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Mr lopez is annoying with his accent but he is very informative.

All used vehicles currently fit into 1 of 2 categories. 1. Expensive cuz recently made 2. Expensive because classic. The used car market has never been this bad for buyers and it's just testament to how ridiculous it is to not have suitable density or public transport in most cities.
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Sounds like a local problem. I can still find all kinds of interesting things at reasonable prices.
Europes hellcat
Wouldn't that be something like an M5 or E class AMG?
Are you cope'n?
You have to prove noble/jewish blood to buy one of those in yurope

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Show us what you drive everyday anon !!

2001 gmc sierra 4.8 v8
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05 scion tc 145k burns gas and oil as reliably as possible
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97 Civic EX

Love this lil nigga

What's the most badass car?
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>loses to Porsche
lol, lmao
Sorry but SSC Aero was a thing before I could read so McLaren was never the fastest for me
>inb4 you're underaged
I'm not, you're just old
>EV garbage
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I really like yee olden T top square sunken headlights, screaming chicken blaring in the sun Pontiac Trans am

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Not a single chinese truck has ever won the Baja 1000 yet /o/ chink shills want me to believe chinese trucks are as capable as "western" ones. How do they explain this?
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No one cares about racing. Rube Goldberg shills lose again lol.
America is 15% of the world car market and shrinking. If China takes over the other 85% of the market, they can leverage that to just eat the cost of tariffs and kill the auto manufacturers in the USA.

It's like how some American companies operate in smaller countries at break even or a loss, to stifle competition.
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wrong you retarded chinkshill leftypol /n/egroid
Post the article that says china got cucked and won't be able to build factories in Mexico, chinkshit shill, even if that gives you the butthurt

Just bought me a whip.
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>$1200 in fees
Imagine paying 4.2k for a salvage title 185k mile RX 350, I'd kill myself if I were you.
lol how much do you need to dogpile on me for making a mistake? I'm mentally ill and I don't want a car but I can't get an apartment. Yes, you'd all love for me to kms but I hate you all so I'm going to shit all over everything in this country.
bretty gud deal OP
>200k miles
>15 years old
>multiple body parts badly damaged
lol lmao

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Is this car any good?
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breddy gud :DDD
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From what I seen rust and petrols raging from meh to kinda bad while diesels are solid vag 1.9tdi tier but its kina gay to driver diesle berera. I would buy mint one tho they looks kino
which petrol is meh and which one is kinda bad?
too expensive to get

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions. (it doesn't really fucking matter you faggots)
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Pretty decent. 3 weeks down, 5 to go. Luckily I started working from home so I can focus on things I enjoy vs driving 2 hours to sit in an office
Been waiting 2 months for my supervisor to set me up with remote. Bastard said hed get it going and havent heard shit.
right on, man. sick truck btw. I've been looking for something similar. won't fit in my garage though
That being said, is there a particular degreaser you'd recommend for that kind of mess?

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Why do most luxury cars, even sedans, still come in RWD? Is there something i'm missing for why they won't make the switch?
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because trannies are for poors
>instead of sending power to all the wheels, it sends power to none of them.

this doesnt happen with any awd car ever, wtf are you on about? even with open diffs it would always send power to the wheel with less resistance, what you described would only happen if it had no propshaft whatsoever.

>every time one of the tires started to hop up over the "curb" (my driveway sits about 2" higher than my lawn), the tire about to go over the top would stop spinning, some other one would start

yeah your car is broken
Objectively superior driving dynamics, also it's much harder to fit the kind of engines people want in luxury cars
>maybe an I6
in an FF layout. Plus a big torquey luxury V8 in a FF configuration will torque steer which is very not luxurious. Volvo did a transverse I6 in the S80 many years ago, and continues to sell FF luxury cars, but they don't sell very well.

nah it was his open diff
how to identify a retarded post quickly

my 2009 chevy van with 5.3 vortec used to run at 40 no matter what
Now it idles a but under 40 and and if I put my foot in it, it goes up to 60.

What could cause this?
Should I go down to 0W20 ?
Right now I run 5W30
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now i know what's wrong with my 03 silverado. guess ill take a show at getting it back to normal
thicker oil just increases pressure
its a higher milage barrra running 10-30w
but you dont need higher pressure if its 80 psi already
oh noice previous owner put the gauge in i hate it the electric sender keeps cutting out

what stops the vantage from being a great car to own?
Questionable reliability
Slower than an American V8 most probably
It'll never be the db9 you actually wanted

Where's the most ethical place to drain this shit if I don't have a pan or container for it? Just innawoods somewhere?
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lol all the triggerd libs in here showing their true colors when it comes to the mentally ill. I'm incapable of gathering materials so I'm just gonna dump it in a hole innawoods
Forget about a container, just go to any government building in the middle of the night and dump it dear the entrance.
go steal some milk jugs from your neighbors recycling bin and fill them up and dump them at your local hardware store. Dont be a monkey redneck and dump it in your yard.
Hey dude, good luck with everything. Hope things get better for you.
The most ethical thing to do would be for you to drink it and kill yourself. I've done the math and it would be a net positive.

Opinions on old 911s?
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>while you listen to Schmee lisp

Fuck yeah.
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huh, im curious where'd you get the half a million dollar figure from?

You know not everyone who owns a old 911 has a singer right?

most people unfortunately have bone stock 911. And when I say bone stock I mean all the worn out blown the fuck out bushings and suspension components. There's no need to go overboard but a simple refresh of the suspension and engine rebuild goes a long way and doesnt cost half a mill.
They’re slow. Easily passing them on track in an A3.

But they’re classy as fuck and fun to drive around. And soul and appreciating in value
love them
dislike new porsches in general, they are fat and bloated

I have a 2019 Mercedes CLA200 that I bought for $57,500 (Australian dollars) second hand in December 2022.

So far I have paid for two car services. One was $3150 (included new front and rear brake pads + gearbox oil replacement). Second service was a minor one for $1230. I'm guessing the next one will be the major. I've done about 46,600 kms (approx. 29,000 miles)

Now I love the interior and how it feels on the inside but now that it is getting older I wonder if I should get rid of it and buy a brand new (or second hand) Toyota RAV4 or Corolla Cross instead?

Pic related.
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oh but in this case, OP just got taken to the cleaners lol.
deseved for buying a front wheel drive "mercedes"

Trust me, I know
>bmw 3 series was a money pit
>so I bought a modern mercedes instead
buy a fucking lexus from here on out, you idiot
If he re-sells it, buyers may want to see that all maintenance was done at the dealer. Oil change at a dealer is easily over $100. Brakes are easily $1k for OEM parts and a few hundred or more in labor.

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What the heck??
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teslas are gay but 115 degrees for 45 minutes is woman for 60 degrees and 5 minutes
That is absolutely not true
The one under the speaker grille?

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