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You're asking me to make less money because you can't handle yourself then?
Most eastern states you can't even back out of your driveway without some schmuck in a hat wants a quarter.
you should be getting paid hourly while driving, not by the mile/km.
you truckfags don't stand up for yourself and get shit all over by your company who pay less and less cents per mile/km every year.
Because most of the industry is right wing bootlicking retards
I agree, thats a large part of why I'm out. Fox News on every screen, and wimpering adult men losing their absolute shit over the Loves girl reminding them to wear a mask.
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a lot of truckers are the lowest of the low iq wise. i appreciate what they do, but so many of them are flat-earthers and shit like that. they get manipulated by their company into buying and leasing their own truck and trailer, and they'll still believe they're being paid extremely well and treated great despite only coming home with maybe 60K/yr. All it takes is waving the keys to a 2024 Peterbilt in front of them and they'll get on their hands and knees for it.
They deserve to be treated better and paid properly. After all, they spend more time in that truck than anywhere else. I don't know where the industry will go after they all retire. My guess is the pajeets will completely take over the trucking industry.

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

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oh shit these threads are still alive lol
here have a pic of this retard I saw on the road the other day
What the fuck did you take that with? That is too high of a quality to just be a "random photo from my phone." Dude has a DSLR on standby.
yes? and you don't?
never know what you'll see on the roads
pentax k-1 + pentax-d fa* 85mm f1.4 @ f2.8 1/250s
Unfathomably based
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Comfy Sunday working on art, and thinking about sticker designs.
Its what like 20 bucks if I want a custom sticker eventually?

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Are most of the F-150s you see V6s? They have no badging.
Probably. Any Powerboost is a tt v6, if it says ecoboost it's a v6. Idk what the 5.0s have for badges.
Honey Badges don't care
>Idk what the 5.0s have for badges.


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>get in a traffic jam for no fucking reason
>after 10 minutes finally see the cause
>some girl in a tiny hatchback tried to merge into an SUV, now all the lanes are blocked except for one
>she is standing there crying covering her face with her hands
>open my window
>yell "stay home and cook you dumb bitch" as I'm driving past
>rev the shit out of my straight piped 1.6 and speed off
feels so good bros
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Yeah but you're not confronting anyone, you're just sperging out at someone and then immediately driving off.
silence, female
are you retarded? if the situation even happened at all, it was like this
>OP slowly crept by, thought of something to say
>began to open the window a crack
>got a lump in his throat
>started sweating profusely and immediately sped off without saying anything
stfu you fucking faggot ass dweeb go find your father instead of shitposting fantasy scenarios stemming from your intimidation of women
>t. 400cc motorcycle rider

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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
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Why not carry a high power laser with you too? It's the logical conclusion.
I am a sedan enjoyer, what is the brightest high beam I can purchase to fight back against truck niggers
Just toss sparkplugs out of the window or sunroof.
This but a burlap sack of doorknobs individually wrapped in SOLAS tape
SOrry, man, folks don't usually flash for no reason, even if their reason is wrong. It's something you're doing or something wrong with your car, every time

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who was in the wrong here?
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you can't be serious lmao
or use piped.video or invidious, as far as i can tell it still seems to keep suggestions neutral
Either kys for being an incel robot or back to your crybaby lookism forums you pathetic muppet.
>india superpower 2020
>india superpower 2035
^^^^ you are now here
>india superpower 2070
Then he would be in the passing lane without passing, and he isn't following right of way. That's neither safe nor predictable.

Safest thing to do is maintain your constant speed and to not yield right of way

Communism is beautiful
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>It is not communism's fault that the management of the factory

>I encourage all of you faggots atleast read the fuckin communist manifesto.

I grew up in a communist country, shit for brains

It's objectively the worst form of economical ideology man has created, YOU'RE the stupid one reading its sales brochures as fact, you don't know shit
What country?
>I grew up in a communist country
Lol and the US is a captalist country right?
Go read the book brother
kill yourself

It's gonna be so fun the drive this on the weekends when they let us outside of our 15-minute cities.
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gas yourself and fuck off back to /n/ you fucking subhuman faggot
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>sports car
>automatic only
>>automatic only
It's electric, it's not automatic or manual, it's got a single-speed transmission like every other EV on the market
Taycan has a two speed
What's worse /o/, being turned electric or being made into an Suv but with a big block v8 ?


What's the best minivan that can be had under $5k?
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>I just need space
that's what my ex wife said
Ok bros, I'm between a Sienna or 1999-2006 Tahoe/Yukon. Which one is usually the better bang for the buck?
transition would be cheaper
VW Sharan 1.9 TDI
09 gc 3.8 with 177k, burns and leaks oil, makes weird noises over bumps, weird electrical issues from time to time. idk how but this fucking thing just keeps going, thought for sure id get like 6 months out of it, that was 6 fucking years ago. the reason they get a bad rap is because dumb ass sahm's never check the oil and burn them up.

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Post an album/song while others guess what car you drive
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Big dick energy, probably an old 1972 Imperial LeBaron coupe or an S class V12 Mercedes.
Aside for one anon posting Kraftwerk, this was the only other album I recognized
>this was the only other album I recognized
That says more about you being tasteless than anything
Isn't this bitch a hambeast IRL?
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Alright I'll bite
Mitsubishi Mighty Max or similarly sized little Jap Truck

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How am I supposed to learn to drive a manual when I don't know anyone with one and no car dealer will let me test drive one without freaking out at the first mistake I make?
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I think people are missing the point in this thread.
You can certainly learn manual pretty fast, but there's no way you can go from YouTube videos to perfect driving the first time you step into a car on a dealership test drive. It's just not possible.
You can just abandon the test drive altogether. Make the salesman do it. Don't buy an expensive (used) first manual car, so if it's a piece of junk, it doesn't matter too much.
If you're talking about a new car this whole time, just test the auto version.
>That's why you hear more 90s music on the radio now
No shit? I've been hearing 90s stuff nonstop on country radio stations for the last few months and couldn't figure out why.
>How am I supposed to learn to drive a manual when I don't know anyone with one
The point is that you don't. Not knowing anybody who has one should be a major clue in how relevant learning to drive manual is today. It'd be like trying to learn sword-fighting skills while living in Chicago or Detroit.

Realistically, though, it's really not that hard to learn how to drive with a manual transmission. You can buy a shitbox and watch a 5min video on YT. You'll pick it up easily if you're not retarded. Alternatively, sign up for motorcycle riding lessons. You'll learn on a bike and much of the fundamentals of operating a motorcycle sequential transmission translates back to car manuals. Not that you'd really care since motorcycles are a world more fun than driving a manual shitbox.
Just buy a motorcycle for the experience if you want to change gears manually.
Just buy one?
Abusing the clutch a little isn't gonna break the car. That said, have someone who knows what they are doing teach you. I see way too many people who supposedly know how to drive manual drive like complete morons.

Important thing is, when starting the car, to try and keep the RPM low, which will reduce wear on the clutch. But you can start off with a highish RPM and work your way down as you get used to it.

I was able to drive without stalling in 2 weeks or so, but it took about a year for me to actually get decent at it. No school or borrowed car is gonna get you that much experience.

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>Cal. Veh. Code ยง 21970

>Section 21970 - Prohibited blocking of crosswalk or sidewalk by vehicle (a) No person may stop a vehicle unnecessarily in a manner that causes the vehicle to block a marked or unmarked crosswalk or sidewalk.
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Too dumb.
Dude just move to LA where there is real crime and the fuzz never hassles you
>just live in an urbanite hellhole infested with niggers instead of a more relaxed rural area surrounded by accessible nature
>yeah wait until you find out they also speed 20 over 24/7

That's normal for everyone here in commiefornia
Or live in Texas where there is real crime and the pigs still go after minor infractions.

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I want to buy one of these, slap lights and some mufflers on it, then drive it around town.
>I want to
No you don't. Used ones are cheap. If you wanted a cup car you'd have a cup car, you all-talk faggot.

>I wanna be a faggot
we know, OP
Embarrassing amounts of wheel gap tbqh

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way too much faggotry atm
post your shitboxes and r8 others
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Like every other Subaru in existence, ringland failure
Very true. I always liked the WRX/STI but the motor is very flawed. I worried less when driving my RX8 if that tells you anything
Personally I find the 1st gen the best cosmetically but good luck. I'm glad you like the wheels, I wasn't sure how they'd turn out. They're the stock wheels, just painted. Previous owner had them curb rashed pretty good.
Understandable. I thought the same thing until saw it in person. The only thing that bugs me about it is the grille. Really dates the car.
6/10 I usually can't stand black wheels but they don't look bad here
3.5/10 looks like something I'd drive
7/10 I weirdly really like yellow on that car and always thought they'd be fun to rip around and I must be right because you never stay home.

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>90 and 100mph rolls
Is not getting rated a rating in itself? Invsible/10
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Sorry, your cars aren't interesting enough.
Sour grapes: the post

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