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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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I went to a restaurant in Tokyo last year that served drinks in stainless steel cups that had been chilled in the freezer. If you've ever been to Tokyo in the summer, you know it's unbearably hot and humid. The Coke I had at that restaurant was the most delicious Coke I've ever had in my entire life, and now I think I'm going to have to get myself some stainless steel cups.
just don't do your steel reserve that way.
it will literally start eating the metal and you'll get poisoned from it.
is that john amos?
I've been to a couple places here in the states that use metal cups. I suspect that the reason that more places don't use metal cups is that it's because nigs, meth heads, and crack addicts, etc will steal the cups for nefarious activities.
Stainless steel detracts from flavor
>I can really taste the chromium in this one
We went over this last week, it's how stainless steel soap bars work
I'm not a terminally online faggot like you. I must have missed that thread.
It's been a thing since before the internet
Get a load of these weak anon women folk
They're not licking plutonium and glowing in the dark
It's absolutely this. I went to dinner at a nice steak house with friends including a regular non ghetto black guy who was of a coworker of one of my friends. The gentleman got a Moscow Mule and stole the metal cup. He seemed like a nice person and was educated, he had a good job, he was sober, there was no reason to steal the cup but he did. My friends and I all said "not cool dude" and didn't hang out with him again.
do you guys take the complimentary stainless steel dipping cups home from restaurants?
Some folk are like that, they like stealing for the sake of stealing or to think that they can get away with it, like kiilling puppies or punting kittens, some folk are just plain pathetic.
The first time I got a nice hotel room I assumed the bath robe and slippers were complementary like the soap and shampoo. They charged my credit card for them :(
This is /ck what kind of answer do you expect?
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I mean the place was stealing 20-30x the price of the food.
Similar stuff happened to me at a hotel as well but it was with the "complimentary" room bar. I grabbed some stuff from it and went bug eyed when I saw the bill later.
based on-topic OC maker
Stupid. Something as simple as steel cups cannot exist in the US because they will get stolen, so yes, only a place like Japan would have them
but anon those cups are free
you can literally just take them
>steel cups cannot exist in the US
I'm literally drinking out of a stainless steel water bottle right now. Why do you third worlders just make up outlandish shit about the USA?
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Because your reading comprehension is severely lacking, I made an image to explain OP's post to you.
Here's an innocent one from myself and an ex-gf
>came back from dinner with leftovers
>knew there was a fridge
>fridge was full of shit
>pull shit out
>get billed for everything
>saved the leftovers for my girl and myself
>complained about the weird charged
>got refunded
This kind of stuff happens
Are you being obtuse on purpose or are you cranky because you didn't eat breakfast (or imagine you didn't)? We're talking about restaurants using stainless steel cups
>pretending to be retarded
It isn't funny or cute when you make it so obvious.
I did have breakfast, thirdie
stainless steel has 15 times the thermal conductivity of glass. sure it starts cold but then it is transmitting heat into your 'ola instead of insulating it

btw does japan have ice readily available? what makes me seethe in some euro countries they don't even have ice even if you ask. I've even seen cafes run out of ice for iced drinks
Thanks retard, but I like mine better because OP is a naturally weeb faggot. Also, the cup already implies being pre-chilled, so learn to use your imagination. Or go ahead and waste the next 10 minutes looking for a non-watermarked frosty steel cup on a white background on Google Images. I don't care.
Ice is an American invention. We popularized the using ice to cool drinks. We also used to ship ice all over the world so uncivilized people could safely store their fresh food.
Do you understand how thermodynamics works? Both the drink and the container it is in are colder than the air around it. This dramatically slows down how long it takes for the coke inside the container to warm up compared to if the container was also room-temperature. Holy shit
You can chill glass, too.
Most regularly glasses do not stay chilled very long at all compared to steel cups, for the very reason of thermal conductivity.
>the cup already implies being pre-chilled
Where do you live that this is in fact true?
i love a mint jew lip
Holy shit did you even read OP's first sentence. And you're calling my reading comprehension severely lacking...

>that served drinks in stainless steel cups that had been chilled in the freezer
the cups in op's screenshot are very clearly double walled, vacuum insulated. they are basically a thermos without a cover.
How do you figure? A glass cup is more insulating and has more thermal mass. The only way a steel cup could stay cold longer is if it was leeching heat from your drink.
>Unbearably hot and humid
We call that a normal day in Florida
They're double walled

Like a yeti or ozark trail
Do I need to get the heat and mass transfer book out fellas?
What if you just drank your drink instead of leaving it sit around for 2 hours?
that sounds retarded
wouldn't it stick to your lips?
It's not uncommon for office sluts to stick all sorts of shit in their purses at the restaurant after a few drinks. They think they're being "cute".
Literally the least surprising story, on this board.
>a colder drink? No thanks lol
Do you think they're being served in containers at below-freezing temps, Einstein?
>humans have never used ice to cool drinks prior to the year of 1776
>in the millenias-upon-millenias of human history, in the entire world

u little yankee bitch--stop whining
They didnt have ice back then, freezers hadnt been invented yet.
>The ice trade, also known as the frozen water trade, was a 19th-century and early 20th-century industry, centering on the east coast of the United States and Norway, involving the large-scale harvesting, transport and sale of natural ice, and later the making and sale of artificial ice, for domestic consumption and commercial purposes. Ice was cut from the surface of ponds and streams, then stored in ice houses, before being sent on by ship, barge or railroad to its final destination around the world.

>Networks of ice wagons were typically used to distribute the product to the final domestic and smaller commercial customers. The ice trade revolutionised the U.S. meat, vegetable and fruit industries, enabled significant growth in the fishing industry, and encouraged the introduction of a range of new drinks and foods. It only flourished in the time between the development of reliable transportation and the development of widespread mechanical refrigeration.
They had ice but it was exclusively the domain of the most elite of the elite.

Individuals like>>20511837 seethe because they simply didn't have the conceptual capacity that Americans did to go "this ice in drinks thing is amazing. How do we figure out how make it cheap so everyone can buy it?"

The crazy thing? Nothing the Americans did was beyond the capabilities of the old world even two thousand years ago.
Stainless steel? Are you sure?
I hate to say it this way but those office harlots are the types to avoid at all costs. Nobody in their right mind wants to be around them.
Even worse the bitch secretarys that stand around coffee machines and water fountains looking for gossip, they're very much the types to be avoided and listen to rap "music." The useless types that yammer in parking lots, not that cute.
What's the point if they don't have handles or rubber or something? Your hands will heat them up
Don't get yourself some stainless steel cups.
That shit is for the gays.

Get yourself some stainless steel 500ml+ insulated tumblers, freeze em with 33ml~ or so water in the bottom and put a nice drink from the freezer or a fridge in them. It's great.
I heard people use glass for that shit but that's weird, that's very weird, don't do that.
Stainless steel insulated tumblers, they're an all around gas, be it for coffee or chilled drinks or drinking ice cold spirits they are the best.

Have fun anon.
Also buy some denture tablets.
Always buy some denture tablets even if you don't drink from stainless steel, they're just A+++++++++ at cooking and washing. Righty-o cheery-o the noo cunt.
that was a thing in mad men as well
the ugly girl was very excited by it
get yourself a real mug set that is thick enough to put in the freezer without breaking. that's what i used to use.. you really only need 2 for yourself, one in the freezer and one being used. that way you always have a cold glass waiting.
>stainless steel soap bars work
fucking kek
do you also have an air ionizer and one of those retarded glowy salt lamps
if you need the book for that I don't suspect you need it for much of serious nature.
Yeah pretty much this. I used to work with a rich thot who did shit like that. She had money, like she bought an apartment in cash in hoboken, but it wasn't about the money she just thought it was #nofilter and quirky, I don't think she had any idea how annoying everyone else found her
Used to go to a korean restaurant that did this but with barley tea, tastiest shit I've ever had and it was included with the price of your meal. Owner went back to Korea well before the pandemic, I miss that place.

I don't know about the japanese but the koreans I've seen at korean restaurants aren't there for long. Half an hour at most and they're gone, no talking once the meal is at the table, pay immediately after they're done and leave. It's not like you're holding the cup on your hand all the time, I don't think they even have time for it to get fully warm.
I also pocket shrimp ftom red lobster whenever theyre doing endless shrimp
youre the reason theyre closing all stores

He's right. The chromium and all the other heavy metals will leech out from the steel and by time accumulate enough to make you sick or kill you.
yea. cold drinks tastes better in a metal cup. even cold water.
fucking gross, just keep a glass beer mug or two in the back of your freezer
Coke has a lower freeze point than water, so it actually could be served "below freezing"

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