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I live every day with a crisp, clear, refreshing Pepsi. How about you, /ck/?
You’re drinking it in plastic. Pleb.
too much corn syrup gives me candida overgrowth
a couple of times, my ballsack had dandruff and the skin cracked when I jerked off without lube
>my pepsi is sharp and clear, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone
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>americuts need lube to jerk off
I like my Pepsi extra crispy.

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Arctic Crammers
Zooper Doopers

Was going to say I can't remember which colour since I haven't had them in a lot of years, but purple might be the go. Always loved those strong berry flavours.
my man
top tops
based fellow brummie
In my country children were often told these were made from dirt water which would make you sick so that children do not ask the parents to buy more and more of them

you guys ARE eating spaghetti tacos, right?
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what has everyone south of the US border got against peanut butter??
put some bacon on that badboy and it's an elvis sandwich
ay pinche gringos wey, vamos a enviar goku a matarte, pinche wey
looks like my EX’s pussy after I broke up with her after her trip to Jamaica! JAMAICAN ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!
Just carb my shit up nigger

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food of the gods
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wish canned tuna was cheap here. or canned beans. everyone is saying they're cheap foods but i can buy a kilo of chicken for the same price, am i missing something?
anon you are exactly like my pants
I've been eating a can of tuna with a spoon of miso in soup with Spices every weekday for breakfast/lunch. I've lost about 5 pounds over the past 3 months. It's not a crazy wieght loss but my goal is to loose it slow and steady.
are gods immune to mercury poisoning
full of shit?

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Currently waiting for my crepe to cool down.
Clearly you are not waiting and have started eating it already. Why would you lie to us so blatantly, OP?
I was forced to abandon any attempts of further consuming the crepe as I progressed towards the center and the temperature became unbearable.
thats a Faggoty looking burrito
I'm a crepe. I'm a weirdough baby. What am I doughing here? I doughnut belong herrreeee.

Nobody actually enjoys the taste of beer, right? It's like a shared stoicism masculinity thing where everyone suffers through the bad taste together?
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Love a good schwarzbier
Most of them are way too bitter. It's like coffee, can't believe people enjoy that shit. Although a stout/porter or sour beers are pretty good as they are more sweet or sour than bitter. Still though, wouldn't want more than a few mouth fulls unless in the context of cooking or pairing with food
Yes, as are all alcoholic beverages. The more masculine the beverage in social perception, the worse it tastes. That said, some of them mix well with certain foods and don't taste as bad jwith that food still on your palate. Extraordinary!
>The more masculine the beverage in social perception, the worse it tastes
way to out yourself as having feminine taste buds
It’s like mustard or olives. They taste objectively bad, but you add them to food to distract you from the horrible drudgery and existential dread that fill every other hour of the day.

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/ck/ related webm thread
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not really sure what's the purpose of putting in a spice blend and then putting in all the ingredients of that spice blend after
if freshly butchered meat gets u this surprised and mad idk what else to say lol, you have a mental illness or something
>mental illness
pure projection
Rajesh please..
>eat in a shitty tourists trap
>Oh no food no good
>that stupid cunt deserved to eat like shit

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>"International Grocery"
>Only East Asia, and sometimes the Middle East
Whats a nigga gotta do to get some Sprats?
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Eh, it's just a general preference, I don't like the idea of eating food from [plastic-lined] cans if there's a glass alternative, plus of course the jar comes with a resealable lid.

Maybe there would be some benefit to cans if the product were sensitive to sunlight, but I've never had an issue with jarred fish in oil. Speaking of which... where my MATJES niggas at?
They line the top of the jars with plastic as well, you can't avoid it.
Not that anon, but jarred food just tastes better to me. I still eat canned stuff but if I can get it jarred and it's not fucktardedly expensive in comparison, I'll get jarred.
True, but the smaller contact patch seems preferable. And I still like the reusable lid, and I can wash & reuse the jar for apothecary uses (I'm a wizard Harry). Plus there's something comforting about being able to see the food before you buy.
i actually prefer my sprats in the can so i can let they dry out a little on the counter after i open them
move somewhere with soviet diaspora. they have good tea, honey, mineral water and jam, too. nothing like tearing into a whole cold smoked mackerel with your bare hands

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For me, it’s the patty melt
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Sometimes Ham & Cheese on Rye hits the spot.
Clearly says a patty melt
My go-to order at the Waffle House is the patty melt, hashbrowns scattered, smothered, covered, and peppered, with black coffee to drink. Recently I tried the cheesesteak sandwich instead and it's a good substitute, plus it comes with pickles. Next time I go I'm just going to order pickles on my patty melt and see how that is.
which is a type of sandwich, ergo it is a type of burger
>A type of hamburger
>Has no components of a hamburger
absolutely fucking retarded
it's always the british dude i don't get it

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Supper is almost ready
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You have to add cheese between the beef and the potato. Can also add sloppy joe mix to the beef.
>sheperds pie in a cast iron
You wanna have gay buttsex?
Whats the problem
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That needs some fish heads sticking out, call it something strange and unheard of, stargazy pie, that'll do.

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Looking for advice of kvass
I mostly buy it from the supermarket (in the UK)

My local supermarket has cans of Ulmanlaiku brand
I've also managed to buy it in bottles and once in large 1L but can't remember the brand

I like kvass and would like to try some more
I stopped drinking alcohol some years ago
kvass gives me a similar type of taste, a nice change from soda drinks, and without alcohol

Any recommendations for brands to look out for in the UK?
I will go to my local eastern european corner shop
I'm also willing to have a go a making some at home
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>kvass-flavored cola.
Monestary brand is kvass-cola. Don't let jew-mazon shill it to you. All the rest are kvass-cola, too.
So I have been researching online...

As I understand it, all the cans/bottles I'm seeing in the stores are a replica/imitation of kvass
real kvass is fermented, so I need to get it from somewhere (like a brewery) or home brew it myself
is that right?

Looks like I will have to go down the home brew route
Will be a fun learning process

Interestingly, I did find this website online for 'UK first kvass'
This looks good, but very expensive sadly.
Too much for me so I will homebrew.
just make your own you just need old rye and water
>real kvass is fermented,
The stuff in the stores is 0.5% alcohol or less. The fact that they even say that, indicates it includes some fermented product. But beyond that, as others have said, it's usually closer to American-style root beer than the homemade stuff. And that's the key point, many people would say that kvass is most properly something domestic. (Though the same might be said about beer, eons ago before governments began trying to tax and regulate everything.) I'd also add, just because the store-bought stuff isn't the most "authentic", don't let that stop you from enjoying it. It's possible to enjoy both varieties under different circumstances.
You can only make it yourself in the west. Even in Riga there's only a few places where they actually brew it properly.

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Cancer rate in young people has risen 40% and I highly suspect it's because of shit oil. Is Avocado oil the only oil fit for human consumption?
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Nobody is smoking anymore, and young people are drinking less alcohol than before.
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>time traveling jab gives you cancer 40 years before getting vaccinated
Smoking tobacco is dropping but smoking weed is rising and seemed to start rising in the 70s. Energy drink consumption is rising although that's more recent and I would imagine even heavy users of energy drink have less risk than heavy alcohol drinkers. Prescription drug use is also going up and starting going up around the 70s and 80s too.
>0.001% to 0.0014%
WOW a fucking epidemic

Even habitual potheads smoke less weed than hardcore cigarette smokers. There are cigarette addicts out there that go through 2 packs a day, meanwhile I have never heard of a pothead smoking more than around 3 joints a day. Weed is just too expensive to inhale like that.
>Muh oil
Motherfucker, Skittles are literally carcinogenic, and so is most of the ultraprocessed foods that make up the American "diet".

Italians are using all kinds of seed oils and they're not having any issues.

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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You should be asleep right now.
It's 11:00 but woke up 18:00 yesterday so yeah I guess?
go to sleep, your body needs to recover
'loaf looks burnt and dry m8. what's in the sauce, mushrooms?
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the loaf was frozen leftovers and I baked it deliberately to crisp up the edges. Trust me it was soft and steamy inside. I didn't want full sloppa with all that sauce, I wanted some crispy texture in there and I got a bit. It wasn't dry even if it looks like it might have been.

The batch of sauce has sausages (none in this serving on account I already had meatloaf on the place) and chunks of chicken thigh. What you're seeing is chicken chunks.

Pic is the meatloaf when it was new.

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The humitial ritual of being helpless to do anything except persistently pay MORE for LESS food (shrinkflation) makes me feel like such a cuck.

Why is the government scared of milk men and bread fags? The price of bread has always been regulated throughout history across most nations. Why are they charging $5.65 for a single baguette, and $5.95 for a gallon of milk?
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Just because the American government is my enemy doesn't mean that the Chinese government isn't also my enemy
milk is under $3/gal which is about as low as it went sometimes pre covid. i've only really noticed price increases with premade food and junk foods but basic ingredients are still mostly the same. except potatoes, they got kind of expensive for some reason.
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800K ton shortage this year.
Just a bunch of meat/dairy lobby propaganda. Soy is fine. You would have to eat astronomical amounts for it to be any issue and phytoestrogens aren't the same as estrogen and consuming it orally breaks most of it down anyway. But hey, enjoy your red meat related colon cancer and cardiovascular disease I guess.
>dude what if we, like, tried price controls
How many times does this have to lead to mass starvation, food rationing, and total economic collapse before people finally get the lesson that this shit doesn't work?
Schools intentionally don't teach basic economics so morons will repeatedly vote for this crap that lets the intelligentsia live like emperors whilst the rest of us wallow in the mud.

20 yuan deposited in your social credit account, Chairman Xi thanks you for your service to the Grorious Revolution

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Allez Cuisine!
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What is it Ohta? Is there something you need for me to do for youHmmmmmmmmm?
It's weird cause they get Asako Kishi pretty regularly and she's a real food critic.
I enjoy watching episodes where they have guest judges like Joel Robuchon, like they did in the France special. You can tell the judges understand what they're judging better.
It was neat seeing Shigesato Itoi of all people
The name is Shinichiro Kurimoto.
And yes, I know that I am the best panel judge.
>I highly doubt Sakai is doing much cooking
I agree, he's 82 now. Michiba is still around too, he's 11 years older at 93. Ishinabe is also still alive at 76 and Nakamura is also alive at 76.

Chen Kenichi died last year at 67
Masahiko Kobe died in 2019 at 49

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