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Meanwhile in China.
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I knew the chinese hated motorcycles but this is another level
>first two don't even look left.
I'll still look left even when the intersection is a one-way street from the right.
Talk about butthurt.
I wonder if in China there are image board threads and compilations of things like this happening in America
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there is a sub called aznmasculinity where chinks and other gooks sperg 24/7 about pic related kek

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Discuss offroad vehicles. Discuss offroad trails. Post your build. Or post images from google and say it's your build. Shit posting tolerated. Blog posting encouraged. No fat chicks.
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Hes not venerating Floyd you retard
wow an actual retard
I'm in Oregon. Luv visiting Canada though.
>I'm in Oregon
you have my condolences

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It just werks. What's the problem with a boring vehicle, exactly? Why not go do something fun WITH your vehicle instead of being a materialist faggot?
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> IS 500, the RC-F, and the LC 500.
No manual, and the autotragic in those is an actual slushbox.
90% of the price a BMW equivalent but 50% the performance.
>90% of the price a BMW equivalent but 50% the performance.
You don't buy a NA V8 in 2024 for the performance, you buy it because of the sovl.
>just buy an anemic inferior car because of le muh soul
The absolute state of Lexusfags.
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>IS 500
Couldn't even bother to make it a full F car. Or even upgrade it to TNGA, like the rest of the lineup, it's just reheated previous generation with the same old interior and shitty 8 speed instead of the 10 speed.

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I bought a 32 year old car and its heating and A/C is broken I figured it doesn't affect the ability to drive so it wasn't a big deal but I am now quickly learning how much I take these things for granted now it's winter here and I'm freezing my tits off and getting in to my car is completely unappealing
How easy is it to diagnose and DIY Auto HVAC?
I'm a wrenchlet btw but I bought this car to learn
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Do the fans turn on?
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if your car has a cable operated heater valve for the heater core its probably stuck. go under the hood and find it and just push the lever that the cable is attached to so that its open. make sure the temp control in the car is on hot before you do that.
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When the engine is warm feel the heater hoses as they travel through the firewall. See if heat is going into cabin and that will help hone in on problem.
If that's okay, look and see what operates the heaterbox flaps. Usually cables but on some systems they run on engine vacuum
Some cars get the hot coolant into the heaterbox at all times (shown). On these, flaps inside the heaterbox determine whether air runs through the heatercore.
>Some cars get the hot coolant into the heaterbox at all times (shown). On these, flaps inside the heaterbox determine whether air runs through the heatercore.
yeah it really depends on the OEM. my old subaru would get coolant through the core all the time, but my hondas have always had a valve. usually when there's a complaint with an older car not getting heat it's usually valved and the valve is stuck due to stretched or out of adjustment cables.
if op's car isn't valved, i'd make sure the last owner didn't bypass the heater core and make sure the flap is working. on cable ones the cables tend to break off of the control knob/slider.

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What is a somewhat reliable rwd manual car for $10k or less that isn't overpriced for what it is? Zoomers have clapped out every miata and want 8k for their anemic shitbox
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I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
I'll either have to take the bike pill or buy something new it's hard to justify shitboxes now
>I remember browsing CL when I was broke years ago and there being so many quality shitboxes for 3-5k it's gotten so bad now
Daily reminder that we have experienced around 30% *real* inflation (not numbers game lets-not-cause-a-panic government stat inflation) since January 2020 and that many things have outpaced that rate, such as food, homes. In 2020 you could get a perfectly daily driveable car with everything working and a decent body for $3k, now you would be hard pressed to find something with failing paint and no AC for $3k.
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How about the BMW Z4?
Looks comfy is it reliable?
pick one

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Worlds first supercar truck
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They herd dem 'merkans like 'em CHONKEH and THIGG
hell yeah...
aerodynamics > design
More like diapertruck
Okay this is clearly a modified GM truck, just a GM truck with a bodykit, not necessarily a new truck.

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Presentsing: New China Car Zhongguang Dingjiang Longdong GXLQ500J SUV CROSSOVER

A regal and fast automobile for transportating in style and luxury.

Inventive feature included:
Beltseat - 5 of them
Airbags - 5 of them
Heated and cool seats 4 of them
Roof rats
Rear bastard detector safe
The soup holder hot/cold
Radar cruising control
Collision avoiding sensor
LED ledlighting
Paint in shí colour

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Sorry chink, Biden already decided your chink shit will face tariffs, don't like it take it to the WTO
Very good saar, do you ship to Mumbai?
But does it Boil Your Dog?
crazy to think that this exchange has actually happened before
ChinX eternally seething over being locked out of American markets (as it should be).
Total Chigger Economic Collapse.

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>No no no, if you're not disproportionately wealthy, perhaps a poorfag even, you can't afford a pricey/nice car!
>Even if you have great enthousiasm for automobiles, you have to also drive what the fucktard NPCs who absolutely do not care for cars drive!
>Car as a hobby and willing to spend an extra buck on it? Impossible! Your car always has to be a financial afterthought, otherwise you CANNOT AFFORD IT!
You just don't like cars.
If you're not willing to spend a bit more than the average joe you're not an enthousiast, just a pedantic faggot
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You could be living with debtors chasing you and if you love your car and am enthusiastic you are welcome here.
Fast and furious was cool because of cars.
>25 is the wall, once you are over it you have to have kids, a nice house, and no fun
>nowhere on 4chan does an 'interests' board stray more from its subject matter than on /o/
No, that honor would go to /v/, it's been /b/ 2.0 since 2011. Everything on the surface level is about vidya but if you look in actual threads, things quickly go off the rails to politics, ecelebs, history, /trash/ level gooning. It's ironic since the jannies there seem to care more about specific games and topics they don't like than about off-topic and gooner threads.
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facts. the one thing I WILL say about /vr/ is the faggotry is more of the autism variety rather than the "you're poor" variety, and at least you get good discussion about old vidya related stuff that mostly stays on topic.

>could have bought one of these for like 200 clams 10 years ago. now they're unobtanium

that would mean i should shelbypost or make a truck thread
Seething snoy

What blower do you guys use to dry your car?
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>Decriminalized water
Try all you want.

Used to do the whole clay thing until I got sick of correcting enamel with no clear.
based except i live on dirt kek
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Surprised his twiglegs can hold back the awesome power of a leaf blower.
touchless is by far the best option yes, but this is why you use long fiber microfiber towels to dry the car. you do NOT press and drag the towel on the car. You either lay and tap it slightly or grab the corners and drag it with only its own bodyweight as a support. Dont even bother replying if you dont pre-wash your car before drying or even hand washing.

How much money do you think they're spending on places like 4chan to spew anti EV posts? It's quite unnatural that this many people on here hate EVs, considering most of the USA is welcome to EVs.
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>I-it d-doesnt c-count w-when thos p-pesky evs w-win
Kek, this is pure cope.
>study finds
Seriously why is F1 increasing so much
>I-it d-doesnt c-count w-when thos p-pesky evs don't w-win
>w-which a-also happens t-to be the great m-majority
Kek, this is pure cope.
There are only two sports, motorsport and sharpshooting, the rest are games.

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zamn issa porsch or sumn?
this car is the reason why France is still a republic
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Like 3x iirc? They really hated him lmao.
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Pass it over, I'll have a puff too.

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how is this even physically possible? what was his secret
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Those engines were hella overengineered. I think they were good to 400hp with boost in their original state. They had thicker main bearings than a ferrari v12 from the same time and it was an incredibly unstressed 4 cylinder not even making 100hp iirc. Its like if the 4bt was like half the size and ran on gas
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Picrel is the engine, the b18
It's not even factually correct. There's a Taxi on the Canary Islands that's clocking 7M kilometers (4.3M miles), doing 5000km a week.

That's bullshit. 5000km a week means that taxi is averaging 30kph.
>what was his secret
Doing oil changes for starters which I've come to realize most of /o/ either never does or waits as long as they can which is baffling to me since there's plenty of evidence that show not waiting for what the bottle tells you is way better for the engine.

I wanna talk about Tesla. Not just 'TESLA BAD' but their current state realistically. It's known that Elon Musk has a huge stake in their company, right now it sits around 20% and he used this as leverage to acquire the cash to buy Twitter. The company has come out with some cool tech but they've ruined the overall appeal with the cost-cutting. the single screen, the lack of stalks, the overall design, it doesn't say 'minimalism' anymore, it just says they can't/won't afford to make it nicer. Now we are seeing the beginning of a decline in their appeal.

The obvious answer is that Elon Musk needs to step down as their CEO and just sit on the board. Install a CEO that has executive experience from a different automaker to steer the ship. All of the other automakers have proven that a company does not need to be 'minimalist' to make an EV work, and there are several EVs that are almost indistinguishable from their ICE counterparts. The interior is similar, the exterior is similar, etc. So the only reason I can assume that Tesla sticks with this philosophy is because they are super fucking cheap.
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Just make the car controls look like every other car Elon, yours look like oceangate boat on the inside.
the semi isn't dead, the pilot testing is ramping up and they are preparing the buildout of the factory now
model 2 is not dead either, but delayed and they are instead in bringing forward new intermediate models that share at least some of the manufacturing line with model 3 and y
This. Since I can fast charge on a non-tesla car, why would I buy a tesla? Every OEM offers an EV for similar price points, with better build quality and none of this retarded giant ipad minimalist design. Other companies also offer driver automation without falsely advertising it.
Other designs are better, with more features and better build quality. If you want an EV, there's no reason to get a Tesla.

Would it be stupid to buy a car new and manual swap it after the warranty expires?
Q50 red sports are selling thousands below MSRP new off the lot, but I really want a manual.
I heard the 3.7 VQ is "easier" to switch to manual, but I'm not sure about the 3.0t VR. The nissan Z has this engine and has a manual transmission.
I'm a wrenchlet so I'd have to pay someone to do it, don't care if it's like $8,000 for a really good job, after a few years of owning the car.
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>It would be easier to just slap a turbo on to a Z you mong, the factory twin (fiat 500) turbos are shit to begin with in the Q.
>frogposting to top it off
Is this what psychotic schizophrenia is like?
The newer the car, the harder the manual swap is while retaining full functionality of other features such as cruise control, traction control, idle compensation. Multiple body modules will likely have to be coded, if not outright hacked, especially since the car was never offered with a manual transmission. I'm sure someone else will do it at some point and you may be able to pay them to do it for you, but it will be expensive, I wouldn't expect $8,000 expensive, but expensive yes.

BTW Q50s are selling for cheap because nissan is having trouble moving units. They're getting outcompeted by other brands especially on the performance car front, a lexus is nicer but slower, a bmw is nicer and faster, an audi is nicer and faster but a worse long term prospect. Q50 red sport 400 MSRP is as much as an M340i, but the car is slower despite its advertised power advantage and reviewers say the chassis is inferior. Why is it slower? I don't know. Maybe an inferior transmission, maybe BMW is underrating their power to the point that it's actually making more than the Q50s.
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>likely have to be coded, if not outright hacked, especially since the car was never offered with a manual transmission.
Well OP's in luck because there's a toggle for manual transmission in the ECU but it does require a bit more work than a simple switch. Probably a carry over from the G37, but it's funny that they left in there. You would need to get a hold of some custom parts and even some from the Euro/diesal Q50 which had a manual transmission. Honestly, a Nissan Z manual would be less of a headache especially if you're a wrenchlet.
I thought it was the same exact engine.
But I don't want a Z, it looks too immature. Call that a stupid reason, IDC.
I would have bought a Q60 coupe but it's no longer available new.
Right, just have to pay a guy to take care of EVERYTHING. A seamless swap.
it would be stupid to buy that car period or modify it in any way

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get fucked
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kek i almost binned the daily having 5ppl in the car fucks handling performance hard
>FWD and AWD
Why are white people like this
Faustian spirit
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