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You~ aren't the family cuck, right?
You're only a cuck if you're actively denied sex while they flaunt it in front of you. I really couldn't give a shit if my sister fucked my cousin.
Who would want to fuck anyone in op pic I'd rather fuck a man.

You are a part of the 2,5% defective men.
You can try to lead normal life, but will only manage to mimicry. Do you really want this?
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Need a disability check though
If you're buttnaked talking to yourself in the middle of the street i think it's rather self explanatory that you're mentally ill, also how can you pretend that someone like that would get checked for it
feels weird to be able to tell this, stock photo or otherwise, definitely taken in a psych ward
>pic related
Is the "goth" girl in the room with us right now?
You seem unaware of how people who aren't able to advocate for themselves get put on disability. I'm a schizophrenic and was in florid psychosis for multiple years before I was finally nabbed and forcibly hospitalized and that was when they pushed through my disability application on my behalf. I had to do next to nothing. Had NEETbux for about a decade now.

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How much swag do you have?
I don't know what you mean, so I can't answer.

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josh thread (get in here if your name is josh)

>(you can pretend to be named josh)

this thread is just for joshing around

my name isn't josh but look at this captcha. clearly im honorary

hi im josh
You're The Josh.
Now meet the best Josh: https://youtube.com/shorts/IbDnbjc6HPQ

moving edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous /r9k/ thread >>77516609

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She seems to have a form of animal magnetism. It would be a nice date together
For me it's the perflat look
Sweater dresses are always nice though. Guess it's too warm for pantyhose underneath though
This thread has been allowed to be in very peace

Wonder if we can make a proper cum on back on the r9k eventually
>"Could be cool"
>You have the cat food yet, Anon?
I love when she makes these cute faces.
Hopefully. Not posting my girl on /trash/.
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Once we get human-level realistic robots I'm not even going to pretend for a second that I'm not gonna fuck them
My wife spread out too much cat food and now there is a whole colony of cats around her. I think she'd be amused by that scenario.
I hope it would be realistic enough to pass as my wife in this world. I really wish I could be with her.

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why would females want to hang around on this board infested with lonely men?
explain yourselves ladies
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might as well start working there at that point
As said as often as you want not obligated to
>waah waah I spend my time demonizing men and now they're misogynistic. how could this happen to me?
Haha holy kekerooni I hate women
theyre here to try and get simps and mock men

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When I became a doctor and I still couldn't get a girlfriend, that's when I realised it was really over.
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Me too man thats very common in fact
I think that's a bit mean. I didn't become a doctor to make money.
You should have become a gynecologist so you could finger womens pussies even if they hate it and itd never be rape
I did enough of that as a medical student.
Just get a practice gf first, gain some experience, then find a real gf. It's not exactly rocket science, is it?

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Monday boredning
hitoribocchi dayo!!!!!
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Time for a walk, step one of my plan
I never take naps, just can't sleep during the day. 6h is my max sleep I think

I wish I had a ps3 to play older how games. I hate watching gameplay personally but understandable if you can't play yet. PC is better cause you can pirate easily and emulate. Only console I own is switch cause I like handhelds. I'd recommend getting a better PC instead, not many consoles only exclusives anyway.

I spoke about my plan here >>77556582
oh that was you, okay then

>can't sleep during the day.
melatonin with a piece of cloth over your eyes or a face mask can help, i usually can't sleep during the day either but the mask lets me

>I wish I had a ps3 to play older how games.
isn't there an emulator out yet?
last i heard there was one but it wasn't all that great back then, maybe things changed nowadays
>I'd recommend getting a better PC instead
oh i'm fine in that regard, my gear is decent enough for most stuff
it's just the exclusives that i watch gameplay for, or the ones that i really can't be bothered playing myself

anyway, have fun with your walk and exercise, anon
just finished pedalling a bit myself
Maybe one day I'll fix my sleep, I don really care
>last i heard there was one but it wasn't all that great back then, maybe things changed nowadays
No good ones that I know of
They'll come to PC sooner or later probably

Oh nice and healthy. Good job. I will
I kinda envy people who have goals and dreams. Even more those who have the motivation to pursue them.
I feel like I'm lost in the maze of life with no directions
Well time to browse the board, part 2 of the plan (or 1.5 depending on how you look at it)

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>hang out with friend for 2 days
>start noticing every quirk they have
>end of day 2 hate the friend
>this happens all the time with different people
anyone else? are my friends all retarded or am i an asshole? im thinking its the latter.
unlike bullying, silent judgement usually does stem from ones own insecurities or hang ups so
its probably you op
or maybe your friends are pretty retarded too i dont know but think about it
depends on the kind of "quirks" they have
i think it's both though, everyone is retarded to an extent, but you can just not be an asshole and let some things slide for the sake of actually making friends with someone
unless you're not interested in making friends in the first place, in which case, what the hell are you even doing?
I usually let everything slide but when I'm dealing with it for 2 days letting everything slide all the time all day long just gets tiring.
i said "some things", if there are too many things about that person bothering you, just drop them
maybe you're looking in the wrong place, anon

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has r9k made you love women more?
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>leftists cheer seeing women be threatened by hostile minorities / troons etc.
That's not true
yes. I hate you faggots instead now.
you should not use dating apps because they're designed by kikes and 90% of the women on there are promiscuous banged out whores.
>tell therapist your problem
>therapist says you are the problem and need to check your white male privilege
>you are the most privileged you can't be depressed, anon.
>take these pills
I want to think women aren't shallow, rude, cruel people, but this board has proven the opposite

Tell me why i shouldn't feel like a loser just because i have no friends, no job, and i'm a virgin at 24
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What's really the upside of feeling like a loser?
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we're all fucked then...
simply means you dont require those things to live meaning you are an ascended individual
be glad you dont cling to materialism and sex to be fulfilled like normalniggers
remember, NO normalfags are happy. i have asked them personally
>the American white man won't get himself a fucking STEM career for some reason.
there's an absolute glut of unemployed/underemployed natural sciences grads bro
No one here is also happy

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why do people like weed? all it does is make me sleepy and want to eat like a lardass

Cocaine on the other hand takes away my depression, makes me feel so good and allows me to edge for hrs watching tranny porn
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Weed is only ok but it's also cheap and safe. You get what you pay for (including your health)
>Weirdly enough GHB makes the next day feel even better
Same thing happens with phenibut, which is much safer and still legal in most places.
cocaine is a joke of a drug. just take heroin already, it'll make you feel really good
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While sober I'm excessively anxious and overstimulated. Stimulants just make that worse for me. THC lets me relax.
Replace the amphetamines with coke anon. Amphetamines will fuck your cardiovascular system up much faster than coke. Just don't be such a degenerate addict you burn a hole through your sinus and have a little bump in the morning as humans have been doing for literally thousands of years. Weed and coke absolutely are in the same realm in my book, synthetic opiates and amphetamines should be avoided at all costs. If you're wondering natural opiates are opium and morphine, heroin is half natural opiate half synthetic opiate, fentanyl and dilaudid are pure synthetic.

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the difference between a woman and a bear is bears don't kill their children and riot and protest to defend the legal right to keep killing them. we choose the bear.
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>putting your shoes on the bed
>smoking Chinese bathtub chemicals (but it tastes like stwawbewwies doe!)
Outlier scenario, but that's worse for everyone, the mother gets alphawidowed and will NEVER pair bond again most likely. The child is fucked because no dad etc.
For the father? That's what I meant by "subhuman," forcing a woman to give birth under that circumstance is basically benefiting the shitty father.

No scenario does single motherhood benefit anyone but shitty people while also hurting children. Also abortion is taking accountability.
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Yep thats basically how abortions are done. Notice that rod in the beginning? Thats the suction cup for fetal parts, but since the child is too big for that suction cup so they have to butcher them up first like a piece of meat at a market. It seems the butchering process was meticulous as well, the abortionist cutting up certain parts like hands and legs so they can gather and sort them and sell them off to a testing institution of some kind for "science."
Your god is jewish.
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>Your god is jewish.
John 8:44
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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how does one become asexual? is it a meme? lusting for femoids (cooming) is preventing me from achieving my true wizard form
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hate women more bro
you need real hate
PTSD. Go experience some trauma. Go get raped by a man or something, fuck a smelly brown girl.
permit enjoyment of game
When I was a child I was severely grossed out by the thought of sex (partially due to becoming very religious) and girls were/are scary so touching them seemed dangerous to me. Unfortunately sexuality is weird so it bubbled up in the form of bizarre fetishes as opposed to normal things so I have no interest in regular sex but if a girl overeats I am diamonds.

Basically autism and Jesus ruined my life.
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basically both of these. had a family member rape me multiple times before i even started school, now i get to the point of vomiting if i think about being in a relationship with a real woman for more than a few moments. sex would be ok but i still get panicked and nauseous thinking about actual sex and not a fat middle aged woman standing close enough on the train for me to feel the side of her stomach fat or some equally as autistic shit like that
is there a link between either autism or trauma and liking fat bitches actually

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i wanna nut in an asian girls underwear

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