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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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so you are pro-life?
all abortion is murder?
even if the baby is a nigger?

nigger and jew babies get to live?
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Im against killing kids, im pro sterilizing every jew and nigger and letting these subhumans die out as they should long time ago.
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>There’s a theory she’s a white hat and she was planted in the D party to make them all look like asses.

If AOC has hack skill I def want her to sit on my face.

>so you’re back on the Trump train?

I never left, but Trump was shady toward me after he hiested the money from the corrupt local cops....

So, im not happy by any means.

Why should I trust that Trump will do the right thing now?

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>Im against killing kids
k, well, sorry
i should not have accused you of that then
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this, i was clearly the one projecting moral dubiety onto christians

What are the implications of the fountain of youth?

Good for society or unsustainable?

What age do you see yourself living to?
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Gnostics describe Angels as Archons?
Maybe, I am not a gnostic myself, I don't follow any religion except being raised on western christian moral values(not even baptized though).
I thought the beings in the v*id are different to archons, but now you make me think archons are these beings. I am merely a confused soul, excuse my lack of knowledge. Every bit comes from my own digging and pattern matching.
You believe antediluvian elites were wiped out but followed what you term beings from the void, which you are now considering are Archons? Is that correct?
no i believed the antediluvian elites still rule with the help of the archons. I thought the angels are different to the archons. And I thought there is beings in the v*id which even the archons fear.
If what I call archons is actually the angels, then archon would either be an alternative term for angel, given by the gnostics, or archon is the term for the beings in the v*id.
And the void beings exist in negative energy space? Black holes?

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Do we germans should feel mercy?
Nothing literally does not happen
Nothing literally did not happen
Nothing literally never happens
Nothing literally never happened
what would count as a happening at this point?
serious question.
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K e k d e m a n d s t h a t I c h e c k e m.

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>Be billionaire
>Have two options
>Build a business, make/sell a product and employ people OR invest in the stock market and watch line go up

Is this what communists meant by late stage capitalism?
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No, that's today's Germany. They were not genocidal so they wanted to relocate them. Perhaps it should have been to Madagascar instead and they should have taken away their possessions. Maybe they should have murdered them lol (imagine all the bullshit that would have prevented) . But jew-run they were not.
yeah they bowed to jewry when trying to become one, they saved jews slaughtering slavs and sending german goyim to death
>when trying to become one

No such thing happened. They summarily killed partisans and observed laws of war. Of course they weren't perfect but what you're saying is just one of the many flavors of jew propaganda.
>why are you letting someone rob you of it?
usury, fractional reserve banking, derivatives, asset rehypothecation
don't call me comrade faggot
I know what they are.

Why even try to earn money from the average person when you can siphon it within the stock market everytime the banks print more money and dump it into the market?

Why employ people when you can offshore the workforce to India?
It's not like another billionaire is going to start a new Amazon or Google and outcompete you with a national workforce. There would be no profit to be gained.

Capitalism is usury. >>470121995 Usury wasn't allowed during the roman period.

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Whats the point to buy that ugly subhuman thing unless you want to hit and kill someone?
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I will import a dodge 1500 trx next month to India
India needs a truck culture like the US
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Those are German plates.
That's a German from Das fatherland proudly showing his new beast. He's probably the owner of those hopfields behind him to produce more deutsch beer. He bought this vehicle to drive over the cheap migrants who work his fields if they don't move out of his way. Glory to him, I hope he hates niggers and kicks out the jews.
Perhaps it's to tow a trailer of jews to the gas chamber.
Due to environmental standards. They can't make a smaller truck, it's literally illegal
Smol pp:3

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Stop masturbating.

Stop drinking alcohol.

Don't do drugs.
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kys faggot
I was in that some position years ago, entering sissy hypno threads and asking if they had any vids of that style without all the gay shit.
It's a bit messed up innit?
whose body is this
advanced coomers, now's your time to shine
Messed up that I have to ask? Yeah. Also messed up that it doesn't have its own category. But the stuff itself imo is same kind of porn as anything else. Just different because of how many girls you see within a short timespan. Usually you hone in on one of them, or one body part, and here you don't even have enough time for your brain to register it. That's what makes it so awesome. One thing I noticed is that it needs to be the same general area. If you go from ass to face to vaginal to blowjob then it breaks the flow. It requires a lot of editing to get the cut speeds correct, and what you show. Not surprising that it's so rare.
There was one where the uploader made POV blowjobs of different girls, every clip was maybe 300ms, maybe 500 ms at most. And he synced them up perfectly on the shaft, so that when it switched to the next girl it was seamless. It was ridiculously good, but got taken down I guess. I'm sad I'll never see that gif again.
Best one in terms of rhythm etc. I found so far is called
>Porn Addict LOSER Mindfuck (Quick cut goon PMV) Compilation (Stroke It)
on tnaflix. but it doesn't compare to that blowie vid, also I don't appreciate the insult.

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What the fuck is this?
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Jiminy sucks dick and you should be ashamed to work there.
I didn't do it this time, brainletfag. You need to learn to read more gooder.
It's common knowledge and etiquette that the rules are meant to be broken, as such the respectable janitors are in on the joke and actually enjoy it. Quite a few threads start with "red pill me on" etc. You are simply a newly lowly redditfaggot that should go back to whence he came from.
To be fair, it could be a power tripping middle management loser. They are very common.
Clean it up, Wagie.
once they get shitcanned from their comfy corporate positions, they become public school administrators and ruin even more lives

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Why are rightwigners unable to be as violent as those who have no balls?
Its rather odd how of all the shooting done by troons, they were an abused troons
but for all the shootings done by rightwingers, there were none done by an abused troon
What makes the elft so violent that they think shooting people is the correct and moral option unlike rightwingers?
Also another shooting today, add it to the lsit
>It was not part of their blood,
>It came to them very late,
>With long arrears to make good,
>When the Saxon began to hate.
1pbtid thread guaranteed
You know that "reddit spacing" is just a meme to shit on newfags, right? I'm not going to read your post, not because I don't want to, but because you formatted it like an absolute nigger brained ape rendering it illegible.

Should people, uh, go to war with little democrat kids?
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Be docile and meek!
Btw if you do anything at all you are a glownigger. stay at home and trust the plan.

>please dont hurt us for wrecking the world we’re all good Christians and White people after all
I love this jew role playing. Nice try kike.
all the glormpftards coming out to defend this psycho kike bitch who treats kids as enemies. I'm all for war, but empathy is supposed to be part of what separates us from the left. glormpftards eat the jew psychopathy up though cause their morality only exists ad far as their false god worship isn't affected. if it affects blompf, all bets are off for these faggots then the kids are evil. however they're just brainwashed and need saved. better a millstone tied around their neck and cast into the ocean than the children be hurt. loomer ofc doesn't follow this given her moral code, and blompfies are far too quick to agree. this isn't all trumptards I'm sure, but many obviously.
>inb4 2 long didn't read or doesn't matter still voting
yes I understand the limits of you
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>equal rights for others
Except if I don't want to get the mrna covid shot right? Or if I openly admit my dislike for trans people? What about my rights then? But no, you don't need to answer that. I already know what's in your heart. You are not nice people.
>sets a precedent
>'noooo you can't be mean us too noooooooooooooooooooo'

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Israel is getting JEET’D. What are the political implications? How soon before the PM of Israel is Indian origin?
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Good morning Israeli Saar! We will be taking your women!
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Good morning!
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Good morning saars!
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Excuse me but they looks pretty much from the same race

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>look up the list of israel products so I can boycott them
>It's all goyslop and unhealthy shit
Why are jews like this?
if you don't care about israel-palestine shit, boycott israel so you and your family can be healthy





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>Any posts pretending Biden is tough on the border are so obviously shills or sarcastic trolls; do I even have to point that out?
Biden can blame the Congress and present himself as being forced to take action. If he follows through and start deporting aliens, he will probably win the election.
Saw this coming the jews have been planning this they are up to something nefarious
>le reminder repubs le le le
Demokikes created the problem and then refused to do anything about it, who are they trying to convince?
I already see mexican teenagers that were brought here as babies try-harding to be American as possible and get as far away from the image their ugly fat squat beaner no habla landscaper and hotel maid parents created as wetback invaders. It's hilarious.
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>Reminder, Republicans voted against the toughest border security legislation in decades.

What else was in the bill? Had to be a good reason for it. I recall earlier this year, there was a bill that essentially enforced border control but then allowed something like 4,000 "migrants" per month into the country.

$10 says this executive order is total bullshit, won't be enforced and at election time Biden will be allowed to say he is "tough on the border," while Trump isn't allowed to respond and voters won't buy it.

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Making a box like this takes at least 3 man hours of work. That's 18 million man hours.
Assuming 40h weeks that's 450000 weeks, 8654 years.
In other words it would take 1000 laborers nearly 9 years to make all the boxes!
Kek based
I mean, the fact she had bowls of food and water near the box was already a hint that it's bullshit
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>posting a selfie
Would you please not do that, kthxbye
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it was not a capital punishment. also blocked/build in the house or wooden box as punishment was one of oldest rules. since 4000 before chris indo Europeans did it.(russians found such houses and boxes around the whole north and middle asia.) also she was feed and released in few weeks. starving to death was forbidden. this was not for adultry but for harming own family members. adultry was punished by whipping or being kicked out of the town village family clan.


>DARPA Successfully tests their autonomous RACER heavy platform vehicle
The tank version of RACER will be code RACIST
that's neat, how will it react to the operator's family and friends being killed in their homes?

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slowly slowly catchy monkey
they are guided by god himself
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>daily why Russia isn't slaughtering us fast enough cope thread.
sad worthless op is sad.

both sides have limited resources to work with and targets the long term objectives
>ukraine will surelly collapse in 2 weeks
>russia will surelly collapse in 2 weeks

OP is the 2 weeks in question
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Fake war. No other war in history has been "fought" like this one.

What's happening to Caitlin Clark is a preview of what this country will be like when it isn't white majority anymore.

The amount of hatred and venom projected by blacks just because she is successful in their domain has been insane. It's just endless hate comments on social media and cheering when black players attacked her for the crime of being a successful female basketball player. Any small power they have that gets challenged turns them into wild animals more than they normally are.
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>>never said no just "no camera"
>>when given another optiin then said no
>You were caught lying kike. I have never seen a kike go so low as to impersonate someone else's identity here.

the other option was typing all the information on my photo ID btw guys just in case you were wondering, this is me, i wrote the date and my name last month for you guys thats clearly NOT MY PHONE i had to borrow one for this selfie i am as annoyed as i look fucking with a cell phone i genuinely hate the fucking things>>470119949
And you wont do the other option because you are a lying kike who was caught
>And you wont do the other option because you are a lying kike who was caught

i wont do it because its a pain in the ass and you will move the goalposts again anyway so its for no benefit>>470119949
>we did this last month remember i kept telling you i didnt want to take a selfie i dont own a cell phone but you kept demanding i provide a timestamp and also proof i had an eight inch dick i said if you waited until midnight i would borrow a cell phone and do a time stamp and i showed you my gongo dick we all waited until midnight and i posted pic rel? the whole time we waited until midnight i said even when i did it you would cope and move the goal posts?
>i won't do something simple because you caught me lying
Yea I know kike
>namefag with a cold take

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He took a day off too.
Maybe they're trying to throw it. Britain is unsalvageable without abandoning liberal democracy, whoever is in power is going to have to take a huge bite of a shit sandwich over the next 10 years.
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Canada has maybe 5 years left before it goes down the path of the UK
The UK is fucked beyond words, even the Tories don't want to have to deal with what's coming. now imagine it being run by a fully diverse and empowered labour party headed by a brain dead glowie stooge. And on top of a looming economic and energy crisis the whole country is being covered by digital cameras to enact insane environmental policies and lockdowns. May as well just sink the whole fucking island now.

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How did the United States go crazy electing an African American in 2008, to the last 2 presidential candidates being a criminal rapist and child molester???
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Did you know Cane's refuses to accept phone orders? Probably some retard ordered over the phone one time and was like hey my chicken tenders are cold lol. Doordashers hate that place as well because they make those orders fresh as well.
obama rapes kids
>World Famous Hamburgers
Then why am I just now learning about this place after 65 years?
The occupy wall street riots in 2010 got the elite all shook up and they’ve been working to divide and demoralize the country ever since.

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If you fuck women in the ass, you are one step away from being a completely gay homosexual.
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Either incel or frigid woman.
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>No faithful and fulfilled wife/gf either
So I need to be a generate to satisfy a woman in this day and age.
What does that tell you about women?
I've never done anal sex with a woman and never will. I actually like pussy the best. Blowjobs are kind of meh because every girl I've ever had do them either uses too much teeth or never goes past my head. I take that back, I have had one woman my entire life who gave me a great blowjob.
Its what the majority of women masturbate too
Bla bla bla .- check it out and see for yourself how much of a fag I am.
Yes. And they were always like that. They were just enabled to come out in full unwielding by our modern world and women liberation.

It literally always happened

You just admitted that you lick pussy. Aside from being a submissive act, it's literally where she gets fucked by every straight guy she has cheated on you with. Creampies. STDs. You've tasted it all. You're not fooling anyone here - we all know you're a faggit.

>Oral fixation is faggit shit.

>Porn addiction is faggit shit.

>Anal sex is faggit shit.

It's time to stop pretending like you're the ideal lover. This is a delusion that your mind created to protect you from the bitter truth that you are a faggit.

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Wat up, yo? Whatchu doin, share your pix, dox yourself, like i do. It's fun.
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looks like shits bout to go down in the middell EEEEast
if modi loses, muslims take over
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I need to learn Hindi before I even consider moving; I’m a fan of Vedic astrology and ancient Vedic history. Kali is one of my favorite archetypes/goddesses
Also checked
Kullu means ass in my language Lol

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