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It's gonna be so fun the drive this on the weekends when they let us outside of our 15-minute cities.
>our 15-minute cities.
$10,000 per year registration
black box monitoring your speed and other driving habits. Car automatically locks itself for 48 hours if you park near a bar. $2000 per month storage/garage cost. Everything is electrified, so electricity is $3/kWh, driving it for 200 miles at the speed limit costs $400. Tires have a mandatory $1000 per tire recycling fee. Road tax is $1 per mile, except in congested areas where its $10 per 1000 feet. If there is civil unrest, police activity, or any other emergency AI autopilots your car off the road and locks it for 30 minutes. You will pay your subscription feeS just to open the doors or turn on the air conditioning.

Fuck the future is so electropunk.
Cool another failure for the books. Ch*na is raffing their asses off
no, I think you'll find Chang and his gang EV shills are seething after the new tariffs.
no one is buying China's overstock of garbage EVs.
who cares, its vaporware, somehow even more so than bumblebee camaro. and...

>4 doors

they have to know this is gay
>op hating on 15 minute cities
Imagine being such a slave to your overlords.
Yep, that's what you are, a boot licking faggot.
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>No manual
>4 doors
>i know you are but what am i
you have to be 18 to post here.
>if I call you it first that means I can never be called it
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Still Camaro and Charger EV mog that abomination Mustang Mach-E in terms of looks and Ford is going to be far in the ass when electric muscle cars become a thing.
>electric muscle cars become a thing.
What could possibly be different about an electric muscle car? Many EVs will do 0-60 in about 2 seconds, do you think a "muscle car EV" will do it in 1.9 or something and that'll really capture EV sales?
there is nothing 'muscle' about a fucking powerwheels car for gay adults LOL these things are fucking dildos on wheels you queer
>article from a year ago
>EV sales in meltdown
>you can lease a taycan for $0/month
>trump ahead in the polls
yeah sure dude
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its nor just about performance. its general styling of muscle cars that matters here. most of electric cars look like shapeless blobs and then dodge introduced new charger which seems like brutal out of place sharp edges fastback straight from 70s
most of muscle cars are selling purely on looks. they suck, they have meeh perfomance and even any bmw m-series outruns them but they look cool as fuck
leftypol troon
My fucking Hyundai mogs the mach-e in looks, it's honestly harder not to that thing looks so shit
>most of muscle cars are selling purely on looks.
No, muscle cars sell because they're fun to drive, make a good noise, and have great performance for the price. $45k for a mustang GT and you could have a lot of fun in it. Now that toyoburu is $35k with an i4 that retards buy because its affordable. A charger EV for $75k will flop hard because an EV's only party trick is flooring it and hitting 100 before most cars are hitting 50.
The Mach E can afford to suck ass because Ford used it to get the carbon credits needed to keep selling the Mustang GT. The Camaro and Charger no longer exist as V8 vehicles and the Mustang does, so the Mustang wins even with its gay fat little brother.
Based and manual, ice, and coupe pilled
>here's are two motors, a battery, seats.. and TADA! A car every 10 seconds!
>just 2 more years! 2..2026! No, 2028! Uh.. Give us time!
why the fuck are we so fucking slow
Telsa has been making cars for almost 2 decades you blithering retard.
cool, ONE company in california managed to ramp up. Why is detroit so fucking slow.
I applaud it. Only makes me 6.2l v8 Camaro worth more.
a race to last place

i am literally going to go on a shooting spree before i die and blast as many leftists that i can
I don't understand the fear behind 15 minute cities. Lefties just want to turn their shitty cities into car free utopias. Just let them do that
A man chooses, a slave obeys. Now go get in your pod and drive 5 miles to the closest grcoery store, slave. You forgot to get mustard on your last trip.
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Why do you faggots care? You niggers never bought the last Camaro when you could get it new with a track pack at bargain bin prices relative to its performance
Why don't they just move to New York City or Los Angeles? They don't have to change anything, just go there. Those cities already exist. Just a turn-key utopia they could live in today. What is the problem?
Every city fag is a huge retard lmao I can't wait for the power to go out and you faggots decide to come out to my property because "muh starvation" and I decide to save ammo and run you over with my 68 LTD.
>things that have never happened
>things that will also never happen
Bud, I'm a mentally ill prepper too but once you sit back and realize people fleeing the city because the power went out (even for an entire week) has never happened, and very likely will never happen. Put down these fantasies as a morally superior standpoint because they don't count for anything.
That’s nice, but when can we get a crossover model? That one is too low and I like to sit up high.
>just love near niggers and buy auto-only nigger cars bro
Kek no thanks, you have no tools btw.
Sure thing tanny, just look at Laos, south africa, brazil, vietnam, philippines, west taomor, Guatemola, Belize.
Syria lebanon jordan yemen bangladesh ect.. I hope you get shot first you faggot tranny hahaha
Hahah bus riding city fag lol, now tell us about all the cool cars you own and how Trump is bad. Is the orange man in the room with us right now?
Because they've gotten sucked into the retard bubble by grifters.
>muscle cars sell
They don't sell, that's why they're all becoming EVs.
This. EVs are getting bought because people with money are buying them.
>inb4 muh soros or whatever flavor of the week propaganda you losers absorbed.
>just look at all these 3rd world shitholes!
Nobody cares what animals do, we're talking about civilization.
You've got brain rot my friend. Nothing about what I said was related to cars, Trump, or politics.
And it will end in poor sales, furthering embarrassing the big 3.
>usa cities
>not 3rd world
Lmao MUTT cope
You will never be a real woman
And even in those the ruralfags get hunted down and killed/raped while the apartment dwellers fare better because they're forced to have a tight knit community. Just ask South African farmers. It'll be 10:1 and they'll have guns too. They'll probably catch you in your sleep too
None of those cities are car free. In fact los Angeles is one of their prime examples of car centric infrastructure. New York and Boston are often some of their favorite cities because they're the only cities that seem to make any effort to be car free
Theres a lot of people in LA that are car-free. Mostly because they can't afford one.
>Living in a city
get fucked lol
whatever you do don't look up what those places used to look like 50 years ago.
Same as many middle east countries, they were very western and modern. Now they're actual garbage dumps and half their population is coming here to fuck up the US.
make me wonder what will happen with sports cars if they will just deliberately make normal electric cars slower or if sports cars will just have more expensive batteries.
If you arent a criminal / poorfag none of this would bother you
>just don't be poor
>just give the state all your money to enjoy driving a car
Just say you enjoy setting money on fire and giving all your money to the government.
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I did my part
>muscle cars don't sell
Ford sold more mustangs than Subaru/Toyota sold BRZ/GR86s at any given point since that model launched.
In 2021 alone, they sold 52,000 Stangs which is almost the same amount of BRZs Subaru has ever sold. Even if you combine both versions it still ends up a fraction of what the Mustang alone manages to sell. Challanger had a consistent sales volume above 50,000 units per year.
Camaro averaged nearly 40,000 over the span of the 6th gen.
I think dodge new charger coupe is going to be one the goat cares with thier new i6. The same engine they are dropping in the 1500. Calling it right now they just made the new supra of this generation. The aftermarket is going to be wild and the car doesn't look like shit.
>Calling it right now they just made the new supra of this generation.
Only if you can add 20-30lbs of boost easily and it makes unreasonable power with mostly bolt-ons. If it can't make ~750hp with a turbo kit safely and reliably, it'll flop as a "this generations supra". Also, its xbox HUEG and kinda ugly and heavy, so not really.
It's probly going to be lighter than current gtr and makes more power, I'm sure the "HO" trim that's like 660hp is just a tune and nicer head unit.
These will be too fast for public streets.
Let’s hope police can shut them off remotely in the event if a chase. That’s probably the only good thing about EV’s, the remote control technology
>It's probly going to be lighter than current gtr
Strange comparison since a GTR35 is AWD and comes with 2 turbos tunable to insane levels even before more than bolt-ons. Comparing a $120k GTR with a [probably] $55k Charger is a little dumb.
Dodge got it right. An I6T is the next best thing to a V8. More than anything, the muscle car has always beem about style and profile.
It's dumb to buy a gtr in the first place. Paying 5k more for a a entry level i6 awd coupe that makes 440hp crank bs a gt85 is based. You can't even get a 135i for that much. Idk why /o/ is mad at this thing, seems like a yuge cope. This is the first time I have ever considered a dodge/Mopar. I might sell my s5 if this shit has a non aids tranny and is a DCT.
The nu-charger is WAY too heavy to the the supra of any generation. And the hurricane I6 keeps exploding on stock boost so I doubt it'll eat 800hp on stock internals.
Strange I tired Google but have found nothing about the issues you just said, do you have a link?
A Nissan GTR R-35 is what you're talking about right? Because I don't think a GTR is in the same price range as any of the muscle cars anyone else is talking about. Or are you Bri'ish talking all weird?
and a free primed grenade under every seat
>nooooooooo im not free unless im stuck in traffic on government roads for hours every day

why are americans like this
any M series is faster than AM. You are twelve or retarted. ZL1 and gt500 outperform BMW in every aspect.
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gas yourself and fuck off back to /n/ you fucking subhuman faggot
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>sports car
>automatic only
>>automatic only
It's electric, it's not automatic or manual, it's got a single-speed transmission like every other EV on the market
Taycan has a two speed
What's worse /o/, being turned electric or being made into an Suv but with a big block v8 ?
Did OP post a Taycan?
Read the comment I replied to again please
>single speed transmission like every other EV on the market
Which is not a completely true statement, because the Porsche Taycan is an EV on the market which does not have a single speed transmission.
Wow good for you, 1 example that a vast majority of people will never sit in. Virtually all EVs that matter are single speeds
>hurr durr akshully the Neon some college kids converted 20 years ago paired a forklift motor to a 5 speed manual, therefore not all EVs are single speeds
Go fuck yourself
>noooo you can't just prove me wrong
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>durr hurr I was technically right, the best kind or fight!
better than being an incorrect dumbfuck, go back to tiktok with the rest of the misinformation spewing retards
Imagine your whole life you were used to shitting in the public water supply. You enjoy the smell, the sound of your farts while shitting, and the convince of having so many locations of clean water to shit in. Then one day, someone says "You know what, maybe we shouldn't be shitting where we drink" and introduce legislation to stop people from shitting in the water, and now this is a massively controversial thing for some reason.

That's basically where we are now with ICE bans.
>pollution impact is somehow greater
this is your brain on battery cars
they chould bring back the chevelle if they are going to make a 4 door. plus they could call it the Ch-EV-elle or something
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The CT5 is practically begging to be turned into a new "Chevelle" down to it having the same wheelbase as the old sedan. Just transpose the Camaro powertrain and interior and whatever else onto the chassis and it's what the Commodore would've been had it continued being made. For that matter you could do the same to the CT4 and call it the new "Nova." There's a genuine demand for affordable American V8 sport sedans even in this economy judging by used prices of Chargers and SSs, but TPTB say we can't have them and will eventually have to pay more than the price of a CT5 BW for a shell of one if we're even allowed to have them at all. Everything has to be turned into an electric crossover or unreliable gimped piece of shit in general until they finally ban cars completely. Anything good or fun has to be unobtainable for the average person until then. There will be no memories of what came before and what could've been
i didn't know the camaro was going electric, this made me feel a knot in my throat
this isn't real right? all the photos i found are different
Okay then retard let me amend
>It has a single-speed transmission like nearly every other EV on the market

The important fact is it's not an automatic because there's nothing to automate, dip shit.
You're mad at the wrong person, I never called EVs automatics
Then shut the fuck up Cletus, why are you like this?
You have to ask why someone on this board would reply to an untrue statement with a correction?
Jumping into a conversation with near-meaningless information to "um ackshually" something that has no bearing on the actual subject of conversation then getting pissy when people point out your nitpicking isn't relevant to the conversation just makes you autistic.
I'm not the one who got pissy kek
>akchually, if you think about it, *real* freedom is only being allowed to leave your 5-square-mile hive if you have the proper permits and social credit score and even then being forced to use government approved mass transit, citizen
kys, bugman
I just wonder how small they'll make the windows. Maybe they'll just say fuck and remove the windows altogether so they can add some touch screens.
They would have to be retarded to do this.
Sports cars should be the last vehicles on earth to go EV - the revving and gear-shifting is a core part of the experience.
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>look like shapeless blobs
not all
there were some allocation and order issues dating as far back as the COVID pandemic
though of course, anyone who was truly determined could have gotten one, that's true.

turbos are poorfag cope. it's admitting that your engine is too weak to create power on its own. it's compromising

every bugman talks like this. cope and seethe for all intents and purposes it's a shitty CVT
>pictured, a SUV coupe abomiation blob
You sure showed us!
>every bugman talks like this
What, stating very obvious facts that anyone who knows fuck all already knows to be true?

A single speed is not an automatic, they don't drive even remotely similarly you retard. You can dislike EVs and you can enjoy manual transmissions, but at the end of the day it's not an automatic and you are a retard.

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