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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Classy roaster edition

If you're inexperienced start here https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're experienced what's your go to?

Previous thread >>20464291
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half of the reason I never wanted an areopress is that the thing is so fukkin ugly, looks like a fleshlight
Yes, it does not like like kitchen dishes should look like. It does not even look like Tupperware. Only with stainless steal it might look appropriate.
you have to be able to get your penis out after
What's the ideal flow rate for a moka pot? I've got an aluminum moka pot and a steel plate on an induction stove and I'm wondering what would be a good flow rate for most beans. I've gotten ok results with preheating the plate on medium heat for rapid shots which give clarity but less body and tend to underextract and ok results too when starting the plate cold and using medium-high heat for slower shots and more body/intensity and tend to overextract. I always start with boiling water and have an e&b filter. Around 15g of coffee on a 3cup moka pot, I level with a knife and don't tamp/shake. I grind around 70 on a k6 with medium roast beans.
after making con panna a couple times I have concluded it's just too rich for me.

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How do you feel about these?
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anon... thats not food...
Why did someone feel the need to photoshop the reddit logo there? The picture speaks for itself lamo
If I don’t eat for 3 days I should go there
Imagine doing intermittent fasting and eating on buffets only.
That would probably be very time and money efficient.

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>It takes 10 years to become a master sushi chef

10 years to master putting raw fish on a clump of rice. Is there a greater culinary scam?
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Social Media Influencer on X (formerly known as Twitter)
Those would be real jobs, yes
>jew jew goy japanese jew goy jap goy goy jew jew jap
Good fucking lord
But you suck ONE COCK...
yup its you

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What's the cheapest viable stand mixer for someone who only fucks around with baking like once every few months and has physical problems so mixing by hand isn't an option?
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Why did you have to post this? NTA, but I have been on the fence about kitchen aid and I actually like the price of some of the artisan series mixers.
hamilton beach ones work fine. if you already have a food processor, you probably don't need to buy a separate stand mixer.
This depends. If you are only doing quick breads, cookies, and whipping eggs/cream, than any cheap shit will do. If you are going to make yeast leavened products though, you'll want something built a little tougher.

Personally I can vouch for Kitchenaid Pro 600. But that'll be overkill for you. A Hamilton Beach will be fine if you don't make bread. If you just bake for yourself, I wouldn't go with anything price than a Kitchenaid Mini.
To piggyback off this guy, you really dont need a stand mixer unless you want to make bread with really developed gluten structure, so anything soft, pillowy and with a lot of verticality, like sandwich bread. Focaccia is no knead, quick breads (eg banana bread) can be done with a spatula or danish whisk, whipping eggs/cream can be done with a hand mixer. Cookies do benefit from the force of a stand mixer, but still very doable by hand. In your case though, maybe not.

If you want to make bread that requires kneading, the lowest benchmark would be the kitchenaid pro series. If you have money to spend, ankarsrum is even better but more specialized

Personally I think there is a world to explore when it comes to breads and pastry that doesnt require a stand mixer. Take 'rough' puff pastry for example. Many applications, doesn't need a stand mixer. Muffins, cupcakes, banana bread, cookies, focaccia. Ive even made no knead cinnamon rolls before
Buying a commercial one on sale or just waiting around on marketplace for one that's $150.

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I am sick of paying for this little fuck's mistakes.
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>Accidentally release MILLIONS of boxes full of Crunch Berries with no actual Cap'n Crunch pieces
>Everyone loves you for it
>Accidentally cause ONE minor botulism outbreak
>Suddenly you're the bad guy
You're not funny
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They ruined him with the new redesign. He's terrifying and uncanny now. Whoever thought it was a good idea needs to be fired. He was perfectly fine before. Picrel.
i laughed a lot at this post anonymous, very funny
Your parents said the same about you.

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/ck/ related webm thread
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>mental illness
pure projection
Rajesh please..
>eat in a shitty tourists trap
>Oh no food no good
>that stupid cunt deserved to eat like shit
that ought to be revolting
>permanently disabled
Yeah, like Ray from trailer park boys.

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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It's 11:00 but woke up 18:00 yesterday so yeah I guess?
go to sleep, your body needs to recover
'loaf looks burnt and dry m8. what's in the sauce, mushrooms?
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the loaf was frozen leftovers and I baked it deliberately to crisp up the edges. Trust me it was soft and steamy inside. I didn't want full sloppa with all that sauce, I wanted some crispy texture in there and I got a bit. It wasn't dry even if it looks like it might have been.

The batch of sauce has sausages (none in this serving on account I already had meatloaf on the place) and chunks of chicken thigh. What you're seeing is chicken chunks.

Pic is the meatloaf when it was new.
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Kale. Don't have any OC, but it will always be my number one, especially during winter.

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Allez Cuisine!
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The name is Shinichiro Kurimoto.
And yes, I know that I am the best panel judge.
>I highly doubt Sakai is doing much cooking
I agree, he's 82 now. Michiba is still around too, he's 11 years older at 93. Ishinabe is also still alive at 76 and Nakamura is also alive at 76.

Chen Kenichi died last year at 67
Masahiko Kobe died in 2019 at 49
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>Masahiko Kobe died in 2019 at 49
All that pasta? wtf, I thought Italians lived to ripe old age?
He fell from one of the floors of his restaurant, actually
Official police report stated he was blown away by some serious flammola.

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delicious mid
Kys zoomer
found a mad mexican

I went to a restaurant in Tokyo last year that served drinks in stainless steel cups that had been chilled in the freezer. If you've ever been to Tokyo in the summer, you know it's unbearably hot and humid. The Coke I had at that restaurant was the most delicious Coke I've ever had in my entire life, and now I think I'm going to have to get myself some stainless steel cups.
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>the cup already implies being pre-chilled
Where do you live that this is in fact true?
i love a mint jew lip
Holy shit did you even read OP's first sentence. And you're calling my reading comprehension severely lacking...

>that served drinks in stainless steel cups that had been chilled in the freezer
thing :|
thing, japan :D

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I don’t leak yeast donuts.
So I stick with old fashioned, blueberry , chocolate glazed , cider donuts.
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I'd display no poster which misspells DOUGHNUTS. Bullshit casual hipster garbage.
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Why is the 'plain cake' original not represented here? Not everyone wants syrups and glazes and fillings of fruit. None are superior for dipping in coffee, because coatings disrupt absorption and fillings fall in. Doesn't anyone appreciate a regular fucking doughnut anymore? They're bad enough as it is being deep fried sweet dough. Perhaps chocolate and creme anglaise are not necessary automatically.
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Blueberry cake and Old fashioned.
Maple bar if I'm feeling frisky

Captcha: WAWA
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>have only ever seen 20% of these before
Living at the arse end of everything is rough sometimes.

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Did you even try? The grease is disgusting. The dish looks like a medieval tavern meal for serfs. It is not appealing, no clear sign of effort and the post is sarcastic or an attempt at humiliation.
and oil in food is bad because
That doesn't even look like sbarro stuff, rating 0.0
looks like an Andy Sixx special

Known as the gold of the boreal forests. Wild and impossible to cultivate.
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Don't forget bilberries, 100 times tastier than American "blue berries"
I like them in dessertd. Cloudberry tart I think it's called in English.
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Your image shows salmonberries, but you neglected to mention them. I've got some growing in my yard under a Douglas fir. They vary from an orange color closely resembling bunches of salmon roe, to a mix of red/orange, to a deep red almost like a blackberry. I've also got some thimbleberries growing under a Sitka spruce. Thimbleberries are like an even more delicate raspberry.
cloudberry is pretty common in finland at least
pretty annoying to eat due to the seeds so they're better filtered through a sieve
They grow in swamps in the PNW

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You need some shitty service for this?
Relationship goals
>Everything in a plastic bag

No thanks

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Hi /ck/, just hit the market yesterday. I went into the bulk food section and bought myself 300g of cloves (they don't let me buy less) and I have little idea what to do with them. Let's have a thread with cloves being the quintessential spice shall we?
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I'm convinced that everyone is on dope!
freshen breath by chewing on them
add to coffee or tea
let some sit in water over night for clove water
grind and use them in seasoning, best for dessert but can work with savory.
It's just people that want to have a discussion with others
they last forever anyway
Why not both?

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