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why does the west hate slavs?
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probably cause of communism
slavshits are slavshits, but everyone knows romanians are even beneath them. You can't get much lower than that.
I can give you another real answer. Marrying a millionaire/billionaire comes with the baggage of having an psychotic jew/nerd controlling you, often to sick levels. Worth it for them to make their own money even if it's not a huge amount, just to have their freedom.
Making crystals for chip manufacturing (czochralski's process)
looks like lily rader

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I am a United States Representative for the 21st congressional district in Florida. I am a former United States Army Ranger and I am a proud American.

What I have read on this website specifically this portion of this website has brought upon me many feelings. Feelings that make me disgusted, shame and disappointment in my fellow country men. The levels of Anti Semitism on here is shameful and should not be tolerated period. When I served with the Israeli Defense Forces I fought for the good of Jews here at home and in the homeland of the Jewish faith. Without Israel America would not be America. Israel does not need America, America needs Israel. The right for Israel to exist is not up for negotiation, I will always remain steadfast in defending my fellow countrymen who support Israel.

If you have any questions about what I stand for and why I stand firmly with Israel I will be happy to answer them and perhaps I will sway your opinion. I will not tolerate any death threats or threats of violence, you will be met by law enforcement swiftly.
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Why bother asking
There are more important questions I can answer

Imagine if I cared
I doubt I will though
All I care about is if you support Israel. America's only role in the world is to give Israel money and fight wars in their interest.
You or he is not an American. He’s an Israeli terrorist larping as one. I hope he evacuates his brain soon.
I like them, I wonder if he does. It's crucial that my congressmen enjoy pleasant, innocent films.
check out his PBTID

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If I go on pornhub and search jewish woman it is literally only one artist
where do I go if I wanna coom to Jewish women?
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Do it let me see pls

We sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. No one else does it for the other. We decide ourselves.
they LARP as white in porn because most white girls who aren't severe addicts won't do porn.
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haven't you come across vibewithmommy
she titles her videos as "jewish stepmom"
jewish milf
jewish woman

she is really into it and loves to roleplay, lives her character, which is hot
It’s not necessary. Look at their faces instead of just their bodies, between 1/3ed and 1/2 of the white women are clearly Jewish.
I need more jewish mommies

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Does this guy sum up the Republican party as a whole?
>Mike Johnson and Congress approved this sale in the appropriations bill.

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ehrm, ahktually....

>This dusty cunt w\ mueller in her handle thinks these faggots read the 1000 page bills they HAVE to vote on...

How fucking retarded are these left wing types? Or are most of these prominent twitter accounts just paid shills?
>it costs us 140 million a year to keep the reserve
Now we are one gas reserve poorer and that 140 million is better spent supporting the right for zelensky to have consequence-free gay sex on mandatory ukranian national television
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You can't hold him accountable for this it's not like he actually read the thing, you have to pass it first, dipshit.

I don't really consider myself to really have been tricked by Trump. I only voted for him the first time because I sure as fuck wasn't going to vote Hillary.

And then gary johnson seemed like a wasted vote. And then I thought of my dad. He'd passed in the obama years and he was a big rush fan and I knew he'd have voted for Trump so I voted Trump for my dad, desu.

And then you just get caught up in the bullshit... Like, they are very clever. Because all that russia shit was fake. So if you went along with that, and many still do, you're a fucking retard.

And then if you defend Trump even against false charges, you look like a retard. I don't think any accusation against Trump exists without a caveat or a series of them.

Or without it being something that others have done forever, and not been charged, but for Trump they make an exception.. Not one accusation is 100% honest.

Just like the court case.. who gives a shit if they paid some hooker? Like, cool, the democrats, white house, and 50+ intel guys lied about the hunter story to censor it.

That's quite literally the same criminal offense they propose Trump engaged in. No charges.

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This paid shill's name didn't age well lmao

Republican bros... He was supposed to be our Savior...
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God damn, the summerfags really are back again. You guys lower the iq of this place 15 points. Go back to speddit and tiktok please
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Jesus you fucks stand out like a nigger at the Amish barn raising.
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He's posted here before. I have no proof it was him other than intuition. He's incredibly strange, and I have full faith in his duties. I just hope he has an Agrippa to steady his hand
sounds like a boring job anyways

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This is Joel Davis, an Anglo-only white nationalist, Nordic resistance and anti-Semite. Is he based or cringe?

Thomas Sewell says ancient greeks and romans were anglos, mongolians were white, and germanics need to reclaim scandi, slavic and balkans lands so those people can move back home to their eastern steppes, lol



>Only Anglo-Saxons are white. If you ain't Anglo, you ain't white. Britain and Anglosphere = White.
>Dutch and Germans aren't white. Swedes and Finns are Asiatic, not white.
>claim Irish are a problem and subhumans that deserved everything they got from the English
>claim Americans to be prideless for the 1965 Immigration Act and cucks to the Blacks and Jews
>claim that ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordic, that Northern Italians aren't white
>claim that they will do as Hitler and Goebbels did, constantly talking up how they should control Europe and invade/kill half of the continent, including genocide of the Asiatic Scandis, Poles, Magyar, Slavs and Meds
>Joel Davis: Saxons must prepare for war against fellow White Americans, who are cattle for jews

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Yeah this one and other versions of it have been around for a while. Smells a bit like jidf d&c.
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Davis is the most popular jewish last name in Australia poofters
Eh British empire was kinda fraying at the seems by about the middle of WWI and was probably doomed to collapse regardless of WWII, though I’d agree it certainly accelerated things. If you look at the limitations Britain was pushing for in the naval treaties pre WWII it was pretty clear they just no longer had the resources to keep things going how they had been much longer. Though again the loss of prestige from Japan’s early pacific successes combined with the war being the death knell of even nominal US isolationism was one hell of a one two punch and probably took 15 years or better of the lifespan of the empire.
I remember it's ok to kill glowniggers.
You serve ideals contrary to the fit and proper position of a protector in australia, and you're simply armed goons who can be slaughtered where you stand.
Mind your eyes, sweetheart.
He's a d+c shill. Cunt isn't even Anglo himself.

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China starts military drills around the self-governed island of Taiwan.

According to Chinese state-run media: The state-run Xinhua news agency said the Eastern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army started the drills at 7:45am (23:45 GMT) on Thursday in the Taiwan Strait, the north, south and east of Taiwan, as well as areas around the islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu and Dongyin.

Is it finally happening?


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>People’s Liberation Army started the drills at 7:45am
I knew something was weird about today
>muh numbers
The PLA has no actual battlefield experience though, of course the US hasn't had any since WW2, but the chinese military is entirely inexperienced, and is staffed by weak cowardly scamming chinks fed a diet of fake plastic rice and flammable petro-cheese.
Fuck globohomo.
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>chinese military is entirely inexperienced
and all their stuff is made in China
Fun fact?
China could take over america with just a fireworks factory.

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japan should be pretty high..
Tits, NOW!
Why are poles like this? They are all incapable of controlling their emotions ? This shit is pretty cringe ngl every pole I see here is always seething and posting gore not even the Ukrainians behave like this. Even the jews are better posters...

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Literally what inflation?
For only $150, can have an amazing dinner with your family of 4. That’s an insanely good value. Inflation talk needs to stop. The lies are only hurting Biden, and he has a very good chance at going down as the single greatest president this country has ever had.
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Olive Garden is literal slop
You paid $150 for augmented plastic chicken feed
the problem with Marijuana is that all the weed growers are in an arms:race trying to make extra-potent high THC:CBD ratio, like 20:1, strains these days, so people are more likely to go euphoric and psychotic.
the free love hippie era weed of 50 years ago was like 2:1 at most.
capitalism is based sometimes
I had dinner for two for 160 the other day. I took out a male, not a female. I repeat, I do not treat females to nice things.
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And two of those were kids meals prices.

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If you genuinely believe what the news tells you about school or wars or anything you are a genuine dumbass, I hate how ALL of these parents are afraid of their kids going to school to get a good education because of some retard on the news was saying some fake shit the antivax people have been parroting
Faggot if school is so bad then how come my youngest brother wasn't shot at school ?
It’s easier to control than ppl realise.
I have a friend that’s a journo.
Has worked for nationwide newspapers.
He said every paper he worked at was controlled by the state.
He explained that journalists have no say in what stories are printed.
The editor has full control.
The editors are assets of the state and under strict orders by state as to what kind of stories they can and can’t print.
One nationwide newspaper my friend worker at. He used to go with the editor to meet a guy from mil intelligence whom would give the editor fake propaganda stories he’d tell him to put on the front page of the newspaper.
Mil intel guy didn’t wasn’t his voice recorded and editor can’t do short hand so my friend would have to go with editor to listen and write down what mil intelligence guy would say.

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>pic related

I gotta say i find it rich that the group of hecking based atheist white men of pol belong to a group where 92 fucking percent all support gay butt sex

like, how is it even that high, that is an insane number. For muslims its like 45, christians is 42, drops to 30 something if you exclude Catholics. And here we got the atheist, a whopping 92% supporting faggots. oof

So why do atheist support disgusting pedophiles like gays? Are most atheist gay ? i just dont see how you get above 90% on this issue unless you have a massive gay community within.
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How do you know they are degenerate because they are leftist and not because they don't worship your jew god?
I assume you mean christcuckery, but why is it when you bring up "rich religious history" whatever that is, you christgolems only point to White people achievements are there not non-White christian civilizations and achievements comparible to the West (read White people)?
God made all of mankind equal, how dare you suggest that the white race is superior, that is heresy!
atheists hate that people have found purpose in having families, so they naturally gravitate to the groups that don't have families.
>Muh gays!!!
>race mixing or worshipping a jew rabbi is fine tho

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A lawsuit against the covid vaccine is being filed because their daughter died after the covid vaccine.

Who else has suffered side effects like death after taking the covid vaccine?

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My heart works fine after getting 2 vaccines. Must be a skill issue.
>t. jew who never got a single goy killer shot
>the vaccine
Which one

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I have solved the Indian Question. No need to thank me.
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Your tofu dreg military does not scare anyone zhang. The american golems will destroy you and you know this. We will join in on the action and retake akshai chin from your dog boiling hands
You attacked unarmed soldiers with baseball bats spiked with nails without warning. There is no honour in a blindsided attack.
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If your military is so much stronger, why do you need your golem to fight for you? Can't you stand up on your own?
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Your retarded military fucked around by crossing the river into Chinese territory, and you found out. Next time, either learn to fight or stay on your side of the river. Don't cry like a bitch when the Chinese push your shit in.
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For the people who don't really know why the poo is crying, here's a bigger infographic in both Chinese & English.

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What are the political reamifications of having a loud mouthed big nasty booty bitch?

ass gets attention. simple as
that attention becomes a soapbox
what are the effects of public opinion and political leanings when a big nasty booty bitch can start mouthing off about some cultural or politically relevant shit and get enough attention based on the attention her big ol' booty gets by the general public

should White nationalists groom a potential hot White women with a sweet fat ass to discriminate pro White ideas and by association political policy?!

I'm mean look at that haflf a tard potatoe Gretta that autistic is affraid of a microphone yet she swaws the hearts of the youth, how so? ... Have you scene her ass?
enough said. We cannot let the left sway us with delicious firm butts and take the future
we must promote Aryan booty and scramble to find the best ass among our race to defeat our enimies!
post some canidates for a big hot nasty Aryan QT and her sweet ass booty

vid related Alizée - That Ass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7lxkvmb0LI
: this is a powerful weapon to harness for the future of the White race and the 14 words

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What's funny, is that is the German the Germans were terrified of because he said naughty words like Gosh, Gee WillAkers, P.Od. in Germany and was thus, expelled. Lol. Pure German stock.
that guy went on to make a few pretty good movies
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Why are you faggots all so gay.

Become stronger.

Stop being faggots.
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I'm glad to see the Neder is here
Bitch has fucking roid gut.

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>goyslop grave of 22 years old soldier
This is ukraine under Jewish president, beautiful
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Have you seen this?
wtf ? is he really dead ? what about the smell ?
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Great, now I want to eat a kinder bueno but I'm on a diet. 126 kg at the moment.
you fat son of a bitch

Who was in the wrong here?

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Everyone talks about therapy like it is some sort of life changing thing and everyone i have met who goes is still a fucking basket case, just poorer.
therapy is rent-a-friend for NPCs
Those who haven't experienced need for therapy - don't become therapists. That is why therapists themselves have therapists (like in the TV show Sopranos). On the video, we can see that this guy is in touch with his rage - most of us here rage only on inside. So that is healthy example...and I wish I could let myself loose like that, but I am way too disciplined for expressing emotions (I do show them though lmao). Also, despite my interesting therapy and psychology - I could NOT for the love of me do it for others. I once joined an online help group, and what you get is a shitstorm of complaints, from all age groups about suuuuuch bullshit. Yes, there are people who are dealing with actual trauma, who have been holding it all on inside for too long and it is ruining their overall health, but the rest are just idiots.
added nothing to the show

was praying every show she'd be killed, probably by Carmela, but maybe Tony's Russian GF.
you sound like a female (derogatory)

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When will we see a split between jews and minorities?

Clearly everyone is getting tired of them, old white people are literally the only thing they have(which is amusing considering their history of attacking white people).
jews cant let minorities go. that's the end of the grift if they did. mexicans, blacks, muslims, africans, etc. theyd never let that happen.
at this point it's too late to jump ship. i don't think any amount of true repentance can earn their way into the good graces of whites.

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i have recently truly started to believe that kike brains really are different, deficient in similar manner as psychopaths that,
they truly do not understand how they are evil, they do not understand justice or fairness, they think being a leech shareholder or rentier, which by definition do not work for their profits, is an "achievement", and their children are "achievers" too just by the merit of being able to leech on their family's leeching
this is why their race has been expelled from over 100+ different nations and societies of all types going back 3000 years
yet they still think THEY are the victim here,
they lack the introspection that even after 3000 years of expulsions they do not see anything wrong in their actions, do not think WHY they have been expelled so many times, that maybe, just MAYBE there could be something intrinsically wrong in their race's brain function and how they align in society to always vye for money and power in the most evil and subversive ways so they could leech as most as possible,
instead of working for the society and improve upon it, they always degrade it with their parasitic ways
have you ever put a single thought upon why the germans specifically used the phrase "arbeit macht frei" = "work sets you free" to teach to the Jewish race? have you ever thought that the deliberate wording of that might be that because your race never learned to work for the common good?
even your jewish nation of israel is structured as such that its not only heavily reliant on billions of foreign aid but also billions of israeli investment in foreign industries meaning the nation itself is leeching off the work being done elsewhere, not only the citizens in it are doing that
if world went to a fairer system of rewarding productive work with a larger reward, and no leeches allowed, which is called "national socialism", israel would implode and cease to exist within a week
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"eyes are the windows to the soul" is cute for selling makeup, but fact is LIES are the "windows to the soul".

What "just sorta happens" to someone doesn't tell you about them, but what they LIE about and how reveals what they feel is important.
If some guy lies about being a great fighter VS a great lover, or lies about his families noble blood VS recent accomplishments, or about his wealth VS education, pretty much tells you exactly WTF he is all about.

Now consider what The Jews lie about. (shudder).

Niggers will famously "lie" about how they "know" everyone, and that can be used to mess with them in funny ways as some phone pranker featured on Azzmador's TKR shows. They just want people to think they are "someone to know" in the greater community of Niggers.
That's very funny. Is this really true about law school?

It's the retarded clannishness of the middle east, with neurotic midwit IQ on top
They just behave like tribal monkeys and life for them is basically CIV4, it’s impossible to rationalize with the irrational
>Now consider what The Jews lie about.

Very interesting. I will apply this heuristic to people

They cause problems wherever they go
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Like rotten seafood
Niggers are in our societies to gradually destroy them with street misbehaviour, low IQ raping its way into the gene pool, and appalling niglet misbehaviour in schools, destroying the prospects of decent children.
>Colonel Otaku
It's probably some yt retard larping as Japanese, and all Jap flags on here are VPNs as well.
>kike nose is large enough to go halfway up your ass while she's sucking dick
This is the third time I've heard this today. Maybe my sex is hyper vanilla, but I don't understand the logistics of this. Does the kike nose pierce the public mound and go through to the ass?
Punch her in the cunt.

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Post patterns you notice.
>middleclass person immediately gets a taste of wealthy lifestyle
>all their morals go out the window

>inb4 be op, be a faggot
second post for all the schizos
> father has court case. Wants his lawyers to contact me as I have evidence for them.
> I cap law firm many times. Lawyers never rerun my call.
> lawyers finally contact me but it’s hours before the court case. Deadline for evidence has passed. Anything submitted after deadline the judge can reject. I give lawyers evidence.
> after court case I msg lawyer telling him I want to speak with him. Lawyer never gets back to me.
Over the weeks that follow repeatedly contact law-firm wanting to speak to lawyer.
> lawyer never returns my calls.
> eventually after 2 months lawyer contacts me. I finally get to ask him did he submit the evidence I gave him. He said no. I told him I have more evidence to submit for the next case. Want him to submit that and the previous evidence I gave him. Lawyer tells me the deadline for evidence for the next case was yesterday.

top law firm.
Are they helping to rig cases in the states benefit?
I’m in court today by the way.
ya they are definitely up to something sneaking, you should say it on the stand so it's in the record.
this. Be absolutely straightforward about that level of unprofessionalism.
>Are they helping to rig cases in the states benefit?
Yes. If you've ever sat in a public gallery you'll have seen it with your own eyes.

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