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Cancer rate in young people has risen 40% and I highly suspect it's because of shit oil. Is Avocado oil the only oil fit for human consumption?
i think it’s the microplastics they found in human placenta
Probably video games and anime
Obviously it's global warming. But there's one thing we can be sure didn't cause it and that is the COVID vax.
I’m a doctor and I agree
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Correlates with a rise in obesity. Junk food, stress, general unhealthy lifestyles without as much exercise, pollution. To say it's one thing probably means bias.

Just avoid highly processed food.
>because of shit oil
no its because everyone's drinking, smoking and taking more drugs than they ever have.
combine that with overwork and shitty overprocessed food.
sprinkle with a bit of "cant retire until 70yo" and "75 year life expectancy" as well.
People in the 70s lived off cigarettes and cocaine, you’re delusional
Yeah, I'm sure the new trendy oil is the only safe one. Not the one's we've been using forever since before this new cancer spike.

While modern food is absolute shit there is so much more going on that could be causing cancer it's hard to say. There is actually a "forbidden theory" smoking isn't actually that bad for you, it's a great scapegoat for all this air pollution giving people lung cancer though. Something about Scotland went from a land of chain smokers to almost completely nic free and lung cancer only got worse.
Did sneed oils stop existing in the 90s and 00s?
What people never realize or take into account is that the obesity epidemic isn't natural, they've found measurable levels of obesity in lab animals compared to the 70's-90's, with no dietary changes.
Could be as simple as whatever is making us fat is also giving us cancer.
It's because the spike protein kills off B- and T-cells, eliminating peoples' ability to fight long-term diseases
There's been a few studies on this and while some oils are obviously better than others, it's more likely that what these oils are used in/for is the culprit. Over eating sugary/salty/fatty fried foods and too much red meat (used to be more of a treat for most of human history) and such. No one is getting cancer from putting olive oil on their salad, hell people have been using that for thousands of years.
But excluding diet its probable that shit like micro plastics and other pollutants are to blame for the spike in cancer. We use so much man made materials these last few decades that it's kinda hard to pinpoint exactly which ones are dangerous, but you can bet that the ones that the big companies lobbies to hush down/alter studies of are part of the problem, like fossil fuels, plastics, pesticides and so on
Are they being fed the exact same type of food? I know crop varieties have changed throughout the decades so grains are more starchy, fruits are more sugary, etc. and overall not quite as nutritious. So 100g of grain from decades ago could have less calories, more fiber, more nutrients, compared to 100g of grain today.
It does seem very unlikely that covid vaccination is the cause of a 40% increase of cancer rate between 1975 and 2015.
You retards ever think as the population grows more rapidly more people are likely to get cancer right?
My schizo take is the gmo products creating new varieties of plants that our bodies haven’t evolved yet to process completely
That's not really how percentage or "per capita" works but way to show you failed grade school math I guess
It's more likely the pesticides/herbicides these modifications are made to endure that would cause issues in that case.
no one ever forced you to take the shot.
>>two years later
Closer to three, actually. And most people only got the first one or two doses, so it's unlikely that the jabs (alone...) are to blame.
Nobody is smoking anymore, and young people are drinking less alcohol than before.
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>time traveling jab gives you cancer 40 years before getting vaccinated
Smoking tobacco is dropping but smoking weed is rising and seemed to start rising in the 70s. Energy drink consumption is rising although that's more recent and I would imagine even heavy users of energy drink have less risk than heavy alcohol drinkers. Prescription drug use is also going up and starting going up around the 70s and 80s too.
>0.001% to 0.0014%
WOW a fucking epidemic

Even habitual potheads smoke less weed than hardcore cigarette smokers. There are cigarette addicts out there that go through 2 packs a day, meanwhile I have never heard of a pothead smoking more than around 3 joints a day. Weed is just too expensive to inhale like that.
>Muh oil
Motherfucker, Skittles are literally carcinogenic, and so is most of the ultraprocessed foods that make up the American "diet".

Italians are using all kinds of seed oils and they're not having any issues.
When I tried it it was some fancy organic shit and it was blatantly rancid in the bottle.
Cold-pressed olive oil is not the same as heavily heat-treated (hence oxidized) soybean oil.
obviously not the covid vaccine but let's not act like this couldn't be related to the ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule in general, which is now sitting at 38 different vaccines before you turn 18.
the microplastics are stored in the balls
This has all been clinically proven to be caused by racism
Define "microplastic".
what went right from 1990 to 2000?
nowadays most grain and vegetables are pure sugar
No I'm serious. The image in that post is sensationalist horsecrap, I want to know exactly what they're using as a definition for "microplastic". Do you really think they found shavings of plastic that large inside dude's balls? Get fucking real and get me a definition.
>my balls are more plastic than a korean's face

Stfu and go lard
Industry won't like it yet your body would
>nobody smokes anymore
smokers are still as common as they always were, but now you have vapers as well, who literally need to fellate their doucheflute every 5 fucking minutes.
also so many people smoke weed now, most of them mixing it with tobacco
I use olive oil for every orifice.
yeah but weed is good for you whereas tobacco causes cancer
>now you have vapers as well, who literally need to fellate their doucheflute every 5 fucking minutes.
kek true
When I smoked I did 10 (half pack) a day, or a whole pack if going out drinking. I'd have to go outside every time, and it felt shitty to smoke any more than that.
Switched to vaping 6 years ago, now I vape at least twice an hour all day long.
please consult a 6th grade textbook on the definition of "micro"
>Even habitual potheads smoke less weed than hardcore cigarette smokers
Weed smokers inhale deeper and hold it longer than cigarette smokers do. I know people who only smoke weed but still have a smoker's cough.
microplastics the shit in water bottles and in plastic bags, the stuff that makes up the majority of microplastics you fucking retarded shit for brains poltard cunt. now why don’t you define my cock inside your moms puffy vagina
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>I-It's the meme oils you guys! I just need to follow one more retarded internet fad and then I'll be healthy!
>Balanced diet with meat, grains, and vegetables in reasonable serving sizes for a normal BMI? Heh, that's for suckers. *I'm* cutting out seed oils.
I read that synthetic fabrics are actually one of the biggest sources of microplastics. A lot of people probably don't realize synthetic fabrics for clothing and stuff are made from plastic fibers and every time you wash them it releases a ton of microplastics.
>most of them mixing it with tobacco
If you fags tell me we're going to go smoke some weed and you NIGRAS hand me a spiff, I will take my fat retarded stoner self elsewhere. ENOUGH
It's part of the same problem. Modern industry is only about 200 years old and has advanced at an insane scale. We're still discovering new negative consequences from common practices undertaken 100 years ago. We actually live in a completely new world than people 500 years ago, whereas they had more in common with ancient Egyptians than we do to them.
I'm overweight. In 2006 I weighed over 325 pounds. someone "saw" something and I ended up getting an angiogram. they found that my arteries were "squeaky clean" .

in 2022 I went to another cardiologist. they did a nuclear stress test. they said it looked like I had a 23% blockage and did another angiogram. They found that my arteries were still squeaky clean no blockages. now why is that?

well it could be genetics.
I take large amounts of vitamin c each day.
I eat lots of meat and little vegetable but I avoid HFCS like the plague.
I weighed about 330 at the time I had the last angio gram but I once weighed 360.

I have lost 65 pounds since 2020.

I know people who are thin and eat "right" yet have heart problems.

I read a medical paper about how chronic vitamin C deficiency was the cause of plague buildup. The theory is that people are barely eating enough vitamin C and this is causing microfissures in their arteries. Plague builds up there to stop the internal bleeding from all these microfissures.

so about 15 years ago I started taking 500 to 1000mg of C a day.
>no its because everyone's drinking, smoking and taking more drugs than they ever have.
don't know where you live, but smokers are now very rare where I live.
>I'm overweight
You're fucking elephant
but I don't have heart disease. suck it.
It's because of teflon cookware
What changed in 1999?
Stop asking questions.
>I have lost 65 pounds since 2020.
>almost half a decade
>he got the vaxx
>I highly suspect it's because of shit oil.
You have absolutely zero basis for that ridiculous conjecture except the fact that seed oils are the meme de jour
>Could be as simple as whatever is making us fat is also giving us cancer.
You have no reason to believe that
What's the meme de nuit?
Can't be Scotland, I'm pretty sure we have the highest rates of basically any negative thing in Europe - smoking, drinking, drugs, deep fried food, etc.
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you already know
We might have better and more accessible diagnostic tools,but also, my big city has almost doubled in population in my lifetime and the thick layer of air pollution you can see with the naked eye continues to get worse, I'm sure that's related too.
>no its because everyone's drinking, smoking and taking more drugs than they ever have.
except that's not true at all and drug use has been trending downwards.
Fatties eating sugar
Genetics do play a role. What did your cholesterol profile look like? Some people have genes that render their LDL extremely low no matter what they eat, and they're essentially immune from arterial plaque. In the other direction, some people are born with abnormally high LDL and can have plaque in their arteries even as babies.
Cholesterol doesn't really matter until you get up over the 800s or so. Conversely, your mortality rises if it drops under 100.
>Avocado oil
Only solids. Butter, tallow, ghee.
Neither is true. Wherever you've read that, you've been misled, and probably had that explained to you before on this board in past threads.
Occam's razor
That's not how Occam's razor works
Yes it is
Its not but I won't argue with you.
>There is actually a "forbidden theory" smoking isn't actually that bad for you, it's a great scapegoat for all this air pollution giving people lung cancer though.
How's that theory supposed to work when people all breathe the same polluted air but the ones that smoke are the ones that end up with higher rates of lung cancer?
I already posted it
>didn't look at the OP image at all
>There is actually a "forbidden theory" smoking isn't actually that bad for you
Sounds like something a smoker would say when they don't want to give it up. Just like weed smokers who can't simply say they like it but have to start talking about how smoking weed cures cancer and whatever. Most people aren't going to get cancer from smoking but some will and some will die from it.

Lung cancer also doesn't start or stop instantly, people who smoked decades ago but stopped can still get lung cancer from the previous damage.

>The analysis shows that lung cancer incidence rates increase proportionally with the increasing tobacco consumption rates with a lag time of 20–30 years.

Tobacco itself isn't really that harmful but constantly inhaling smoke into your lungs is bad for you and will cause problems. There are safer ways to use tobacco if you really want to.
>Tobacco itself isn't really that harmful but constantly inhaling smoke into your lungs is bad for you and will cause problems. There are safer ways to use tobacco if you really want to.
Chewing tobacco is also associated with oral cancers, at up to 50x the risk compared to people who don't chew
>Lung cancer also doesn't start or stop instantly, people who smoked decades ago but stopped can still get lung cancer from the previous damage.
The rate drops off once the level of pollution intake goes down. Yes, there's a delay and a bunch of randomness too, but stopping smoking is still most likely good for you anyway.
Smoke (of all kinds) is not good to inhale. It was never good to inhale it. Lungs aren't built for it!
That's true but from what I've read that's often due to chewing tobacco being fermented and cooked over an open fire. So it's kind of doing the same thing to your mouth that smoking cigarettes does to your lungs. Swedish snus tobacco which isn't fermented and is steamed doesn't seem to noticeably increase your risk of oral cancer.
Make sure you aren't buying soybean oil for avocado oil prices:
>associated with oral cancers, at up to 50x the risk compared to people who don't chew
I'm calling bullshit. Even smoking was only 15-30x
The simplest explanation for your unwillingness to engage on this topic is that you are simply a retard and your opinion is unjustified, therefore that must be correct.
Ayo dis nigga speedrunning atherosclerosis
Incorrect. You'd need oxidised seed oils for that
There is no correlation between dietary cholesterol and arterial cholesterol
Smoking is not actually that bad for you. The studies that purport to show that it is are focused on mega tard mode multiple packs a day smokers. Yeah, obviously, at a certain point just inhaling smoke is bad for you no matter what the plant matter is. BBQ pitmasters who work full time in a cloud of wood and charcoal smoke are going to have higher rates of lung cancer. By the same token, if you smoke a reasonable amount of tobacco, it isn't really that harmful at all and has been memed dramatically out of proportion. Having one cigarette a day for 6 months straight is hardly any more damaging than sitting by the grill supervising a 16 hour smoked brisket a couple times during that same period. Especially true if you're using real tobacco and not chemical waste sprayed shit, which I concede a lot of smokers are using, but that's a different issue than tobacco fundamentally.

Besides all of this, nicotine is beneficial for mental health and cognitive function. Better than coffee, and with long term benefits to intelligence and learning as well as the immediate gains. Increases dopamine receptor density over time, among other things.
Nicotine also dramatically increases testosterone production which improves immune system function
It prevents the spike protein from binding, slows respiratory infections in general, and is an anti-parasitic
For me, it's ignoring a whole bunch of studies and then picking out a few small ones that suggested a few pro seed oil ones

A lot of pollution in the US has actually gotten way better since 1975. Our air is generally cleaner and we've done a lot to improve our waterways too. This like LA smog used to be absolutely terrible compared to now.

I'd suspect it's lack of sleep.
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They are putting cancer in my food
nicotine is probably one of the shittiest drugs out there. the buzz lasts for 60 seconds and you need to continuously take more and more of it
Nobody smokes one cigarette a day.
That's because it's not really a "drug" you use to "get high" like we're snorting blow, it's a daily maintenance substance that improves your life by its regular inclusion. Not something you binge on until you puke.
I smoke one cigarette a day and have for years. Most I ever got up to was 3 a day, one before work, one on break and one after, but that was like 10 years ago by now. This is cope in the same vein as saying "nobody" can have one glass of wine without falling into hobo tier alcoholism.
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Just start smoking it makes you into a real goy.
>LA smog
and they're more victim to the layout of the LA Basin. there's historical accounts of smog hanging in the valley from controlled burns the natives would do
woops I meant to write man not goy
how do I delete my comments?
>For me, it's ignoring a whole bunch of studies and then picking out a few small ones that suggested a few pro seed oil ones
Oops, I wrote this completely wrong. Most studies haven't found anything wrong with seed oils. The few anti-seed oil ones that the seed-oil schizos latch on to are in the minority. The seed oil panic is soccer mom type nonsense like the huge panic about fat in the 90s.
The more rigorous the study the worse seed oils fare
Saturated fat increases serum cholesterol you dumb keto faggot
Your rhetoric is why people shouldn't engage with you alone
Literally clean air and water act repercussions. A lot of EPA shit got repealed under GW and they started putting a ton of additives into kid's food in the 2000s to replace all the sugar/fats they previously used
Not always. Sometimes it decreases
>nuh uhhhh
Peak keto intellect
Imagine being such an insufferable contrarian that your retarded brain convinces itself that smoking is actually good for you.
I said "not that bad for you" with maybe some benefits along with the downsides. It's not like you instantly turn into a terminal addict like it's crack rock and it's not some kind of guaranteed cancer poison as soon as you take one hit. The memes about how bad for your health smoking is are out of control.
you are the moron here
>LDL-C concentrations were significantly increased on butter compared with coconut oil (+0.42, 95%CI 0.19 to 0.65 mmol/L, P<0.0001) and with olive oil (+0.38, 95%CI 0.16 to 0.60mmol/L, P<0.0001), with no differences in change of LDL-C in coconut oil compared with olive oil (−0.04, 95%CI −0.27 to 0.19mmol/L, P=0.74).
Other things like air pollution cause lung cancer, whereas the number of other things that the common man is exposed to that cause oral cancers is low, so its cancer-causing effects are more pronounced
Is there any research you're basing this on?
for oral cancer its like 5x not 50x just as i suspected
>risk exaggerated by 10x the reality
They're taking it easy on you, surprised you didn't hear 500x
Kewl. We all die yung. Cept you old fucks. Why don't you post about that Joe Rogan science about buttholes being closer to balls n cocks, in men and the gay-if-a-cation of humans? Were all trans soon, and self inseminating, brotha.
I've read that nicotine really isn't harmful too and it's the delivery system that is bad.

Anything addictive can start causing problems but because this involves smoking it's going to be more harmful than drinking a lot of coffee or eating too much chocolate or something like that. How many people smoke moderately or have one cigarette a day? Not many in my experience. They might start out that way but everyone I knew who smoked cigarettes smoked often and coughed a lot.

I've also read that Native Americans were originally smoking tobacco that was much stronger than what's in cigarettes now, with like 10x or more nicotine. I don't think you could really be chainsmoking packs of cigarettes if the tobacco was that strong. Apparently in some studies people would end up mostly consuming the same amount of nicotine from weak tobacco and strong tobacco, they would just have to smoke more of the weak tobacco. But obviously with stronger tobacco that means less smoking overall which would be better for you.

I think there are a lot of factors to consider and some things about it are interesting although I think smoking is probably harmful and should be minimized as much as possible.
I smoke, slam energy drinks (sugar fee ofc) and drink a dhit ton of booze. Whats my prognosis doc? Held down life n a job for 28 years now.
>Having one cigarette a day for 6 months straight is hardly any more damaging than sitting by the grill supervising a 16 hour smoked brisket a couple times during that same period.
I agree, but a smoker smokeing 1 cig a day is not a serious premise.
>Besides all of this, nicotine is beneficial for mental health and cognitive function.
Then you could just use a patch or ingestible methods instead of smoking to get the nicotine. However, I'm guessing you have a cigarette addiction.
Even though nicotine is what makes cigs addictive, it also gets you hooked into everything else about smoking. The routine around smoking, looking forward to the next small break, how it feels to light up, hold, and smoke a cigarette.
That's why nic patches and gum don't work, you crave the act of smoking as much as the nicotine itself. That's why citing the benefits of nicotine as a merit of smoking is false - if a smoker was truly only after the nic, then they could easily mitigate negative health risks by switching to non-inhalant methods. But they don't, at best a smoker switches to vaping which involves similar routines and actions to smoking.

>People who use chewing or any other type of smokeless tobacco have about 50 times greater risk of oral cancer than people who do not. The length of time you use chewing tobacco, and the amount you use, affects these odds. The longer you use chewing tobacco, the greater your risk will be.
it slows respirotary infections because your lungs get coated in a layer of tar. the infection cant penetrate dead tissue
Oh for fuck's-- play a record...
idk if what i said is true but you can't be delusional enough to say its good for you. there are benefits, sure, but cigarettes aren't exactly good
smoke a pack in a night and tell me the next morning that its good for your body
>t. smokes amercian spirit blacks
no its not
more people casually smoke weed now than ever, cigarettes have been replaced with vapes and are more popular than cigarettes ever were, plus MDMA is the dominant drug for zoomers.
>smoke a pack in a night and tell me the next morning that its good for your body
I agree that smoking is bad for you but this is bad logic. Just because you feel crappy after you enegage in it doesnt means something is bad for you
Cancer isn't real it's a made up disease by big pharma.
I highly suspect its obesity
>vapes and are more popular than cigarettes ever were
>MDMA is the dominant drug for zoomers
Is this true? Based if so
Fuck off. Sick of this doom posting garbage. Cancer is just inevitable if you live long enough anyhow.
It's interesting to see the seed oil defense force get so damn triggered by this thread, desperately trying to shift the goalposts.
It's glyphosate. We already know this from the lawsuits. But don't worry, the US government is going to make it illegal to sue Monsanto. Enjoy your cancer.
>and too much red meat

That's a meme anon. All the studies that kicked off the trend didn't control for smokers or the morbidly obese. Studies that did found no issue with eating red meat. We have also observed primitive tribal cultures that eat substantial red meat but have cancer rates far, far lower than the modern world.
>We have also observed primitive tribal cultures that eat substantial red meat but have cancer rates far, far lower than the modern world.
It couldn't possibly be any other confounding factor right? Like it couldn't be that primitive cultures lack the air pollution from abundant industry and vehicles, or that they dont have any of a billion chemical additives in their diet because they eat virtually 0 processed food, or that they are tens of times more physically active and are more in contact with the outdoors, right?

Your bias is showing.
This whole thread is biased. Everyone claiming their own personal issues with nothing to back them up. Not a single anon has mentioned that our ability to screen and detect cancers has increased geometrically since 1975. Every issue listed ITT could be a factor, or it could be something else completely. There's no way to know.
yeah man rightoids love doing that shit and ignoring context
>meanwhile *sits on ass for 12 hours/day, drives everywhere, obese BMI, walking more than 1000 feet winds him*
with that said, it does seem like eating red meat is fine, BUT you also need to be eating plenty of fibrous greens, be a healthy BMI, and get plenty of exercise...all 3 most americans do not get.
Thanks for being logical anons
The average American's diet consists of artificial ultraprocessed foods.

You were never meant to eat or drink shit like tartrazine. But Americans do it daily. There's a reason this shit has been made illegal in the civilized world.
The increase in young cancer rates is a global trend, not just America:
The most likely explanation is it's being driven by obesity, something that became a problem in the developed world in general (and even in a number of developing countries too), not just the US.
To the extent "ultraprocessed" food is a problem from what I've seen it's just being blamed for making people more likely to eat more often and in larger quantities. So it still comes down to weight as the issue.
>Is Avocado oil the only oil fit for human consumption?
no, animal fats are healthy. also extra virgin olive oil is good
Surprising how many people don’t know this.
Cancer is the body’s natural end state.
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Just what I thought. When I look up why ultraprocessed food is being implicated as a health threat what gets talked about is people eating more calories and gaining weight. This meme really grinds my gears. The problem is eating too many calories. Nobody forces anyone to eat more than they need to. These appetite / satiation arguments are such bullshit. Just don't eat a surplus of calories.
I'm confused. Seed oils are incredibly old and have been used for thousands of years. Why are they only causing problems now?
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Does that mean that picrel is cancer proof?
Were seed oils processed with chemical solvents thousands of years ago?
I think it's unlikely she'll get cancer since she'll probably die of malnutrition / organ failure before cancer would have a chance to form.
>The problem is eating too many calories.
Yes and by your own evidence ultraprocessed food makes it easier to eat too many calories. Not to mention all the other issues it causes by being low in nutrients, contributing to unhealthy gut flora which is linked with a ton of various issues, side effects from additives, etc.

You can consume a normal amount of calories while eating ultraprocessed food but it's less likely and takes more effort. I can't understand why you'd end up defending it when you have evidence it's more likely to cause something that you already admit is a problem.
im not even gonna bother reading all the soytard replies to this incredibly BASED trvthnvke
Uh, who says they are now?
Yeah, check out Phillip Morris, they've done a lot of studies on smoking.
>Sharp spike in 1986
I wonder what happened back then hmmmmm...
The companies producing seed oils. It's not a secret.

I don't think they're inherently bad, but most of them are highly processed and even when "fresh" it's still rancid and oxidized.

Some people also say seed oils aren't so much of a problem on their own. It's that healthy animal fats like grass-fed butter and tallow, pastured lard, wild caught fish, these things provide nutrition we can't really get from seed oils and it causes seed oils to become more inflammatory than they would be if we were consuming more of those other healthy animal fats too.
my government did. You needed a vax pass for everything. Wanna take the bus to get to work? vax pass. Wanna get into our stores? vax pass. Just to mention a couple.
you chose to get on the bus or go to the stores. i simply chose not to
The only person in my extended family that I know has died from cancer at a younger than senior citizen age is also the only person in my extended family with obesity.

Obviously doesn't mean anything on it's own, but still...
I don't think you know how to read a graph
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Because shit like this latest ultraprocessed meme obfuscate the real issue of people choosing to eat too much and choosing to be overweight.
Everyone keeps acting like these forces are conspiracing to make you involuntarily overweight when it's always been a choice.
Having more food available that you enjoy more to the point of overeating doesn't mean that food forced you to overeat any more than having more powerful firearms available forces you to pull the trigger and kill people with them.
The message should be "don't eat a surplus of calories unless you're underweight and maintain a deficit of calories if you're already overweight" because being overweight is the root of nearly all preventable chronic disease (i.e. everything except some autoimmune diseases you just get when you're a kid regardless of being skinny or genetic disorders you're born with).
You don't need to come up with lists of food fat people like too much to try to ban them. You just need to get fat people to eat less in general. I'm tired of everything revolving around indirect attempts to trick fat people into eating less. They already know what the problem is (being fat) and what they need to do if they want to solve it (eat fewer calories until they're down to a healthy BMI).
It's not at all hard to keep a normal weight on McDonald's or whatever other junk food is available. It's still a chore getting up to 2000 calories let alone the amounts fat people binge on. It's 300 calories for a McD cheeseburger. Just don't eat more than 6 and a half cheeseburgers in a day.
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Pointing out that japan eats insanely high amounts of processed foods and they're still much skinnier than amerifats because they know portion control, and haven't ingrained a culture of overeating as overcompensation for the great depression. It's really a cultural issue more than an industrial one.
>whatever is making us fat
Nigga it's you. Stop eating so much.
Do you?
>You just need to get fat people to eat less in general.
That's a lot easier when you're not eating ultraprocessed food.

>It's not at all hard to keep a normal weight on McDonald's or whatever other junk food is available.
The study above says people on a diet of ultraprocessed food with a similar nutritional quality as the minimally processed diet were consuming 500 calories more per day. It's possible to count calories and restrict your diet with ultraprocessed food and maintain a normal weight but there's obviously something about it that makes you feel less satisfied at a healthy weight. And expecting people to calculate calories and portion food every day seems unreasonable when that's not necessary if you're not eating ultraprocessed food.

It's not just about ultraprocessed food being so enjoyable you just have to eat more. It digests faster, provides less nutrients, and probably side effects from all the additives. The less nutrition thing really matters because iron deficiency is known to cause cravings for starchy food, so you can end up consuming more calories and not feeling full because your body is still lacking nutrients despite getting enough calories.

Japan has a rate of diabetes that's about the same as the USA despite having 1/10th the rate of obesity. There are also other factors like Asians storing fat around their organs more than the rest of their body so they end up with problems associated with obesity at lower BMIs. Asians are considered obese with a BMI of 25 while Americans need to be at 30 for obesity.
You fucking faggot liar, you know perfectly well that even 100 years ago, no one was eating food deep fried in seed oil or eating processed foods filled with seed oils. 30 years ago, McDonald's was cooking their fries in tallow.
Is it possible the cigarettes and cocaine were actually good for us?
Diagnosing has gotten easier and young people probably eat horribly.
Pretty sure that's dried pee.
Came here to post this, to put it down to one thing like bad cooking oils is utterly retarded.
Plastics smaller than your microdick
Not an argument, have an egg fatty
Why does it look like Fruity Pebbles mixed with crushed-up Kix?
Retarded zoomie take. It was not uncommon for people to smoke a carton or more of cigs a week for boomers. Any gen x/millennial would remember going to the party store with their parents, or family members buying cigs in low tax states and bringing them to high tax ones. People used to go out to bars and clubs to meet people too and they drank every time they went out. Zoomies can't even call in a pizza because their "anxiety" and "trauma."

It has to be something else
perhaps if zoomies drank more they would be less anxious
This might blow your mcfucking mind but they are actually scared of not being scared. They consider their anxiety to be a critically important kind of safety net that protects them from bad things happening, and believe that if they relax then they are FUCKED.
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It's all because of energy drinks. Energy drinks cause cancer and greatly increase ageing which is why a lot of zoom zoom zoomers look so old. It's from drinking that chemical slop for most of their lives.
That's because without labels and an obsession with mental health they completely lack an identity. They might not notice it, but their brain does
I have a schizo theory that this is caused by spicy food. Despite all the poisons my 4chan induced contrarianism makes me think it's something mundane
Why not just say both
Why can't people eat a meal for energy?
You know I think there's merit to the second half. How many times have we looked back at insane dietary norms of the past and gone "whoops lol"?
Stimulants. Speaking from experience with a broad spectrum of substances, you don't get that same effect from a meal. I like a good steak but it's not gonna give me the same blood-rage drive as some pre-workouts I have. Stimulants make things happen and are the cornerstone of the modern world.
you're a fucking retarded gorilla nigger. why did people suddenly start eating so much food? maybe because large corporations started taking control over global food systems and realizing they make more money when consumption increases they have professional food engineers designing goyslop that peaks in flavor in such a way to encourage you to annihilate an entire bag. They have PhD neurologists, behavioral psychologists, billions of dollars of advertising money, paid shills, lobbyists and lawyers. all up against some 100IQ random american who in many cases is metabolically fucked before he hits his teens.

but yeah the problem is people just suddenly, for no reason decided to start eating more food. moron.

you massively overrate the share of Japanese calories that come from processed foods and the type of processed food matters. The average amerigolem gets over 20% of his daily caloric intake from seed oils. One fifth of their daily calories from soybean oil more or less.

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