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How much of a retarded idea is it to buy an E46 these days? Always liked the look of them and I'm willing to learn how to work on one.
I want a car that's fun to drive and also has a bit of space for any trips.
I'm in EU if it changes anything in terms of part availability, looking to import one from Netherlands.
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Get an E90 with the N52 and the 6 speed manual. Absolutely bulletproof drivetrain and won’t suffer from bullshit subframe issues and the engine won’t start randomly burning oil at very high mileage.

a volvo has all those same qualities..
M539 has the most comprehensive list of videos regarding older BMWs.
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Bros... thoughts? I've never had a German car and want a sporty coupe. This place is also selling a Cayman but the bore scoring scares me
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I've been around shitty and/or modified BMWs for over a decade, and I have to admit I have not seen a dislodged rear subframe in real life. Of course a real problem, but it must be exclusive to early model years or cars that were used for drifting
5cyl Volvos are great, but a different genre. Much better car than an old E-class or Audi, but the point of an E46 is that it's comfy but also compact and agile.
And regarding electronics and muh christmas tree, there were never any weird issues IRL. There are many lights on the dash, but they only come on for a reason (low wash water, speed sensor failure, broken bulbs etc)

I just don't get why /o/ is so weird about E46s. There are more than enough real issues (coolant expansion tanks, front suspension wear, rusty fenders), it's not like you have make up/project new ones. They're still so cheap you don't have to buy a shitty one, just don't be too hung up about the exact spec. There are still a good amount of boomer owned cars out there if you don't insist on a black 330 coupe decked out in M-parts (half of them glued on afterwards)
If the car isn't rusty from the outside, there's no clunking sounds from the front axle or driveline, 6cyl, manual, go for it. It's the last small-ish RWD 6cyl fun car you can also just drive around and do anything with. Cheap, ubiquitous, DIY is still an option, anything can be upgraded if that's your thing
This. And the parts are really cheap (unlike - from my experience - Fiat or Subaru bits), even from decent suppliers.

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What 8 seater do you guys recommend for a decent price?
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I'd strongly recommend a Dodge Caravan and a vasectomy.
Honda Odyssey
t4 caravelle
If you need 8 seats get a fucking van not a van shaped like a schoolbus larping as an "SUV"
>All these absolutely retarded replies.

Used Chevy Suburban. Same as every mexican extended family.

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What are the chances that these cars were sold during the pandemic?
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There's a constant stream of KIA BOYZ articles and you're telling me nobody thought to bring a USB stick to the land of milk and honey?
Hey, what's this button do? Also, what is the difference in ground clearance between these two vehicles?
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What was i thinking....
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IDK man, does the view to the side of your driveway look like this? Mine does.
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That's fine. i can see you have a melanin count near zero.

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you cant call yourself an auto enthusiast if you drive anything with a transversly mounted engine
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>simpler construction
>lighter weight
>still shares a ton of non drivetrain parts with economy cars which keeps things cheap
>needs minimal power to be fast
>easy 50/50 weight balance because engine is in front of rear axle
Sure working on it can be a pain with some things, but for the most part you sound like a homosexual.
I had an SW20, now I have the same engine in a longitudinal RWD car, everything about it is better.
Also MR sucks on the downhill because the weight shifts to the front tyres but your cornering inertia remains at the back.
OP is a faggot
okay faggot meet me at the touge with my 2004 base model automatic corolla on bridgestones I will smoke you and leave you for dead after I corner at 80mph and your retarded ass goes understeering into trees

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Who is superior?
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>fuel gels in your path
I hate how competitive motorsports hasn't been about making better cars for a long time. Anytime someone comes up with an improvement it's fucking banned
It really does, diesel is available just about everywhere
Good for hooning and if you mostly do short trips
Basically everything else
For a road car I will always prefer a diesel, the torque never gets old. Some of the European inline-4 turbodiesels make as much torque as an LS1 does.
The more powerful 6 cylinder diesels are supercharged V8 territory.

How retarded is this? My boomer dad is obsessed with trying to get me to buy shit like this because it's usually over 50% off. Pic related has been fixed to look brand new and has 10,000 miles, and is going for $18k. I however think this is fucking stupid and a liability. Anyone with experience?
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Sure, but to the average person this is literally a 50/50 no?
Thanks for the honesty. IMO I agree with you as far as modern cars and module/circuits and sensors. Even if it was fixed decently the cars computing system is going to re-fuck-ulate it somehow
My family were small timers in the rebuilt /salvage auto biz and all of my car shopping from 15-33 yrs old was done at salvage lots (copart, iaai, sadisco) but that was over 10 yrs ago and before the explosion of internet "look how ez this is!" which had made it harder and more expensive.
First off theres really nothing wrong with buying a salvage title car IF (!!!) you're planning to drive it until the wheels fall off (don't care about resale value). I think it's good that you know where the car was damaged (photos) so you can check the quality if repairs, unless you're just a total pants on head retard that doesn't know what he's looking at, and if you are then this is not the car for you because you'll be blaming your dad, the dealership, the mechanic and everyone else the first time you get a flat tire or something. If that's you, then don't buy it.
Don't buy a water car, electrical fire or severely front hit vehicle. Drive it and make sure there's no wind noise from poorly aligned doors, etc.
You can get some food values but if you're a manchild or total wrenchlet then stay away.
The 3.0T with AWD has 400HP and goes from 0-60 in under 5 seconds. Fuel economy sasy 17 on the box, but you can get 20 if you don't have a lead foot. The Revel speakers are absolutely worth it.
Just something to consider if you have the money
Depending on where you live it's going to be borderline impossible to get a salvage car over the pits and certified as road worthy EVEN IF there's nothing actually wrong with it. Many places require to mechanics inspecting it to take full responsibility for any faults of their certify it, and therefore the mechanics either won't do it or they'll charge you an enormous amount of money and will insist on going over it with a fine toothed combed to make absolutely sure they're not liable for any problems.

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>EVs: picrel
This is the future of EV charging. Already there are about a dozen types of connectors. Have fun bringing 5 adapter dongles everywhere with you so you can plug-in to whatever the charging station has.
You already have:
And then you have to double this (except tesla) for different AC vs DC variants. How hard is it to design 1 plug and stick to it?
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OP is an idiot
US is NACS. EU is CCS. China is gbt. wow was it that hard?
>missing the point this hard
The law doesn't mean there can only be one single cable, it made it so you can't have bullshit, proprietary CONNECTERS, and have to use ones that are public standards like USB, HDMI, DP, etc, which means instead of having to pay $50 for a shitty thunderbolt cable only from Apple, people can pay $10 for a quality USB cable from wherever they want.
And he's not wrong, the connector itself is the same, it just doesn't always have all the pins. That doesn't make it a different connector, it makes it a different cable type. A patch cable, and crossover cable are different, but they both use RJ45 connectors.
>the connector itself is the same, it just doesn't always have all the pins
so it's not the same
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Awww, the car you paid for 4 years ago only accepts the AP47G1 adapter, too bad, you need to buy our new Model P with that AP55U7 adapter because the old plug has been deprecated. And no, you can't sell your car because the old plug has been taken off the charger market. Congrats on your debt to us!
>It's ok though, you can still charge at 120V / 1A (48 hours for "full", err... 80% charge) so technically it's backwards compatible.

How fucked is the western car market?
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fucking chink ricedicks all over this thread
If it costs less than $20,000, I would have a new chink car that is better than Lexus or BMW.
I've owned two Chinese motorbikes and had a horrible experience with both.
Literally not even one year into owning them BRAND NEW and they required serious repairs. They were falling apart.
Of course, both looked very pretty and stylish, to make sure you bought them - their number one priority - whatever happens after that is not their problem.

I can only imagine the thousands of ways these Chinese cars will break and kill whoever is stupid enough to buy them.

I'd rather buy a decent brand car that's 10-15 years old, than any of these Chink cars brand new, even if they cost the same.
Nobody gives a fuck about left wing chinkoid cultist trash
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uhhhh Hyundai bros? Literally where we at?
Porsche and Aston should swap places, BMW should be lower, also Toyota should be a smidge lower than Honda, the rest looks fine
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ruhrohraggy rehehehehhehe
>Sucking up to toyota drivers because its the most popular car brand
>lexus drivers/porshe fun to be around
Subaru must be much further down in the insufferable range.
Lexus needs to be lower on the has money.
Lotus owners has their Lotus as their second car. Most Lexus owners has theirs as their main car.

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New copemobile dropping
For the same price of a BRZ/86 you'll be able to put a whopping 200 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS just like Emperor Hirohito intended.
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I guess that's fair.
The Prelude never was particularly sporty or fast desu.
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I forgot about the newest prius kek
>meant for people without families
No it's meant for people who have already raised their families and need a boomermobile
Looks better than the new Integra, at least it's a 2 door. The wheels and front end are fairly ugly. It'll be heavy FWD garbage if it gets made, but let's be honest it's better than them bringing back a sport compact as an automatic SUV (lookin' at you, Mitsu).
Didn't they already say it's a AWD hybrid?

>Returning home from road trip
>Start seeing BMWs, Mercs, Audis, Lexuses, and Teslas instead of trucks, muscle cars, Cadillacs, and old Lincolns
I've returned to civilization
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>BMWs, Mercs, Audis, Lexuses, and Teslas
Trashiest, most brownest of taste

What a colossal cocksucking faggot >>27664273
Sounds like you need to move out of your fag "state".
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OP is brown lol
Sure man. You've got it all figured out in life, everyone else are just idiots.
Someone was VERY triggered

Bought this puppy at an auction, paid some rando on uship to take bring it to me. Some semi driver bumped into it in transit.

I have no real idea what this costs to fix, last time I was rear ended in a F-150 drivers side corner it was like $4,250, but they replaced the whole panel and undented and repainted the tailgate too. So IDK this looks cheaper to fix but what do I know let's just let the insurance deal with the auto body folk.

He calls up crying, begging not to file with insurance. The company he works for will drop his coverage, he will loose his job and never find another one again. All his family in India will starve to death, the world is just fucking ending.

He's all begging his boss for a cash advance and wants to to zelle me $2,500.

Like chill dude, insurance exists to pay for accidents, you don't need to pay me out of pocket.

How big of a deal is it to have a little claim like this on CDL insurance? Is he going to loose his job and his family will starve and whatnot?

If your a CDL driver what would you pay to not have something show up on your insurance? And what's the point of having insurance if you don't use it when you could?
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What about going after the uship guy? Let him deal with the trucker.
I don't understand how a semi hits it there on the trailer on the highway?
Calm down Serpico.
If OP was planning on using this as a Work Truck then there's no reason not to cut the fucking Semi Driver a break here.
Not *everyone* is full of shit, he may legit be worried about his job.
1. As long as the damage is cosmetic only, get estimates for the minimal repairs required to pass inspection (obviously tail lights)
2. If estimates are lower than the $2500, then just call it settled.
That's just my 2 cents.
Shit does happen.
Go through the insurance, your ass is completely out in the wind otherwise.
>how a semi hits it there on the trailer on the highway?
Most likely it occurred in a parking lot.

Let me guess, you "need" more?
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if the cybertruck just cut down the sides to take on a traditional profile and gave it a rear window it would be the best truck for sale right now. it's literally the only thing keeping it from being awesome.
>great steering
>adjustable suspension
>individual-ish wheel control
>will cut a j-walker in half
>has a frunk

it could have been fantastic and quieted all the haters
>If a job requires plywood, it's coming in at minimum on a gooseneck trailer or by commercial flatbed.
Proof you're not a tradie. I've loaded 8x4's in LWB Express'es and they're far better for maneuvering than any pickup with a gooseneck.

>No crew cab pickup can do that.
Which is why they aren't fit for purpose. Single cabs are still available.
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>I loaded 2 pieces of OSB to take to my Adam Savage inspired Marvel Makerspace where we 3D printed a Star Wars diorama
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>wait until I tell him about the 80's era ames scaffolding can fit in an Express along with the 12' planks.
I think it's a really cool truck. The launch has been a disaster and I won't buy one for years.
I think they could probably do a design revision that makes it a little more palatable too

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So what are the worth while weight reduction methods?
I'm guessing wheels, tires, and battery are good ones.
Are brakes another avenue?
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only person in this thread who isnt retarded
>V8 is 150 pounds heavier
What was your point again?
How does more power get you around a corner faster?
A donut spare is not 30lb and no you can't feel it.
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Whats actually worth it
>remove rear seats
>remove sound deadening
>replace front seats with buckets
>relocate battery
>lighter wheels

You can always go full retard but the things on the list have the greatest effect and you can put the rest back in when you cant store it all somewhere. All you need to store are the stock seats.

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Seems to be in pretty nice condition. What could go wrong?
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We still won both wars and the space race, yurocuck.
>civil war
>revolutionary war
and everyone in your country thinks the avengers fought them
that wasn’t you, that was real americans.
>and everyone in your country thinks the avengers fought them
Shit, and we thought it was you guys watching those movies. I haven't seen a superhero film since Spider Man (02), and heck I lived in Germany at the time.
Now now anon, he only gave us the 3. Could be 390k.

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