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>bought picrel a week ago
>almost out already
small hot sauce containers are a sCam!!!!!!!!!
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Tabasco has only been good for one thing, which is making spicy dip. It doesn't make a good condiment on its own. I don't understand how anyone could use so much of it when it's so useless as an ingredient.
i love it on pizzer
Not a big 'bascy fan myself, but props for using a glass bottle.
shut up BITCH

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Mm. Mm yeah can't wait. Mhmm. Mhm.
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Oh yeah baby...
OP come back, please eat another one for us.
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>wake up
>points hit my account on the app
>Immediately try to place an order for free mcchicken
>wtf it's sunday
>have to wait until 11
it was fresh though. I'd take a picture of it but I don't want to get swatted
The app is a devious thing

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as kino as this documentary was, I'm glad that it got discredited and most of morgan's health problems were attributed to his alcoholism.
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You must be right.
Is that like Tinky Winky? Are you some kind of homosexual?
Excuse me, I meant The WKUK

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Post your dinner.
Rate the dinner above your post.
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> Cheese
> Steak
> Shrimp
That is some scary mix anon.
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Terryaki baked salmon with lime and garlic infused rice. What think /ck?
i don't eat salmon, but that looks proper.
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that looks like something I would throw away, or at best give the fish to my cats.
Can't post mine because I ate it but we had a family get together and this is what was served

Oven baked salmon
Potatoes Au Gratin - but potatoes are shredded not sliced.
Corn Pudding
Basalmic cherry tomatoes
Cherry crumble for desert

All in all a nice and tasty out of 10

>AL Dente
>Pepe Roni
>Reece Zotto
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>Sue Flay
>Sal Mon
>Hal A. Peno
>my flight plan lists
>Sloppy Joe
>Chris P. Bacon
>Sir Anno
This is the most dangerous thread on 4chan.
Ivana Tinkle

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Anyone here have heartburn? I apparently let it run a bit too wild and now I need to take PPIs and eat a super-bland diet for the next month.

Anyone been through this before? What do you eat that is heartburn friendly?
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That causes heartburn? OH FUCK!
Time to lay it off I guess Tiberius.

My issue is just a throat problem, she just said to take PPIs for 2 weeks then wean off to give it a chance to heal, then lose 20lbs.
You wanna have some gay buttsex?
So you are a fat fuck alcoholic then? Imagine my surprise
I don't drink, but I'm slightly overweight.

Everytime i eat quince i eat 3 of them. Everytime i eat a quince i cut slices, every slice is covered full in salt before they reach my mouth. After every bite i promptly dip the slice in salt so no space is left uncovered, im obsessed with this taste.

Could my health and kidneys be compromised by this? Have in mind this only happens in a window of 2 months, where quinces are most delicious.
>post quince
>dont get quints

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Is serving food “piping hot” or just hot in general, just a big meme? I’ve found that in my own personal life, whether it’s dining out, or even if I’m picking up food for someone, everyone is obsessed with getting their food hot as possible and eating it the second it cools just enough to be edible.

But for me, I’ve found that everything, from fast food to home cooked meals to fancy restaurants… everything tastes better when it’s cooled down to room temperature. The flavor comes through better.
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tastes better
>me im not like some other guys you know
>see i turn on jazz music at parties
>see im the kind of guy who dislikes action movies
>yeah i prefer my food cold
isnt also most of the avant-garde haute cuisine molecular stuff also served cold/room temp?
Bad read. I never go to parties, love action movies (the stupider the better, every Rambo was better than the previous) and I like cold food best because I feel like I don't deserve to have it hot. I'm too big of a piece of shit for a "hot meal" same reason I sleep on the floor next to my bed
Same goes for cold food. Fuck freezing my mouth off eating ice cream. Everything is best at room temperature.

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>Make mead for the first time
>rack into new jars today
>try to take alcohol reading
>my dumbass did know you needed to take a reading prior to fermentation
>All I know is there's no sugars left to ferment and there's alcohol in it
>Too much of a moron to figure out the online calculators.
I'm fucked aren't I? I used 6 oz. Honey in each quart if anyone could point me in the right direction
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nvm I overracted. I'll just remember to be searching for off flavors when I taste the mead again. But for future batches, I will invest in a siphon.
I would backsweeten then immediately cold crash it. That's of course if you'd like some sweetness to the mead
I wouldn't. Just sweeten it right before you drink it.
>>>20507721 (OP)
Just fucking drink it, either it has more abv than you wanted or less abv than you wanted and neither of these things are a problem, just fucking drink it.
so you used quart jars, added 6 oz of honey to a jar, and then topped it off with water until it was about a quart, right?
well 6 oz of honey is 129 grams of sugar, and a quart is just under a liter and for our purposes that's close enough
129 grams of sugar dissolved in a liter of volume gives you 6.5% abv. I doubt you have beer bottles and a capper sitting around, but if you've got empty soda bottles you could clean those out, fill them with your mead, add about a teaspoon of sugar, tighten the lid, let them sit at room temp for about 2 weeks for the remaining yeast to convert that sugar into carbon dioxide, pop them in the fridge, and enjoy your carbonated mead

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Why can't I just find one final absolute conclusion on if these things cause cancer or not?
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no, that's normal sugar
Because they are not even chemically related. Aspartame is known to cause cancer in Rats, but if you transfer that experiment to humans you would have to eat half a pound every day for most of your life.
to be fair we don't know OP's eating habits
why is this one poorly done study the ONLY one anyone ever talks about?
why hasn't anyone the same damn experiment with more relatable levels of aspartame consumption? we already have evidence that it causes cancer in extremely high rates of consumption, why isn't anyone doing a follow up with lowered rates until we find generally safe levels of consumption?
Because every fucking thing causes cancer and it is impossible to differentiate if it is fake sugar or microplastics or fucking 5G. Look people were not meant to really live past 50. Like inna wild your lack of mobility would be the utter death of you if you were not blessed with technology and intelligence. It is very very very very fucking rare for any animal to actually die of old age. They simply are too slow and starve if they are a predator or are eaten if they are prey. Cancer is a natural occurrence that multiplies with age and there is nothing you can do to really stop it other then die young and curve the bell down.

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the fuck
why is this so tasty
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fuck off gale
Cause ginger itself is tasty
How much were you eating In a sitting?
I get poke bowls with as much pickled ginger as they are legally allowed to give me then I mix all the ingredients together and eat it at once
I also pronounce it as poke bowls and you can't do a thing to stop me
Damn that shit is good and yes, I put in on top of a piece of sushi, just like every other stupid round-eye.

Just 'chup for me thanks!
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You tell me to bow down you better give me a fuckin reason
Ketchup is too spicy and ruins everything it is put on.
You already have that reason, you're a bitch boy and likely knows all the glory holes at airports and bathrooms at bus stations. You fucking freak!
For me? It's Weggies ketchup

Is it better when the meat is shaved?
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your wife's boyfriend tell you that?
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cheese, meat, vegetables, tomato sauce, theyre all unneeded additions, and an exercise in indulgence
if you want to live the real ascetic lifestyle, like a MAN, you just eat the pizza dough by itself
you may cook it if you feel you have to
I haven't eaten anything in 4 days, I'm set for asceticism and will be putting as many toppings on my pizzas as I like
you order one vegetable pizza and one meat pizza, then stagger which pieces you're eating for contrast
I unironically do this.

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here ur mitchlin star tacos, ese.
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It's meat, you fucking queer, what the fuck do you expect to happen to you if you eat it? Your macdonald's burger is dirtier and probably spitted
I think you’re wrong. It’s 3 hours.
Yeah I'm sure this place upholds the rigorous traditional standards for quality and service that gave the coveted michelin star it reputation. Definitely not a pity "we're not racist" star, no way
It's 4. You need to include the full last hour.
even if it was pity, still doesn't make any sense

'Muricans will never know the joy of pic related, which is far superior to thr bic mac
This is really gay.
Ur mom is gay my nigga
Not missing out on much loser.
Americans, who have one of the most powerful passports in the world, can't go to your shithole to try McDonalds? I highly doubt that.

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