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may be a hot take but german food isn't bad, the truth is it's our restaurants. we have 0 standards in germany in terms of restaurants because unlike other countries restaurants here are allowed to snap their fingers to remove reviews they don't like to combat review bombings, you have to prove you ate in a local or the owner can contact google to remove your review if he doesn't like it. i tend to order a lot but 9/10 reastaurants just reheat stuff or do some other dumb shit. not many people talk about it but it's a deep rabbit hole.
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What's the point in pretending you have a liberal democracy when your country's modern form was shaped by the Nazis who were so morally bankrupt that they were willing to work with the jews after the war because it meant they could stay in power? Fun fact: the Nuremberg trials were only for the Nazis who refused to switch sides aka the ones who actually believed in something beyond serving their own interests.
Unfortunately those Germans aren't very good at seafood. They should learn to do stuff like fried shrimp instead of goosestepping like north koreans.
German food is hearty and soulful, southern food especially
I think the problem simply is that classic german food is either very time or work consuming and the average restaurant is going to take every shortcut there is and cheap out to cut costs. It's like 30 minute spareribs vs 3-2-1 ribs.

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>since the market is completely oversaturated with every clown making his own sauce, that I really think you are overestimating the harm.
That is the harm. If every retard and their dog has a hot sauce on the market, that makes it extremely tedious to find ones that are actually good.
Crystals is better
Then Louisiana hot sauce
Tabasco is mid and has weird flavor

T. Louisianan
I like hot sauce that adds a kick and enhances flavor, fuck those 1 billion Scoville meme sauces
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I've been squirting pic related onto absolutely everything I eat. Actually tastes good, not vinegary and has a nice kick to it too.
This is the answer. Every single person from North Carolina is an absolute Chad. No exceptions.

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How do you make fries in the oven, but have them actually come out crispy and not weird?
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They weren't soggy. Maybe it's the resolution betraying how good they actually were.
Put a deep fryer inside the oven and deep fry them.
heat water but dont let it boil and toss the wedges in for a bit until the surface isn't even but they aren't cooked then put them in the oven with oil and herbs.
This. Otherwise fry them.
You don't, in order to get restaurant-style chips you need to double deep-fry them.

You can more closely approximate the texture via air-frying or >>20507738 but they're never going to be the same.

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Is this normal? Makes me want to quit cooking
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Not even at peak ripeness are those good. Theyre the bad kind, the shit tier. Avocado needs to have rubbery skin and also be fully dusty, then its the good type. Pretty sure amerilards only get the bad ones, and larp about omg the taste lol.
learn to steal
There are three varieties sold in my area. I buy the little black ones because the gigantic green ones are so sweet that they're only good for smoothies. The big black ones have, as has been said ITT already, tended to be unripe
You don't cook. You just repost shit you saw on reddit.

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How are you holding up?
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>This is disgusting. You are disgusting.
Care to explain, or is this just 1PBTID insult from a drunk and high anon?
>$9 frozen pizza
>$40 of soda
>$12 of potato chips
Every time lmao
>toasted bread
>peanut butter

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tastes like sawdust with chocolate chips
why are theses STILL being sold? they're terrible? I always pick dad's cookies over chips ahoy.
The chunky ones are good but I hate the rest.
weird I was gonna make a thread about this and call them "Slops Agoy!"
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I fuck with chewy
Oh, do you? Where's the hole?
Dad's sucks, coconut does not belong in chocolate chip cookies.
Their oatmeal chocolate chips are good. I recall years back not liking their regular chocolate chip cookies.

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What should I eat for brain fuel? I work out and eat whole foods and lean meat and carbs and some fiber. Carbs are good for thinking, right? I don't eat sugar, it's gonna fuck up my gains
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It's a perfectly cromulent word.
Needs to be embiggened until it becomes an official dictionary word.
so, how much sugar can I eat without getting fat as fuck? teaspoon a day?
If you're thinking worth two people, then you can eat for two people as well.
When I'm studying hard I always have PEZ candy and my dispenser nearby, that's my method. But don't start with shit like chocolate or you'll be fat in no time.
I don't know what you study/where you live but it's very common here that people take speed for the last two weeks leading up to finals.
Any kind of epilepsy medicine

Are you able to find fresh bay leaves where you are? Do they really make a difference? Also where are you finding them, if you don't live in a warm climate? Whole Foods only had dried.
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Yeah in my garden. I can even harvest during winter
their taste is just very subtle, that's why i use it for rice
Fucking wut.
They have an extremely strong flavour. Trying buying ones that were picked and packaged in this decade, homie.
This. It is a memeleaf and adds nothing, but retards will love to be condescending about it and lie to themselves to feel superior.
If someone gives me a recipe and a bay leaf if one of the ingredients, I know with confidence that person is a certifiable retard.
They give a sort of vegetal/fir like fragrance just fix your pallet bro

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Not my problem
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it's not my fault that black rock bought all the houses I could have afforded
>Orange fool? What's bad about it?
it is 100% shitposting and trolling. Every single orange fool thread is the exact same series of memes, trolls, and reverse trolls.
>n-no goy you can't just slack off at work! All your employers have a linked Hive Mind and telepathically know everything you do!
No one believes you. Everyone uses fake "references" that never get read anyway.
>bad tenant lists aren't real bro!
low-life rentoids are in for a big surprise
prove it, I won't wait though

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Is it possible to make chili con carne or adobo with cubed chicken breast and have the chicken chunks be actually tender and not dry as fuck
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>put a lid on the pan so the moisture stays in
this would only make a difference if the meat isn't fully covered by liquid. if that's the case then you should probably figure out how to get it fully covered rather than try to steam the protruding portion...
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My god, is this geetard rlly stewing chicken breast? My dude, either use dark meat, or actually treat the white meat properly.
First brine it at 1.1% salinity for a minimum of 6 hours preferably 24, then sear it hot in a stainless steel pan without touching it until it's golden & releases easily from the pan, then finish in a 350°F (180°C) oven until internal temp of 155°F (70°C) is reached, then let it rest 10 minutes before slicing and reserving to be incorporated briefly before serving.
A quick easy way to dry-brine effectively is to use 1tsp table salt per 1lb of meat (5g per 450g) applied directly to the meat.
>Shred the chicken
>Love the chicken
No one asked
I stopped reading at geetard. Do all kids speak like that these days?

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I am currently eating a bowl of scrambled eggs that I made with the egg shells still in the mix.

Did it mostly to preserve the extra calcium that’s in the shells.

It’s pretty gross. This is what jail food should be like.
dude wtf??? die
Protip try baking the egg shells at 300 for 30 minutes then grinding them into a powder. I add a tsp per lb to burger meat and you can't even tell that it's there
I see. I might try this, btu won't baking he shells remove some, if not most of the nutrients?
Where would the nutrients go?
Idk the atmosphere? or like the air in my kitchen?

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