's left. Except in the video game where if you win you can rescue the 250k cryosleeping people left over.
Oddly specific
The ending of Dragon's Dogma 1 is pretty depressing. It made me wonder what was actually the point? You either kill yourself, become an immortal "god" who can't interact with anyone or live the rest of your life as an npc
>Except in the video game where if you win you can rescue the 250k cryosleeping people left over.
Yeah it kind of pulls the punch a little.

>A religious cult called Monolith formed by intergalactic reptilians millions of years ago used cruciform space stations to harvest the faith energies of zillions of aliens dumped on their planets and adoring them as saviors
>One of the reptilians called Yahweh betrays his species, removes his soul from his body through a convoluted quantic ritual, and becomes the Demiurge of the Universe, creating Sin in the process
>The Universe is engulfed in total war and the Monolith crashes because of his machinations
>Yahweh hides in a pseudo-dimension orbiting a desolate planet and there he begins the construction of the Master Cross aided by his robot angels, the gigantic space station that will serve as the center of the Multiverse when he is crowned as Ultimate Messiah
>His plan is to torture his soul incommensurably on a suffering simulated universe running on the Master Cross' mainframes, then, using the same mechanical colossus, induce the cosmos to recognize this upcoming sacrifice as the condition for the existence of the entire reality, capturing this way the faith energies aimed at him, then expand the effect exponentially to the entire Multiverse in a geometric explosion
>The planet is, of course, Earth
>During the Cretaceous, Yahweh descends on the planet and sires the dinosaur tribes living there, teaching them Kabalistic magic and creating a proto-Abrahamic religion
>He plans a deterrence against the attack he is sure he will suffer when the Master Cross turns fully functional and reveals to the rest of the Universe its hidden location
>The dinosaurs drink his blood a la Mannoroth
>The robotic angels learn of their master's doing and discover he intends to birth a son to walk the Earth
>Rebellion ensues
>The left arm of the cross is destroyed in the process, falling on Earth and extinguishing the dinosaurs
>The rebels are vanquished
>Millions of years elapse in tranquility
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Great idea. Was trying to think of how to include enemy encounters like this.
Not even close
So sick, love the idea of seeing the dancing Israelis from some sort of observation deck and realizing they are ritualistically summoning a boss
That's a whole book nigga https://amazon.com/dp/B0D1L9R2JK
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A esoteric explorer on Leviathan's dimension, from Hellraiser. He can become a Cenobite during the game. Fallout 1 graphics.

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