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its my first playtrough and i strted with Shadowrun: Returns, hope it will not spoil first game for me - what im in for anyway? isometric RPGs are my favourite type but never seen actual discussion about this game
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Delete the game immediatly and download Shadowrun Hong Kong, then download the Shadowrun Vox Populi module for Hong Kong (is an adaptation of the Shadowrun Returns plot for Hong Kong).
these are really good games, I think I backed them on kickstarter if I'm not mistaken. was like over a decade ago. they even made a port for android, which is thoughtful.
What are some decent fan campaigns for Hong Kong or Dragonfall?
Antumbra was okay but the more I reflect on the trilogy the more I think I outright hated most of it.
It's all because of that fucking dwarven fire mage self insert they keep insisting on including
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its a good rainy-sunday game (I literally played the whole game on a rainy sunday)
just complex enough to draw you in

people memed me into trying dragonfall and its SHIT
never played hong kong but I bet its better than dragonfall

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Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay (designer and director of TES: Arena/Daggerfall) are working on a new game.



Look like it will be a sort of Daggerfall 2.0

Curious to see how it will turn out.
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>just watched yet another video essay about how kino Daggerfall is, probably wasn't alive when it came out, yet projects that everyone else who offers mild disagreement about a video game must get their opinions from video essays instead of playing them and forming their own opinion
>immediately jumps to being weirdly defensive and hostile instead of being confident in his opinions and preferences
>thinks other people "like games because it makes me look smart" instead of simply enjoying them because they think they're fun to play
>durr you got filtered by [???]
Zoom zoom.
sometimes the poops i take in the toilet are weird lookin yet i don't have a false pretense of superiority because of it.

>no argument created
>I demand that you get involved in a detailed debate with someone whose argumentation consists of "I don't like thing you like" and insults
No, I don't think I will.
>"I like this game because it makes me look smart"
nobody in their 40s who is mentally sound thinks like this. kids are the ones obsessed with "posing".
you have no reasoning behind your beliefs, which is pathetic. your attempts at masking your retardation aren't working.

>nobody in their 40s
kill yourself, both of the people replying to me consistently are mentally ill retarded age obsessed faggots.

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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Literally the best way to make the game more challenging and interesting.
Maybe the devs should give us more than 3 or 4 copies of the good ones for the entire game.
>Final Fantasy II
>elixirs are 50,000 gil? Ethers are 5,000? I can't buy these I need to save for the next town so I can buy the new weapon.
>Oh there is no new town with no new weapons? Its been 20 hours?
>Oh here it is, the new town has weapons I already have and they are extremely cheap
>Maybe I should have spent my money
Then the game is easy
That's me, but with shitty crafting materials I won't use.

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>actually a good game now that I hate open-world slop
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It wasn’t fun at all, just nothing but combat and that was basically it. 13-2 is so much better
>Lightning is hot
Lightning is trans-Cloud.
Isn't Cloud already a trans Cloud?
No, see>>3480073
Cloud is not hot. Cloud cannot exceed 200 megajoules and 7 gigajoules of energy without turning into some sort of plasma concoction, and that just doesn't happen with enough regularity for us to start claiming it's the truth.
Get real.
>Isn't Cloud already a trans Cloud?
No. Cloud is a dude, playing a dude (Zack) pretending to be a chick (Lightning) for Don Cornholio.

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What would need to be added or "fixed" about LMBS to make developing an indie games inspired by the Tales series viable, let alone get picked up by action game e-celebs that act as free marketing, like Ongbal or SunhiLegend? Further more, which would be the best 3D game to base the combat system off of? [2D would obviously be either Destiny DC or Rebirth]
>make the same thread on /vrpg/ when it fails to gain traction on /v/
you're as bad as twitter screencap posters.
I mean, it makes sense to post here, too.
Only if you're being a cunty little attention whore faggot.
Garbage thread, faggot OP and you’re a loser of a shill for no-name e-celebs

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Am I insane for thinking the dialogue/story for this game is extremely good? Like, it's definitely the most well written FF game I've played (from a prose perspective).
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>esl posting about when the "good writing" ends
glad I can safely hide this post.
I never understood why they didn't hire matsuno for ff16.
>why they didn't hire matsuno for ff16.
Because they already had the man who carried Matsuno.
The japanese internationational releases usually have english audio. X and KH final mix had english voices too.
>Because they already had the man who carried Matsuno.
Who? Definitely not Yoshitpiss

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Why isn't there any love for their CRPG games? My personally favorite is Avadon and Avernum.
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if you like or are even just open to traditional roguelikes, you should check out Lost Flame. some of the best itemization ever.
>early access "soulslike" roguelike with awful graphics and more than 10 bucks
good itemization ain't enough to sell me on that
it's also just an excellent roguelike that innovates while still very much being traditional. the artstyle grew on me and the "soulslike" tag just means it has a lot of large, multi-tile enemies and a focus on melee combat mechanics (unlike most other trad roguelikes where melee is extremely simple).

if ten bucks is a lot of money for you, that's too bad. it is easily as good or better than the other top rated trad roguelikes.
also itemization is not a minor thing at all in trad roguelikes. it's one of the most important elements in the genre and lost flame does it the best.
I made a tank, an archer and two mages. Tank would sit there and aggro everyone just by existing. It would take all of the squares around him being filled in order for an enemy to be interested in anyone else. He could take so much abuse, too. Man, what a cool party.

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How can I improve my RPG make game? I decided to continue working on my game after a two years hiatus. Now I want to turn it into a proper rpg. How can I achieve that?
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Thanks, anon!
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Got some spare time, finally.
>What's your pipeline/ workflow?
See picrel. It's doesn't go into things too deep but I hope it helps.

>So far blender isn't giving me the results I want.
I think your picrel just misses some fine detail due to your lack of experience. Learn to compare your models with the ones from the games you like, there is no better way to improve. I'd suggest studying how to properly apply smoothing/subdivision also but if you go for low-polygon aesthetics you can scratch that part.

>What programs are you using to render the models into images?
For actual modelling and creating UV Maps I use Wings3D (free for commercial use, also its UV Maps don't conflict with GODOT 3.5). For rendering - YafaRay plugin for Wings3D. GIMP for texturework and editing rendered 2D images/sprites.

>How can I render the files?
Importing them into the 3D editor of your choice, setting up infinite point lighting (simulates sunlight/moonlight) at the right angle (using positions of sun/moon during different hours as reference), setting up and linking a camera with at least a non-flat lens as the source is the standart way to go. Beyond that? Depends on what you use to render. With YafaRay it's enough to just set up a suitable resolution, enable smooth shadows and set higher than standart sampling on both light/shadows. Things like dust/light flares are easier to add in the graphics processor after the render is done. Basic rendering options are usually enough for 3D-to-2D spritework, but for complex 3D projects like animation and 3D illustrations/artpieces things like V-RAY (implemented through 3rd party plugins) and other powerful light processors are needed. They require a lot of theory to use the right way, I don't have enough space to relay it all here.

>What programs should I use?
>In what program should I model?
Better yet...
>In what program should I X?
Were you taught to use a specific program? Use that. Otherwise? Anything free/open source/forked. Licensed software costs an arm and a leg nowadays and mostly does the same thing free alternatives do anyway. Granted, resources that come with paid software are very convenient, but:
a) You're not on the level to use them to their full potential.
b) You haven't mastered the basics yet.
Ok, back to 3D modelling. The only reason I don't use Blender is because it conflicts too much with my 3DS Max habits even with the 3DSM-style controls enabled, otherwise I would've used it more (well, its fork Bforartists at least), It has a robust documentation/community/resource base, so it's not a bad option to invest time into. Wings3D I currently use is a fine subdivision modeller but really wouldn't advise using it - it doesn't have as many options as Blender (the lack of adequate sculpting and keyframe animation roll is the worst) and its Erlang shell constantly picks fights with my OS. So yeah, stick to Blender for now.

Oh right, I forgot about >>3458756 , i'll take a look after a nap.
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Forgot to add a link to the model from >>3480188
Picrel is the archive's content - the model and the material data.

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Top Three Final Fantasy Games
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No, just a faggot in general with choices like that
FFT, original FF6, FF7.
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arrested development
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just played through the intro and it's kind of meh. is it worth playing through this?
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>he actual story is pretty decent
Thats a lie.

>(especially the epilogue DLC)
Thats a lie, too.

>builds on stuff set up previously in an interesting way

>sets up new mysteries that you want to see solved
Another Lie.

>9% of the time when people play DA:I they drop it because they burned out while trying to do all the quests in the hinterlands before moving on.
And the biggest lie.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Ideal way to play is to basically just ignore most of the side content
This always ideal. Side content is for replays, or for children who can play 8 hours a day.
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Youre not missing out.

The Descent is how le mysterious ancient deepdwarves that fused with their armor who defend titans and titans apparently are some Hollow Earth shit but none if it matters because this discovery has no impact whatsoever since the only survivor aside from you vanishes.

Jaws of Hakkon in a snorefest with reskinned monsters the big twist is that the first Inquisitor was an Elf.
Thats it.

And Trespasser is an embarrassingly written mess.
You know the mystery with the Eluvians that took Morrigan years to solve? Well the Qunari knew about them all along and have been super secretly collecting Eluvians to travel through them because they read the script for DAI they know that Aids-Legolas is Fenharel and then it turns out that the Qunari have set us up the bomb what you say, but none of this matters because this happens off-screen and also gets resolved offscreen and Aids-Legolas can now fight off an whole Qunari army by himself and then all the elves in the world vanish because apparently every elf all along was working for him and it just confirms that humans were absolutely justified in oppressing elves and unfortunately didnt genocide them hard enough.

Youre welcome.
>Apparently where most people get filtered in this game is trying to complete all the side content

Why would you NOT do the side quest. That's basically the game outright telling you, HEY HERE'S A HUGE CHUNK OF CONTENT YOU PAID FOR BUT AREN'T USING YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY! Note: This is not the same thing as a game that does NOT signpost all it's side content and lets the player discover shit at their own rate.
I really want to kill all the elves.

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Is there any other PC game that captures the spirit and essence of tabletop RPG games like Neverwinter Nights?
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Truly spoken like a secondary that never played Tabletop.
For me it's bg3.
How can this game be so goated but also drop the ball so hard with no mod tools
How can a game be so shit and have such a great editor?
>mod tools
Mod tools take away their ability to sell you DLC or just a new game entirely. People still play NWN today because of the mod tools and that is just unacceptable!

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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
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for me, it's Beast Tamer vocation:
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spell synching would be a thing in tactical rpgs
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noble vs plebian
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2 and 2-2 over nyaa

TH2 upcoming
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Start doing the Crowning autism. Make your whole team a murder machine. Will probably take you 200+ hours to do.
I was kind of hoping for a bonus CG or something. Well, maybe some other time...
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>want to start playing Grimrock
>the ingame portraits are horrible
>but you can add custom ones
>now trapped in hours of autism trying to decide what I want to replace the ingame portraits with

Might make my own crops of EO portraits or something...
I haven't played the second one, but the first one is pretty fun. It's not terribly complex gameplay though and has some focus on secrets and simple puzzles
Would a 100% Event interest you? Thats probably the closest to an extra CG you can get. Something like

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How the hell do you beat the dark aeons? Do the sphere grids even have enough stats for you to survive one or two of their attacks? I have everyone's celestial weapon except Tidus, and Dark Bahamut is blocking the way. Also Dark Valefor is blocking the last primer and jecht sphere I need. What is the best order to do Omega Ruins, Monster Arena, and Dark Aeons? I beat a few arena bosses mainly by spamming overdrive aeons. I read about a trick to farm AP from a tonberry, what's a good point to do that without making the rest of the game too easy?
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FFX is my second favorite FF, but the post-game sucks.

Even if you discount the dark aeons+penance it's a damned chore to catch 10 of each monster since they won't always appear and you could be stuck waiting for that monster to appear. And SCREW LUCK SPHERES. That chocobo eater reskin can eat my ass. It always has to counter and you waste time watching the animation and YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN GET A SPHERE AT THE END OF IT.

The sphere grid was fantastic and kept each character unique in the main game enough to you can either keep on that character's path or divert them to a new path to give them more variety (I make Auron go Tidus' path for speed, Rikku towards Auron for more power) But Post-game? Every character becomes the same cause you'll max it out.

Also fuck the FAQ who suggested Tidus Wakka and Rikku only because there's one superboss in the arena who is underwater, but one of these three can easily solo it. Among them I'd say only Rikku is mandatory. People will say Wakka cause of his second overdrive is needed for the multi-hit on a certain boss, but in the pal version Yuna can do that with Anima which is great cause you don't have to grind blitzball for Wakka's ultimate weapon.

I don't mind the arena superbosses, they are tough and don't overstay their welcome but at this point combat is literally just spamming quick hit and counting turns incase the superboss has an ultimate you need to autolife. Dark aeons are more or less the same, and Penance is the worst among all of it.

Honestly.... I think X-2's post-game was better. Via Infinito was annoying with the mega tonberries but at least the gameplay loop allowed for more brain stimulation. Can't say the same about the addons of the tourney including that new superboss that is literally impossible unless you A) cheese it or B) use the new monster taming mechanic which breaks the game and makes it easy.
good points on ffx. I never got Wakka's ultimate weapon, I would craft him something. I also never thought Rikku was very strong.

Every character being the same by the end was kinda lame. But at least you got to use whoever you wanted except Kimari.

>I think X-2's post-game was better
I was unironically filtered by the combat system in that game. I've hesitated to try it again after getting destroyed on ps2 at the first boss. Pretty shocking since I had just completed FFX like a week before.
They're not worth it.
>The sphere grid was fantastic and kept each character unique in the main game
So I am this anon >>3469446 and I now reached the calm lands (first time playing). And I do not like the sphere grid at all. You really have no feeling of progression in the game. You just get some levels then put them in and you are just somewhere. If you want to get the side-branch ones you get even heavily punished by it, because you need to grind again to go back. Your sphere level requirements still goes up.
It is interesting that you can branch out and just do another thing, but it is heavily unitinuitive and just punishes you. I also have khamari just sitting at 15 levels, because he is still in the middle and I don't know where to go, with him.
I read later you will need to destroy some nodes, refill the empty ones with stat nodes which is just grind on top of grind. Why not be able to do that from the beginning? Other than that, the game is fun.

yes it is quite different, I do get they changed some stuff. But sometimes the american dub is just fully different. E.g. when tidus tells yuna to stop with the pilgrimage.
nta but u don't need to do any kind of node destroying cheese. Anytime you are about to hit a major boss you can usually speed farm for massive xp before it. I did that using like 4x speed on emulator and it goes fast.

Yes the game is pretty restrictive while u are playing the story. You just need to be strong enough to progress the story.
In general you don't get to experiment or do anything with the grid until after you beat the final boss. All of that stuff is optional and a bit slow to unlock. You probably wouldn't figure a lot of it out without a guide. You will want to beat the game, collect ultimate weapons, get all the aeons, then start up capturing for the arena and the hidden dungeon. Once u get 2x AP weapons is when a lot of that really opens up.

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Damn, this is the best combat I have ever seen in a JRPG.
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The combat isn't the gearing system. The combat is the rhythm game that showed it's ugly head again in Summoner
It's flashy, but it's pretty terrible, VP2 was much better but still had the usual Tri-Ace issues.
Far from being the best let alone one of the better in the genre.
>Different enemies have different timings due to weight
Doesn't really make a difference outside of a select couple of characters that have atrocious hitboxes like Jayle, and even there a single caster can carry any team no matter how shitty, Bow Lenneth can too.
You can mash with largely any team and won't see much of a difference outside of the meme enemies like the hamsters.
Vagrant Story aged so badly, the story is good but the gameplay is outdated.
If it just had more streamlined menuing (especially having weapon switching via some kind of quick menu) it would be fine. That's pretty much all I would ask out of a modern rerelease.

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