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is anyone else suffering from severe social isolation but is also adverse to adding people on discord?
No, I go to church and found a wife there, so I'm never alone and I have more friends than I want.
I wouldn't go back to my life before, but if I were in your shoes, I would revel in the opportunity to sigmamaxx and use your free time for interesting projects.
yea i don't have any individuals added, i'm only in one pro-annihilation of the human race server that i like to stay updated on
yeah, this hits real close to home
thing about it is that i can't be fucked with alts anymore, but at the same time, all my experiences (except one so far) ended up with disaster or just us drifting away

i still want to make frens here but it's difficult to do so given there's a high chance for it to end bad real fast

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the difference between a woman and a bear is bears don't kill their children and riot and protest to defend the legal right to keep killing them. we choose the bear.
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>putting your shoes on the bed
>smoking Chinese bathtub chemicals (but it tastes like stwawbewwies doe!)
Outlier scenario, but that's worse for everyone, the mother gets alphawidowed and will NEVER pair bond again most likely. The child is fucked because no dad etc.
For the father? That's what I meant by "subhuman," forcing a woman to give birth under that circumstance is basically benefiting the shitty father.

No scenario does single motherhood benefit anyone but shitty people while also hurting children. Also abortion is taking accountability.
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Yep thats basically how abortions are done. Notice that rod in the beginning? Thats the suction cup for fetal parts, but since the child is too big for that suction cup so they have to butcher them up first like a piece of meat at a market. It seems the butchering process was meticulous as well, the abortionist cutting up certain parts like hands and legs so they can gather and sort them and sell them off to a testing institution of some kind for "science."
Your god is jewish.
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>Your god is jewish.
John 8:44
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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Which one do you prefer? Be honest
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she said it looks abhorrent and some vaginas really do
The are very few severely deformed vaginas out there. Do you think it's more probable that she has one of those, or that she is simply deeply insecure about the way her normal one looks?
>Do you think it's more probable that she has one of those
Not for me to say, people can usually decide for themselves as most people aren't retarded. This "insecurity" and "body dysmorphia" garbage is just women's magazine psychology garbage that fat jewish bulldykes made up to justify the sin of their ugliness.
The one that works.

Don't care if she has a innie or not but puffy and thick ones are the best

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how does one become asexual? is it a meme? lusting for femoids (cooming) is preventing me from achieving my true wizard form
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hate women more bro
you need real hate
PTSD. Go experience some trauma. Go get raped by a man or something, fuck a smelly brown girl.
permit enjoyment of game
When I was a child I was severely grossed out by the thought of sex (partially due to becoming very religious) and girls were/are scary so touching them seemed dangerous to me. Unfortunately sexuality is weird so it bubbled up in the form of bizarre fetishes as opposed to normal things so I have no interest in regular sex but if a girl overeats I am diamonds.

Basically autism and Jesus ruined my life.
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basically both of these. had a family member rape me multiple times before i even started school, now i get to the point of vomiting if i think about being in a relationship with a real woman for more than a few moments. sex would be ok but i still get panicked and nauseous thinking about actual sex and not a fat middle aged woman standing close enough on the train for me to feel the side of her stomach fat or some equally as autistic shit like that
is there a link between either autism or trauma and liking fat bitches actually

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Oh god, this probably feels like heaven.
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Since you mentioned heaven...

Heaven and hell are not external locations, but rather reflections of our internal state. Good deeds and living a pure life cultivate a state of peace and joy, which is akin to heaven.

The importance of attaining heaven through rituals or good deeds alone is overrated. The ultimate goal is self-realization, which is the awareness of one's true divine nature. This state transcends the limitations of heaven and hell.
Since you don't know the sensation, let me tell you something,

Charles Manson was known for being able to induce the high of drugs on people without those people using the substances. Maybe some kind of hypnosis or something like that.

if the person never had the experience with drugs, Manson wouldn't be able to make that person feel the high.
she looks all squishy and soft
Handjobs are pathetic, footjobs even more lol
Cope faggot lmao

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1. Even if you are depressed there are things to enjoy in life
2. Being alive and being unproductive means you are a burden to society and this makes a collapse of the technological system more likely, which is good
3. Killing yourself is painful
4. You are always able to dedicate yourself to a based cause while still alive (spreading anti-semitism, spreading Ted K. type messages, etc.)
5. One day you will be too lazy to breathe and die anyways
6. Your frens would not want you to kys
7. People which dislike you would want you to kys
8. You can hate the antichrist while you are still alive
9. You have nothing to lose probably
10. I don't know a 10th reason
Thanks for reading Anons. I hope you enjoyed
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>follows a made up jew god
Man you stormfags are something else. Go touch a wire on a the train tracks, I promise it will be painless
This but unironically. Why harm yourself when you can harm the world instead?
I used to think like that but now I think the opposite, and it feels like it's impossible to go back
>revised list

1. funny jokes
2. funny shit posts
3. looking at pretty girls
4. videogames
5. looking at a cute animal
6. looking at nice scenery
7. a nice song
8. a good dump
9. feeling comfy after a shower and getting under the covers
10. tasty food/snacks
Your family cares about you?

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i wanna nut in an asian girls underwear

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You embark on your journey
Gonna fly while I do some beditation.
i loose motovation at the first slight inconvenience and go home to play vidya and jerk off

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Can you relate to this monkey?
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Mind is like a mad monkey, so yes.
The fact that when you call us monkeys we laugh but when we call you monkeys you become enraged and violent... this should tell you something KEK. Things that aren't true don't bother us, the fact that it offends you on such a deep level shows that YOU believe it's true.
ooh ah
So cute but so dangerous...i love monkeys, bros.

Is it gay to think a man is extremely handsome to the point of being in awestruck?
arent palestinians stealing israeli babies to raise as their own
>to think a man is extremely handsome to the point of being in awestruck
Can you post an example of such a guy?
No, because beauty is a pattern first of all. You can recognize it and admire it without feeling sexual attraction.

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Would you rather learn and become a pianist or a painter? Would you rather paint like Da Vinci or play the piano like Beethoven?
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you're a moron if that is the conclusion you came to from that.
my cousin learned piano from a woman who played for their church. you could go this route or find a teacher who teaches in their own home. you don't have to go the route of an expensive music school, anon.
Being a concert pianist sounds cool tho.
Yeah, true. Have to see where the hell I'd find someone for that but yeah, if I do find someone, that'd be perfect.
Guess I'll stick to drawing for now.
I'd rather learn piano. I'd like to draw, but not to paint. I have no music to create, but I have maybe some art to remove from my brain.

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>Women will dress like this but you're not allowed to stare
What do they mean by this?
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They do it for the attention, you autistic simp.
Our board has fallen...
It means she wants to attract a BBC. Its not for your eyes, ytboi
>google Meowriza
>its a dude
I'm imagining both the man and the women with a duki nuki voice lol
That guy is JACKED that is goals for after I lose weight/fat ha ha ha

Most people here seem to be 6'2 or more and they are all khhv. I thought 6'2 is good but apparently not anymore? I'm 6'2 khhv too btw
Most are short but tall people post more
Even tall incels are more approached than manlets
MentaI ilIness the thread.
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>seem to be
If you're in the US (I'm guessing you are since you aren't using the metric system) the average height is 5'9 and change. If you exclude everyone except non-hispanic whites the average is bumped up to 5'10 and change.
Male height peaked with men who were 18 in the 90s. Zoomers are in fact the shortest generation since the 1950s even after excluding immigrants / minorities, something pic related article attributes to worsening diet.
Anyway you probably notice more when someone is exceptionally tall and ignore the many times you come across someone who's normal height or below average.
This is explained by the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon AKA frequency illusion. In the original example for this concept hearing about the Baader-Meinhof gang seemingly makes you start seeing references to them elsewhere. What's really happening is you selectively ignore things you don't know about and don't care about. So those references to the Baader-Meinhof gang were there all along but only when you're primed to think about them do you notice mentions of them elsewhere.
Similarly, you're primed to expect everyone is above average height so you keep noticing tall people which reinforces your expectation in a feedback loop of selective attention.
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>>77557244 thanks
you have autism and its helpful

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>Attractive girl approaches me to say dumb things a few times in the gym
>Give cold generic responses because she's a single mother and I don't want to accidentally fall for it
>Eventually a guy falls for it
>She is now heavily pregnant with what I assume is his child
>They both keep looking at me whenever they're in there

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> 29
I am getting rejected by early 20 year olds. I hate getting old.
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>I am having sex with a hot nerdy 21 year old

Sucks to suck. Have you tried looking younger? Skincare? Twinkmaxxing?
Recently. Been going to the gym for years now. Got rejected by a 17 year old
T. 28
Yes, that is clearly demonstrated in this thread, right?
cope harder oldtroon lmao
Stfu i don't see you pulling them either

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