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>Can I see your Angel's Landing® National Parks Trail Permit™ please?
>Oh you mean you don't have one?
>That'll be a $200 + tip fine then

What would you do, /out/?
>implying /out/ would actually go outside
>What would you do, /out/?

Climb Mt Kinesava. It is both cooler and way way less crowded.
I would flick your funko pop off that rock and then go to less crowded places in Utah
Silly anon Rin doesn't hike she camps you should've picked up an Aoi, Hinata, or Kokona nendoroid
>no hablo ingles
>no tengo dinero
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i was there during the good old rona phase. park was pretty empty. met some random Mormon doing a some wired spiritual journey on the bus. we talked later we basically sprinted up the mountain because it was already getting late and buses were limited. had lunch on top walked back for the last buss. (than we made sweet love)

10/10 corona national parks were truly amazing
I hate NPS red tape more than most people, but I can see why they made that trail permit-only. Last time I did Angels Landing was 2019, I was one of the first people to the top (3rd from the first shuttle of the day), and the way down was miserable. There were so many fatties slowly shuffling along the chain sections, never stopping the one way stream for in-shape hikers going the opposite way who could easily get through in a few seconds.

I think Observation Point is finally reopened after the rockslide 5 years ago. IMO it's a much better view and the steeper hike filters more fatties. Better yet, hike to it from the east rim trailhead and enjoy quiet parts of the park that normalfags never see.
Slightly unrelated, but I stayed in numerous US national parks last summer and learned that the "America the Beautiful" or whatever pass they have is a pretty good deal. 80-ish$, unlimited access to all parks and nationally approved "scenic points" in the nation for the year for one vehicle or two people. Honestly really good deal for what it is, and the fact that for the price of a cheap hotel room you get a year of camping one could stay at instead. Depending on the state and the park, price varies wildly. I stayed for free in Kansas, for example - the rules say that *if* the sheriff is there, give him 11$, otherwise its free. Lowest paid prices was 6$/n (South Dakota) to 32$/n (Malibu/Highway One California), with 12$ a night being the average price in the *average* parks. That's a tent spot, a fire pit, parking if needed, and a picnic table (probably). I regret not having the pass, as I learned about it at the end of the trip - I would have saved significant money, seeing as I was on a 6 week tour of the country.
I'm used to Crown Land - and I prefer it as a system to just have public land be directly accessible - but the US parks are honestly damn affordable if you pay for nature's battle
pass or whatever it counts as.
USACE here, we sell those passes. It's free for the disabled and veterans, so they get an even better deal. Geriatrics (62+) also get a 75% discount.
>The biggest weeb on /out/ still hasn't taken Rin up Mt. Fuji
US public land is stratified by type, managing agency, and basic regulations (and site specific regulations). About 97% of US public land is not in national parks (NPS has the strictest regs of any US public land, even more so than designated USFS wilderness which you can still go in on foot for free in most of it). Which means, about 97% of US public land is free access. Only a handful of the countless beautiful and wild areas of the US is set in NPS land. If you want to see the NPS parks by all means go ahead, but be aware they are the strictest public land type in the entire US (again stricter than US designated non-motor vehicle or road wilderness), and make up only about 3% of the total US public land area inventory.
>The biggest weeb on /out/
i got him beat
>I think Observation Point is finally reopened after the rockslide 5 years ago
Still closed lmao

>observation point closed
>angel's landing needs a gay permit
>the narrows you need to buy/rent fancy drysuit for $100/day otherwise the rangies won't let you walk

There is litterally no point in taking the zion shuttle these days, there is nothing of value to be seen in that godforsaken canyon. All the best stuff is right outside in the national forest anyways
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Imagine paying the government for permission to walk in the woods
>the libertarian party has entered the chat
Fuck every three letter agency from the IRS to the NPS
Wtf are you talking about with the narrows? You don’t need to rent a suit. If the trail is open, you can walk the trail with whatever. Also, observation point is still open, just not from the valley floor. To get the observation point you need to start from the Zion ponderosa ranch which is technically outside of the park.
Its like 3 dollars for a permit, and they did it because tiktokers kept going and wrecking the place
>$6 to enter permit lottery
>can only apply 24 hours before permit date
>only allow 600 people per day
>meanwhile zion gets 5 million visitors per year
Recreation.gov was a mistake
She was still getting her hiking legs at that point
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based yama no susume poster
The money doesn't even go to the NPS, it goes to Booz Allen.
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cool pic anon, heres mine
How much was the trip. Saw a video of people waiting hours in line for a permit I believe to go up. Did u feel like u were getting scammed in any part of the trip, like for food, lodging or transportation. Any tips. Might go with 1 friend.
line wasnt too bad because i went as early as possible. had tickets for circuit 4 but bribed security guard to let me onto the best cuircuit (circuit 2 has best views). its very touristy though, feels more like a museum than being /out/. peru overall had many tourist trap places and street shops but their currency sucks and food was cheap so unless youre room temp iq and cant barter for shit then you should be fine
Appreciate the advice, thank you anon.
start hiking, if they want to tax me they have to earn the privilege to do so
Fuck yeah Climbing General, it's been too long.

I've been having a blast this season at the Gunks so far.
Got two new climbing partners that are around the same ability as me and it's allowing me to push my grades up a little more than in the past when I was climbing with a less able climber.
Managed to onsight Never Never Land, my first 10b (on GunksApps, 10a mproj). Super technical slab climb with some fantastic committing movement. Also been super fun revisiting past climbs that felt like a challenge and now are just cruiser.

Always on lookout for more partners if there's any NE anons that want to get after it. Looking to hit up some of the longer climbs up in NH.
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This one's going in the compilation

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