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How can I improve my RPG make game? I decided to continue working on my game after a two years hiatus. Now I want to turn it into a proper rpg. How can I achieve that?
numbers go up + speech checks = proper rpg
so just make sure your game has those
is Mongol good?
is it more about gameplay or style?
Bump for Mongol
Oh good, we're back. I don't have to make a Mongol wojak meme to start off a new thread then.

The latter.
Any advice for fiest timer? Or should i let myself go and see what happens
>Any advice for first timer?
1. Prepare to suffer. It's a shizogame at it shizoest.
2. Nothing makes sense untill you've read the itch.io page. Then some things do. You can try going for the in-game storybook, but it's 3 parts are 6000+ pages in total. And it's not AI generated. Yeh.
3. Scene transitions are 1x1 tiles and sometimes are well hidden, first scene exit is slightly above center of the black hole in the middle.
4. There are a lot of dead ends, prepare to reset (F5 was the button, I think)
5. Exits are not what it seems, there are NPCs outside houses if you walk around the 1x1 scene transition square.
6. Walk around and experience the madness. Beating Mongol is a matter of insanity or obsession. None did it so far.

Good luck!
Buy an ad, mongoloid.

>Mongol wojak meme
Do it please
I second this.
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Is this a step in the right direction? I'm still trying to somewhat match the rendering. But I don't know exactly how to do it or how you manage to do it in such a soulfoul way, fren.
nigga wtf is that
Depends on what your goal is. If you're entirely focused around storytelling, start writing up your script and branching paths, and don't fixate on anything other than that until you have a good story written up. If you intend to actually have gameplay as a priority, start there first and build your story as you go. If it's all about some kind of visual flair with everything else being secondary, tighten those up as much as you can before bothering with anything else.
nigga ya betta not use slopgmaker
I wish I knew how to adapt my story to in-game dialogue....
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... yeah, It'd be better if I didn't, Roach looks dumb as hell. Oh well...

There are a lot of basic mistakes to adress. I don't have much time to go in-deph right now but I'll post some pointers late sunday - monday. I think I'll be able to post new renders on wednesday.

Videogame speech rarely uses author narration to the degree you do, but that is not much of a detriment. Mongol could really use some in-game description of the setting and a narrative pointer towards the endgoal though. As for actual dialogues, as I've said before, I think their rambliness aligns quite well with the ongoing madness and can be left as-is.
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What programs are you using to render the models into images? What programs should I use?
I know you said you'd prepare a file, but I want to help and start working, if you don't mind.
So far blender isn't giving me the results I want.

In what program should I model? How can I render the files? What's your pipeline/ workflow?
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Game is free tho
Tiny bump
I genuinely hope your mother's last words to you are just "Why didn't I abort."
tell me about Mongol
whats the appeal?
I'd like to know as well.
Ah my recurring nightmare. How's tricks schizodev? Will the story still revolve around the dangers of racemixing?
What the fuck is this?
Mongol, a schizo rpg maker game.
Is it finished?
Not yetr.
Bump for mercy.
is it gemmy?
More pics please? I can't make out what type of game this is
Thanks, anon!
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Got some spare time, finally.
>What's your pipeline/ workflow?
See picrel. It's doesn't go into things too deep but I hope it helps.

>So far blender isn't giving me the results I want.
I think your picrel just misses some fine detail due to your lack of experience. Learn to compare your models with the ones from the games you like, there is no better way to improve. I'd suggest studying how to properly apply smoothing/subdivision also but if you go for low-polygon aesthetics you can scratch that part.

>What programs are you using to render the models into images?
For actual modelling and creating UV Maps I use Wings3D (free for commercial use, also its UV Maps don't conflict with GODOT 3.5). For rendering - YafaRay plugin for Wings3D. GIMP for texturework and editing rendered 2D images/sprites.

>How can I render the files?
Importing them into the 3D editor of your choice, setting up infinite point lighting (simulates sunlight/moonlight) at the right angle (using positions of sun/moon during different hours as reference), setting up and linking a camera with at least a non-flat lens as the source is the standart way to go. Beyond that? Depends on what you use to render. With YafaRay it's enough to just set up a suitable resolution, enable smooth shadows and set higher than standart sampling on both light/shadows. Things like dust/light flares are easier to add in the graphics processor after the render is done. Basic rendering options are usually enough for 3D-to-2D spritework, but for complex 3D projects like animation and 3D illustrations/artpieces things like V-RAY (implemented through 3rd party plugins) and other powerful light processors are needed. They require a lot of theory to use the right way, I don't have enough space to relay it all here.

>What programs should I use?
>In what program should I model?
Better yet...
>In what program should I X?
Were you taught to use a specific program? Use that. Otherwise? Anything free/open source/forked. Licensed software costs an arm and a leg nowadays and mostly does the same thing free alternatives do anyway. Granted, resources that come with paid software are very convenient, but:
a) You're not on the level to use them to their full potential.
b) You haven't mastered the basics yet.
Ok, back to 3D modelling. The only reason I don't use Blender is because it conflicts too much with my 3DS Max habits even with the 3DSM-style controls enabled, otherwise I would've used it more (well, its fork Bforartists at least), It has a robust documentation/community/resource base, so it's not a bad option to invest time into. Wings3D I currently use is a fine subdivision modeller but really wouldn't advise using it - it doesn't have as many options as Blender (the lack of adequate sculpting and keyframe animation roll is the worst) and its Erlang shell constantly picks fights with my OS. So yeah, stick to Blender for now.

Oh right, I forgot about >>3458756 , i'll take a look after a nap.
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Forgot to add a link to the model from >>3480188
Picrel is the archive's content - the model and the material data.
Based bump.
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Get some plugins, sprites, and all that fun stuff. Add a custom battle system if you like through plugins like Yan Engine

just finished my rpg game not too long ago
Friendly bump
Forced bumo!
More action gameplay!

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