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I've heard kofta is good but I can't get over how much it looks like literal dog shit
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Just use cookie cutters to make fun shapes. There are no rules, the sun is going to explode or the poles will flip, soon.
How about you do that all over my dick?
Its worth it
the poles have flipped before and the sun is still in its prime
>Cooked and seasoned meat
Yeah it's probably good.

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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Thai peppers are the only significantly spicy peppers that really have a great flavor. Serranos are pretty tasty too.
Yeah jalapenos are the goat for homegrown. Really nice flavour for almost anything, especially if you pickle them.
That's just plain false.
What a bunch of moroons...
There's so many varieties of chilies though. Lemon drop habanero have a nice citrus flavour. Ghost peppers have the most lovely passionfruit aroma, but the heat is way too much.
I grow my own variety that is some small brown type (maybe brown jalapeño?) that is really mild but have this amazing sweet, deep chocolaty flavour that works wonders in a lot of dishes.

Some growers have recently started to breed the spiciness out of super hot chilis, making them very mild so you can enjoy their wonderful flavour without any heat. These varieties are new and not really available yet though

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I don't think I will.
For my next meal I have a jar of lard and some salt
why are you so retarded
It's my life I can do what I want
Part 2
chop up the banana, mix with the peanut butter and biscoff then spread nutella on the tortilla, scoop banana mixture on top, wrap up the tortilla and fry in a pan with butter. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.
Congrats, your food went from suicide tier to enjoyable.

French fries may be the king of fast food sides, but potatoes au gratin is the king of home cooked sides.
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I'm >>20507330/>>20507337
I thought dauphinoise, besides being uncooked, want topped with breadcrumbs and gratin was both par-cooked potato and topped with breadcrumbs.
Where I live we just call those cheezy potatoes.
that's a sandwich
Broccoli is a shit tier vegetable and you can't convince me that it doesn't taste like farts disguised as a tiny tree
ITT American cooklets

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Are these blintzes or cheese-stuffed crepes?
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A crepe
Are you people savages? That's clearly a cannoli.
i like that painting very much
how do you make your blintzes?
Better than that

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>have headache
>eat ice cream
>headache gone
thanks ice cream!
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They didnt say theres no difference. They said theres no "significent" difference.
Theres a difference.
Don't tell me you're retarded enough to just go blindly trust some weak "our farmers pledge" label
>Thanks to consumer pressure, use of rBGH has been declining in recent years. However, it is incredibly important to remember that rBGH is not the only synthetic livestock hormone used in conventional agriculture. This means, just because a product is labeled “rBGH/rBST-free” doesn’t necessarily mean “synthetic/added hormone free.” Other synthetic hormones could have been used—it’s just that rBGH is the one most consumers know about and have spoken up against.

You're probably the same type of npc that believes the "natural flavors" label

You fucking mental midget. I didn't say anything about that
I also like how they changed the name to rbst so that nobody would know what it is. Imagine how it was before the internet, people would have to go to the fucking library or write to a biologist to find out.
Based Lecter and Batesman emulater.

What am I in for? What should I try?
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i guess faggots are immune to inflation
ive never seen a frozen meal under $9
the only ones cheaper are only cheap because they're 1/3rd the size, intended as a side-dish not as a whole meal
>cant do it cheaper
meat and 3veg is literally cheap as fuck, guaranteed meal under $2 unless you're actually retarded.
The key to the sweet asian dishes, which they all are, is to add red pepper flakes and a bit of louisiana hot sauce for acidity, balances out how sweet they are
Just had a spicy beef one for the first time (was $0.98). Decently spicy, okay taste. Not missing out, just try other random noodles you find and you’ll certainly find one that tastes better.
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Pic related used to be 2.99 and I would chow down on them like an animal. I have no idea how I didn't become morbidly obese, but I played rugby in college and that probably helped.

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>visiting coworker friend in Europe
>Him and I have the same job, for the same employer, and are paid the same
>while in his house, I notice that his washing machine is in his kitchen

is this normal in Europe? seems unsanitary.
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First of all, I don't shit my pants because I don't have leaky gut syndrome from a disgusting diet
Second of all, I don't put laundry on my table. Are you retarded?
Americans essentially have the brainpower of a particularly retarded dog, so if the door is closed and they can't see it they forget it's there. A lot of home design concepts operate on this principle.
That's only a problem if you have a 3 years old toddler.
Thanks but I'm pretty sure that's not it, it was something on the streets of London, I heard some reference to it like 7 years ago and the name's not on the top of my head.
>He doesn't shit his pants
lmao what a faggot

What are your feelings on personal-sized pizzas?
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Someday I will do this and it will be my personal pizza
why dont you just do it now?
I just ate.
reasonable man
Every pizza is personal sized if you haven't eaten lately

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>OK, who was and how old were they when they got their 3 stars?
would he have been awarded them at all if he were at a different kitchen at that time?
him and Bourdy apparently got massive hogs so
The best chefs in the world are not pro-chefs. They are doctors and architects who cook out of love.
and city planners
His YouTube recipes are really great. Just ignore the stockpot, the rest of the advice is really golden

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I'm so glad that they brought Carl's Jr. to Australia. If only we get Wendy's Hamburgers stores open by 2024 or 2025 at the earliest, that would be great.
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That hand does not look healthy
still seething about a nothingburger vaccine 3 years later
Yeah okay vaxtard
Go get your 20th booster this year
eh, it's a quick tattle tale.
>"did you get the covid vaccine?"
if they say yes, they're stupid.
Wendy's burgers are absolutely disgusting in my experience. McDonalds and BK are both better.

this is so fucking good
Height and weight?
5'5' 370lbs

Hm. Salad cream is now half-price but several months expired. Would you?
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how long will nandos perinaise last opened, unrefrigerated, in a subtropical climate in winter?
what cooking competitions, Im a newfag
Or you could stop the midnight snacking you fat fuck
why would you not make enough to last you
Buy it. Salad cream never goes off.

ngl, you can get some pretty sweet deals here on clearance hooch.

tell me your secrets /ck/...

I'm sipping on a $8 fifth of Evan Williams, before that I had a double fifth of cazadores for $20.
go away
I never knew alcohol to be discounted because I thought it had a legal minimum price per product. I also live in Pennsylvania where it's harder to buy alcohol than marijuana products

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Hey pizza phillies, today I'm reviewing the Thin & Crispy Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. This pizza has an *absymal* 1.9/5 stars on the Walmart app, and given that i wasnt a big fan of the pepperoni variety of this thin & crispy crust I mentally prepared myself for some pizza punishment
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Do you finish these pies in entirety, OP or do you throw them away after a few slices? Freeze them, maybe?
yeah it actually looks better than most frozen pizzas. I assume the 1.9/5 rating came from cavemen that actually thought it'd look like the box photo
>I have a big soft tummy and D cup tits
What do you think?
You poor soul.
I eat the whole thing. It's often times the only thing I eat all day, though I will supplement my diet to try to make sure I'm getting at least 1500 calories

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