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Setting the record straight edition
Previous episode: >>77544615
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Awake, sleepie, and depressed over no bf. Where the heck is the anon who wanted to big spoon me? ;_;
Honestly personality matters so much for me. If I connect with someone the can have many imperfections as long as they vaguely fit my preferences. Boys who act cute and silly >_<
I love blue drinks!
Glacier Freeze is the Supreme Gatorade flavor
Well do your best to muddle through the sleepy day
We believe in you!

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What do straight guys think about this
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>kissing men passionately while moaning "daddy" into their ears is NOT gay
i bet they bullied your tiny pp mr gay anon
In the end you can call yourself what you want, just don't contract hiv and other sti's from slutting around
I'm 100% straight and I would suck that cock and fuck his ass
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I have a better whr than that but I'm a """hrt femboy""" and kinda tall unfortunately
teach me senpai
idk how to hook up, when I installed tinder and got matched with a guy from uni it just became really awkward whenever I saw him around campus, never did end up fucking him
It doesn't prevent me from living my life, it's just stupid so I'm not going to do it and I find it weird when others do it.

An act can be gay, but I am not gay. Just like does a woman giving a kiss on the lips to another woman make her a lesbian? Obviously not, yet lesbian women are certainly kissing each other on the lips quite a lot.

Yeah of course, I slut around a bit but I'm not stupid and I stay safe.

Hmm, I dunno, I guess when you're talking first you gotta just make it really clear what you're after. Is it a pure hookup where all you're looking for is a fuck? Then be clear about that. You don't have to make it weird, but you can say something like "hey, you seem nice, can I just be open and honest? I'm really just here looking for a fun, sweaty evening and nothing more, are you cool with that?" or something similar.

There is nothing more damaging to the psyche of a boy than to have a slut for a mother
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based mom she probably had kinky sex with you in the womb anon
But why tho? I can understand that men love youth in females and some overdo it and get attracted to young girls. But why would a grown ass woman want a little boy?
Because foids are degenerate, mentally ill & evil
She had kinky sex all the time. The amount of Step-Dads I had is ridiculous and most of them being Black gave me a weird complex when it comes to black people
>She had kinky sex all the time. The amount of Step-Dads I had is ridiculous and most of them being Black gave me a weird complex when it comes to black people
interdasting maybe you should get therapy anon. your mom seems incredibly fucking based though

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wating for you, bro
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Ti riconoscono la disabilita' almeno?
lol ti piacerebbe chiamarmi disabile
Ma se hai detto che sei autistico

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United Ukraine Arab Funnel?

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My boyfriend cheated on my again.
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>No i will never find someone like him again
Why do you think so? There is a lot of great men out there. Who would love to care for you and make you feel special.
>he's always so sweet, bought me lots of gifts because he's sorry
Does it really matter? He has already demonstrated that he cannot keep it in his pants, and that he will do it again and again. I know that it's very easy for me to say, because I'm not emotionally attached to him like you are, but just cut him off. Cheating is one of the worst things a partner can do to you. I wouldn't be surprised if you'll have emotional issues because of him.
saging for troll thread. weak bait, or dumber than a bag of wet mice. Either way fuck this thread
Imagine thinking being a cuck is better than being a virgin. You're larping or you're the most pathetic woman I ever saw
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Well, at least know that the next time this happens we warned you.
Hope she sees this buddy

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Pets and Animals Edition!

Previous thread : >>77541834

Rules: Ignore impolite/annoying moids


>How did you choose your pet's name?
>If you could communicate with your pet for one day, what would you talk about?
>If you could have any exotic pet, what would it be and why?
>What kind of pet do you own, dog, cat, or other?
>Did you ever had a childhood pet? If so, what's your favorite memory with them?
>What made you decide to adopt a pet?

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I am not using a running plan at all! I will look into couch to 5k, I remember one P.E coach I knew in high school would talk about it often. What I've been doing the past week is running/jogging as much as I can, then walking, and back to jogging. I'm sure more structure would help me. I also emailed you with attachments of cat :)
am not interested in having a autism duel with you
stupid bitch
Well i mean i would say you're wrong but i'm probably one of the most mentally sound people here so i can't speak for them.
Did your scrote get scratched today ? Why so sensitive?
Your kitty is so cute, tomo!

Couch to 5k is something I actually recommend. When my mom got into running for a while, it's the plan I suggested to her. If you want to go further, there's also a Bridge to 10k. At that point, you could go for a half-marathon, which there's millions of plans for like the Hal Hidgon plans. Hal Hidgon also has 5k and 10k plans as well.

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robots who have a partner, are they close to what your ideal partner was?
if so, how strict were you and how close are they to your ideal partner?
if not, what made you change your mind?
optionally, tell us how you met
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my bf exceeds all of my expectations, i wasnt really strict with my standards but i just didnt think i would ever feel this strongly about anyone but he changed my mind<3
>None of them asked me out
interesting, you would think otherwise on a place like this one
but then again i can imagine there are not many people from here left if you filter out the chuds
>have a partner
What has r9k become
I meant in reality, not on 4chan lol. I only started posting here recently
i have a long distance boyfriend. he is pretty far from what i used to imagine being the ideal but i don't think anyone else will ever love me. these are the ways i would say he is not ideal:
>watches porn
i thought about breaking up with him when he told me this as i do consider it a form of cheating. he said he has quit since i got really upset by it but i don't know if he actually has. i hate knowing that he has been getting off to other women the entire time we've been together.
>visited an escort in the past, did not use protection
i find this disgusting and stupid. the fact that he was willing to expose me to an std because he didn't want to tell me about this really made me angry. he got an std test after i yelled at him and ended up being clean. i still find the situation sad though.
>told me he would visit me several times and never did
i understand that life gets in the way but i find that he easily makes promises he doesn't intend to keep. sometimes it's difficult to trust his word and i still haven't met him yet, though considering the above it was maybe for the best i didn't.
>worries excessively
He starts to question if I'm hiding things from him or angry with him if I don't respond immediately. Sometimes I wake up to 30 messages from him where he has been driving himself into a spiral convincing him of something negative and have to reassure him. It gets to be too much sometimes. I'm a busy person and I'm very tired and I don't like that he always doubts me in this way. I don't think I've done anything to him to warrant this behavior.
>broke up with me one time because he got insecure
At like 3 am I suddenly got a text from him that it was stupid of him to ask me to be his girlfriend. he said goodbye and wished me farewell, continued to message me for an hour afterwards while i ignored him and then changed his mind and said he loves me and asked if it was too late to not break up. he later denied ever breaking up with me.

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What was Hitler doing while this was going on?
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When CC femcels say 20% of men passed on 80% of genes theyre thinking a disney prince wining and dining every shy girl in the village.

meanwhile the reality
being dressed like a woman
Nothing, Hitler was jewish and so was most of the regime. Nazis were a Jewish movement, look at it's effects now. Literally getting a bill passed that bans antizionism
>acclaimed new book
If it's acclaimed, especially for being a book about decharacterizing whites, there's jewish involvement in boosting its sales, publicity, etc.
Thus, it's not a trustworthy book and probably antiwhite propaganda.
the kike shills have already arrived i see
you should be doing damage control for netanyahu getting an arrest warrent right now kek

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What is your weirdest fetish?
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>turns ottermode califag into strongfat strongman build
win win
>watching someone have a wet dream
Underrepresented fetish.
I'm viscerally disgusted by anyone related to me, I just find them wholly unattractive. I'd imagine it's pretty atypical, I used to hate people telling me I had a hot cousin because I just never found them attractive. Oddly when I was very young I did want to see what genitals looked like and I remember trying to get a glance at any opportunity I could, but it was definitely the curiousity driving it as this was over a decade before puberty
wowie zowie, that last one what the fuck.
Sleeping naked with a girl while my hard cock gets pressed against her belly

>be me
>early 20s
>have friend
>offer activities we could do together all the time
>he chooses to rot at home instead
>cancels plans
>delays plans
i need new friends or a gee eff at this point this is so tiring
This is what I call 'fren', and not friend.

The only true Friend is God, because He is the only one that will never disappoint you. Every other friend you find will disappoint you in a way or another.
ok niggerfaggot 666 hail satan death to all muslims i love bacon fuck off and die kike i never asked about god

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>South Korea had 0.72 fertility rate in 2023
Holy SHIT, will it be the first country to have incel revolution?
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Based and degrowthpilled.
if both partners slave away for the system and know that their kids will have the same fate the simply stop wanting to have kids
Incels are normal guys who have been priced out the dating market. Women have too high standards. The 4 6s and are only going for the top 3% of men. South Korea is also a feminist hellhole. Worse than the US and worse than India. Feminists protested female pedos getting thrown in prison. Most men have phased themselves away to becoming ghosts.
It is too late for SK. Let them be a canary in the coal mine and a cautionary tail for every feminist in other countries. A country that does not have replacement birthrates where the average woman finds the average man attractive will go the way of the dodo. Let it be said that feminism killed SK but they will blame it on men, like everything else they do.
incel revolution is already happening in africa. they are revolting against literal chad harems, which is the historical style of relationships there
Everything revolves around sex

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Would you rather learn and become a pianist or a painter? Would you rather paint like Da Vinci or play the piano like Beethoven?
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>it doesn't make sense for you to be self taught besides having bragging rights
How to tell you've never known hardship and/or poverty without telling.
sounds like you don't enjoy shit, anon. if you like something for itself, you won't seek approval from anyone else. people praising your talent or saying that you are terrible won't affect your desire.
you're a moron if that is the conclusion you came to from that.
my cousin learned piano from a woman who played for their church. you could go this route or find a teacher who teaches in their own home. you don't have to go the route of an expensive music school, anon.
Being a concert pianist sounds cool tho.

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> 29
I am getting rejected by early 20 year olds. I hate getting old.
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>I am having sex with a hot nerdy 21 year old

Sucks to suck. Have you tried looking younger? Skincare? Twinkmaxxing?
Recently. Been going to the gym for years now. Got rejected by a 17 year old
T. 28
Yes, that is clearly demonstrated in this thread, right?
cope harder oldtroon lmao

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Do you still remember when you had your first crush?
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Yes. I only remember her first name, however, so I couldn't even look her up if I tried.
I can still remember most things from when I wasn't drugged up.
ignoring them drives them crazy. women talk about men not being able to handle rejection but they are just as bad.
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This is the life of a creepy loner:

One of my earliest and strongest crushes was a one year younger student from my highschool. He had normal or small height, same as me, short grayish brown hair, light eyes, sympathetic face features with a bit of a hooky nose and wide eyes, he was fairly attractive and extroverted. One time I was going back home from highschool, it was cloudy, with little light, cold wind was flowing and caressing my face. When I was passing near a giant pine tree, he was a dozen meters in front of me, walking, his back facing towards me, he suddenly turned and our gaze met briefly. I remember that the cold wind made my lips red and the skin felt cold and white at that time.

One time during the recess I was waiting in the semi empty hall for someone. He and his little group of friends were really close and he again gazed at me.

Crush two of the list:
Another one was an older student from highschool. He was pale, with some small red pimples on his skin. Short dark hair. A very distinct aura, quiet, intense stare, pale expression, thin and tall. His eyes area was specially dark, with long eyelashes and shadowy eyesockets. I remember I was climbing the stairs just before class, the space was fully crowded and somehow our eyes met eachother's, he from above and I from bellow. Another time, me and some classmates were walking back home under the rain and he joined us from behind because he knew one of them, the width of the pavement prevented him to engage in the conversation so he stood behind quietly.

Crush three:
A classmate in college. He was tall, slender, blonde straight hair, with a kind personality and soothing voice. He had a squarish jaw.
Continuation of the blogpost:

Crush four:
A classmate from a different course after college. Tall, wide shoulders, black short hair, super extroverted, humorous and participative. During the first days he would always stare at me. I was so happy when we got placed next to eachother at one of the classes, he used to show me his results and discuss them with me. During the year multiple times he interacted with me even though we weren't friends, I always felt accepted by him. One day he also showed me his resumes proudly.

Crush five:
Another classmate from the same course. He was short but had an athletic toned body, good fashion sense yet discrete, pale skin, oval face with wide almond eyes, short strong nose, small mouth with full lips, narrow jaw but moderate chin. He looked similar to antonio banderas. He was very quiet and kind, yet was liked by others and had a good relationship with classmates. During the year we were part of diferent groups inside the class, everytime we exited our classrooms and the halls were still empty, our gazes would meet from the distance. It was surreal. I could also sense he had some kind of anxiety inside and I felt we truly were similar persons even if strange.

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