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Im actually very suicidal. I dont know who to talk to and I dont want to fuck up my life. I need to leavemy house but I'm very alone and I think Im going to hang myself in my backseat
You sound distressed. None should make a decision when in this state. Tried a doctor?
Take your car to an open field or a large lot. Park on one side. Tie your legs to the frame of your car near the back, with enough distance to reach the driver's seat. While holding the brake pedal to the floor, put the car into drive and place a cinder block on top of the gas pedal. Then let go of the brake pedal. You'll have made your own death look like a murder, and your family wont have to live with the shame that you were too weak and pathetic for this life.

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Was talking to white/Hispanic woman. Professional, smart, likes anime, rock, interesting, kind.

Ex husband is black, also father of her 2 kids and left her, still has feelings for him.

Really? Black? I fucking hate women.
The advice is grow up.
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>Ex husband is black, also father of her 2 kids and left her, still has feelings for him.

this is not the greatest love story ever told but maybe you could have a fun and interesting friendship with this person
It's fucking over. You got a glimpse of heaven but then Tyrone rolled up on dubz and beat dat white ass fo yo lunch money.

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Regularly I see tons of posts of women freaking out over men who watch porn and men here saying porn is ruining their life but in my entire life Ive never met a woman who has an issue with porn and in fact all of my sexual partners throughout my entire life have liked some sort of porn and we've connected sexually by sharing hentai together to communicate fetishes or we've watched porn together, sometimes during sex.

Is this a psyop? If its not maybe porn becoming increasingly parasocial with onlyfans is changing perceptions?

I dont think porn is necessarily good dont get me wrong but the attitude against it on a website where you are one click away from boards with the most deranged and fucked up porn you will ever see feels bizarre. Its also bizarre that its here of all places I see the most anti porn sentiment when IRL it is very normalized by both men and women.
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But the gooners actually agree with a lot of that stuff on porn addiction, they just fetishize it and get off to how degenerate they're being.
Porn addictions only exist because the average bottom 80% of men guy can't have sex anymore
>No work, no hobbies outside of vidya, zero social interaction
How to spot a friendless loser who thinks he's hot shit 101.
>Why is it they get so up in arms about what you do with your dick?
Nobody cares about you or your dick, not even yourself. You retarded fucking weeb.
>If I jack off to sissy hypno porn versus a still image of a bikini model, does either affect me differently?
yes, you're conditioning your sexual relief to this specific fetish. that's how a perfectly normal straight male turns gay btw
stop bumping this shit thread

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where's a good place to take a girl out on a first date? there's this girl i know and i need to think of a place to take her out when i ask her out otherwise i'll kinda look like an idiot if i have nothing planned. what's a nice place that's not too much (as in doesn't put too much pressure on either of us) also should i hug her at the end of the date?
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yeah i'd definitely not do that. both her and myself aren't really bar type people, she's more of a conservative type girl so decent places are best
>you're paying
eh it is what it is, the way i see it is worst case scenario i'll get some time out of the house and pay for a decent time with someone
>always pick something you'll enjoy
true, makes sense if i'm paying, that being said i'm just thinking of something that would make sense for two people i guess
>invite her home
i feel like i've got a much better chance doing something away from home than inviting her home, that's the feeling i get from her, kinda too fast too soon
What I recommend: ask her if she'd like to watch a movie. Then ask if she wants to go to the cinema, or your / her place.
I’m gonna say no to the bowling date. I took a girl there in my second date after a good first date. When you bowl, you go back and forth getting up and sitting down with both parties sitting alone for a couple minutes while the other bowls. It made conversation kinda difficult. After that date she said she wasn’t feeling it. Part of me feels if the second date had gone better things might be different but alas
Not OP, but what kind of dates do girls into anime, gaming, and cosplay like? I go on a bunch of dates, but usually it’s all serious business and not as much about shared interests. How do I nail this?
Dinner and bowling was my go to first date plan. But if she's not dressed for bowling, change it up a bit and include her in the fun making portion of the date. Keep it simple, and fun
>go for the kiss

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How do you all deal with living with parents and grandparents who want to keep you at the age of 6 years old never trying to help you grow into the person you want to yet you're 29 and everyone is laughing at you for not getting your life together? Literally everyone at my age is starting a family now, owning a house, and working a full time job now, yet my parents and grandparents still want to baby me.

Can I switch places with someone who has parents who yells at them to do everything around the house?

>inb4 move out
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Could be narcissists.
Obviously move out.
But in the meantime.
Learn how to say NO.
Learn how to establish healthy barriers.
Everytime you go out to do something take longer than you normally do, they'll expect you to be gone for a few hours as opposed to a half of one. This will make them unconsciously realize you won't be nearby always be a waiter for them.

Balance. Balance is key and don't letting them crab in a bucket you so you can be a "good boy"
Did they drug you
If you have the ability to prove yourself, small steps. If you don’t, force them to give you one by sitting them down and telling them to let you fail a few times so you can learn.
I still live with my parents
You move out before you're fucking 29 and stuck in that situation. You get sick of it at 15 and start making plans to work and figure out housing as soon as you can move out

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I have a driving test in an hour. My last test I got nervous my hands were really sweaty all over the steering wheel it was so embarrassing. Anything that can fix this quickly? I can’t wear gloves
Baby powder
cover your hands in superglue and let it dry completely
so? what happened ?

I'm depressed/suicidal and my self medicating with alcohol has gotten so bad that I'm just destroying my body with it now

Do you guys know anywhere online I could chat with people who have similar problems? I cant talk to my family about this, they dont understand it and they dont want to hear it.

I think about suicide vividly several times an hour now, and if I try to tell my family they act disgusted or angry after a few seconds. Sorry frens, I know this board is mostly for relationship and job advice
Same situation here. I just live with it but my drinking has gotten pretty bad. I wonder if it will be how I go out.
Your thread is perfectly fine and belongs here. Best thing I ever found have been /druk/ threads on /tv/, but jannies usually delete them after a while. Leddit is full with AA fundamentalists and other redditor retards. But I didn't really looked enough.
Reduce the alcohol, stop and observe your own thoughts. You will notice things about those thoughts. Patterns, reoccurring ruminations maybe a visible thing. Write down what you notice and try to get to a root cause. Introspection may open up perspectives.

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I'm about to start work for the small town I live in. My employer did not give me much info into the type of work I'd be doing other than mowing, weeding, and some office stuff. I was planning on just wearing tshits, jeans, and my slip on sketchers. Should I wear something else? Should I also get another pair of shoes for the job, like runners or workers shoes? What should I wear to this type of work?
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Definitely invest in some higher quality work construction boots that you like. Also break them in a day before and youll be thanking yourself the next day and 5 years down the line when you can still wear them be comfortable and safe.
Get shoes after your first day on the job.
I'm guessing your employer isn't compensating you for additional gear and you need to know exactly what you need to be comfortable on the job
Thanks. Honestly I had a feeling I needed something specific but my employer never indicated anything like that to me, plus he implied the work would be stuff like mowing and not anything particularly dangerous for my feet.
If you show up in boots they'll assume you're there to actually work, if you show up in some trendy gay sneakers or something they'll think you don't know shit
Sketchers aren't trendy gay shoes, they're regular shoes. There's literally nothing wrong with wearing sketchers to cut grass.

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How do you make peace and be content and happy with a life that doesn't really amount to anything? Feel satisfied with an existence of just going to job, do job, go home, do chores, do whatever pointless bullshit until it's time to go to bed, go to bed, wake up, go job, do job? How do I do that for the rest of my life without becoming suicidal?

How do you spend a lifetime just pointlessly waiting for death and not feel the urge to just skip to the end?
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The brain is a filter for our noisy sensory input, and it filters on the basis of 'relevance to our goals'. If becoming rich/famous is our goal, things we used to enjoy become 'empty' as the brain starts filtering out the 'irrelevant' joys and pleasures until almost everything that isn't in service to that goal will be either invisible or even experienced as an irritating 'waste of time' or hinderance.

Other root causes of your dissatisfaction are:
1. High expectations - even an entire planet can seem like a tiny speck of dust when compared to something else. The thing with our expectations is that they need not be grounded in reality at all, and when we start out with delusions of grandeur and 'specialness', comparing ourselves to the end result of chinese whispered myths that embellish the achievements of 'great men', then even the very best POSSIBLE life will seem like a shitty disappointment. Don't invest your ego in having unrealistic standards if you want to be happy or fulfilled.

2. Low self-esteem, maybe you were bullied, maybe you just failed at an unrealistic goal you set yourself. Your need to feel special strongly implies this is a pressing emotional need for you though, and you will probably bounce between different projects that never quite fulfil you.

3. Misdirected blame and resentment for the suffering you endured as a result of 1 & 2. This can manifest as a subconscious need to 'punish' whoever you blame, and if it is yourself then you will get into some very unpleasant thought patterns and a vicious cycles.

Psychedelics are one of the few things that 'might' help you form new thought patterns, but don't expect to just take something and be fixed, YOU need to change, you'll need to do a lot of introspection on the nature of self and ego, rigidity, perception, and to develop more fluid emotional goals.
Okay I know some of these words.

I've done enough amphetamines to know they really don't seem to have an effect on me. And I'm trying to google how to set up a VPN as we speak.

Any ideas of what drugs might fix me that are available in the old world? I'm not in the Americas.

Those are good points, the problem is getting there. I don't know how to lower my expectations without giving up on having any standards at all. How do you know what a realistic goal is, and how do you accept never amounting to anything better than that without becoming depressed about it?
the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
You have anhedonia/dysthymia. Have you tried eating as cleanly as possible and working out? It should help. Amphetamines cure my dysthymia. Psychedelics are good as a therapeutic but if you have an underlying brain chemistry problem they probably won't do much. I'm not sure what drugs can help you.
I have, and it didn't help. I've been on every antidepressant they've tried, and I asked a doctor about considering magnet tretment, but he wanted to try doubling my antidepressant dose instead.

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Where can I get free 3d hair models like this?
thanks my bad

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>meet gf in same friend group
>hang with gf a lot and less with frens
>gf kinda jeleous and paranoid about some of the girls in the group (eventhough they aren't a threat and im very loyal and she was friends with them and none have ever expressed interest in me)
>get kinda tired of arguing it so drop friendgroup
>realise months later this is kinda bullshit and im sick of having no friends or social life
>friendgroup groupchat no longer active (they used to plan stuff but its fizzled out but Ive seen they still hang on social media)
>dont know how to re make the friends again

wtf do I do, I was kinda hoping someone would make plans in the chat and id say to gf im sick of not having friends and sort this out once and for all so I can both have a social life and have gf but now that chats kinda dead and I dont know how to make my next move, this shits like chess but im autistic and retarded, its only just really dawned on me that this isn't cool and needs fixing, I dont have many people in my life and its hard to make friends, I see no one but my gf in my day to day life.
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anyone else dealt with this sorta thing?
Is she also friendless? Is she ALWAYS with you?
Make some plans with friends if you can and if they are unaccepting, look into a hobby group for new friends or something, and let her know you are gonna go hang with some people when you have some projected time to yourself and do xyz. If she freaks out on you that's weird, but let her know your not an island and it's unhealthy both mentally and practically to shut off everyone but each other and that it's overwhelming you.
shes sort of friendless, but doesn't have to be. She has a best friend she sees once in a blue moon and last time they hung out the gay dude (who I trust and was friends with) from the group joined them, she was also friends with my friends as we originally met in this group and we were friends for a year prior to dating. She also talks to a couple of girls from her work too and she has family she regularly sees and a sister. The only thing thats concerning is that when I bring it up I feel like she might try to flip the tables on me and make it out like I have crushes on the girls in the group who she became jealous of, she also for some reason thinks they all like me but this was mentioned when she was less stable (she recently has been quite stable) and her reasoning was that one of the girls asked her when she bumped into her how I was doing also (which makes sense because I just disappeared from the group and of course someone would ask about me)

really wish someone would have reached out to me but I kinda fucked it up as 2 months ago the gay dude invited me for drinks with people and I just didn't reply because I didn't have the heart to reject them again and felt as though I couldn't really talk to him because at that time my gf was being weird.

Its only just really dawned on me how shit this situation is, hate how its kinda crept up on me.
I get what you mean. You just have to be prepared if she tries to flip it - don't get defensive, you don't want to give her any ammo to continue the behavior. Let her know it's a group get together, not a fucking date, and she can't just get jealous when you talk to ANYONE. Not letting you see anyone but her is textbook abusive.
> she can't just get jealous when you talk to ANYONE

I know, she also does though lol. One time a cashier made slight small talk with me and she flipped her shit on me. I will try as I cant do this for the rest of my life.

My parents are loaded af. I want people to know that I'm lowkey rich but don't know how to do it. Right now people look at me and think alright this guys handsome but he probably doesn't have a lot of money. How do I change that?

Inb4 wear designer clothes. I hate designer wear. Inb4 drive a fancy car. My parents may be rich but I'm actually cheap and wouldn't want to waste the money.

I need help here guys.
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Hang yourself with a gold chain.
well, that's what OP wanted to be.
Ski and golf. Nothing says “I grew up upper middle class” like you going on ski trips every winter and playing golf.
>ski trips
>upper middle class
Not really. Maybe in america.
I thought of picking up golf but my friends don't really play.

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I NEED HELP FINDING ANOTHER JOB. So I've been trying to find a other job for like a year. I'm 25m live in Queens NY with my mom. I've mostly just applying to white collar office shit on indeed. Admin assistant jobs, hr shit, legal assistant jobs, etc. I've gotten a few interviews that didn't pan out. I'm pretty bad at interviews. So anyway I graduated Spring 2021 with an English degree. Later worked some retail job for a year. Now I work as a receptionist part time at some florist where I've been for a year and a half. I really want to get out of here and make more money (I don't make anything here) and I need insurance. Do I need certificates? Do I need to go back to school? I feel stuck and there is no way out.
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Id go back to working full time retail till u can land an office gig
This is basic English, you're the one here stuck on pronouns xir.
Look for a city job. English degree is kinda useless but you might be able to find a govt job
>an English degree
well there's your problem. best use of an english degree is going to law school. other steady jobs might be teaching or this >>31207551
teaching programs like nyctf or teach for america will subsidize a masters degree while you teach. the downside is that the DoE will stick you in the shittiest schools in the shittiest neighborhood

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Im 20 and I live with my parents, I have planned multiple international trips over the last couple years and every time i bring it up to my parents they have a giant meltdown. They dont want me to travel alone and say they need to come with me (they never will anyway). They go “well what if a war breaks out in that area while youre there? (places where theres almost a 0% chance of this) they have full panic attacks and forbid me from leaving, which has always made me feel guilty and ruinedthe thought of travelling anywhere for me so i end up cancelling my plans. I want to plan a trip again this summer and Im close to just saying fuck your guys feelings im going anyway. Is this a good idea? or is there any way to convince them its not so scary to go on a vacation? I live in a small town in an isolated area of the world where i dont have any friends to travel with, all my friends are international that I met online and have known for years.
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just another
>my mommy and daddy won't let me do stuff
frog retard thread. One can only hope it's really mentally ill troll anon since I see similar threads multiple times
this holy shit
if you're a girl you're fucking stupid and you won't be safe on your own
if you're a guy just leave without telling them
sound like that faggot, spread the word!
get a boyfriend lol

How do I overcome emotional trauma?
God loves you, brother. This prayer helped me out quite a bit and led me to strengthen my relationship with Christ and I was able to forgive people who did me wrong. It takes time but trust the process senpai.

Also if you have any good bros I’ve found that bonding with them by playing vidya or going to the gym is a great stress reliever and will have you start building confidence and exercise is a serious dopamine booster.

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