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I see straight people as NPCs

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Reddit trannies are somehow even worse than regular trannies
free rent
rent free
im much much worse
How fucked up the mind must be for a neckbeard see himself like this

>Claims to be Blessed by God
>dies in preventable Helicopter Crash
It seems Kobe and Riasi were on the same level of evil
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They control america even before WWII.
approximately since the early 20th century, no doubt. But you will find that ruling countries through blackmailing politicians means that you're simply standing on occupied territory and every fiber of it, even the higher echelons of it is just waiting for your singular moment of weakness.

Seems stupid to me for an inherently parasitic race to act this way, some of their thinkers have even recognized the antagonistic behavior of their kind towards the host body and tried to spread the message because they know perfectly well what it could lead to. A smart jew would bleed you at a minimum to sustain himself, a dumb schizophrenic jew(most of them), would have delusions of grandeur and go on a crusade to shape the world according to a few hundred years old esoteric schizo kabbalah books.

I believe there will be very serious jewish infighting in the near future.
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>Another dead Abrahamic radical
Good. Get rid of the rest and the world might become a little better. Unfortunately this dude will inevitably be replaced by another dumb sand person and the cycle of oppressing your own citizens while driving the nation into the ground will continue.
implying the CIA or Mossad didn't do this
CIA and Mossad are chest bumping right now

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My boyfriend cheated on my again.
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Bro how did u not break up with that mf after first time? Did you believe he would change ?
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>My boyfriend
three letters for you: out.
awful bait if baiting, which culminates in the same response: out.
-Young Thug, "Choppa Won't Miss"
>he cheated on me 47 times but THIS time he actually means he wont do it again!
Women are retarded, jesus
And you will suck him tonight, Chad always wins

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How bad does cum actually stink?
Was thinking about keeping a pair of underwear i would use to cum into but i don't know if my family would be able to notice the stench
What's the alternative? If you sit in your room and shoot into a tissue they'll smell it all the same
Yeah but i throw away the tissue while i want to keep the cum stained underwear in a drawer
no, it's smells delicious. you're low test.
How long do you usually take before you throw it away? And the underwear would need to be washed after a while right?
Not at all if you dont do nofap. Brah I always wipe the cum with my underwear I havent used tissues in 7 years. Sometimes the whiteness is perfectly visible on them yes but who cares. You smell like a wet cat if you go out like that in public, I always just blamed it on wet dreams and was not able to change underwear in time lmao

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Sex with Taylor Swift
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>Anon there's a great spot behind this old well

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Bros, I just jerked off 3 times and ejaculated 3 times in the past 3 hours or so. After the third time- I took a piss and the relief from emptying my bladder felt better then the faps. This life is depressing. How do I escape coomer-dom bros?
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>But, I'd still be a coomer- right?
at least for me it reduced it from 4 times to 1 time a day
I do basically one every day and I thought that was a lot.

You do become sort of a slave to it at some point. Doing it not even because it's enjoyable any more, it's just a habit.
>How do I escape coomer-dom bros?
Do something with your life
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Thank you for the actual practical advice. Took long enough to actual get some good advice.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Want to turn your life around easily? Repent and believe in Jesus Christ. The evidence is abundant. It's your move.

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>Another day of destroying fembois buttholes and impregnating wives of cucks in front of them

The life of a bull is tough.
Especially if you are a manlet called pedro
You're a fat 30 year old brazilian manlet that sleeps with plushies and plays pokemon everyday
There's no way anyone actually does that shit it's all a bunch of 30 year old women isn't it.

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You could pass all the red flag laws in the world. The homicide rate (15000 a year) and sexual assault rate (50000 a year) would still be exactly the same. Because the vast majority of these crimes are committed by neurotypicals and sexually active men. Not neurodivergent people with "red flags". All of this profiling, scapegoating, paranoia, stranger danger, bigotry, discrimination, prejudice, and judging that normies do towards autists and ugly people to make themselves feel safer doesn't actually make any difference in the end. Even when you take into account per capita, women and children, innocent bystanders, and aggravating circumstances. The normies and niggers still have the incels beat. By a lot.
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Women are to blame for all violence. They are the ones who stimulate and reward psychopathic behavior, even to a genetical degree, when they choose to breed said men.

This. Women could solve 100% of crime in 5 minutes if they stopped having sex with violent "confident" felons and reproduced with incels instead.
>Women are to blame for all violence.
100% true.
Bullies get pussy. Victims do not.
They do
>t. sexual assaulted at 18 by a 50 year old woman
Women are disgusted by sex, especially by the penis. They only tolerate it to get a relationship, which is what they really want.
If they have a son they'll castrate him with puberty blockers to make sure his "rape tools" don't "hurt women".

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Wait we really were kings? Guess that we wuz meme has no more power
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Bottom left is most accurate.
>There was never a European pharaoh,
Uh, Alexander? Cleopatra? Do you have any idea what you're talking about?
we were monarchs and whatnot
The closet related people to Tutankhamun are Scandinavians and the Irish, confirmed by genetic testing. It's more than half the population while only a small portion of modern egyptians can claim the same.

You are a part of the 2,5% defective men.
You can try to lead normal life, but will only manage to mimicry. Do you really want this?
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Need a disability check though
If you're buttnaked talking to yourself in the middle of the street i think it's rather self explanatory that you're mentally ill, also how can you pretend that someone like that would get checked for it
feels weird to be able to tell this, stock photo or otherwise, definitely taken in a psych ward
>pic related
Is the "goth" girl in the room with us right now?
You seem unaware of how people who aren't able to advocate for themselves get put on disability. I'm a schizophrenic and was in florid psychosis for multiple years before I was finally nabbed and forcibly hospitalized and that was when they pushed through my disability application on my behalf. I had to do next to nothing. Had NEETbux for about a decade now.

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josh thread (get in here if your name is josh)

>(you can pretend to be named josh)

this thread is just for joshing around

my name isn't josh but look at this captcha. clearly im honorary

hi im josh
You're The Josh.
Now meet the best Josh: https://youtube.com/shorts/IbDnbjc6HPQ

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When I became a doctor and I still couldn't get a girlfriend, that's when I realised it was really over.
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Me too man thats very common in fact
I think that's a bit mean. I didn't become a doctor to make money.
You should have become a gynecologist so you could finger womens pussies even if they hate it and itd never be rape
I did enough of that as a medical student.
Just get a practice gf first, gain some experience, then find a real gf. It's not exactly rocket science, is it?

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Monday boredning
hitoribocchi dayo!!!!!
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Time for a walk, step one of my plan
I never take naps, just can't sleep during the day. 6h is my max sleep I think

I wish I had a ps3 to play older how games. I hate watching gameplay personally but understandable if you can't play yet. PC is better cause you can pirate easily and emulate. Only console I own is switch cause I like handhelds. I'd recommend getting a better PC instead, not many consoles only exclusives anyway.

I spoke about my plan here >>77556582
oh that was you, okay then

>can't sleep during the day.
melatonin with a piece of cloth over your eyes or a face mask can help, i usually can't sleep during the day either but the mask lets me

>I wish I had a ps3 to play older how games.
isn't there an emulator out yet?
last i heard there was one but it wasn't all that great back then, maybe things changed nowadays
>I'd recommend getting a better PC instead
oh i'm fine in that regard, my gear is decent enough for most stuff
it's just the exclusives that i watch gameplay for, or the ones that i really can't be bothered playing myself

anyway, have fun with your walk and exercise, anon
just finished pedalling a bit myself
Maybe one day I'll fix my sleep, I don really care
>last i heard there was one but it wasn't all that great back then, maybe things changed nowadays
No good ones that I know of
They'll come to PC sooner or later probably

Oh nice and healthy. Good job. I will
I kinda envy people who have goals and dreams. Even more those who have the motivation to pursue them.
I feel like I'm lost in the maze of life with no directions
Well time to browse the board, part 2 of the plan (or 1.5 depending on how you look at it)

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>hang out with friend for 2 days
>start noticing every quirk they have
>end of day 2 hate the friend
>this happens all the time with different people
anyone else? are my friends all retarded or am i an asshole? im thinking its the latter.
unlike bullying, silent judgement usually does stem from ones own insecurities or hang ups so
its probably you op
or maybe your friends are pretty retarded too i dont know but think about it
depends on the kind of "quirks" they have
i think it's both though, everyone is retarded to an extent, but you can just not be an asshole and let some things slide for the sake of actually making friends with someone
unless you're not interested in making friends in the first place, in which case, what the hell are you even doing?
I usually let everything slide but when I'm dealing with it for 2 days letting everything slide all the time all day long just gets tiring.
i said "some things", if there are too many things about that person bothering you, just drop them
maybe you're looking in the wrong place, anon

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