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some heroes are real
last thread >>27622830

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64748
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

>Check the doc for the latest league info, we are racing troon-ams in AC on SATURDAY!!!!!!

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Dude, if you are 1-2 seconds off consistently that’s way better than 50th percentile, I’d say closer to 10 or even 5 percent, unless you are talking ovals and the fastest circuit cars.

Most that are faster than that drive the same car/circuit combos many hours before a race.

The thing that connects most top racers is the absurd amount of practice they do.

Well could nearly directly port the version from GT6, that was probably the most detailed car they put on the PS3
lotus eletre next update
Post lap because this just sounds like a big case of being bad
which tyres m8
just ran a 1:29 dead and im an average shitter

Europeans are all fagy and butthurt over the fact we almost pay nothing for gas and can buy super mega ultra anti bus rider crew cab XXL extended long bed 4x4 trucks. The whole idea of having freedom makes them squirm. And what's even funnier is poorfags/city fags that make up the cope that Europeans are cool just to justify the fact they are poor and have limp wrist. Ironically some of the best truck deals you can get are in NYC or jersey. Bring forth the cope.
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Moderate yourself on all that rapefugee cock you are chocking on faggot eurocuck

look critically at the amount of rapefugees raping your women, faggot eurocuck
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>mfw I can just walk past the crowd
>Discussion about cars
>brings up irrelevant politics because losing
>discussion about cars
so what are you doing here considering europoors can't even afford fuel?

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Not my problem.
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Need some even brighter lights for me OBS ferd. Got any suggestions?
I put some ebay projector housings on mine but they kinda suck
How'r they gonna shoot me while they're blinded?
bolt a 300 dollar led light bar to your roof

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Stupid questions thread. Old thread is on autosage.

Is there a definitive way to tell what's causing an oil burn? My trucks been fouling out plugs and I'm tired of taking them to the wire wheel. If puffs blue on start but doesn't seem to burn any when running. However it also burns it quick enough to be noticable after a while. If it's the top end then it's fixable, but if it's piston rings then I'm just gonna run the engine into the ground while I attempt to build up/buy another one for it. Pic related. It seems to do it heavier on one side than the other, but both sides have done it.
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youre gonna miss the bus larpoid
More than you think, less than you hope. Weight is mainly an issue when accelerating from a dig, so assuming you're not a pussy and you and keep your foot flat past triple digits, there's no doubt you'd eventually lose if they're pushing more power.
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Tfw leaky spark tubes
my injectors are oversize

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I'll be buying my buddy's mom's 2009 Saturn VUE, front-drive, 4-cylinder, with 40,000 miles, garage kept for $4000.

How did I do?
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Oh, and does the 2007 and 2009 have the same size wheels/tires? My 2007 has newer tires by my buddy says his mom's 2009 are kinda worn and I'd like to swap them if possible, though I'm concerned the tire shop won't do it by claiming the old tires are too old.
What is a Google?

The Internet shows different sizes, I guess I'll see when I look at the 2009 but what about the tire shop being dicks about swapping the tires? Guy at work said they might, has this happened to anyone here?
To put it into perspective, I spent 5000 on a Honda with busted panels, peeling clearcoat, and requiring $2000 in tires, suspension & brakes and I still don't think I got a terrible deal in 2024. As long as it runs you got one hell of a deal.
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>As long as it runs you got one hell of a deal.

Yeah, that's my take on it as well. I'm not a hotrodder, for me a car is just transportation and the less money I have to spend on it, the better.

I've only had two vehicles in the last 29 years. A 1995 Chevy S-10 that I bought new for $16K and the 2007 Saturn VUE that I bought used in 2010 for $10K, so my total "car payment" costs works out to $897 per year.

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why are day time running lights mandatory now?
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That retard could kill you or your family. Helping them helps you.
Its outdated, stupid, unnecessary law that should be repealed. When mandatory daytime running lights law was created, most of cars had incandescent bulbs, halogens, Xenons etc before LEDs became common. It was also to reduce fuel consumption, reduce needs of bulb replacements. Regular low beams are enough good to be used both daytimes and night times.
Because they look cool and allow you to flex on poors who still drive shitboxes without em.
Could say the same for brake lights
I've hated red turn signals for a while, never saw anyone else bitch about them. The effort put into this chart is refreshing.

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Bus riders need not apply.
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holy based, yeah they used to put together antirust coating chemicals that could kill 1000 kids but would outlast your great great great grandchildren. nowadays its all sissy shit chemicals that degrade in a couple years
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and the other fella
>>27692821 - I'm still mad this boat gets better economy than my turbo6 Cedric ( on the highway)
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Now that the Hurricane I6 is available with the Ram, which half ton pickup is the best?
Do the Chevys still have v8 lifter problems?
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Half ton rides better if you don't need the payload and only tow trailers under 10k lbs.
>but its paired with a fucked up 10 speed automatic because it gets better MPGs.
That's an understatement. The 10r80 is such a massive piece of shit in my experience. It jerks and clunks like a 16 year old kid learning to drive on a manual. Maybe it's just mine though because some others say theirs is buttery smooth.
Idk how it can vary so much. Some people say they are rough as early as 10k miles, some say 100k. And I don’t understand how the bigger ones don’t have the problem as much as they should be pretty much the same in geometry.
Mine was rough brand new straight off the dealer lot (and I'm an idiot for not catching that on the test drive). I think it's just terrible QC wherever they're manufactured. I'm dropping it off for warranty service (again) soon and am praying that it gets seen by a competent tech because I'm sick of feeling like I'm getting kicked in the back every time I come to a stop.
Somewhere in the last 5ish years all of the truck manufactures decided half tons are purely fashion accessories and would not be built to the same quality as the HD trucks.

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I’m not talking about shit like Brembos and OEM nip stuff that says “made in italy/japan” because they added some squiggly lines or “cryo-treatment” in post production. But 100% of all rotor blanks come from china now, don’t they? Is there any reason to pay for expensive ones, since at their core, they’re all chinkshit now?
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Next cope please lol
Not true at all. Chinese discs don't even weigh the same. Can be a huge difference in weight between each disc.
Based. Love gyrodisc. Mine are lighter and less expensive than the OEMs
AP racing
Stop tech
those are US made rotor brands.
I think the prefomamce rotors are US cast and made.
probably not the basic parts store stuff

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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Brown anime girls were scientifically designed for sex
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I'm aware these aren't stickers, but I thought I might share them anyways. Up for sale on yasoku.us.
Currently working on VTuners 2: I'll post previews soon.
Fuck you stupid dumb cocksucking assholes

I clicked on this thread for the first time 4 hrs ago and now I have like $400 of stickers in my bookmarks
Won't do you any good since 80% of them are out of stock
Well that should save me some money

>designed to be simple and omits complicated, expensive electronics and creature comforts
>costs more
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"Right wing politician" these days just means "cronyist corporate shill for personal kickbacks also i stand with israel"
Keep voting leftist like you have for the last 75 years, then. And wonder why everything keeps getting worse.
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>because of memes about reliability that are overly embellished
Keep lying to yourself
Always been available in manual, automatic is new for 2024 model
the UN and saudis dont care how much it costs
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>My ideal car
>For farm use only
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everything in that pic worth a grand total of $300
>$80 of tires
>$200 scrap metal
>$15 copper
your loss
>>27693207 meant for >>27693074
Retard confuses land rover with range rover

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Reminder that /o/ was always a CAR enthusiast board, not a truck or EV board.
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Even then, the trucks are simply a means to an end, which is fun vehicles. You're not disagreeing with OP.
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>90s legacy owner with hood scoop tries to 1 up my Civic
>Rainy day he thinks he has the power
>Downshift and take an offramp without braking
>He follows but goes straight in to grass and mud, sending debris all over
>I make no face, was not smug, just kept rolling

People who think AWD or Subarus will save them is out for a rude fucking awakening with the piper comes to toy with ye.
AWD makes people overconfident so they end up doing dumb shit
>Subaru drivers
>understanding that AWD won’t help them turn, handle or brake better
Pick one

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Can someone help me get a motorcycle?
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im eu though
Tragic. You're turbofucked.
honestly? thought as much. in my country you have to be 24 years of age to drive "bigger" bikes like 600 and above
ok guys, thx 4 the help. ill close this thread
Fake n gay

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I'm switching to a new oil and when I change my oil, can I drain the oil then put a quart of new oil in it. And then idle that quart of oil for ten minutes, then drain it again and fill up the oil tank with new oil? Or will idling with one quart of oil cause unnecessary wear and tear on the engine?
Why would you do this at all? What's the thinking here?
Because I don't trust all the oil to drain out and want to make sure I get it all out.
Yeah this is literally what all the pros do

That's why you just let it sit and drain for 30 minutes (an hour if you're paranoid) once the drip slows.

You don't need to get every last bit of oil out of the engine. The new set is going to degrade and soil anyway because that's just how engines work. It'll be perfectly healthy with a little bit left over as long as there's no sludge in your filter or the sump.

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