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If you fuck women in the ass, you are one step away from being a completely gay homosexual.
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This argument also applies to blowjobs.
These the women you pull while your "wife" isn't looking?
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>he keeps pictures of troons on his devices but he's "straight"
I’ve thought this too. At some point anal came to dominate port. Then they started promoting rimming. Then they started showing guys getting rimmed in hetero porn even though it’s gay. Then they started having trannies with dicks with women complete with anal and rimming. The. They would throw in a “straight” guy and feature literal gay sex.

Most millennial women refuse anal but zoomer women think it’s expected of them and have a record number of fissures and anal damage leading to pain and leakage (on par with the homosexual community)
>eeeew pussies are disgusting
>they're filthy and icky and I can barely look at them
>also you're gay
Top kek, look at this homo go.

Its over..
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Ich habe geCOOOOMED
I hope it's true then it's either civil war or the final end of white usa.
Well it was fake news for Hillary retard
Yeah bro, everyone but Trump is a fed, especially anyone who defends themselves from niggers.
Yeah I haven't followed the Palestine protestors for a while, the media's been pretty silent on it.

When will the rest of Europe (and the west) follow?
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>buy a house and live beside Germans
>rent and live in a UN zone where German is rarely heard
hard choice but many Germans are white flighting to the east of Germany
not in munich
6% inflation in Portugal for more than a decade.
Also, why would house prices increase exponentially?
It's the same product, even the same instances, as 98% of all houses sold are old.
This is impossible unless there is exponential immigration or buying (Blackrock?).
Munich is so diverse I would be considered native.
literally this.
imagine paying 3k a month for a shitty apartment only to be surrounded by niggers and arabs.

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Whats the point to buy that ugly subhuman thing unless you want to hit and kill someone?
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>I rent a truck on the very rare occasions I need something bigger.
In the past when light consumer trucks were still common, you'd just ask your friend-with-a-truck to help and offer them a 24 of beer or a tenner.
Now you have some soulless
retail interaction with a stranger like an atomized social retard.
But at least the air quality is worse.
I've never had a vehicle get more than 22mpg in 20 years of driving. I have a truck because I need a truck.
$100/week for gas but it's worth it to live away from all of the urban faggotry.
Fuck off
Because it's American thing to do you little bitch.

Truck don't need to be safety because you suppose to use it in your farm. Do farming thing with V6 bi turbo or V8 7.2l in big hurry

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Furries are an integral part of what it means to be aryan; they cultivate art, entertainment, and music where culture is absent. What do you get when there are no native artists? The eternal Jew swoops in and ruins everything with his nigger music and fetishist art exhibitions. Furries are nothing new, the most aryan civilisations to exist were openly furry: Ancient Egypt, Rome, Germany, etc. Think back to our WHITE forefathers in ancient egypt, they prayed to literal furries. The Giza Pyramids aka the greatest engineering feat known to man was done from the pure dedication of a volk to the furry destiny.

White birthrates. The country with the highest density of furries is Germany. There are plenty of autistic lonely women waiting for their likemind furry husband. Ever seen a furry nigger or furry wetback? Yeah, I didn't think so. The attraction to beautiful and cute things is the reason why aryans are so good looking and dysgenic mutts are not; most aryans are furries in denial: fearing of unwarranted persecution from their North American counterparts. To hate adorable things is to embrace your own ugliness. Perhaps it is jealously?

You may have asked yourself at least once in your life: Why do white women fuck dogs? Let me ask you this. Why don't ethnic women fuck dogs? It's because white women are in need of men who can embrace the furry tradition. They lust over the inner beast which has been lost in western men so they seek literal dogs. This is a genetic trait which has been passed down since the days of paganism: when men wore fursuits, it is sexual dimorphism in a sense - women who were sexually attracted to fursuits took more dick. Are you going to return to tradition? Aryan women love a man with a dog not because the man has tamed another creature but because they see the sexual potential.
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Americans hate furries because of their cute aggression; all the hamburgers and diet cola has fried their brains and damage their cognitive ability to function correctly.
The hate of furries explains so much about what we already know about the differences between the liberal and national socialist brain. The Amygdala! It is also heavily involved in the reaction to cuteness and is involved in reward processing for behavioral responses. If you have an underdeveloped amygdala, you are more vulnerable to cuteness overload which activates an aggressive response wherein you want to attack, hurt or destroy the source of the cuteness.

Cute Aggression turns out to be more prevalent in young girls and feminists, which explains why feminine mutts on /pol/ have autistic outbursts towards our aryan furries of Evropa. Why do we get so much flak from leftists and even some people who claim to be right-wing (cuckservacucks) about using furry avatars and posting furry memes–it's because they have underdeveloped amygdala. Why are most Western cartoons and AAA games so ugly, with the exception of say French cartoons or stuff derived from or influenced by Disney classics: because the Jewish producers and art directors tend to become aggressive with cute artwork, they really don't like it. Why do the corrupt leftist and Jewish elite partake in child sex trafficking, rape and torture? Why has child vore emerged in Jewish occult practices? Cute Aggression and the brain chemistry involved explains it all.
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You're on your own, gaylord

who doubles as the Western world’s most respected diplomat, entered the Ukraine-Russiwaded into the Russia-Ukraine by challenging Lavrov to a rap battle for control over Odessa. Berg’s “piss or peace” rap has reached number #1 on the UK charts and will soon be released in Uganda. Things are finally looking up.

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Don Jr. reacting to Trump's felonies is only marginally more interesting than a fat, gay comedian.
Trump should have been arrested for being in bed with chabad Israel. I don't care about this fake bread and circus show.
Surprised this is even on YT
Chinstrap greasball cunt. Muuuh if we can't break the law the country is shit

So where's the list of all of them? Or is this again a case where it's just some random ''guy'' again representing ''whole country'' as in the Putin-Olympics.

Oh wait yeah its fake news from zogbots
buy an ad Pajeet

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Do wooden cuffs and pens have any sort of Nazi / racist symbolism ?
nah just doors

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When talking about the immigration of – say – Britain, why do some people bring up that many Brits are descendants of the German or the Polish? As if it were the same thing as being a descendant of a Paki or an African. The same here: I have nothing against Swedes, Estonians or Russians. They are our neighbours. They look the same. They sound the same.
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Rookie fucking numbers.

Portugal between 2017-2023 increased by +16 percentual points.
And you have huge youth unemployment too. What can you guys do to fix it?

Yeah, man. But just remember how the Brits see it: islam is not bad per se, as "the individual muslims are great people!"
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These stats are so misleading. They completely ignore second-generation immigrants. It's more likely 4-6x these numbers, considering immigrants breed much more.
Poortugeese here. Regionalization would help at making each district (Especially the interior) better represented, and the option to become more economically competitive (Different laws, tax rates...). We also got to get rid of leftist mentality. Just look at the ruling prime ministers for the last quarter decade.
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Im sure many muslims are "great people". I dont see why thats an argument to flood our country with an incompatible culture. I dont buy into the good guy/bad guy narrative.

Main reason they are here to begin with is because its in the best interest of Zionist jews to play divide-and-conquer on a global scale so they dont have to fight their own wars.

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Place your bets dear anons and fellow Latinons on who will win 21st century Latin America:
Ancap Shabbos Goy or Pure blooded Bolshevik Jew
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menshevik, you amerimutts are so stupid it's unreal, learn the fucking terminology before posting cringe
Both are jews you retard.
we're already fucked, we were fucked before milei, mexico will probably start getting progressively worse but it'll take a while before they reach our level
Milei wants to be a jew but they haven't accepted him yet
He is a jew.

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What is "affordable housing" actually? I know it can't be good...
It's a lie
It's an oxymoron
It's for New Americans
AKA a nigger nest. Lots of drug addicts shambling around. Niglets breaking random fixtures or pulling the fire alarm when they're bored. Deep bass than can be felt throughout the building at 3AM. At least a new shooting every quarter. Can't leave your door unlocked for a second, not even to run downstairs and get the mail.
I’m so happy I’m in the countryside
My goodness…
The government gives money to shady companies to develop apartment and project buildings, and then some slumlord jew from NYC owns all those places and the government gives him more money to let trash live there. He never goes to these places and hires a white man to be the property manager and act as a filter between the leech downstate and the niggers living on "his property" upstate.
Oh sorry I'm ranting about NY again, but that's how it works here.
"affordable housing" is Lefty speak for "commieblock in built in the middle of a majority White neighborhood."

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Biden is not stopping with Trump. He is going after the Epoch Times because they are a conservative newspaper.
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Do you believe everything the mainstream media tells you?
What mainstream media?
Calling them a "newspaper" is very generous.
nice link faggot
Do you believe everything grifters tell you because they have simple answers?

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Australia has a severe skills shortage in yoga pants girls, because of the obesity crisis, and needs to give special visas to yoga pants girls to fill the yoga pants job shortage in Australia and this is political because that's seriously the government policy.
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Weirdest chemtrail ever appeared in Brissy today. What does it mean?
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Canada keeps making Australia look better somehow and needs to stop doing this.
Hornets doing fighter training in the contrail levels
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>75 posts
>25 posts by OP
make an aus/pol/ thread next time, weird zoomer cunt, and you might get some posts

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Found the bigger brained revengeoholic. How do you think the Middle East can never know peace? “We must have revenge/justice for my uncles wife’s great grandfathers second cousin’s best friend’s son who your great great grandfather’s uncle stole a goat from!”
Thank for the lecture was actually interesting :)

Richter is not an english name. It is german for "judge", I guess the english cognate if it existed would be "righter". Its a name commonly uses by jews from germany. Have a good day Perubro and keep well away from los pelacaras!

I killed animals for my lunch yesterday - I cooked mussels fresh lmao. I also kill oysters by swallowing them alive and digesting them kek
Kek. Carlos is a servant of darkness.

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Why did our grandpas let women start to vote?
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it's a rather unfortunate cycle. every so often throughout history, women gain rights, and the men of those time see full well the consequences of it.
so after said rights are taken back away, usually because of a violent social/economic collapse, those men who witnessed the atrocity of feminism firsthand will teach their sons exactly why they should be restricted.
and then those sons will in turn teach their sons.
so on and so forth.
until somewhere down the line, people begin to see their parents' and grandparents' teachings as mere legends, tales made to spook the children and nothing more.

not having witnessed the catastrophe of women's rights, and forsaking the wisdom of their ancestors, they look around, and empathy kicks in
>sure, why not
>we should at least let them study
which turns into
>we should at least let them work
which, somehow later snowballs into
>we should at least let them be paid 5x as much as a man, and have complete authority over the children & finances
>it doesn't seem fair otherwise

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No not based. By the 90s people should've known what a stupid idea it was
Supreme Court is not the people
Remarkable is that he knew about shit like this and used to support Anarcho-Syndicalism in Catalonia
Because left wing constructs have displaced right wing constructs in the West

Are they trying to undermine our ironclad support for Israel?
If so they are failling miserably
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These stupid fucks think Trump is going to do shit.
Also this. There will never be another election in the U.S., let alone a Republican. It's over.
I simply choose to believe that jews are not sentient. Any example or claim to the contrary is merely projection on the part of the observer.
I'm the foreigner? You're the nigger jew who doesn't belong anywhere. Not my fault your great grandad was a loan shark in romania and converted to judaism so he wouldn't be flogged for usury
Palestinians are semites.


If a brown person did this /pol/ would be up in arms calling for TND
It's a shitty culture that has hung over from old school football violence that used to go and fight on the continent. Except these fags don't fight other firms, they just go on some cheap holiday and get rowdy after a couple of pints. It's all cringe and they should all be killed. We don't want them back
We fight for islands
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>old school football violence
the good kind though. the green street type of violence. not the central american, little brown indigenoid type of football violence where two central american shitholes take turns bombing each other. bit far that. no one should die before the match ends.


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Why are leftists like Biden and his cult so much in favor of Russia unlike Trump and the Right true Americans?
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So what even was yugohio about?
The abridged series arent very good on that and it seems to amount to, because merchandise
It was about some kid who has a mystical item who has to fight other people with mystical items and mystical cards in ritualistic card game battles. Both the show and the manga have the same broad plot. But the manga is more focused on the mysticism magic angle and the card game aspect is an afterthought. The show was all card games all the time. I challenge you to a duel if you even insult my mother.

The show is not very good. I just like the artstyle it is evocative of that 90s sailor moon era of anime.
Oh I can acede to art being fun
Love me the glorious engineering of 80s anime
Its what pushed me into being one
Dont know much about todays stuff, stopped reading the books when borders went out of business

I'm just gonna say it: told ya so. So much for "teflon don". Trump will be rotting in prison before the summer is through. And he'll be there for the rest of his life. I would have preferred he be tied to a chair and have rusty drywall screws driven into his kneecaps but I'll take this win.
The Year of Imprisonment
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>2025, The Year of Imprisonments
>2026, The Year of Revolutions
>2027, The Year of Revelations
>2028, The Year of Reckoning
Good, i hope they electrocute him. If only he had done what was right on Jan 6 and put his money where his mouth was and saved our country like he promised, he wouldnt be having this problem.

Press S to spit

They will never jailed a control opposite
Just a typical drama
Shareblue money really showing effectiveness right guys?

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