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>Romania and South Korea have much more in common than it seems at first glance, remarks the South Korean ambassador, His Excellency Rim Kap-soo. "With Romania, the free world begins on the eastern flank, and with Korea, the free world begins in Northeast Asia. So, we share the same security environment, we share the same values, we share the same strategic partners with the European Union, and we also share the military alliance with the United States," the South Korean diplomat said.

>Practically, Romania will be able to benefit from South Korea's expertise, in the context in which Seoul did not have the three-decade "vacation" that Europe experienced after the collapse of the USSR.

>Due to the security context on the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean defense industry has been forced to operate at high capacity at all times.

>"On average, 2.6% of our national GDP was devoted to defense, so we did not enjoy the benefits of peace. We continue to invest a lot of money in our defense capabilities, developing our defense industries. We still have a lot of defense equipment capabilities. This means that we can deliver any military equipment in a very short time" , says Ambassador Rim Kap-soo.

>The program provides for the purchase of 54 self-propelled howitzers on tracks (3 systems x 18 155 mm howitzers + ammunition + logistical support). The South Korean company Hanwha Aerospace remained the only bidder in the competition, with discussions currently in the final phase of clarifications.

>Romania is also interested in the acquisition of 296 Combat Vehicles (in the "Infantry Fighting Vehicle" - MLI program) , but also an additional number of tanks , to complete the future 54 Abrams tanks, which will reach the end of 2027.

Lol, based.
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Damn. I hope my cunt retires our L2ASGs soon to get the Korean ones.
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>Sullivan laid out options. South Korea had massive quantities of the U.S.-provided munitions, but its laws prohibited sending weapons to war zones. The Pentagon calculated that about 330,000 155mm shells could be transferred by air and sea within 41 days if Seoul could be persuaded.

>Senior administration officials had been speaking with counterparts in Seoul, who were receptive as long as the provision was indirect. The shells began to flow at the beginning of the year, eventually making South Korea a larger supplier of artillery ammunition for Ukraine than all European nations combined.

>The more immediate alternative would entail tapping the U.S. military’s arsenal of 155mm shells that, unlike the South Korean variant, were packed with cluster munitions. The Pentagon had thousands of them, gathering dust for decades. But Secretary of State Antony Blinken balked.

>eventually making South Korea a larger supplier of artillery ammunition for Ukraine than all European nations combined.
>tfw you have to travel halfway round the world to beg for some surplus shells
The absolute state of Europa.
>both these countries don't allow the redistribution of that gear to Ukraine.
But Krab is already in Ukraine though? Isn't the chassis made by Korea?
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>The Pentagon had thousands of them, gathering dust for decades. But Secretary of State Antony Blinken balked.
4 million actually

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If you had to decide the invasion plan, how would you go about it?
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Peacetime food imports tell you fuck all about a country's ability to feed itself in wartime.
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>massive malnutrition even when buying more than half it's food
>Constant power production problems even when buying more than half it's power
>History of constant starvation and cannibalism for 1200 years
>a single bad trade deal leaves a third of china with biweekly power failures for a whole year
lol yeah I'm sure they'll be fine.
Total embargo. China has lots of mouths to feed and no way to grow the food they need.
China is stockpiling food so hard it’s impacting world prices. Also the CCP will happily sacrifice hundreds of millions of peasants while important people are taken care of in huge bunker / tunnel networks — you can’t “starve them out”. But, eh, why do anything I’m sure China will implode any day now…right?
>China is stockpiling food so hard it’s impacting world prices
Knowing them 90% of it will rot.

>Also the CCP will happily sacrifice hundreds of millions of peasants while important people are taken care of in huge bunker / tunnel networks
That's nice, hope they like living there forever without being able to farm or conduct business. I'm sure their mercenary armies wont tire of that.

>you can’t “starve them out”.
You can "starve out" 99% of the population from which they need to draw their workforce and soldiery, retard.

>But, eh, why do anything I’m sure China will implode any day now…right?
Every sitting government and political party on this gay planet is going the way of the Dodo this century but it's nice to know that the chinks will get it particularly bad.

>WW1, 1915
>be French High Command
>Complete supremacy of defence over offence has been proven by several offensives with exorbitant losses, maneuver is impossible, maxims are ruling the frontline
>In order to win, Germans must push, we can just wait this one out untill Krauts run out of sausages and cabbage

Why did Entente keep on throwing men into the meatgrinder, even when it was clear, offensives are horribly costly and bring no sucess?
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>What is that houdini shit?
>Taking out a dangerous amount of credit with American financiers?
This made me lose it lol
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>Plan 1919
I'm sometimes of the opinion that we are actually living in one of the best timelines, and that things could have been so very much worse.
Gotta keep pressure up
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>Uses a tl:dr for (3) THREE fucking paragraphs

I hate you phonebrained ADHD zoomer shits for shit like this. Literally goldfish tier attention spans

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Competitive edition
What do you guys shoot? What's popular in your country?
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Do you shoot slugs or do you have a shotgun range?
90% of what I shoot are slugs, there also a skeet/clay/olympic lanes but I find them boring.
Anyone ever bought from army surplus .sk ? is it trustworthy?
I bought from their Czech branch, they're fine.

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Wheeled or tracked for infantry troop carriers?
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air dropped from combat pods that doubles as artillery
What's the point of a tracked boxer?
They look sexy as fuck.
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Mini tanks.

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Its Zouaves
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That dude is packin some heat
that shit's cool till youre wearing a wool uniform in the southern summer sweating your balls off and passing out from heat stroke
IIRC the rifle they used was also a hell of a lot better than the Prussian Dreyse gun at the time.
>get shot
>walk away muttering "I can't believe he done that"
You do know that the Southerns had a lot of them too, right?

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Commuters in Belgorod patiently waiting for a BM-21 to finish firing its missiles.
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Russia has been getting the meat for the meatgrinder from the lowerclass of russia, the middle class and uper class has been fine so far.
Fucking antifa
I want to rest my sleepy head on her chest.
>/k/ is obviously biased towards Ukraine and I believe mods are on the take even
Oh, do ... PLEASE ... tell the entire class just who is paying off the /k/ mods to be pro-Ukraine.
They're muscovites, they don't "think" like normal humans do

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Recently some norks visited a russian gun factory and bought some DVL-10 rifles from Lobaev Arms. All the paperwork was in order and it was done perfectly legal. Then they brought the rifles home and the norks have apparently just reverse engineered and started manufacturing it themselves according to russian sources.

I've always wondered, do the russians not get salty about the chinks and norks taking advantage of them and just copying all their designs? The least they could do is pay royalties.
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They probably do, but at the same time, Can't do anything about it. The norks and chinks copy russians the most because they are easy to fool.
Real countries have reciprocal patent treaties that allows international suit if violated. North Korea is a meme kingdom that rejects the very notion that the outside world exist in any significant capacity.
>North Korea is a meme kingdom that rejects the very notion that the outside world exist in any significant capacity.
While having entire industry build from imported machines.
Doubt Russia can do anything about it since they're dependant upon crappy nork ordnance after expending all their own
>imported machines
Yes and no. Best Korea actually produces industrial machinery and did so in the past - I have personally seen multiple Nork manufactured lathes, milling machines etc. in former Czechoslovakia.

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>M14 you can carry 280 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AK-47 you can carry 360 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AK-74 you can carry 540 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
>AR-15 you can carry 600 rds in loaded mags at 10 kg
This is without taking into account the weight of the rifle which skews the balance even more in the favor of the AR
An AR-15 in 5.56 is an incredible rifle for the average infantryman.

The army should have kept the M4, perhaps upgrading it with a normal M-Lok handguard, an intelligent barrel profile like pic related, and maybe a stronger bolt to take the new higher pressure ammo. Going back to battle rifles is peak retardation.
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Based Aryan HKChad.
You'd be at an advantage over any of the other options with the .308/7.62x51, because you can increase distance and have more power to actually kill what you want dead at range, or even though a barrier.

If you're such a bad shot sure, just carry 20"kg" of .308 and you have as much as if it were 5.56
>Bro your sling is tied around your front sight what the FUCK ARE YOU DOING??

Biden ranging concept; when he needs more elevation he adds tension to the sling to lift his barrel up.
How many rounds of 6.8 Common can you carry in mags equal to 10kg?
Probably the same or slightly less than .308 for the hot stuff, and slightly more than .308 for the training stuff

Not very smart

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In WW2 you had just the city of Stalingrad being contested by about 2 million soldiers, even later on, the Korean War saw over 2 million soldiers fighting over the small peninsula and the US had at peak. over 500k people on the other side of the world in Vietnam.
What's the reason for the entirety of Ukraine being contested today, at a time of peak population for both countries, only by 1 million troops at the front?
With all the talk about how much of an existential war this is for everyone involved you would expect them to be more committed to it.
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Modern weapons.
The whole affair is not like XX century wars, it is and is going to be like XiX-XVIII century with perpetual conflicts in Europe without total war.
>With all the talk about how much of an existential war this is for everyone involved you would expect them to be more committed to it.
It's not existential for Russia. They claim it is for propaganda reason, but in reality it's not. And Ukraine was ready to mobilize it's entire population during the initial invasion. But with Russia's failure there is no reason for Ukraine to utterly destroy it's economy. Combined with the fact most of the conscripts would be poorly trained and armed leading to unnecessary losses of life.
To put it simply: In the 20th century, lives were cheap, and plentiful, and expendable.

In the 21st century lives are neither economically nor politically cheap or expendable. Society is just nothing like it was even fifty years ago, you can't wage an all-out industrialized war in the 21st century.
Because in modern warfare, fielding an individual soldier who will survive for more than two seconds on the battlefield has only gotten more expensive and time consuming.

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What is a ballistically good ammo for an 18” 5.56 gun? It’s a 1:8 twist so don’t worry about bullet weight too much, just effectiveness
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>"BLACK" ammunition
>It's gold colored
Goodbye forever, /k/
77 gr lets you shoot further accurately.
at normal ranges anything will deliver hurt.
>this whole post
good evening saaar, why are you asking this question if you clearly dont own a gun, bastard bitch?
m193 or m855
Don't listen to this aging boomer just use 77gr, it's a whole other class of 5.56

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Can a grenade really launch two ziggers like that?
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>clearly ca see an ak on the video

By the glases, tard
Waiting for casevac.
>By the glases
Good morning sir
Im, not indian, just esl, that dont give a fuck.
because it's always soldiers "getting finished off" by drones after artillery strikes, ATGMS, mines, etc take them and their armoured vehicles out. these less than 30 second videos obviously lack what happened before.

it's crazy that we have 2+ years of this war and people still don't know this

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is there a technical or tactical reason why missiles have colorful nosecaps? like radar or speed tracking? or is it just for aesthetics? i admit it makes them look awesome just wondering if theres another purpose for it

also general missile and rocket thread
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lmao i called you shills out and they all scatter like roaches and the posts disappear. so fucking telling.
You got it right
We will keep butchering muslim sisterhood and detaining leftie trannies and there is nothing you can do about it
It's aimed at hamas and palestinian terrorists
I was a conscript in sinai when it all began and i know it. No one even cared about israel at all
And you just gave israel 1.5x its military budget in aid
Maybe you should give us a fraction of these insane aid bills then
In reality this aid to israel is much bigger since they usually sell them the latest weapons at a 70% discount if not for free
Maybe it's a way of labelling them? also fuck off jidf shill

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Implessive: https://youtu.be/soEpAprko7w
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With the Type 076, which is an LHD with EMALS for launching drones. Not even the USN or any other Navy has any ship like that
>>America never used their advantage to conquer world, genocide the chinks
Sad point, but it looks like we might be incinerating 2 million of them on shitty landing craft sometime this decade as a consolation prize
>buy military tech from usa and israel
>its built exactly like one
That means protecting the Xi tyranny at all cost. Good think chinks are unable to copy the US government, if they did China would become very powerful, very dangerous very fast.
China builds an aircraft carrier in 2024 while the US built one in 1922. Wow so impressive the West may as well surrender now.

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>17 units of armored vehicles were used by the occupiers at the same time in the Novomykhailivka area, and Tavrian paratroopers immediately destroyed 11 units.

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Female anthro male human?
Can't you read, dumbfuck, he said f doesn't stand for female
For me it was black girls
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NTA, but I think he confirmed it here:
A true testament to the duality of man (the jungian thing)

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