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Randomly got these from a Japanese grocery store and I’m now obsessed with them. What are some foreign sodas that you like?
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My bredren
You can absolutely find juice concentrate/nectar on the shelf. Look for the goya brand stuff, guava nectar is a good mixer for bombay sapphire
Fruit nectar is not concentrate. It's not even close to concentrate. It's fruit puree with added sugar and water. There's no concentration involved in any point of production.
Guarantee Antartica is delicious
Maté Cola is the best cola
And two from my own country; Trocadero (sort of a mild apple/orange flavour) and Pommac (mild grape kinda like sweet non alcoholic champagne)
Everyting irie, everyting criss. One love

Sometimes I really miss my college town and its shitty pizza.

College grads sound off. What's some old food in your college town that you miss?
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Ah my bad, I thought you were complaining about the lack of intimacy.
I'm guessing you guys are just busy, rather than her having checked out of it?
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Home Team Pizza fans sound off

They were in all the college towns at one point
being real, women move to places like NYC, LA, London etc because they know all they have to do to is open their legs a couple of times and they snag themselves a 6-figure husband.
nice blog normie. you would've been culturally enriched by her side and she would forget about you in 0.3 seconds. she was also fucking at least a dozen other dudes while you were together and you threw away the last few crumbs of pussy you'd ever accidentally into on some wacko theory she would suddenly stop being a stupid fucking cunt AFTER shes free of you. I'd laugh if it wasn't so terribly wimpy-simpy.
Based gun-santa
I hope he liked his shiny new gun

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>Full of protein
You DO incorporate lentils into your diet, right?
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Of course. I just had a nice lentil stew for dinner last night.
>And those fake meats are arguably pretty shitty in comparison to just using plants.
I was just curious as it'd be an easy way to get extra protein and nutrition overall on a vegan diet. But it still didn't seem to be enough. Now I generally just prefer to eat beans as the main part of a meal and having it with a glass of milk to drink. Fake meat stuff doesn't taste that good after a while but I don't seem to get sick of beans.

>Not sure if my body process veggies better than others
That's a possibility. I recently read that some people have certain genes that make them unable to convert beta carotene from plant foods into usable vitamin A as well as others. Even when I was eating lots of sweet potato I was still experiencing some symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.
That's interesting. I know everyone's body are different but I keep learning just how much it can differ. It's good that you keep tabs on it tho. Everyone should do some blood work every once in a while just to keep tabs but it's obviously more important with any diet that eliminate certain groups of food.
Whales are technically deer as observed by the fact whale meat is placed next to the reindeer and moose meat at the supermarket.
whale actually evolved from a deer-like animal

What is a suitable side dish for beef and noodles?
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Scrambled eggs or an omelet.
more beef and noodles
Spot the virgo
sorry im not an astrology queer
Of course she made it up. She's an American who started with a Britishism but then shibbolethed all over herself with her use of the word "appetizer" to mean entree and "entree" to mean main.
She's no clue what she's talking about, Little Miss Armchair Expert that she is.

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Why were Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute thrown aside?
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sacrificed for she
preemptively shutting down furries
and no one likes mummies, mummies are lame
furry audience.

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Shit is getting ridiculous out here. It costs $40 for ONE person to eat lunch at Five Guys. Other restaurants are no better. I think I’m gonna have to start packing my own lunch for work, I’m losing 2 hours of pay every day just to eat

Can this be fixed? Right now, fast food garbage costs more than most sit down places
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Well thanks mr central planner but you don't decide what others should or shouldn't lmao
1. Five Guys was never good
2. Five Guys was always just coasting on "we're not as bad as McDonalds so we're the best!" because the average customer can't even manage to fry a burger
3. Steve Albini quote goes here

Now seethe about "bidenflation" and then tell us about your financial illiteracy (but I repeat myself)
>Steve Albini
I don't know who that is.
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I hate fat people.
>Burger King
I've not been in close to a decade but I keep getting coupons in the mail for cheap-ass burgers and brekkie sandies. I was gonna go one morning after an early morning shop back when it was still cold out but I just kinda forgot and didn't remember until I'd already driven home and put away the groceries.

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Could this be...das best fish sandwich!!!
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uhm je moet het staartje er wel afsnijden
Looks like tons of work to peel all those tiny prawns
fucking rocket power reference
Je bijt het er af, homo
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They vill learn to eat and love the bio-bourger

I love szechuan food and theres a place i frequent near me called szechuan gourmet, their food is great

im talking actual chinese food where they have tripe and chicken feet and shit on the menu

Anyways for some reason whenever i order thin sliced twice cooked pork (picrel) i get this strange tongue sensation from the red oil that its cooked with

its not spicy or too hot, it feels like i have peroxide on my tongue like its fizzing and not in a pleasant way

what the FUCK is causing it. Its always the red oil, im eating a spicy pepper beef soup thing now and in typical szechuan fashion its like 10% red oil.

Is it the msg? Why does the oil feel like peroxide on my tongue. Ive been tweaking out about this for like 2 years now
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This. Seems like you have an adverse reaction to sichuan peppers. I love that feeling.
I personally love it and can't get enough, but it compliments and potents the chilies heat and the chili makes the sichuan pepper feel stronger. On their own they have that numbing fizzing feeling sure, but more so they make you salivate a lot and have a strong citrus flavour with notes of pine and a perfume,flowery undertone.
But there are a few varieties. Green sichuan peppers have the strongest numbing feeling but also the most citrus taste. Red pepper corns are the most balanced with the strongest pine flavour and black ones are milder with a more noticeable flower taste.
I would say that you could buy some and try them in smaller doses with less chili, but if you don't enjoy the tingle I doubt you will like it. Personally I put that shit on anything. Had sichuan pepper sweet doughnuts the other week and it was strange but in the most wonderful way
>tripe and chicken feet and shit
underage white boy detected
> Ive been tweaking out about this for like 2 years now
two years and you didn't figure out what the "ma" in "ma la" is lol lmao but hey, better start off a thread with some witty "gutter oil" remark to show how ignorant you are in both Food & Cooking and using the internet.
If you aren't not underage then you are just stupidly close-minded.
holy shit fag are you going to be okay over there?

you arent interesting or smart give it a break
i wonder if its something i can inoculate myself against, we will see.

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What are your favorite condiments?
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Less sodium kikkoman's soy sauce is great as a lazy au jus to dip some foods in.
Ketchup works similarly on foods that won't tolerate straight up liquids.
I don't need high fat condiments since I cook most of my foods in lard or crisco. I use lard for veggies and crisco for mammalian or fowl meats.
hoisin and duck sauce do indeed suck
That list is based on health
health is gay
everyone dies anyway
By Taste:
Vinegar based hot sauce
Sweet and Sour
Salsa + Sour Cream
Peanut Butter
Raspberry Jam

By Use:
Vinegar based hot sauce

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>walk in the streets at night
>see this

what do?
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Shelf it
Cinnamon eggs
fuck you lol, I knew someone was going to post this on this board today, I could feel it
Why does this happen so often nowadays?
Cram em all

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There's a book sale on Amazon right now, share your favorite /ck/ volumes with the class.
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What about Hamelman, have you read that one? Comes up a lot
I haven't, looked it up on amazon and it is on sale 31% off from its usually egregious price of $62 so it might be worth picking up. Hard to say if it's worth what they're charging though.
I have a dozen cookbooks and this one gets used more than the rest combined.
Snack Hacks by Claudia Christian, the Babylon 5 XO babe.
Some of the recipes in this Habanero Cookbook by Dave DeWitt are really good.

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Hi pizza patriots! Today I'm gonna review my first Freschetta pizza, the pepperoni rising crust variant. This pizza is made by Schwan's, who also makes Red Baron & Tony's. I found out today this company is in turn owned by the South Korean firm CJ Cheiljedang.
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Pulled this pie out of the oven and immediately noticed a red flag, pools of pepperoni grease swimming on the top of the pie. Thankfully, the rising crust mitigated a lot of the potential damage. I think this much grease would've ruined a lot of other pies. A few bites in the middle were a bit overly greasy but it was not repulsive to eat.
This pizza is very saucy. If you like a lot of sauce on your pizza you will probably like this. It's flavorful too, and the pepperonis have the zing I've come to expect from Schwan pizzas. I think the crust is the worst part about this. Despite branding around freshness the rising crust was kind of brittle and not soft enough for a doughy pie like this. If you want a saucy rising crust consider this pie. I'm curious how other Frechetta pies taste, if they're as saucy as this one.
fuuuuuuuuuuck off
Pizza-chan, you should include what you paid for each 'za in your reviews. With frozen pizza, it re-contextualizes the score a lot.
Freschettas pack a lot of calories due to the crust. It's very thick and doughy, which may warrant either a little extra time or extra heat.

Why does McDonald's have the best toys?
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>apple slices and grapes
>4 chicken nuggets
>bottle of "the kool-aid"
>toy about magician
sugar them up, little bit of protein for lasting power, make them docile, brainwash them into satanism.
fuck happy meals.
Yu-Gi-Oh no it's retarded
This is obviously targeted to sell to trannies
oy vey chill with the antisemitism
They don't, Bad Dragon does

What did Asians use for cooking oil before the advent of seed oils?
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>none of those are soybeans, are they Lil Ms Goalpost Mover?
I was responding to the thread in general. There have been lots of seed oils, nut oils and fats in our diets since ancient times. Industrial seed oils still suck though.
>Look, I came in here to have an argument!
No you didn't
Seed oils have been around since antiquity and are a key part of the human diet
>if I repeat a falsehood, it becomes true
You should run for office.

You can stirfry food in a wok directly with no oil, utilizing only the juices in the meat/vegetables or you can flash steam it by stir frying with water. Modern oils simply make it a lot easier and a lot more flavorful.
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yuh huh! have you never seen my Building With Three Floors OC? you're missing out anon

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I've heard kofta is good but I can't get over how much it looks like literal dog shit
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Just use cookie cutters to make fun shapes. There are no rules, the sun is going to explode or the poles will flip, soon.
How about you do that all over my dick?
Its worth it
the poles have flipped before and the sun is still in its prime
>Cooked and seasoned meat
Yeah it's probably good.

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