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got this game for $3 and can't stop playing it

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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He was a complicated man and nobody understood him but his woman.
>True thunder
>Long Chan Chan
Suikoden 1 is the only good game in the franchise. The rest were all bloated and boring, with incredibly stupid writing.
Jowy is a useless retard who did nothing. If it wasn't for Riou and his army Jowy would've kept sucking Luca Blight's cock for his entire life until psychopath burns the entire world just for fun and finally kills him too.
His only excuse is having the black sword rune, so he had no chance but fight Riou whatever it takes.
You don't let an autistic murderer freak to do whatever he wants just for "hurr durr muh country"
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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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I agree that wall clipping enemies are bull, but at times, it might be wiser to use a more guaranteed way to beat enemies like using staves. It's all about minimizing risk at the end of the day
Coincidentally, Shiren 4 is technically set in 1788. When I have the time I want to see how anachronistic it gets.
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It's a very goofy game, fun party members though.
>get oryuu
>get kechi in the same run
>fall in a trap door
>they're both gone now :)
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i had another run where i got kechi, then immediately lost him, but i still managed to clear it, and i did it without using the warehouse. i was a little let down that the final boss didn't appear, i guess it's DEAD dead, but i assume there's a different one for gaibara's dungeon.
anyway now that i've cleared the game without using the warehouse i feel like i'm pretty satisfied with my shiren 1 sfc experience. thanks for subbing to my blog.

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What is the overall opinion on the game?
How does it compare to other JRPG's
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both the original Star Ocean games really favor stacking your odds up in every way you can figure out how to do. they treat you to tough optional fights and that impossible if you haven't literally mastered the game mechanics.
with how little actual combat options they give you that is annoying, especially the first game where your only defensive option is move. Thats the biggest reason I bounced off of it a few times now
admittedly I'm not too familiar with the SNES version of SO1, but in the First Departure remake there's a lot of skills that when you put points into them your characters are doing all kinds of neat stuff in the midst of combat, and also there's the equipable ability attacks too. it's mostly a beat 'em up, but with skill points into stuff you like you get them doing stuff you enjoy much better.
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I really liked it. I played a bunch of Star Ocean 2 when I was a kid, and playing the remake made me fall in love with the game all over again.
It's one of the few remakes that managed to surpass the original while keeping all the charm.

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CRPGs aged extremely badly with their clunky mechanics and wikipedia infodumps while classic JRPGs still hold up to this day. BG2 was quickly forgotten in place of BG3. RTwP shit was a product of its time. Something like pic related will remain timeless and iconic forever while RTwP slop is already almost forgotten.
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>dense and forward-looking political commentary
Topkek, you're lucky you put that at the end of your post, otherwise I'd stop reading earlier
Finally, someone says it
it's true, sorry chud
>dense and forward-looking political commentary
Oh it's dense alright.
I actually WANT to like JRPGs because I love bright colors, cut anime girls, and hot anime boys. I'll play a game jrpg for a bit and after awhile my patience will just give out.

I want challenge, I want depth, I want decision making. Like take resource management. Recovery items are cheap to buy and the game floods you with them even if you don't spend a dime. The max carrying amount is huge. The only thing keeping my from trivializing the entire dungeon crawl is the self-restraint to not use a basic fucking mechanic to it's full potential. And that's without even getting into how absurd your MP reserves are. Why should I even care about efficient healing or reducing the damage I receive when I can cast heal 50 times with one character. And if they ever run out of MP I can recover it all back with my endless supply of mana items.

And now there are games that are so light on resource management they make my health and mana recover to full every time the battle ends. Many make it so if I FAIL the battle I get a free heal and get thrown right back in.

I want my anime boys and girls in magical adventure land and their drama and cute stories. But I can't sit through this. My brain needs something to do beyond mashing out the same commands and watching numbers go up.

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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NTA, but thank you.
Do you have any mechanical advice to give a la what
this anon was sharing? Is there any kind of build that will softlock you a prohibitive number of hours in?
>the game is plain disingenuous
Stopped reading after this. Everyone who calls a product disingenuous is usually the most schizophrenic person imaginable
I've been convinced. Interesting gameplay so far. Something weird though - Lona feels extremely tanky, and every battle so far has boiled down to a stamina struggle. Is this intended?
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Mechanical advice? Build-wise, just take what synergizes Tough personality needs COM and CON, Timid need WIS, Nympho needs CON. SCU and SUR are supplementary for any personality.
Gameplay-wise, you don't need to kill everything, oftentimes it's better to just sneak or run around the enemies. Mind the traps, if you step on one there's likely more around. You can lock yourself out of quests pretty much only by killing associated NPCs, otherwise things can be done in any sequence, and any build can clear any battle, sometimes it just takes a while and burns through lots of consumables.

Yeah, that seems to be the intent, level 1 Lona has 200 hitpoints, 100 stamina - she's meant to become helpless from exhaustion before she gibs. Perhaps because this is (among other things) a ryona game, and becoming helpless leaves her open to be abused, then captured and abused some more. But even captivity rapeloop is survivable. The only times Lona gets in serious risk of dying are walking through several traps in a row, mishandling exposives, some boss fights, and starvation spiral.
the faux real time combat doesn't work for this game's tiled 4 directional movement or enemy reaction times that don't have to go through a keyboard abstraction layer like player inputs do

I just finished the 3 Naphtism combat games, they were alright albeit short. Should I move on to SEVEN? After playing Tokyo Xanadu I have big doubts about 3D-era Falcom. Is SEVEN much longer than Napish-style games at least?
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Seven is the first one where they try to merge Ys' core gameplay with Kiseki's gameplay structure. It doesn't really work and the lack of jumping makes it feel ploddingly slow. Same applies to Memories of Celceta. Series got back on the right foot with Dana, which adds platforming again.
SEVEN is longer than the previous games but much shorter than VIII. And while it does reward you for parrying it doesn't feel like the entire game revolves around that mechanic, e.g. there's no invincible slow motion reward for using the dodge button to evade an attack
>Kiseki's gameplay structure.
So is it longer but like how Kiseki did it? A lot of padding and backtracking?
>VIII is very good.
Is it better to play VIII after SEVEN and Celceta? (i.e. release order) I think VI felt especially lacking for me because I played it last among the three 2.5D games.
What is it about the Seven style that makes combat feel so weightless and sloggy.

Like you have way more moves than Napish but it always feels like I am swinging at air and pressing extra buttons with no extra depth. I feel this way about most action JRPGs from ps3 and beyond. No sense of impact on hitting or satisfying kills and all the extra features feels like it's just bloat.

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JRPGs are fucking bad because they are too shallow both in a tactical sense (As in the combat itself is too simple) and a strategic sense, builds are too similiar to each other and resource management is non-existent
Add how little character movesets tend to diverge from "Attack, Elemental Attack, Useless debuff, Hit Harder buff, Heal", especially in the early-to-mid game where all the fun strats are still locked off, and you get why standards for the genre are so low
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Why not? I'm in 3 days long weekend and I'm fucking bored
I don't care, and you are a faggot
>Sven adds himself to main menu because he can
I dislike his games, but I respect him.
This is an action game. It has first person shooting action elements in addition to the shallow RPG tactics. You can say it's shallow but turn based RPGs are just as much. When you give up action and stick to turn based there is an expectation that you are going to be more tactical because being able to plan out everything and read small details on the abilities allows that.

Like just as an example of how weak we are talking. In a first person shooter you can have half a dozen different types of guns, shut guns, energy weapons, smg, ar, sniper, etc. And they all have their strength and weakness and theres tactics in figuring out when to use which. Why the fuck don't turn based JRPGs which are expected to have greater tactics than a fucking first person have this? With very few exceptions the difference between a sword, an axe, a spear, and often even the difference between melee and range weapons is just the animation. And again turn based party combat should be expected to beat a first person shooter in terms of tactical depth.

That post of yours sure backfired.
Stop bumping the thread

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its my first playtrough and i strted with Shadowrun: Returns, hope it will not spoil first game for me - what im in for anyway? isometric RPGs are my favourite type but never seen actual discussion about this game
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Delete the game immediatly and download Shadowrun Hong Kong, then download the Shadowrun Vox Populi module for Hong Kong (is an adaptation of the Shadowrun Returns plot for Hong Kong).
these are really good games, I think I backed them on kickstarter if I'm not mistaken. was like over a decade ago. they even made a port for android, which is thoughtful.
What are some decent fan campaigns for Hong Kong or Dragonfall?
Antumbra was okay but the more I reflect on the trilogy the more I think I outright hated most of it.
It's all because of that fucking dwarven fire mage self insert they keep insisting on including
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its a good rainy-sunday game (I literally played the whole game on a rainy sunday)
just complex enough to draw you in

people memed me into trying dragonfall and its SHIT
never played hong kong but I bet its better than dragonfall

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Ted Peterson and Julian LeFay (designer and director of TES: Arena/Daggerfall) are working on a new game.



Look like it will be a sort of Daggerfall 2.0

Curious to see how it will turn out.
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>just watched yet another video essay about how kino Daggerfall is, probably wasn't alive when it came out, yet projects that everyone else who offers mild disagreement about a video game must get their opinions from video essays instead of playing them and forming their own opinion
>immediately jumps to being weirdly defensive and hostile instead of being confident in his opinions and preferences
>thinks other people "like games because it makes me look smart" instead of simply enjoying them because they think they're fun to play
>durr you got filtered by [???]
Zoom zoom.
sometimes the poops i take in the toilet are weird lookin yet i don't have a false pretense of superiority because of it.

>no argument created
>I demand that you get involved in a detailed debate with someone whose argumentation consists of "I don't like thing you like" and insults
No, I don't think I will.
>"I like this game because it makes me look smart"
nobody in their 40s who is mentally sound thinks like this. kids are the ones obsessed with "posing".
you have no reasoning behind your beliefs, which is pathetic. your attempts at masking your retardation aren't working.

>nobody in their 40s
kill yourself, both of the people replying to me consistently are mentally ill retarded age obsessed faggots.

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Discuss vidya that allow you to roleplay as an evil character! From SMT to Fallout there isn't really that many games with real evil choices, stuff like Mass Effect just has you being a dick but it never changes the outcome of the overall game. Shephard still saves the galaxy. I find it really interesting when playing an evil character puts us as the player in the villain's shoes.

SMT IV/Apocalypse (picrel)
Soul Nomad
Devil Survivor Overclocked
Fallout New Vegas
Caligula Effect Overdose
Growlanser II/IV
Langrisser II/IV
FE: Three Houses
Steambot Chronicles
Beat Blades Haruka

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>Apocalypse is just a last minute retarded swerve into evil.
It's not so bad since there's a sort of obvious build up if you take all the selfish dialogue choices, it actually makes your party members seem rather stupid since there's 0 reasons to trust the OP anti-social guy with a bitter demon inside him.
All I can say is play MotB and you'll understand what I mean. You would never mistake what the MC does for a sympathetic revenge story.
Might and Magic 6 lets you destroy the world.
Might and Magic 7 lets you side with hell and help it conquer the world.
Might and Magic 8 lets you prevent extermination of devil army.
Each of those games also lets you kill random civilians.
Apocalypse gave a lot of good reasons to destroy the world, it's just executed poorly. The human cast keep spouting about friendship while the gods+Stephen try to have serious discussions about the nature of their universe.
Instead of abandoning Asahi, the only way to revive her should've been taking Dagda's side. Akira's whole arc in IV was about how he was never able to save his sister in any timeline, he never got to make a choice, he was swept along by the decisions of others. Apocalypse drops most of the themes to make a lazy feel-good plot.
its not really a feel good plot anymore by the end of anarchy though

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>he hoards his consumable items because "what if I need them later"?
>finishes the game without ever using them
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Literally the best way to make the game more challenging and interesting.
Maybe the devs should give us more than 3 or 4 copies of the good ones for the entire game.
>Final Fantasy II
>elixirs are 50,000 gil? Ethers are 5,000? I can't buy these I need to save for the next town so I can buy the new weapon.
>Oh there is no new town with no new weapons? Its been 20 hours?
>Oh here it is, the new town has weapons I already have and they are extremely cheap
>Maybe I should have spent my money
Then the game is easy
That's me, but with shitty crafting materials I won't use.

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>actually a good game now that I hate open-world slop
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It wasn’t fun at all, just nothing but combat and that was basically it. 13-2 is so much better
>Lightning is hot
Lightning is trans-Cloud.
Isn't Cloud already a trans Cloud?
No, see>>3480073
Cloud is not hot. Cloud cannot exceed 200 megajoules and 7 gigajoules of energy without turning into some sort of plasma concoction, and that just doesn't happen with enough regularity for us to start claiming it's the truth.
Get real.
>Isn't Cloud already a trans Cloud?
No. Cloud is a dude, playing a dude (Zack) pretending to be a chick (Lightning) for Don Cornholio.

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What would need to be added or "fixed" about LMBS to make developing an indie games inspired by the Tales series viable, let alone get picked up by action game e-celebs that act as free marketing, like Ongbal or SunhiLegend? Further more, which would be the best 3D game to base the combat system off of? [2D would obviously be either Destiny DC or Rebirth]
>make the same thread on /vrpg/ when it fails to gain traction on /v/
you're as bad as twitter screencap posters.
I mean, it makes sense to post here, too.
Only if you're being a cunty little attention whore faggot.
Garbage thread, faggot OP and you’re a loser of a shill for no-name e-celebs

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Am I insane for thinking the dialogue/story for this game is extremely good? Like, it's definitely the most well written FF game I've played (from a prose perspective).
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>esl posting about when the "good writing" ends
glad I can safely hide this post.
I never understood why they didn't hire matsuno for ff16.
>why they didn't hire matsuno for ff16.
Because they already had the man who carried Matsuno.
The japanese internationational releases usually have english audio. X and KH final mix had english voices too.
>Because they already had the man who carried Matsuno.
Who? Definitely not Yoshitpiss

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