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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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FFX is my second favorite FF, but the post-game sucks.

Even if you discount the dark aeons+penance it's a damned chore to catch 10 of each monster since they won't always appear and you could be stuck waiting for that monster to appear. And SCREW LUCK SPHERES. That chocobo eater reskin can eat my ass. It always has to counter and you waste time watching the animation and YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN GET A SPHERE AT THE END OF IT.

The sphere grid was fantastic and kept each character unique in the main game enough to you can either keep on that character's path or divert them to a new path to give them more variety (I make Auron go Tidus' path for speed, Rikku towards Auron for more power) But Post-game? Every character becomes the same cause you'll max it out.

Also fuck the FAQ who suggested Tidus Wakka and Rikku only because there's one superboss in the arena who is underwater, but one of these three can easily solo it. Among them I'd say only Rikku is mandatory. People will say Wakka cause of his second overdrive is needed for the multi-hit on a certain boss, but in the pal version Yuna can do that with Anima which is great cause you don't have to grind blitzball for Wakka's ultimate weapon.

I don't mind the arena superbosses, they are tough and don't overstay their welcome but at this point combat is literally just spamming quick hit and counting turns incase the superboss has an ultimate you need to autolife. Dark aeons are more or less the same, and Penance is the worst among all of it.

Honestly.... I think X-2's post-game was better. Via Infinito was annoying with the mega tonberries but at least the gameplay loop allowed for more brain stimulation. Can't say the same about the addons of the tourney including that new superboss that is literally impossible unless you A) cheese it or B) use the new monster taming mechanic which breaks the game and makes it easy.
good points on ffx. I never got Wakka's ultimate weapon, I would craft him something. I also never thought Rikku was very strong.

Every character being the same by the end was kinda lame. But at least you got to use whoever you wanted except Kimari.

>I think X-2's post-game was better
I was unironically filtered by the combat system in that game. I've hesitated to try it again after getting destroyed on ps2 at the first boss. Pretty shocking since I had just completed FFX like a week before.
They're not worth it.
>The sphere grid was fantastic and kept each character unique in the main game
So I am this anon >>3469446 and I now reached the calm lands (first time playing). And I do not like the sphere grid at all. You really have no feeling of progression in the game. You just get some levels then put them in and you are just somewhere. If you want to get the side-branch ones you get even heavily punished by it, because you need to grind again to go back. Your sphere level requirements still goes up.
It is interesting that you can branch out and just do another thing, but it is heavily unitinuitive and just punishes you. I also have khamari just sitting at 15 levels, because he is still in the middle and I don't know where to go, with him.
I read later you will need to destroy some nodes, refill the empty ones with stat nodes which is just grind on top of grind. Why not be able to do that from the beginning? Other than that, the game is fun.

yes it is quite different, I do get they changed some stuff. But sometimes the american dub is just fully different. E.g. when tidus tells yuna to stop with the pilgrimage.
nta but u don't need to do any kind of node destroying cheese. Anytime you are about to hit a major boss you can usually speed farm for massive xp before it. I did that using like 4x speed on emulator and it goes fast.

Yes the game is pretty restrictive while u are playing the story. You just need to be strong enough to progress the story.
In general you don't get to experiment or do anything with the grid until after you beat the final boss. All of that stuff is optional and a bit slow to unlock. You probably wouldn't figure a lot of it out without a guide. You will want to beat the game, collect ultimate weapons, get all the aeons, then start up capturing for the arena and the hidden dungeon. Once u get 2x AP weapons is when a lot of that really opens up.

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Damn, this is the best combat I have ever seen in a JRPG.
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The combat isn't the gearing system. The combat is the rhythm game that showed it's ugly head again in Summoner
It's flashy, but it's pretty terrible, VP2 was much better but still had the usual Tri-Ace issues.
Far from being the best let alone one of the better in the genre.
>Different enemies have different timings due to weight
Doesn't really make a difference outside of a select couple of characters that have atrocious hitboxes like Jayle, and even there a single caster can carry any team no matter how shitty, Bow Lenneth can too.
You can mash with largely any team and won't see much of a difference outside of the meme enemies like the hamsters.
Vagrant Story aged so badly, the story is good but the gameplay is outdated.
If it just had more streamlined menuing (especially having weapon switching via some kind of quick menu) it would be fine. That's pretty much all I would ask out of a modern rerelease.

What went so right?

Get the Unfinished Business mod and it is legit 9/10
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Criticizing Larian because they did not implement the automated jump back in 2020 during the EA release is one thing, but claiming that they copied it from Solasturd is just ridiculous.
I am dumbfounded by your stupidity, that's all. You're the one who brought up BG3 out of the sudden btw.
Every couple of months the solasta schizo makes a couple threads on this and nwn, talks to himself, then fucks off
Every couple of months this place has a nuclear meltdown that someone likes Solasta. Which is humorous.
is there a reason they never decided to fix the faces
is there a reason why anybody hasn't fixed the faces yet
They said it was because they had a tool that should produce faces and thought it worked. By the time the game released, they found out it sucked but no time to fix it.

You can import portraits into the game with the mod. So for user material, the faces don't matter as much. Only see them in the inventory screen.

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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FFX was a walking dream world, absolutely beautiful from start to finish. I am sorry you are unable to experience or appreciate these things, but some of us are meant to be worker drones I suppose.
The main benefit to leveling yourself and the enemies up is that they start carrying higher-level spells and drop better items for you to draw and refine. People point to Triple Triad farming as a good way to get high-level spells, but in practice it's absurdly time-consuming and tedious. When the Remaster came out, it was the first time in ages that I didn't play like an autistic munchkin and I was surprised how smooth the progression was when you play normally.
As long as you intentionally ignore anything that directly contradicts it. One of the very few things that we know about Ultimecia is that she'd been persecuted and hated since birth for being a sorceress, and that's completely different to Rinoa's upbringing. Rinoa's a pampered rich girl that's beloved by everyone around her, and no one knew she had any sorceress potential until Ultimecia possessed her.
The moment Rinoa became a sorceress (the first day of her new life), she was imprisoned by Esthar. Furthermore sorceress powers are inherited, one is not born from them. So it doesn't make sense that she was persecuted from the moment she was physically born in the literal sense of the word.
i only beat the game because cycling zells turn until limit break and spamming the first two combos damn near endlessly

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Is this any good? Is the story as good as the trannies say?
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>Is this any good
You can play this for hundreds of hours and not make a single friend. You can play WoW classic for an hour and you'll make 20 friends who will talk to and play with you everyday. MMOs are social games, none of them have good gameplay, and FFXIV fails as a social game. Everyone who plays this is very grating and mentally ill, and a burden on everyone around them. There are no exceptions.
I think it's better if you play it as a single player rpg for the story and then move on. You will be disappointed if you invest in this game. But like other anons have said, it's hardly an rpg. I played back in ARR up till Stormblood, and it always felt half baked to me compared to old school wow (vanilla, tbc, wotlk), which is what this game tries to ape heavily but fails miserably at it.
you're right. i played xiv and was just fucking lonely and miserable the whole time. i played wow classic as a fun little dwarf priest and i made friends by blessing people and giving them bandages. it was tons of fun. and thats in the diminished wow classic version!
I could type up 5-10 2000 char posts about this but I'll try to keep it short.
I like aspects of XIV but I'm going to say listen to >>3479399 >>3479424 & >>3479432. The gameplay in this age is very dumbed down so it's like playing a VN most of the time, however each expansion does feel a bit like a full FF game fwiw.

The first anon who says it's good up through SB is absolutely correct, those 3 expansions are good but then it goes a bit off the rails in the Ishikawa expansions. While I think ShB is good as a more standalone experience bookended by EW & SB it's part of a continuing problem.
I've heard people say that XIV's story has bad pacing because it's an MMO but the problems are more structural and the game went off the rails as early as the ARR postgame & Heavensward 3.0 & post game. In ARR there's that building conflict based off of 1.0, the post game about alphinauds fall and introducing more of the ascians. Ah the ascians, the ancients and the allagans fuck those guys.
3.0 is a self contained expansion but then it has to juggle the end of that story in the post game patches, tackle the overlying issues from ARR and lead into a new expansion and it just shits the bed, there's the Ishikawa patch that sets up Shadowbringers in HW and they didn't know where they were going at the time but boy, did it ever destroy the later experience of the expansions.

The Stormblood to Shadowbringers patches are very good, raising tension but ultimately you need a way to bridge into that story and so it massively sharts its ending to get us in.
Once you're in ShB, prepare for Ascians, Ascians, Ascians because we're never going to hear the end of the Ascians and Ancients because they're popular! This persists through EW and even infests the EW post game raid stories. Once ShB & EW ends they have to go into overdrive to end it and so the structural problems shine.

It's a decent enough set of FF scenarios through SB, play the free trial. Don't buy ShB/EW unless you want to.
And the post about mechanics and the Stormblood experience.

The gameplay is also an issue because while these games have a good story the questing and battle content has been simplified and nerfed to fuck. To get any joy out of most of it you'll want to play solo, undergear yourself wherever possible and dismiss buffs but the complexity of this stuff is down in the gutter. The challenging content only really starts to show itself in the SB expansion so you have three entire games to play through to get there, never interacting with the very limited build options you get and you won't really interact with those either in SB.

There's also age old issues that have been built upon. Starting jobs & Heavensward jobs all have a gauntlet of job quests to go through that you "need" to do to unlock skills & abilities, these can take away from the flow of your game and the 50-60 stretch is pretty brutal due to increased EXP gain so doing them alongside MSQ will have you following a disconnected story or tirelessly spamming them.
Mechanical complexity lies in rotation and dodging at these levels but most jobs don't really start until 60/70/80 so the combat will be relatively boring for you. This will probably be worse in Dawntrail as they streamline again but until they fix the skill unlock issue and the way lvl sync works this will remain.

The game has its highs but its gameplay is one that requires you to seek it out and that's really off-putting for some players.
I do like XIV, I think the theme park of memberberry stories & raids is actually alright but by god does it just drop the ball at times. They spent some of EW's patching process reworking stuff but it made the game easier for new players and really didn't clean up enough to praise the efforts.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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True. It is a bit unnerving the first bar you go to 3 days after your resurrection is named literally Afterlife. If I were Cyber-Shepard that alone would give me the heebie jeebies and make me wonder if I'm alive or actually in Hell, as would you. There should've been ingame dialogue to ask Aria why the hell she named her bar that and ask if she's trolling you on purpose or by accident:

>"What the hell is up with the name of this place? Did you re-name the bar upon spotting my ship to mindfuck troll me, or did it actually always have such a wacky name?"
>"Why is there no age of consent on Omega?"
>"You are Omega? Obviously you're a fan of human movies. We have a similar saying on earth actually. I am the Senate!"
>"Why the hell didn't you warn me your 4-eyed creepy barkeep downstairs was planning to poison me? Is this your idea of a joke?"
>"When can I bang you? I have a busy schedule and can't afford to wait until ME3 to get you into bed. I'm ready, let's get to it."
>"How do you masturbate without violating the first rule of Omega? Too good for your own rules, Aria?"
>"Wtf is Halix?"
>"Okay I did your side quest but decided on killing the Patriarch. Can we bang yet?"
>"What's with all the Vorcha outside? They're pissing me off, can I kill them?"
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Killing the council and putting humans in charge of citadel space burns relations and basically ensures galactic war in the future between humanity and the rest of citadel space. We're not going to take on the Turians, Salarians, AND Asari at the same time.
And not, Gold man from (Other franchise) isn't going to save us.
I dunno, knowing how the plot pans out later in the game, I think it's a thematically awkward move to make in ME1.
Mankind is built for galactic hyperwar. It is our purpose and our fate.

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Zoomer here. Can anyone around during the golden age of RTwP explain the appeal? I'm not trying to incite a flame war, I genuinely want to know what I'm missing. Also, don't be a reductionist retard and say "durrr, there is none."
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>I really don't see it working for melee combat
yeah no one does
there will have to be major advances in hema larp for anyone to be autistic enough to make a realistic melee system
They canadian devs wanted to make something like a visual novel (RPG with no combat) but didn't know that Visual Novels exist.
I played those way back when. I was thinking something more in the way of regular cRPG quests, hubs, story, etc.
Actually I might go back to Dungeon Siege 2.
>If turn based is so great, why does ToEE suck?
It was released janky and full of bugs, in typical Troika fashion. The turn based was part of the appeal, it was the closest thing to a faithful implementation of 3rd ed rules for tactical combat that we got on PC. Most other 3rd ed games were real time and took heavy liberties with the rules.
Ancient Atheist here, this guy gets it.
You do most games a disservice when you judge them out of their time frame via 2024 lens. Nearly every one of you has been guilty of this at one time or another.
Big games didn't even drop that often before, you were waiting years between decent rpg release of any kind so ToEE came in a vacuum like most everything did.

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The remake of this guy just game out, so we're having a DRPG thread.
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If you want to min-max then just take 6 Felpiers.
They have balanced stat (except low luck which is the least important stat) with the highest total stat sum and high affinity with other Felpiers.
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I really liked Brandish. It's not really the same kind of dungeon crawler, but I just like to bring it up any chance I get and someone talks about PSP shit. Falcom or Xseed or whomever the fuck did a dick job at marketing that game. Which bites because I'd love nothing more than for them to have remade 2 and 3 the same way. PUT IT ON STEAM!
i will play it on my vita just for you thanks anon!
I think my biggest problem with CoH and CoH2 is that when paying them all I could think was that if I want a all in Wizardry clone I should just play Elminage instead. They weren't bad but had nothing interesting going on.
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You did play last month's sovlfvl Eastern European turn-based RPG, right anon?
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>generic RPGMaker game except with intentionally bad graphics
Why does /vrpg/ keep falling for this hipster trash?
Their ugly filter wasn't enough to convince me it's original and worth my time
The artstyle gives a weird psychedelic vibe that the generic soulless UI breaks completely.
It's not a big deal but I get what the first post meant.
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just beat it. cool little game
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Kino game with a bitter sweet ending.

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Should I even bother?
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>possible tranny drama
Uh it's fallout
it's trannies all the way down
>tranny drama
Can you go into detail?
not really, maybe if you're absolutely starving for fallout content
like >>3479431 said the only good part is the vault, the map is basically several main quest locations with an empty, barren desert between them
even the Enclave route is lacking because after the vault they peace out and go "okay now do literally any other main quest route, we'll see each other in the last 5 minutes"
also now i remember that the game was left in beta and they were supposed to change several things like an Enclave companion
it's better than The Frontier, at least.
I have played it a few times, it's somewhat buggy but playable. I would say go for it, I tended to enjoy my time playing it.

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is trails of cold steel good? im thinkin bout downloading 3
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It's a problem when your series becomes popular so you can't have any finality to it. You always have to leave room for continuation.
There's leaving room for continuation and then there's never letting the hero have a real win. The Fantastic Four will never truly get rid of Doctor Doom for good but they're always gonna stop what evil plot he's currently up to or give him a good thrashing.
Artix CHADs mentioned
Is it really a general if the thread has been around for four months?
>ironic weebs and westoids seething
Kiseki is simply too Powerful. It is the Ultimate JP-KINO and thus causes ironic weebs and westoids to weep profusely.
why are you describing snoyggers?

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What went wrong?
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*you should probably be thinking of Interplay as the target of the "satire", not Microsoft
It was fucking boring, that's what went wrong.
creative bankruptcy
Outer Worlds is the videogame equivalent of the word "meh".
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It just blows my mind that that Tim Cain, the dude that came up with Fallout and essentially ran it as a Gamma World /GURPS-campaign at the Interplay office after hours which inspired everyone to turn it into a game now shits out presentations like this.

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Why do you guys act like RPG games is a challenging genre? I see a lot of people say, "Have you even played x game?" As if people would lie about playing something? I don't get it.

If you can, name some RPG's you consider being the hardest. Because quite frankly, I don't think it's all that hard.
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keep complaining and pretending your shitty baldur is gay is a good game when it isn't
>but i have to use several buttons to play it is challenging
nope it isn't and will never compare to good japan rpg
>but you press one button
nope you take strategic choices depending on the enemy there is not one button is a sequence of choices you make" i could say the same of god of war "you press one button only how is that even challenging" we know is the truth and GOW games have no challenge at all
I sense some projection.
>Strategy guides raining from the sky
No there weren't, Nintendo used to run a charge for the minute hotline where a bored service rep would eventually get on and tell you how to use the whirlwind on that one wall in Castlevania II or so my friend told me, who is bad at games and always was even when he was very young.
You were lucky to get a hint in the pages of the instruction book you might have re-read a few times looking for clues, or someone dropped a hint in a Nintendo Power issue.
Imagine even before that when the instructions were printed on a single card in a ziploc baggy which was also the marketing cover for the cassette tape hanging on the rack at Radio Shack.
Printing costs had to steadily get a lot cheaper before your "strategy guides everywhere" Prima games guide glut etc.
Turn based rpgs have some issues if they get too difficult because difficulty a lot of the times is just add way more hp to the enemies and reduce the damage the player deals per turn.
In some ARPGs you can bypass this by doing perfect dodges/rolls etc. But, in turn based games you are basically fucked and will have to grind until you are suppose to fight the boss.
>No there weren't,
Yes huh.
>Nintendo used to run a charge for the minute hotline
No one fucking used this lmao. Just buy the strategy guide with all info for like 10 dollars lmao

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What went wrong?
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God, that's an even bigger red flag than the Welcome to Country shit.
At least that is just the generalized arsekissing this cucked cuntry can't help but do since it has a humiliation fetish.
Being from Victoria is basically telling the world that if it could it would have included transsexual children who somehow get their hormones from a Womyn Tree that grew after the bombs dropped or some shit.
I fucking hate super white "aboriginals". I work as an IT guy for a charity place and occasionally fill in on the front desk when it gets crazy and on of the questions is if they are abbos. Actual 100% abbos nearly alway say shit like "I'm Australian, don't put in anything". It is always the whitest motherfuckers ever that are always going on about how aboriginal. The most amusing thing is it gets them nothing, it's just there for statistics but they want the free shit they are owed because 15 generations back someone called their last black ancestor a coon or something.
>Oi m8 crickey tis has notting to do with me lad! I swear on me mumm!

Every single anglo or anglo imperialism controlled country is a fucking hellscape of new age pc fascism to the point they regularly wage wars for decades to force that shit onto the next poor fucks in their reach.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks
>that deemed Wrath of the Righteous 'woke' because it had a black paladin in it.
It was literally written by a tranny you subhuman leftoid.

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Recommend me an RPG for this feel.
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vagrant story
icewind dale
og might and magic

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