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Well, /vrpg/?
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hmmm think I'll bump it
Elder Scrolls minus the actual games
No they have gotten where they now are because people are too gullible
Glorantha is just iron and bronze age stuff mixed creatively. Its extremely cool. A proper game with depth in that setting would be really good. Maybe some mount and blade mods done the line, the warhammer mod has some interesting magic now, you could potentially fly around.

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What would be a good vault concept for a fallout game?
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>Psychopaths who can't contribute to the clan would be exiled or stoned to death like in 99% of history
i agree with the rest of your post but this isn't a thing, "free riders" were tolerated in prehistoric bands
>"free riders" were tolerated in prehistoric bands
What do you base this on?

There are plenty of historic texts that describe a punishment of exile or death for people. Though of course, by definition, there aren't any prehistoric sources. For example, from Deuteronomy:
>If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you.
it's like a normal no gimmick vault, but unbeknown to you it is actually a colony ship and you're about to arrive at a new world that you must establish a colony on with your vault family
I would say that no one would be dumb enough to kill the actual only way of continuing the vault but then again we're talking about a jealous woman so yeah you're probably right
>What would be a good vault concept for a fallout game?
Sleeper vault, citizens are all in a chemically induced comas. rotating who is awake to care for the the rest of the sleepers. Standard bed care practices apply, washing, shaving, bed pans etc. as well as mechanical upkeep of the system in place and resource production.

Sounds great in theory, until people start to crack. Someone 'mistreats' the asleep, people start refusing to sleep when it's their turn and there's those envying the asleep because they don't have to wipe ass. Eventually someone kills of the rest of their cycle and slowly goes mad through isolation, becoming both the care taker and abuser of the asleep.

Nobody else knows how to use the tech so when the Vault dweller encounters them he has a choice, kill Madman McAbuser and let them slowly rot in their beds or leave them to his whiles. You could jam the sleepers veins with Jet, that'll wake 'em up for a while but the dose needed will cause them to die of an OD a couple of minutes later, not enough time to wake their compatriots, but enough for them to get their bearing and find out what happened, maybe some lass words if they don't freak out. The 'good' ending involves a certain someone turning the place in to a breeding/organ farm, horrific but it brings population and stability to the wasteland.

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Some VAMPIRE RPG ludo-kino just dropped boys
>No depressive nu-vampire shit, actual kick-ass vampire with a big ass sword
>Comfy european fantasy setting
>Fun Turn-BASED combat with spells and cool abilities
>Cute chinks you can interact with
>No grinding aka no filler
>90s/pc-98 retro anime portraits and graphics
>Beautiful naturalistic painted backgrounds
>Unique characters and witty dialog instead of cardboard slop
>Mysterious plot about uncovering and slaying demons
SOVLFUL gothickino made by a solo dev, and the best of all is that it's fucking free: https://lilianduleroux.itch.io/the-voyage-sinister
And it has a trailer too: https://youtu.be/98jRzjMFtWY
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Black Souls porn looks like it was drawn in MS Paint.
It is an rpg maker game!
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I suspect the dev wants to complete Chapter 2/2nd Part before putting it on Steam. They've already show progress on the devlogs regarding new locations, cut-scenes and story bits, and is active on social media posting new content. Honestly the dev looks extremely autistic and seems anxious for more people to play it. You can expect the big update to drop soon.
There's a billion RPG Maker porn games that have both custom assets and better art, lmao.
That's easy.
- Bloodlines is a 20 years old game, everyone who wanted to play it has already played it.
- The studio that made Bloodlines, Troika, is dead and all its former members joined other big companies that are producing nothing but slop unrelated to the vampire genre.
- The current owner of the IP, Paradox, is doing everything in its hands to kill the IP for good.
- There's no new content, updates or continuations being made except for the Bloodlines 2 fiasco, which has undergone so many changes and cancellations that the probabilities of it being decent are in negative numbers, let alone good. Current developer transformed it into a movie game that is getting dislike bombed even on Reddit and in every new Youtube video.
- The publisher has destroyed their own world and lore, vampire themes were replaced by owning the patriarchy.
- The dev has gone woke (Rudi meme.)
Meanwhile this game:
- Was made completely new from scratch by one autist.
- Has already received new content and updates.
- The dev is making a second part in a cool gothic city.
- The lore is just starting but it looks promising with actual gothic and vampire themes, demons, lovecraftian creatures, and insane cults.
- European-inspired setting which uses mythological and religious folklore and history as reference, perfect ingredients for an interesting fantasy world.
- Characters are cool. Girls are cute but interesting, and the main character is mysterious and aggressive.

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Apparently gen 2 is the best/most iconic but the latter half is filled with low level bosses and sub lvl 20(!) wild monsters. Even in the second quarter the level curve is already getting bad because the game becomes non-linear after boss 4 and all the monsters remain weak, and this is even without any grinding, just using your main monster against all trainers. Playing this without nostalgia glasses really ruined my experience of this game. Is there something beyond Pokemon that still has the magic/comfortable world building Pokemon provides (to some degree) but harder/challenging? I hope that there are other people that have come to this conclusion.
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Gen 2 is meant to be a life-sim like animal crossing. It's all about the slow, rural Japanese life. Things have low level curves because you're supposed to backtrack a bunch to find secrets and do daily events. It's much better as a kid because your mom only lets you play a little bit at a time and we couldn't look things up.
pokemon is about collecting cool little creatures, I will never understand people who play it when they want a challenge
that's why you play 251 rom hacks
>and this is even without any grinding, just using your main monster against all trainers.
You're playing wrong.
>b-but the game shouldn't let me
The game was designed to be played by humans with a soul. You have 6 slots so you're supposed to want to fill them to have multiple friends.
>"Muh levels" Johto shitposters leaked from /vp/.

Play the game instead of repeating the same opinions that some youtuber fed you, child.
Specifically in Gen 2 levels are progressively less relevant due to stat experience and badge boosts. You can easily beat Lance in early 40s, you can beat Red in 50s.
Remakes are kind of different beast due to literally not having this mechanics anymore - post-game is build more like "single player MMO" and expects you to do dailies to slowly build your team to be strong enough to take on Red.
A lot of people expects all Pokemon games to play the same but both OG Johto and remakes are just the least Pokemon-like Pokemon games with how you're supposed to bit them.

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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Silver Ramirez also had an advantage that you didn't need to worry about needing items afterward.

Hydra is a slog for the same reason the Red Giga would have been one, high defense and HP, and it use a lot of spells/magic including healing, but it's possible to prevent that last one.
The music in this game is absolutely fucking wonderful. I still pop in the old Chinese bootleg copy I have of the OST every year and it never fails to carry me away.
It's one of those rare soundtracks where every song is memorable and well structured. Almost no duds. Beautiful compositions, classical and intelligent orchestration, playful and varied melodies with strong motifs and a lot of textural variety.
The game has aged for me to the point where I can't play it through anymore, but this music will forever carry my original unblemished memories.
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I noticed this during my last playthrough a few years ago. I played the original DC version for the first time in like 15 years, and on a REALLY nice sound system. And you're right: pretty much every song in the game is a banger. Even some of the less prominent songs are surprisingly nice; Ramirez's theme in particular is this wonderful techno-jazz-dirge that screams "VILLAIN", but is also kinda funky, especially once the piano jam takes over at 1:45. Most rips of the OST don't even include this part, and I feel like if you're playing the game, it's possible you'll finish the cutscene before


It really remids me of anime OSTs from the 80s and 90s when EVERY song was just a little funky, but especially the bad guy themes. FF7 and One Winged Angel kind of kick started the new trend of every bad guy theme needing to be an epic orchestration with latin chanting, and I feel like we still haven't escaped that.

>Silver Ramirez also had an advantage that you didn't need to worry about needing items afterward.
Yeah, at that point it was clear it was final battle time so you should burn up any Auras of Valor you have left, lol. But I also just found him way less agressive than Vanilla Ramirez, who could easily KO more than one party member per turn if you let your guard down.
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On the subject of music, I'm not usually a huge whore for video game merchandise, but I absolute had to buy the special edition vinyl OST that Wayo Records put out a few years back. There was a book inside with just about all the official artwork and interviews with some of the staff. They even got the original character designer and artist for the game to do new art for the album cover.

AND they made a motherfucking MUSIC BOX that plays the main theme and it's probably one of the most gorgeous things I own:

>Vanilla Ramirez, who could easily KO more than one party member per turn if you let your guard down.
I remember the last time I played this game I was so overpowered that when I fought the scripted battle against Ramirez at your base that you're supposed to lose, I managed to make it a stalemate. The only reason I could't kill him was because his HP just stops going down after a certain point, lol.

The fucking warrior's heart accessory is OP as fuck. Whichever character you equip it on will generate two more spirit points per turn than normal, starting on the second turn. It makes it real easy to bust out some of Fina's more broken super moves to keep yourself alive. In the OG game, you couldn't get it until the final dungeon as a rare drop, but in the GC version, they made it a fixed reward for so many moonfish and you can easily get it around the time you get the Delphinus. It really helps out in the bounty battles, so I can see why they did that.

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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I have no mouth and I must cringe
It's mentioned on the game's page, under the heading "Project Backstory".

>So what exactly makes this an RPG?
It's an RPG Maker game. That's about it.
I started out with making strictly linear visual novel games. Focusing on graphics, story, cutscenes and sound design.
And now I've started adding battle systems.
Hopefully, I'll add more RPG elements as I grab a handle on the other aspects.

>The mods are disconnected from the userbase.

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>Constant rulebreaker is reporting people
lol fuck off you utter embarrassment - no-one feels threatened to you, you're just a pathetic blott on the landscape. Fuck off back to hades, scum.
>I gained enough influence in the RPG Maker community (out there), being left alone. That they felt threatened.
Because the RPG Maker community consists of LGBT folks, whom you want to eradicate
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>Sigma is an autistic muslim whose resentment drives him to post in communities no one wants him in
>Sigma-haters are whiny RPG Maker Forum users who think the worst thing about Sigma is that he hates fags; even though they don't have any evidence -- and no one on here cares if he does

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>Can't wait for DRH!
Been saying that for two years.
Hopefully we get at the end of this year
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porn with game, not a game porn
Malkuth is in Kether, Kether is in Malkuth
RE TARD bird
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What's the most memorable procedural generation present in any rpg ever made
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These two games are very comparable. You got two flavors of a similar experience; sci-fi & medieval.
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It definitely has the most potential when it's harnessed. It seems to work exactly as one would hope, the prompt gives the scene a bunch of arbitrary rules to generate from. This causes problems when finishing an image since it overuses a rule throughout the image. But this is no problem at all when it comes to a fantasy terrain since these would just be incredibly distinctive motifs.
Name them. Name one.
Some AI depictions of hell are startling.
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I always think of the dungeons in Dark Cloud any time I encounter procedural generation anywhere.

Let's design sadistic RPG dungeons. The kind you might find in a Fromsoft game.

>A vast labyrinth. There are many dead ends, but also many illusory walls that must be found to progress through the dungeon. As you attempt to navigate it you are constantly attacked by ghosts that have the ability to walk through walls.
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The poison doesn't just lower your health, it lowers your stats too. Hurry up, or you'll be fighting the boss at Soul Level 1.
>Spinning floors
>One way walls
teleportation puzzles are enough to make people quit
Ikuto from Phantasy Start II but with added teleports that send you to rooms with stairs up that let you find newer rooms full of holes to fall down.
All the treasures are still enclosed inside rooms you have to fall right up to five stages, only that the coolest item will require you to fall up to nine times taking the teleports and stairs, most rooms have holes just in case you may fall before taking the item.
Sixth stage is to go up to the entrance of the dungeon like in the original, but to fit the teleports the whole dungeon is wider.
Then you add suicidal monsters of mass banzai damage because it's an optional dungeon to get the best gear instead a plot needed torture like in Phantasy Star II.
Here is the original map in case you have no clue what I'm talking about:

Which games do alchemy best?

Do you like them complex enough most would resort to wikis or intuitive enough anyone can dabble in it? Maybe just recipes?

Morrowind's seems good for making some variety but the effects for each ingredient are so all over the place that I end up only remembering how to make a few useful potions and forget the rest.

Breath of the Wild's system is extremely intuitive but there's no mastery. Once you know how it works (one ingredient for effect, one ingredient for potency) then you know everything you need.
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How does Atelier do alchemy?

Kinda just assumed it was recipe based.
Almost certainly Morrowind. I like alchemy in a different game more for other reasons, but Morrowind's variety of available effects is unmatched by games that I know (or can remember, at least).
Atelier alchemy is boring.
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I'd say morrowind combined with the witcher, potions should have a toxicity level for balance reasons. You pass a threshold and you will start feeling side effects, which should prompt you to start developing purer mixtures or strengthen your constitution to better handle poisons. Morrowind has an incredibly wide arrange of potions and is the only game I know where you have to assemble an entire alchemy kit and ingredient weight is weighted for the final product. Problem is that Morrowind is terribly unbalanced and alchemy itself is the path to godhood, so that's why I think Morrowind+Witcher potion mechanics would work best. Morrowind also lacks poison crafting which is pretty dumb.
Wich one I have Lulua and a trailer of Ryza showed how they had nothing to do with each other.

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>see many reviews of the game, it looks cool
>actually like turn based and the setting reminds me of wk40k mixed with Starsector
>play tutorial, seems simple enough
>go to first mission and the whole “cover” mechanic is kinda retarded, what else is retarded?
I just wanna join a faction. I still have under 2 hours of playtime so should I just refund it for now and play something like Starsector or buy fallout 1/2?
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watching the development of this game is like seeing a star pupil get a crack cocaine addiction and become homeless. a game great in almost all regards gone to shit because the slavic dev cant rein in their sense of masochism and unfair bullshittery. hoping it gets better towards 1,0 so it can be one of those hard games that are actually fun (xcom, battle brothers, darkest dungeon, etc.)
It’s not “should I play this” it’s more of is this game (in its current state) worth getting into.
After a few more hours I’m starting to realize there’s a lot of cool shit in the game, but there’s also a LOT of luck.
I’m having fun so far, but I’m hoping they can implement better faction alignment. Instead of just waiting/ hoping the faction you want to help gets into an altercation why can’t we just swear allegiance and do quests for them? There’s a little too much rng in that regard.
>the game filters me
>must be a slop
of course, whatever helps you preserve that frail sense of self-worth, bub
>the game filters me
Correct, at least at first, after playing some more I’m starting to get a hang of things

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Why did this era of RPGs end up being mediocre?
>wasteland 2
>tides of numenera
>divinity OS
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The intention is neither for it to be a pre-order nor an investment, though big studios do seem to mostly use it as a combination or pre-order and marketing tool. It's actually more like Patreon or Gofundme, where you give a creator money for a project and you might get something in return. Kickstarter very explicitly never promises you will 100% get what you're promised. A lot of people seem to be blind to this simple fact which is why it's so easy to scam people who aren't paying attention. It's essentially framed as a donation, and it's up to whoever's receiving the donation to decide what to do with it and how to reward you.

There was a different Kickstarter-like site (Fig) that actually allowed people to invest in games and get a return on investement if the game turned out to be successful, but it never really caught on and doesn't exist anymore.
>Fig never really caught on
I mean, why would a developer that actually believes in their product want to share their profits?
Might as well just kickstart it and sell directly to the customer
But I enjoyed Numenera. Have been meaning to give it a second play through now that it's been a decade to see if it still holds up.

It definitely scratched the itch to go on an adventure in an interesting world, which is really one of the main things I want from an RPG.

>pic rel
I really hope the studio keeps going and strikes gold. I like the worlds they create but I think they might need to bring on a couple people to help with the coding and management side of things.

What the other anon said. From what I understand tho magic is pretty bugged. The aesthetics are soulful and cozy tho and they will carry the game for a lot of people. Also cute feather haired girls.
It's probably an unpopular opinion but because the audience was mediocre. They had people invest in their projects and had to play it safe to cast a wide net. People might have wanted something exciting and surprising but they asked for the familiar and mediocre. Like Pillars was a perfect example of what a lot of people wanted mechanically, and when it was implemented it was both boring and didn't make a whole lot of sense. It was all the crazy stuff that people hated from old games that made them fun and memorable, either using it yourself or needing to contend with it when it was used against you.
Devs who don't make games for free don't deserve donations from players.

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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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Time to decide on a new OP picture, suggesting a Darkon girl due to the recent updates.
Need to update the info-dump too, especially for the non-AQW games since I only play AQW.
Anyone who plays AQ3D, AQC, DF, MQ, or ED care to comment on what we got currently?

>AQW Guides and Information
Boosts and Events Calendar: https://www.artix.com/calendar
AQWG New Player Guide: https://sites.google.com/view/aqwg-net/new-player
Enhancements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wupDvLuPnRC0fF0aNPc7rzrri7X1YcYy7S2s5Z6o_F4
Boosted Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iQZopOtK7PJNCwhXoOawYvxYgECX1X6ksOzOUNOU-rE
Challenge/Ultra: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1SakAPZrSGG1tl0BIV8bCFjVXxB5WqXGmOzJROlt7pdk
Farming Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RoPfjKD4Hy-gP_rETUISMllKoi8VpRkMApZdTPP5fe8
Balance Patch Notes: https://www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes/AQW-Balance-PatchNotes-9515

>Other Games Guides and Information
AQC New Player Guide: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/New_Player

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How about something iconic and not zoomer bait?
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I suggested Artix, Gravelyn, and Nulgath the last few times.
If you want that, make it yourself. Otherwise, you just have to deal with whatever's chosen.
Do carri from dragonfable

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Is it possible to combine the immersive first person world of TES with the turnbased combat of Baldur's Gate 3? Is such a thing even possible?...yes it is.
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Wrong. It's been done since decades ago and it's perfectly fine.
maybe he should add an auto resolve for trash mobs
first person rpg with turn based combat was literally was TES was before oblivion. you just want to play morrowind.

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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People have lives outside of this board anon.
Best post itt
The post wasn't implying monetary success equal to good games. But the list is a useful resource to see what kind of game the audience would enjoy or could succeed if you're a developer.
Great. Indonesian or western diaspora? Either way you suck pig cocks.
>> Transgender Furry Activists in the RPG Maker community didn't like I had "power & influence" in the community, and that I'm a Muslim, and came after me
>They wanted me to 'apologize' for some anti-LGBTQ things I said.
>If I didn't apologize, they would run me out of the community. (And they did.)
>I made a game called 'False Narrative'. In which I share their conversations from discord servers. Revealing their plot & hatred against me, and their severe mental illnesses. (They didn't know I had access to those discord servers. And was reading what they were saying.)
Holy shit I need to make a game about this, it has all the ingredients for a good story
Lisa the painful
Yume Nikki
The Witch's House

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