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Competitive edition
What do you guys shoot? What's popular in your country?
>What's popular in your country?

France :
300blk 22lr and other easily suppressed calibers cuz 80% of gun range are "no fun allowed" 1984 boormer fueled circlejerks so people are shooting sneakily in their barns/estates...

My old 25/59/100/200/300m range has become hellishly Kafkaesque lately.
>No more than 5 rnd per mag
>Spotting scope for every distance ( and no you can't use your 5-25x rifle scope)
> No fast shooting ( unless you're doing gongs at 25m and argue you're training for compétition)
>No camo/military style attire ( they bothered me because my 48/13 sized feeties wore only security boots)
>No understanding of caliber power/penetration capabilities ( 300wm and 338 lm are okay, but 375hh and 458wm are verboten because too much powaaaah, despite backstop being a hill)
>Ros being openly intimidating with youngsters and noobs ( unless you're LEO or friend with the staff, because bootlick)
>No long guns in 25/50 pistol bay ( your 22 lr cz 452 is verboten but your 629 44 mag is)
>22 lr competitors being utter fags ( despite having their own 50m rim fire bay) and bitching about muh bp smoke/muh center-fire noise while invading other bays ( and willfully avoiding to sweep their brass, despite the rules)
> Dudes being utterly ignorant about anything other than faggy chassis bolt action, cz/ glocks handguns or anything non k98/mosin milsurp
>Brass goblins
>Retarded schizo rightoids being cringe while politically correct at the same time
> Retarded cops and ex mils believing their " training" makes them better than civvs

And its the leasr anal range around le barring from "secret club" we happy few smaller ranges..

>What do you guys shoot?
usually I just shoot steel poppers, gophers, steel dongs or just shoot random junk/tennis balls etc. I plan to get into some "defensive" and """"CQB""" courses down the line just for shit and giggles. Dynamic shooting is also interesting but it's a bit too competitive for my liking and the more relaxed amateur races are held too far apart.
>mfw pic related is currently more fun than any other gun I own
am I getting old
>K98F1, P14, regular ass Rem700, a Rem870, some strange russia O/U shotgun that says Baretta but is not related to to the italian manufacturer in any way, and a P320.
>dynamic shooting is mostly some kind of 22lr/9mm & AR-monstrocity combo for like 99% of shooters.
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lol, that sounds about in line with the horror stories I used to hear from friends. Sadly the range I go to used to be cool but it wasn't gatekept enough and it's been filling up with annoying retards so I stopped going. I go there once in a couple months to say I'm still active and keep my license but otherwise I go shoot in Switzerland.
300 meters only, one gun only, but it's comfy and the people are cool
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>Competitive edition
>What do you guys shoot? What's popular in your country?
Lightbulbs, paper, coffee cans, expired lemonade, tires, trash
Hey euro bros. I (burger) have been traveling to Croatia with my gf who's a citizen and I absolutely love it. I met a lot of great people there, but none of them were into guns, so maybe I can get some answers here.

What's the gun culture like in Croatia? Is it annoying like the French anon >>61593334 described? Is it possible to get a concealed carry permit there? Are there any "assault weapon" bans like we have in America? What's the process like to acquire a handgun, for example? What do Croatian gun owners like to shoot most? I ask because these are the things I care about, and there is a small possibility I might move there one day.
Hope you get answers but I haven't seen a croat in a long while in these threads
we used to put old phone batteries taped to steel gongs on the rifle range so that when hit they would smoke and give a feedback. LEOs started using the range as well and we had to stop.
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>What do you guys shoot?
i want to get into some dynamic shooting but bitch ass babies are terrified by monstrous .308 and they dont allow anything bigger than .223 locally.
Is it legal to put the flag in crosshair?
Why is Greek lowercase?
Shooting trash is nigger behavior
>Why is Greek lowercase?
For tax reasons
That something someone who can only shoot paper targets while sitting would say. I clean up all the trash after range day.
You've never shot at cans in the backyard?
I pitty you desu
I shoot at paper and metal targets from whichever position and range I damn well please. I don't shoot clays and shit that makes a mess at the range.
You can shit up your own property all you want
I honestly don't see the issue. Everyone brings what they want to shoot as long as they clean up after themselves
You can pick up a shredded target but not a can or a jug or whatever?
>shredded target
I have seen some fairly shot-out targets in my time, none of them have left anything to pick up
Unless shot by the resident shotgun niggers of course
yeah but the question remains, whats so wrong about shooting random stuff if you pick it up afterwards? There was nothing on the ground before shooting a paper target and there was nothign afterwards, the same is for shooting junk after it has been cleaned up. Are you german perhaps? No offence but you're famous for following "rules" just for the sake of it even when they don't make any sense.
>Are you german perhaps?
I have only had enough of littering cunts and shotgun niggers who shoot the common use targets full of slugs the moment you turn your back
yeah but that's different from me shooting gas canisters, water bottles or other stuff.
Just found out that a friend shot himself in the afternoon.
Shit. Not even sad for the moment, we'll see tomorrow.
Reminder to everyone in the thread not to get high on your own supply
Sounds all retarded 'n shit
but at least you have chance to buy his guns on cheap
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Awwww a widdle baby Garand
It already crossed my mind.
We used to joke about how if one of us anheroe he should hide the other boomstick so we can share them.

I passed on buying the vz.82 a boomer doctor I taught Excel to used to kill himself when his wife offered, and now I sort of regret it.
Now i just think i shloud try to go his place for the secret ammo stash (in minecraft and all that...)
can anyone find a ak bakelite grip for sale in europe?
I'm starting doing my permit next month
I can only find East German grips
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Sounds familiar, never shot while in France, hit the closest range from my hometown.
> Fudd RO is already talking me out of joining
>Sees I don't give up, tells me I'll have to practice with pellet guns for at least a year
>After which I might graduate to 22lr
>Tell him I want to buy my own guns long before that
>Gives me a disapproving stare. "Well.. fill your application first and we'll see..."
I never bothered.
Now I live in Finland and life is good, gun community is welcoming, rules are pretty gud and I bought muh first Glonk very easily.
Which area was your range? The cancerous one I described here >>61601860 was
in southern Alsace
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Yeah the laws in France are alright but most ranges are run by fudds at best and faggots who have never shot anything bigger than .22lr
Lorraine. I've been hearing horror stories from Epinal for years and now my range is heading in the same direction.
>having fun with my FAL
>"uh wow man, uh I don't think you're supposed to that umm, like, there's a rule that says you can only load 5 rounds in a mag, umm, I won't rat you out but uh just so you know"
>the lanes with high caliber bullet catchers are full
>taking my Vetterli to one of the small caliber/black powder lanes
>I'm shooting unjacketed lead bullets with 5 to 10 grains of pistol powder behind them
>setting up my rifle
>what why
>"This is black powder only. In fact you can't shoot this rifle here at all"
>I've been doing that for months so I'm a bit puzzled
>"You're gonna destroy the equipment. The large caliber lanes are for rifle rounds up to 9mm max"
>yeah but I'm shooting underpowered unjacketed lead bullets, never damaged anything
>"Also you're shooting smokeless in a black powder rifle. Has it been proofed?"
>"Really? Show me the CIP markings"
>man, it was proofed 120 years ago when they started making smokeless ammo for the Vetterli
>"nnnnuuuhhhhh but no you can't"
So anyway he left and I shot my thang and obviously never came close to denting a bullet catcher. But it's so tiresome
>I bought muh first Glonk very easily.
Sure if you kept it at the range for two years.
Was he someone from staff? If not then you should simply ignore them. Whatever they tell you just answer "ok man". Boomers in general get incredibly angry when you ignore them, but they are also boomers so by definition they are pussies. I had a brass goblin try to tell me I couldn't shoot there wuth steel cased ammo and I just ignored him. Next week I shot brass washed steel case ammo just for him. (he unironically comes to the range even when he doesn't shoot just to pick up brass with a fucking broom wheel thing)
Yeah, this guy became a member years after me but now he's in the staff. The guy with the 5 round limit was a boomer who only ever shoots black powder so I just ignored him but then I heard the "new rule" from the range president.
>I had a brass goblin try to tell me I couldn't shoot there wuth steel cased ammo
lmao. It's mind blowing how dumb some people are and how confident they are.
In French there's been some language ambiguity on ammo boxes forever but everybody knows what's what. Except the eternal boomer who's range staff.
>"jacketed" is translated as "shirted" or "armored"
>regardless of the the translation used on the box, it's always the same old FMJ range ammo
>some boomers will insist and bet their life on it that "armored" means "armor piercing"
One time an idiot asked me if I'm shooting "armored ammo", I said yes and he panicked and made me stop shooting because "you're gonna destroy everything", and then he ran around the range for 15 minutes to try to find a magnet to prove that I was shooting steel core.
Could make a comedy show out of all the shit you see and hear fudds do
>he ran around the range for 15 minutes to try to find a magnet to prove that I was shooting steel core.
lmao. the range I go to is half shoot steel and whatever you want with anything and the other half (more like 70% now) is skeet, trap and olympic, the cunts there HATE when you show up to shoot some clays with anything that isn't a sxs or a O/U. I sometimes go there with my 590 and you can see they are pissed. They're always such stuck up cunts
I'll add that I'm jealous of the fact skeet and clays usually have girl shooters there who seem normal. In our "americanized" part of the range the only girls are ugly 30+yo raspy voice masculine girls wearing camo, weird hair colors and loud. Kind like the gym girls of shooting.
Meanwhile with skeet they have nice and cute young girls but they get scared when you pull out an ar15 or something
Oh yeah we also had a schism a few years ago so now I still pay the same membership but I can only shoot there on Saturdays
There's a small number of smallbore autists who threw a fit because the noise of the "milsurp gang" ruined their concentration and they shot a bad group despite having a riced up rifle and 5k+ in equipment.
Had to have a whole club meeting and split opening hours between people who don't care what others shoot and annoying faggots.
Getting a loisens in France is easy but man the clubs fucking suck
I believe once the boomers finally die things will start to change a bit, unless guns get completely banned by Macron the first or the EU in the meantime. Best clubs are generally deep in the countryside, they have 200m+ ranges and don't care about noise.
>I'll add that I'm jealous of the fact skeet and clays usually have girl shooters there who seem normal.
All cute female shooters exclusively shoot Olympic sports or hunt
Service rifle or such only attract the occasional 50yo autist woman
Beyond hunters, sport shooters and cops/securtiy, there are no gun owners officially. Unoficially, though, the country was flooded with black market weapons from comblock storages during the 90's, and I'm not sure how many of those were found or surrendered. Still, expect firearms to be a taboo to the general public, unless someone is a member of the aforementioned group.
You can absolutely forget CCW, or even getting a gun based on self defense unless LEO. While there is no hard ban on assault guns, long rifles (more than 60cm total, at least 30cm barrel length, think regular rifles) are limited to 10+1 rounds, short rifles (less than 60cm total, less than 30cm barrel length, like pistols) at 20+1, no suppressors, ammo needs to be approved by CIP and mandatory gun registration. Honestly, compared to US it's much more straightforward, but I'm not a lawyer so read the law yourself.
Best way to get hands on a gun as a citizen would be to become a hunter or a sports shooters.
>t. croat that found a cache of grenades as a kid
>Beyond hunters, sport shooters and cops/securtiy, there are no gun owners officially.
That's a pretty absurd definition of gun ownership
I think he's trying to say that CCW licenses are difficult to get. I mean, here in europe where you need a license 99.99% of the time the license is either for hunting, sport or CCW. Unless you count a gunsmith license as a gun license I can't think of any other kinds. Maybe collectors?
Any italians in Rome be advised, Frinchillucci gun shop is organizing a dinner based on game meat and various selvaggina to commemorate their 150th birthday.
forgot, it's on the 16th of may at 20:00, cost is 20€
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post your local range
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i only have to pay 80 Euro per Year for membership in this gun club.
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they have 2 x 25 Meter Range
per 25 Meter Range can shoot 5 people at the same time. so 10 People in total late 25 Meter Range.

the 50 Meter Range is for 5 People.

on the 25 Meter Ranges you can shoot everything.
on the 50 Meter Range only muzzle loader, pistol or revovler caliber and small caliber .22 LR

you can shoot 308 or 30 30 on the 25 Meter Stand but not at the 50 Meter Stand.
on the 50 Meter Stand you can shoot however 44 magnum or 10 mm or 45 ACP.
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an uncle of mine was one of the few people who builded this place in the early 1970s.

he died in April last year at 73 years old.

Place is in Germany, Middle Franconia, Herzogenaurach

we used to have a big US Army Artillery Base here till 1992.
Name of the Base was "Herzo Base"

on the 25 Meter stand you can shoot black powder cannon, 7,5 swiss, .408 or .50 AE

the bullet trap at the 25 Meter is Sandhill
the bullet trap at the 50 Meter stand is a brick wall with steel plates and hard rubber
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one day I'll visit a genuine swiss range and fulfill my suissaboo dream
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they also set steel targets all over the mountain (they would sit to the right and top of pic rel)
Jesus Christ I hate hornets. Those fuckers are fucking tanks. I weight 91kg and I stomped one in my living room and it didn't want to die. I have seen them shrug off direct hits from .117 cal air rifles.
nice rental buddy
nice assumption pal
a reasonable assumption to make when pic was taken at a range that not only does rentals and rents Evo 3's, but said model of gun is also generally classed as an SBR rendering it unobtainable for most here
That poor thing...
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At first, I swapped the stock because the original was pretty busted when I bought the gun and I intended to fix it. Additionally, the new stock's cheekpiece height fits me much better
>these sights
I was sickened but now I'm curious. Is the barrel free floating in that stock? How does it shoot?
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Yeah, the barrel's free-floating and shoots as well as you'd expect from a K31. The only downside I can think of is that you can no longer attach a bayonet but I can always swap the stocks without any problem
Too big to take a pic of
150 metre range, 50 shooting positions
300m range, same
Moving hunting target range, 75 to 100m, booth with two positions
Rimfire range 50m, I think 50 positions there too
Handgun range 25m, same
There's more but I don't have access to them
Eurovision bump
does anyone actually watch that shitshow? the results alre always politically charged. Everyone booed the jewish singer and she had almost no votes yet is now in the lead with 39% as the italian media showed the results by mistake and got fined for it. The dutch singer got disqualified for saying "why not" to the jewish singer etc.
The only good thing that came out of Eurovision was epic sax guy a few years ago.
>jewish singer
lmao, she's actually russian
I don't but I want Israel to win so all the leftists will rope
>right now loves the kikes and left hates them
History is really a circle
The lefties have always hated them and the religious right have always loved them
Directions are kind of useless as descriptors of political positions
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Cam on Euroland
Wake up to the morning after riggedvision
Carl Gustaf m/45
Gucci AR
Benelli m3 super90
Glock 36

Ruger american 308
Sako trg44 (.338lm)
Tikka t3 6,5x55
Ruger 10/22
Mossberg 590a1
Old-ass sbs from Husqvarna
Just say Swedish, you can't get half that shit in Norway or Denmark. Maybe just about half in Finland.
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Goood marning and sexy FAL, have you wisher your mother happy mothers day?
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It's on the 26 in France
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The Carl Gustav is the only one you can't get in Norway.

Frenchbros, what are your experiences at Centre de tir whatever in Chateurouex? I got to go there during the 2018 IPSC Shotgun World Shoot and had a great shooting ipsc there. What do regular french shooters think of that facility? Also, why the fuck is it so difficult to find good pictures of that place?

My range is kinda based. The board is still for some reason against larpers/military/reservists training in civilian clothes and plate carriers.
But you can circumvent it by saying your are training for Finnish Brutality.
We held a pocket gun match and salutation cannon course yesterday, so we had both 17th century larpers and dudes shooting Glock 19s in kinda defensive scenarios.

Most popular disciplines here in Norway are DFS (think three position shooting with iron sights and silly stiff suits) and Terrain Shooting (feltskyting) it's people shooting handguns at various distances and targets, anything from pocket pistols in .25 ACP to .500 S&W revolvers, distances vary from 3 meters to 110 meters.

Dynamic shooting like, like IPSC is a bunch of fun imho

I was really curious about the Canik Elven Dagger for a while, because I'm dorky as heck, but I got to hold one recently, and realized that it doesn't fit my hands at all. So that's money saved that I can now spend on other dumb shit.
I messaged 3 different shooting clubs in the Netherlands asking about a possibility to join, no response.
I do have a polish name, they might just be xenophobic.
I think I will move back to Poland in the near future.
The gun laws in the Netherlands are fucked beyond redemption.
Gotta go there in person so they see you're interested and not a weirdo
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Fair, but since that I also learned how the whole process here works and got kinda demotivated
>You can own max 5 guns
>No suppressors
>You start shooting a non repeating .22lr gun, which you borrow from the range
>After 1 year long of shooting .22lr non repeating guns you can get a .22lr non repeating gun
>After 1 year you can borrow a semi auto handguns up to 9mm or bolt action any caliber
>2nd year you can now purchase the above-mentioned guns
>2nd year you can now borrow "military style rifles" semi automatic rifles
>3rd year and you can purchase them.
>1 year also means going 18 times to a range within a year

In poland I can do the same and more within 3 months
Semi-competitive shooter from Norway here.

Currently shooting:
9mm (grov/course) pistol (Accuracy)
.22lr (fin/fine) pistol (Speed, accuracy and NAIS)
DFS Mauser 8mm (Accuracy)

Been a bit on-off lately, since kids, wife, house etc. are taking up so much time.

God I'd do anything to own a FAL here, I swear.
leave that cucked hellhole
what camo is that? it looks mighty fine.
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italian vegetato
find a pistolclub that has IPSC (Dynamisk), take the course, go shoot 10 matches and 10 organized training sessions within 24 months
If you are close to Drammen, I got some recommendations
Seriously? The last time I heard from the police about the FAL and dynamic shooting, they said that "Lmfao get fucked." when asked about it.

Sounds better than the pistol course desu, more fun too.

In Trøndelag sadly, so a bit far away.

Maybe you know, but I am currently renovating my cellar and I have so many weapons that I have to build a weapon room now, but every time I try to call the weapons office they just... give different answers on what is acceptable.

I know It has to be "Som 20cm LEKA" which is fine, as the walls are of reinforced concrete, but the roof is just "sponplater", so do I have to reinforce it? Sometimes they say "Yeah, use steel wiring", sometimes they say it's ok. I have no idea
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Never been there, looks nice but stupidly expensive.
Pretty much stopped shooting in France, even in my small range the membership went from 130 to 170€ over the past few years and they're already talking about increasing it again in september.
Now I'm focusing on 300m rifle group and individual shooting in the Swiss format, it's comfy, the people are generally nice, and they have beautiful ranges. And there's plenty of events everywhere
Fuck this gay country and the faggot people living in it (except me, Im based).

I dont know a single person who watches it.
Up until a few years ago, only a list of certain models were allowed, that list was removed. There are FALs on Finn regularly. Anywhere from 10 to 40k nok

ipsc pistol is really fun

Depending on where in Trøndelag, there's plenty of clubs in that area.

Ask for the specs written down and then follow that. Check Kammeret.no for bunker guidelines., there are several people there who have bunker. Usually civilian bunkers are approved pretty easily once you got the leka, alarm and the door with correct specification
I will house europeans. you can even shoot my guns
Verdal/Levanger area.

Thanks for the link, was only the roofing that was the issue, but it seems 3x 12mm plywood (kryssfiner) is enough.
tdss.no to get started with ipsc in that region is what my buddies say. Now go work your way towards that FAL
Thanks burger friend. Any new good news regarding the 2a lately beside colorado dropping that AWB law? One day I really want to tour the US and visit all the national parks
Thanks I already have a roof and guns
A California law to do background checks on anyone buying ammo was struck down by Judge Benitez (peace be upon him). As for the national parks, I highly recommend you do so before you die. I may be biased, but I strongly believe that the USA has some of the best natural beauty in the world.
That a fucking 7.62x39 FAL?
How about a friend?
I have a few
Cheers mate.
Story as I was told, the guy had a FAL in 7.62x51, moved to a new area where the closest range allowed 7.62x39 as the maximum cartridge. He then took the barrel from a Mosin he had laying around, chopped it and rechambered it to 7.62x39 from 7.62x54r. then put a wooden block into the fal mag well so he could use AK mags, then put on an ACR handguard because lulz
Thank you for the kind offer but I already have a bunch of burger friends who I know won't drug and buttfuck me.
Not bad. The South Africans made a few factory conversions so I have been looking into having one made, myself
They have ranges like that here in America. They tend to run themselves into the ground.
>"you Don't NEED that assault weapon" - boomer wearing MAGA hat
>sometimes they'll try to take your firearm, despite firearms theft being a felony, aka fast way to NoGunz status
>get mad if you have fun at a range.
Hate those fat fucks
>croat that found a cache of grenades as a kid
Did you throw one?
What AK magazine is that? Is it just painted or what? Green with a finned spine like a steel mag...
It looks like an original AK slabside steel mag
That's what I was thinking but I didn't know if they had a fin on the spine or not as I don't own one. Anymore in the US they go for like $100+ as well as the (7.62x39) bakelite mags.
>(7.62x39) bakelite mags
I recently managed to buy 5 for 30€ each from a boomer. He had a green one that looked like bakelite and he said it was from border patrol but he didn't want to sell it
They're dime a dozen in Finland
No particular meme status here, they were delivered with our first AK-47s
I got two for a tenner apiece
The green ones? Can you confirm if they are real?
Nah I meant regular bakes
Never even seen a green one
Can't get it in sweden either, there is however a few lifetime licenses from wayback when that has been grandfathered in. Same with the mp5, full auto is impossible everywhere in yurop these days. I'm happy I got them in time.
In Lithuania if you're in army or riflemen's union you can buy and keep full auto guns, have at home and work/train with them.
too bad, it had the same "veins" like a orange bake but it was a real nice green color.
Damn. Wish they were still cheap here. I have an AK-74 bakelite mag I got for ~$20 a couple years ago but never ran across AK-47 bake mags except for one guy who kinda knew what he had (~$65 in 2016?). Also yes the green one is pretty rare from what I understand and I've never seen one of those in the US. I'm waiting to find one in a box at an auction or something.
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Bump with sam facking 7.62x39 FALs
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Bump with nugget
Thanks for the insight anon!
>While there is no hard ban on assault guns, long rifles (more than 60cm total, at least 30cm barrel length, think regular rifles) are limited to 10+1 rounds, short rifles (less than 60cm total, less than 30cm barrel length, like pistols) at 20+1
This is interesting to me as an American because over here, shorter rifles (<16" barrel or <26" total) are much more harshly regulated than regular rifles. Actually, Croatia sounds like it has less restrictive gun laws than my state (except for the CCW part). If I ever end up there, I would go for both a hunting license and a sports shooting license.
>This is interesting to me as an American because over here, shorter rifles (<16" barrel or <26" total) are much more harshly regulated than regular rifles
That's just dependent on how the country in question implemented the directive. Some said "anything below this length is a pistol" so anything goes. Others banned anything that could be construed as a rifle and went below the 600/300 measurements (Finland the ever cucked)
That stuff is strange. In France they don't even distinguish between handguns and rifles, wouldn't know what a SBR is if I had no access to internet.
Any action with a barrel length under 45cm: sports license + permit
The left hates them on the fact thw view israel as a White European place and the conflict is poor browns vs colonizer Whites
in my country the left and right politician lick the jews ass, while the both the left and right voters hate them lmao
Kikes > muzzies every time
Anyone own a Tavor 7 btw?
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Wake up Evropa
>Kikes > muzzies
I don't want either but I had better experiences with the muzzies unironically
Kikes are unironically the reason we have a problem with muzzies
Unironically this
Hogwash. That would require every single lawmaker, bureaucrat and policeman to be a Jew. Whites condemned themselves.
>but I was only following ze orderz!
50 years in the iso-cubes
French bro, can relate. French gun culture is absolute shit. I've experienced the same. Best thing is : all those morons can't stop complaining about their hobby being killed by government while they do everything they can to repel newbies. Fucking postal service employees telling you they are literal specops when they don't even master basic security. Fucking vets or cops shiting on civies who literaly keep the range alive and allow them to fucking shoot on a regular bases, unlike their corporate job. My worst experiences were with gun stores obstuse boomers tho. And i'm 40, not 18. One tried to sell me turkshits and almost threatened me when I politely said "no thanks, I'd prefer something from Beretta/Benelli/HK/Glock". I once did go to the biggest oldest armorer store in Paris, store which is importing Glock for France. Sellers were real nice, but the owner - who is head off french armorers union - was absolute shit tier of a man, like all of the few customers in his empty store this day were personaly bothering him. "I'm glock importer, I know the defense minister himself, I know the head of the french army, I was there during the trials, I know better !" he told me like I'd care when I was just asking for a comp for my glonk and some advices regarding rust issues. Two minuts later he was shouting after the next guy who literaly left the store saying "ok fuck off grandpa". And those guys will complain after online stores.
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hope they don't pin this shit on you frog gun owners
>No offence but you're famous for following "rules" just for the sake of it even when they don't make any sense.
lmao ever since I have started working with americans I can see german bureaucracy pretty relaxed, because burgers are a thousand times worse with regard to checklists and doing things "to regulation".
You're under 25, aren't you?
Can someone identify the weapon?
the main difference is that american will be relaxed about regulation in their day to day life but respect them at work. When nobody is watching they will put a stock on a sbr or shit like that. Instead I've seen germans wait for the green light at a crossing at 1 am with literally no car coming "just because you're supposed to" It's so fucking weird. My biggest gripe with germans is their attitude of "if it was made into law/rule it must be right" they are the only ones I saw defending their gun laws on here
>Instead I've seen germans wait for the green light at a crossing at 1 am with literally no car coming
That's called "not being a nigger". It's the same as putting your cart back or signaling when you turn. Culture is how people behave when no one is looking.
Also, you're pretty naive if you think people in Germany won't do "illegal" things when nobody is watching. The chief principle, as always, is to not get caught. Not that I ever do or would do or think about doing anything even remotely illegal.
Ah, and to add to your last point: Do these people not exist in the US? Although I must admit, the biggest enemy of shooters and hunters in Germany are shooters and hunters themselves. Mainly because everything is still in boomer hands, but there are enough people who are mental boomers. And it's not too far-fetched that they might find their way here. There are =/= all do.
Has any Frogbro shot a TAR (service weapons) competition, ever?
I was supposed to go to an event near Epinal in April 2021 but then there was covid and it seems these events never recovered.
I shot a small local service weapon match at my range once but otherwise there's fuck all competitive events. The only events my club ever emails me about are some gay indoor airgun matches.
not being a nigger is putting the cart back, not crossing at night just because the light is red is being a german NPC deprived of free will. You germans went from serving under hitler to slobbering jews circumcized cocks in 2 years. You just follow whoever is in charge and gives you orders
>You just follow whoever is in charge and gives you orders
True, and that's a bad thing, but don't act like you're any better, Mr. Burgercuck Corporate Cocksleeve.
Nta but I use driving or riding on public roads as an exercise in self discipline. Does it matter? Nah not really. But the convenience of lane splitting even when it's illegal or running a red to save yourself 45 seconds helps train you to hold back on things that will actually matter (in my dog shit opinion)
>r running a red t
that's nigger stuff, I literally mean when you are on foot. I saw germans at night not crossing the street just because the red light was on for like 5 min. I never run a red light even if it's night out.
I'm not a burger
>I'm not a burger
Then why are you talking like one? You're french or polish, aren't you?
You gotta kick these people out, Ireland seems to be the only country doing something for their Volk
I'm whatever you hate the most.
IIRC Ireland has muzzies as mayors now
Yes the do and theyre burning down immigration centers. Im Albanian and even we are getting africans and indians here now. Parts of France are narco tier dangerous now
our countries will be third world shitholes
our countries will be third world shitholes and I'll buy FA aks for a chest of bananas
How about doing something instead, western euros really are children. Join an active club, support only White businesses, have 3 kids etc. Even Albanians are doing better than you recently in my village some algerian got his hand cut off for trying to talk to a woman.
>Join an active club
I want muslims out but I also don't want to associate with Nazi dweebs
Nta, but
>Join an active club
A chess club?
>only white business
99% of the business I shop are white owned. Here muzzies only run kebab shops and niggers work in the fields.
>have 3 kids
Can't afford them plus the right for all their larping about wanting more kids and births is doing everything to make it more impossible by closing down nurseries, kindergartens etc.
Bothe the left and the right profit from mass immigration so it will never change. Plus there are already too many of them.
Well that has closed real fast, your race is your uniform

Its easy as hell to have kids, that whole its too expensive is a cope. My sister has 8 and her husban is a wagie who is poor, but you just have to budget and after a few years it gets easy. 2 to 3 is very easy, your ancestors did it in much harder scenariosand survived. Spengler also said that when on weighs the pros and cons of childbirth it is already is a destroyed society
You either live in a slav shithole or are making everything up. Having children is expensive as fuck in any first world country
Nvm, i didn't know I was talking to a underaged noguns nazi larper, carry on.
>hope they don't pin this shit on you frog gun owners
They will pin everything on us. It's probably eastern or maghrebi mafia this time again, all weapons illegaly acquired, but somehow it will be my 82yo grand-father's fault with his .22 bolt-action.
>My sister has 8 and her husban is a wagie who is poor
France. Have 4. Not rich, not totaly poor either and wife doesn't work. It'sa ok. But you have to compromise and accept minimalism of some sort.
Send them back here, we need them.

Im Albanian and my sister lives in NYC with some Anglo guy, they do fine, Im sure you can do fine as well, you just need to struggle and accept that its for your children now
Frog here, stop bullshitting, the only way to have 4 kids with a wife that doesn't work is if you're filthy rich or you're nigger tier poor and get handouts/let your kids grow up like niggers with nothing.
Stop larping
>median income is 7k usd per month
Lmao, stop bullshitting, noguns.
The day italian crime statistic took a jump
Manhattan is not the only place on the island. Having at least 2 kids is so easy for first world Western Europeans and they still complain.
Not him but there's nothing wrong taking all the help you can get
If youre White there is nothing wrong with using aid to have more White kids
>Having at least 2 kids is so easy for first world Western Europeans
Spoken like someone who doesn't live here or an underaged
correct I live in a midwest Ghetto in America with 1 kid so far, If I can have a kid on 30k a year salary while my fiancé lives with her parents Western Euros can have kids. If 60iq somalis who live in mud huts can, than you can
Stopped reading, post ignored
You ignored his post so well that you responded to it
Instead of blocking me , listen to my advice to have more White children instead of being selfish, learn to limit yourself and live for your kids
If anything, birthing childrens into poverty is selfish.
lmao the poverty is Europe is laughable, your ancestors went through much worse.
Go back far enough and my ancestors were in caves, should I abandon everything and raise my kids like apes as well?
Only larp here is your nokid doomposting. Meanwhile I still have 4 blue-eyed blond white kids, i'm still your average white collar wagie, my wife is still not working + homeschooling the boys. Pull yourself together, have faith and father white children you faggot manchild zoomer.
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Tradlarpers fuck off, this is a weapons thread
>but somehow it will be my 82yo grand-father's fault with his .22 bolt-action.
That sounds familiar and I'm not even euro or a leaf.
>larping, the post
Lmao, sure thing kid
I'm going 40 and you are a sad, depressed and lonely late teenager. Please do not shoot yourself with your gun if you even own one, which I seriously doubt.
This isnt 2005 on 4chan normal people are here as well as middle aged people
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Good morning Europe. Today is range day
that's a sweet coat
ok kid
I know, I'm almost 35 as well, but when someone changes their story 5 times without posting a single piece of evidence you know they are making shit up
>nokid 35 yo
Good Lord I understand why you are mad at white family men.
>when someone changes their story 5 times
I'm not the albanian guy you assaulted before you dumbfuck. I was just bumping on having kids in western world as of today. But you wouldn't know, obviously.
>without posting a single piece of evidence
So you are 35 yo, have no kid, probably no woman whatsoever, and you want to watch pictures of children on the internet. Everything is fine. I kinda changed my mind : maybe you should shoot yourself.
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Thanks. That's an old (70s or 80s) Anschutz shooting jacket lined with an even older USMC shooting jacket
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>projecting pedo fantasies on others
kys, albanian pedo. post gun with timestamp. that's all the evidence I need that you're not a kid larping
>nokid 35 yo
says who? I have 1 son and my point has always been that raising children is expensive unless you raise them like niggers who don't even enroll them into good school or afterschool sports. not to talk about all the other stuff like clothing, instructors etc. Anyone who says raising kids is easy and cheap 100% never had a kid.
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What are you niggerfaggots on about now
>That's an old (70s or 80s) Anschutz shooting jacket lined with an even older USMC shooting jacket
at what point does it become cheaper to just switch target than use all those stickers?
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lol, I bought the Anschutz jacket when I was pretty chunky but I lost weight so it lost a bit of its constricting power so now I'm wearing something else under it to fill it
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That's not even bad, I stapled a pistol target on top of one of those yesterday because the 10 ring couldn't be physically patched up anymore
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>get an email from my club in France
>"hey guys, sunny days are back and so are competitive events"
>look inside
>air guns and small bore only
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>leftist PM shot in slovakia
RIP slovak gun owners. Polenar will have to become a wagie
>slovenia slovakia tomato tomato
i love how they always run away when asked to post a gun with timestamp. he truly was a kid
Lol, this whole thing gets spicier with each new drop of info...
For those unfamiliar with Slovak politics, Fico is your typical central european populist attracting mainly boomer ex-commie voters, bootlicking nationalists and welfare recipients, and publicly sucks russian cock big time while actually doing everything possible to never upset Mommy EU enough to cut gibs.
While he was rushed to the hospital, his party's number 2 started blaming opposition MPs and "pro-EU media" for fueling hate and causing this, and now we're starting to learn that he got blasted by a disgruntled, minority-hating boomer, who in the past publicly praised "Slovenskí branci" (an ostensibly nationalist, but heavily pro-Russian paramilitary).

Also once again it's a May wednesday, and once again a Slovak guy fucks up shooting an important political figure...
>disgruntled, minority-hating boomer,
Here they are saying the perpetrator is a leftist writer/poet disappointed with him supporting putin
He is a writer/poet, but maybe not the kind of leftist you would imagine first...

I mean, it could be all bullshit cause it's pretty early, but I just find it too funny to resist.
Fico deserved it
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American here, just got this trashed walther osp, cracked frame.

What I want to know from you Europeans, do these stickers mean it did good and i can forgive the mystery German for destroying the frame, or did they suck and ruined the gun for nothing
The square stickers are state shooting association membership badges, but the round one looks like it's from a national championship.
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about time those orbanesque mini dicators get a friendly reminder that their purpose is to serve the country. and not to gut it and put everything into their own pocket. while selling the state out to the former occupiers from soviet times for troll army support during votes.
that grip has been fitted to the hand of the preowner. it wont help you.
It just mean he might've partecipated in those competitions. I got a few of those stikers and I was just a spectator
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Good morning /euk/
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Good morning
Est-ce que tu as deja essayé Wolmerange-les-mines?
Ils sont plus libérale, ils ont aussi des tirs de nuit avec lampes etc
Il y aussi des luxos, le pluspart sont des policiers et c’est toujours interessant de faire des connaissances
I heard about it but it was too far, and now I moved even further away
Fuck no, I immediately bolted back home and called the cops. Parents thought I was hysterical (was 12 at the time and regularly played wargames with friends) until EOD said they found 2 satchels full of hand grenades.
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Cool chinese chestrig, I haven't seen this style before. Any idea what is it for?

Comfy /k/it. I carry my earpro in a similar cloth drawstring bag that some fancy bathroom fixtures came in instead of usual bubble wrap. How do you like the 3D printed strippers? Do they work okay?
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They're a bit stiff and too expensive for what they are, wouldn't recommend unless you can get them for like half the price of originals, or less
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>disappointed with him supporting putin

They started saying that before they even knew who the fuck the perp was because of course they did lmao.
In reality he was a schizotypal boomer who hated gypos and muslim migrants (kinda based), simped for zigger-leaning paramilitaries (cringe), was "pro-peace" which bas basically become a code word for zigger in the past 2 years and shot Fico because he disagreed with his government taking over the Slovak public media.
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>Any idea what is it for?
It's for the type85 sniper rifle which is the chinese svd copy. Mags do fit but it's tighter than a chinese cunt. I wonder if it just shrunk with age or something.
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Works with subsonic ammo desu
Nice, thanks anon

Yeah, it's also broke, left handed while I'm right handed. I just shoved together for the pic its unmountable due to being broken in pieces. The bastard had the idea to file down the frame of the gun to match the contours of the grip, which is why the frame is rekt. I should be able to get it functioning but it'll always be a bit jank now.

Probably gonna 3d print a grip for myself.
The sad part is, if it wasnt left handed, the grip is just about the right size for my hands. Much closer than stock grips tend to.
>competition on Sat
>haven't even zeroed gun
Practice is for pussies
Surely you can get half an hour of range time tomorrow
I guess
I'm working the early morning shift this week so I feel dead every day after work
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Remember to support the VDB and join the fight for better gun laws in Germany!
Bros is there a single yuro country that allows for innawoods larp murica style?
I don’t even mean shooting, just taking your rifle with you for larp purpose.
>yeah if you’re a hunter and have access to hunting grounds of some sort
I’m a hunter but can’t afford a hunting opportunity in my overpriced hellhole
In France if you're a hunter there's public land open for hunting where you can basically hike with your rifle. However hunters are limited to manual action or 2+1 capacity semi auto, long guns only
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No he is right, that one is a rental. I did post my gats in another thread though, but it's nothing exciting. Glock 19 "Pro" and a Ruger 10/22
Yes, but try doing that in France without being a cop. Two years goes fast in the end.
>in France
Get a range membership, wait 6 months if it's the first time, ask permit, wait 2-6 weeks, receive permit, go buy Glock from the shop or online and take it home or have it shipped to your door
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French too :

> 25 / 50 / 200 / 300m ranges
> Only forbidden calibers are 338LM and 50BMG because of the backstop not being able to stop such calibers
> I can invite any fren to come shoot with my AR-15, my moist nugget, my glocks, berettas, anything goes they're under my responsibility
> I go to the range pretty often (at least once a week) so I know the clerk at the office
> Sometimes on saturdays, a gunsmith comes with all kinds of rare and beautiful guns to expose them in the hall
> With the new laws in France, if you've been authorized to buy B category weapons, you can just get home with a FAL, a G3, or an M1 Garand if you're lucky enough

Your range sucks, change as soon as possible fren
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Oh wait it's the directive isn't it.
I keep forgetting there are EU countries that actually took that thing seriously.
Oh wait not France, nevermind I didn't read the whole post.
Still, point stands.
Finland if you own the land
Technically no lower limit to how much land, I know people who shoot in their front yards
I guess frogland is how it used to be in Finland? If you had a shitty club and shitty local cops it was possible never to get a 9mm or AR. Now the laws are otherwise fucking shit but the requirements are far less arbitrary. It will never get good again because we have so many people who are unironically angry about Finland never being Soviet.
Only a rarefying L1A1 or even rarer civilian sporter
Only the civvie version
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In italy only if you have an hunting license, during hunting season and depending on the caliber you might need to get a reduced magazine.
The pre-1998 era was a mixed bag. Yes, you had the cornucopia of unlimited weapon parts, actually reasonable licensing costs, minors could have handguns, open bolt uzi's, 'file guns' for collectors, concealed carry in the books, handguns for hunting, no time requirements etc.

But there was also a lot of nigger retard suomistan bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy (paying the salaries of subhuman oxygen-wasting parasites known as municipal workers), like the aforementioned arbitrary and unequal enforcement licensing of firearms from one municipality to another, absolutely insane and nonsensical license conditions like target sights on pistols, blatant no-issue of MSR's in some places, separate permit to buy ammunition (until 1983), beyond retarded barrel and overall length requirements since 1986 (400 and 840 mm, respectively), military caliber restrictions for which you had to get a special permit from the provincial government, and just the no-issue of guns at all if the pig didn't like your face.

I think gun culture has improved, but the legislation has clearly degraded.
>arbitrary and unequal enforcement licensing
I grew up in New Jersey (where gun laws are Euro tier by burger standards), same issue depending on your county of residence. You live across the river from NYC? Fill out this stack of paperwork, jump through all these hoops, and you can pick up your gun license in a year and a half. You live in the north-west hills with all the veterans and farmers? Fill out these simple forms and we'll see you in a month. Things are slowly getting better though, avg NJ residents who aren't retired cops can actually get a carry permit now. I'll never move back, but it's nice to watch my home being slightly less retarded from afar.
thats dope. gotta look into it
Got mah glawk today
Used 19X with a spare threaded barrel, pretty cheap too
nice range Franken Anon
Evropa no!!
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Good morning. Range day today
Do you shoot slugs or do you have a shotgun range?
90% of what I shoot are slugs, there also a skeet/clay/olympic lanes but I find them boring.
Anyone ever bought from army surplus .sk ? is it trustworthy?
I bought from their Czech branch, they're fine.
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Ok, results in
Not too proud of the other silver because my score was shid, but a medal is a medal
The other one was losing to the gold medalist by one (1) point, no great results across the field because it was just a local competition but I basically scored to the extent of my ability under pressure and that's also cool
Still based, congrats.
Going to a comp in a week, I hope I'll bring something back
I had a lot of 4th and 5th place finishes before today, never scored in the medals previously
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Good morning
Did something click or just natural progression and luck of the draw with the other competitors?
The others shot worse than last year and I shot better than last year
Plus I dug out my secret weapon, my Saiga M3. It's almost bone stock and has 3000 or so shots of steel core put through it, yet can print a less than 3 MOA 10-shot group if the shooter knows what he's doing. I guess I just magically learned to shoot finally. I was still bad at the standing portion but I figured a 60/100 standing score would still land me in the medals if I did well at the prone
Well congrats. Remember what you did right for next time
Germanbros, due to our shitty government new gunsafes are in crazy high demand and I won't get mine before the middle of july. What did we do to get punished more and more every passing year with senseless regulations? No fun allowed here. The government does not trust you one bit
Gun safe laws are stupid and completely pointless. My safe is never locked
Yeah, in 2017 they forced people to buy overly expensive class 0 or 1 safes, now they are forcing people again to buy number combination safes because they deemed those with normal keys as unsafe. Its a neverending parade of harassment
>What did we do to get punished more and more every passing year with senseless regulations?
I don't know how you germans think and sometimes I think the memes of you being NPCs are too exagerated, but living near a very touristy place that gets literally INVADED by germans, dutch and austrians during summer months I have over the years noticed that unlike austrians or frogs etc germans in particular the few times I asked about gun culture there they often replied "oh no you can't own guns in Germany, only the police and very few hunters can"
When a sport or a tradition becomes something enjoyed by an extreme minority it doesn't surprise me that nobody will oppose any new dumb regulations. Here an hunting license is easy to obtain and costs a few hundreds euros, In Germany from what I saw it's usually from 1.5k to 3k, that alone alienates the bulk of the population who will be cut off from hunting. Any new regulation like better safes and the like will be shrugged off and not opposed by snob hunters who will say shit like "if you can't afford a safe you shouldn't own guns" which is dumb.
>Here an hunting license is easy to obtain and costs a few hundreds euros,
In Finland it's less than a hundred € and hunting is still dying out because the cityfag greens are trying their best to forbid it
I want to apologise for german boomer tourists in advance, they have way to much disposabke money and are a plague on every bit of land they touch.
>"oh no you can't own guns in Germany, only the police and very few hunters can"
They're clueless. We have almost a million of gun owners in germany, with a rising trend. The Problems dont arise from politicians in the fiest place, but rather that the organisation that should do pro-gun lobby work like the shooters guild or hunting organisations benefit from harsher regulations, so they dont protest whenever gungrabbing politicians think of new ways to throw rocks at legal gun owners.
here it's a cycle of
>nooo poor boars don't kill them
>wft! my son died in a car crash from unchecked boar population and they are causing tens of millions of euros in damages? WHERE ARE THE HUNTERS!
Personally I only got a sport license because hunting boars is boring and here they use dogs to chase them out of the forest (double boring and requires no skills). I would love to stalk and hunt a deer but there are too little of them here and you can hunt them only via selection or on hunting reserves which is gay.
Lel, just make Finnish friends from the areas in southwestern Finland where the deer are a real problem
>we humbly request 70 deer permits for this season...
>70? that's nuts! how about 700? maybe 1000?
Nope, it's just that
>people are moving from countryside to cities, fewer people left to partake in it
>hunting associations are full of old farts who in their heads still live in the sixties and act accordingly
>a lot of hunting groups flat out refuse to acknowledge complaints about bad behavior, like drinking and driving or drinking while on ambush. Most people don't enjoy hanging around someone who's locked and loaded, shitfaced, and looking for something to shoot
>a lot of people these days just flat out don't have the patience or interest in hunting anymore
>getting into moose hunting groups is an especially bad investment because you're splitting the bounty with dozens of people
>unless you do it in the bumfuck middle of nowhere which means driving halfway across country and needing a dog

Getting into hunting can be done cheap but in any sort of hunting that's done in groups, many of the older folk seem to want to hold the younger generations down for whatever retarded reason.

Surprisingly the only shit we get from the greens nowadays is over wolves, bears and lynxes. That conversation has gone off the rails right from the start and nobody can admit that there are too few predators to keep environment-destroying herbivore herds (deer, boar, moose) in check but at the same time wolf packs and bears keep getting too comfortable with hanging out near humans. Permits to hunt large predators are supposed to be handed out based on need (e.g. a bear stalking farm animals needs to go) but usually the authorities just give out the number of permits allowed to whoever knew the right people, and then those hunters promptly go after the easiest kill rather than targeting the predators that are most disruptive to human inhabitation. It's just pure stupidity.
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The Finnish island where we have our summer cottage is infested with deer. Even in daytime, you see up to 30-50 of them through your ride and they're chilling near the road.
My father in law asked the local hunters group to join them.
>How much land do you own? Lol it's way too little you filthy pleb
Fuck swedish finns
>My father in law asked the local hunters group to join them.
>How much land do you own? Lol it's way too little you filthy pleb
>Fuck swedish finns
That's part of the reason why hunting is dying in Finland to be fair, it's not just Fennoswedes but everyone who happens to own land who is that way
>Surprisingly the only shit we get from the greens nowadays is over wolves, bears and lynxes.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were extended to other animals over time because they don't exactly shy away from saying they think all hunting is unethical
Surprisingly they're easy to reason with, you just point out how much forest growth is lost to moose eating young trees. Then you point out that if left unchecked, moose population grows by almost 50% every year, year after year, wolves and bears unable to make a meaningful dent. Once you finally point out that in just twenty years they'll consume more tree growth than could be produced if ALL of finland was pine forests, they usually stop trying to come up with ideas for how to "manage" the population without culling.
>they don't exactly shy away from saying they think all hunting is unethical
pray you don't get groups like centopercento animalisti like we have in italy, these unhinged fuckers will proudly say they will steal your dogs and kill you for hunting anything. they even posted videos of them harassing a grandpa who was teaching his nephew fishing. Sadly they are too cowards to come in some of the valleys near Brescia with the most hunters as in these places if you bother an hunter they will unironically shoot you in the face and say they tought it was a bird.
>>nooo poor boars don't kill them
>>wft! my son died in a car crash from unchecked boar population and they are causing tens of millions of euros in damages? WHERE ARE THE HUNTERS!
lol, for this reason sometimes in France there are counties where getting a hunting permit is free. But they still struggle to find new blood.
A boomer friend told me "these days a guy in his 40s getting a permit is considered a young hunter"
Bah, the cityfag slacktivists here can't navigate a forest to save their lives
But they don't have to because they control the media
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are you a nigger?
No, are you?
Before you buy a new safe make sure you actually need one. If I'm not mistaken the whole key problem is only an issue in NRW right now. I called my local Behörde and asked if I need to change my safe. They told me no.
are there even any euro countries that don't require you to have a safe and other precautions? Here in the UK you also need an alarm system but considering what's at stake it's not that unreasonable.
In France you only really need a safe for category B guns (handguns and semis) but it can be a second hand school locker with an Aldi lock. But nobody will ever check how you store your guns unless you have a huge collection registered or the cops happen to visit you about something else
In italy the law requires you that you "take precautions so that those unfit to hold weapons can't get to them"
You don't really need a safe and you could simply lock them in a wardrobe or whatever and a lot of hunters who have only 4-5 guns usually just do that.
Personally I think even a cheap 200€ Viro safe is a good investment in case anything happens.
In Czechia you can keep up to 2 guns and up to 500 rounds of ammo without a safe, you just have to "protect them from lost, theft or misuse".
For 3 to 10 guns you need a steel security locker rated for 15 Resistance Units, for up to 20 a safe, for more than 20 a higher-grade safe or a safe room.
In Lithuania for 5 guns only safe is enough
up to 11 need also alarm system
12+ or if you have full auto gun
alarm system with armed security that would respond to alarm
>armed security that would respond to alarm
can you be the security?
>Here in the UK you also need an alarm system but considering what's at stake it's not that unreasonable.
Stop being cucked
In Finland you could store an AR and a handgun in a wooden closet with the cheapest Chinese padlock you can find and it'll be legal. If you have normal rifle mags or 6 guns you need a safe though, because then it magically turns that much more dangerous
>But nobody will ever check how you store your guns unless you have a huge collection registered or the cops happen to visit you about something else
Actually also the case in Finland - the law forbids the cops from checking up on your storage
>15 Resistance Units
The fuck is a Resistance Unit?
>But nobody will ever check how you store your guns unless you have a huge collection registered or the cops happen to visit you about something else

Really? That's interesting. In Austria you have the same rules for B weapons except the police will check up on them every 5 years. It's usually a 2 minute visit where they look at the locker and check the guns serial numbers.

Only for B weapons though, for C weapons there are essentially no rules except you need to notify the authorities if you plan on owning a huge number of them.
What is this? What's that rimmed cartridge? Is it open bolt?
Open bolt, 22lr
very cool
*retard-strenght units
How many retards it takes to breach the safe
You used to have to send a copy of proof of purchase of a safe when you asked a B weapon permit but now you just tick a box that says "I swear I have the correct storage space for the guns I want with this permit". I never heard of anyone getting a police visit to check their storage
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Arbitrary units used for rating safes specified in some industry standard, anon here >>61671314 actually got it kinda right.
It's specified this way because the level of security for the gun lockers is too low for any of the "true safes" levels, but they didn't want people to just slap a 2 dollar padlock on a beat up school locker and call it a day.
That's a great threat anons.
thx and greetings from Germany.
It's kinda useless since you need to register your guns anyway and the law doesn't even state you need a safe or locker, it's just generally accepted this is the option that will never get you into trouble.

I know a guy who collects handguns and legally owns more than 50 handguns and they checked the serial number on every single one kek

But whatever, a small price to pay for not having UK or NL tier gun laws.
My main number is .22LR pistol competitions i.e. Sporting pistol, Standard pistol, etc.

I shoot competitions with:
.22LR Pistol (25m)
.22L Rifle (10m)
.38 Special LWC Revolver (25m)
9x19mm Pistol (25m)
12GA Pump action shotgun (Various distances, it's a dynamic competition)
Air pistol (10m)

At our range we also have a .22 pistol competition and a speed & precision competition which I also participate in.
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Good morning Europe
.22 would be great for actually learning how to shoot, which is a department where I'm still lacking
Haven't got into it because the lead ban is going to render .22 guns into scrap
>Haven't got into it because the lead ban is going to render .22 guns into scrap
I've seen you often in these threads scared shitless of a lead ban that might or might not happen. You also might get into a car accident and lose your ability to walk, so why not stop walking right now?
This kind of attitude I have seen it only in severely depressed patients
It's not going to. The current restrictions and anything under discussion for the future has an exemption for ranges with proper shot traps that prevent leeching into groundwater.
>they didn't want people to just slap a 2 dollar padlock on a beat up school locker and call it a day
literally what I do except it's a beat up army locker and I use two shitty padlocks lmao
also my rifles don't fit in the locker so I keep them hidden underneath my bed, with mags and ammo kept separately in the locker along with pistols
it's not according to the law, I know, but I personally prefer to spend the ~5k czechbux on guns, drugs, and whores, rather than on some pointless "safe" which actually isn't much safer
have you ever heard of the cops conducting a truly random inspection that they are allowed to do if one has more than three (I think) guns?
I suspect they only ever do these if they have a good enough reason (like schizo ramblings on social media etc.) to do so, hence why I ignore this part of the law
Finland checking in
>What do you guys shoot?
I shoot with my reservist association. Trying to get into SRA (sovelletty reserviläisammunta, applied reservist shooting) which is a IPSC-like sport
>What's popular in your country?
SRA, IPSC, hunting, recreational range shooting
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Anyone know if the CETME surplus rifles from Zeleny Sport are in good shape?
They apparently have something like 3500 of them left and they're super cheap and so are the mags.
Really the most expensive part would be shooting it, buying 1000 rounds of surplus 7.62x51 will double the price of the rifle.
I can't stop buying guns

help me guys
I solved this by getting into competitive shooting. Instead of buying new guns my money goes into expensive accessories, gas, and entry fees
/euk/, if you were in the United States for some reason, what would be the first gun you would buy?
Something American and cheap because that doesn't exist here. Even "budget" guns end up fairly expensive with all the import and other taxes
>ever heard of the cops conducting inspection
No, not really. The cops only really check on people with Class A exemtion AFAIK.
I got myself a 10-gun safe early on mostly for peace of mind, cause my friend got burgled and got his 2 guns stolen from him. Had he more than 2 and no safe, they would chew his ass over that.
A carry gun cause it's full of crime there

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