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If everyone did 1 set to failure, no one will able to hog the equipment for half an hour
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Props for sharing anon. Someone needs to counter the mentztard narrative >>74203106
Even without the retarded low volume meme I had worse results training to failure. I had better results with simply adding reps every time and then adding weight and going back down in reps and repeating the process
I do 2-3 20 minute workouts a week
or skinny
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They're starting to believe
The reality is that Mentzer's ideal routine is just too low frequency whereas the routines he ran on himself and his clients before that had more like 3 sets per muscle group and did everything once or twice per week. About 3-4 sets per muscle group in the preceding PPL routine, and as much as 6-8 in the AB.

His 4-7 days at best is a recommendation for the rare person who can't recover from regular exercise. Though not following his dietary recommendations and eating more protein and fat might fix that problem for most people. Even Poojeet skinnyfats who spam wouldn't be skinny fat if they stopped being Hindus, ate less carbs, and ate more meat.

Before 2000, there was no mention of 4/4 cadence even with his ideal routine. Everyone was running 1/4 or 2/4 depending on the exercise.

The inverse relation between volume and exercise intensity and that with higher intensity, you require fewer sets. However, one set per muscle group per person may not even be good for most people. Beginners still won't be close to the level of intensity required and should do another set or two.

It's interesting how when he cuts out the fluff and pump sets and focuses on pushing himself hard on exercises he can overload and starts focusing on progression, he starts making progress.

>start balding
>took the fin then the dut poison
>balding stops
>boners and sex drive also stop
I've been off for almost 7 months. When the FUCK does this shit get out of my system? My balding nor boners are back!
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fin killed my dick and I still take it anon. Worth
post test levels with time stamp troon
37yo here
Can confirm that fin definitely caused ED in me, a few weeks after starting taking it morning wood became rare, erections are noticeably softer.
However as I'm a cel this doesn't really matter. Only the psychological factor that I'm "less of a man" weighs on me
It's more that I wasn't looking for fixes at all, because I didn't know it was even possible to be losing follicles as a teenager
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>fin slows and even mildly reverses my hair loss
>minoxidil hyper responder, even my eyelashes are getting longer
>literally not a single problem with erections
Good to be king.

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Pros and cons of weight loss surgery?
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what the everloving fuck is 20,6850 kilopascals supposed to even mean? I know big number scary but it doesn't even parse
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bump. I’ll have a chat with my surgeon next week and make a final call. I’m doing perfectly fine currently, eating lean meats, eggs, veggies and small amounts of diary, such as skyr + protein powder
It's as if this text has an inflection of a fat retard. Why am i able to tell this easily from the way you write that you are monstrously fucking stupid?
Fat "people" need to be exterminated
I swear to god I’m fat because my small intestines are much too long. Like 3+ meters.
There’s only 2 ways to fix this. Either eat absolute babby meals or get the small intestines chopped off

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Why are they like this?
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>shitposting unironically
you do realize vegans all look the same right?

dated vegan girl once, extreme anorexia
>why is reading le bible considered good
Regardless of your literal beliefs, a religious text provides a set of guidelines and allegories which serve as the passed down wisdom and ways of life of our collective ancestors. Before modern times, the bible was the backbone of european society as the quran was the backbone of middle eastern society. A lot has changed over the last 100 years, and more and more people are noticing information contained in these books which has become outdated by our new cultural practices and belief systems. This may be true, but that doesn't mean that all the wisdom packed into those books is immediately rendered similarly outdated. There is a lot you can learn from studying these texts. I think many athiests get hung up on the aspect of religion where you are told to accept seemingly absurd realities such as a literal man in the sky. In reality, these assertions are highly optional and you can still practice religion without accepting them. Consider every reference to the Lord as an abstract reference to the unknown origins of the universe. Direct your prayer towards the will of the universe while humbly accepting that one plausible destination for your prayer is a hypothetical deity. It is a rarity to study the bible or the quran with an open mind and walk away having gained nothing of value.
Jew posting hours
>There is a lot you can learn from studying these texts
Like what lmao?

It's literally no different than picking any fictional book that has at least a couple decent guidelines and then "following it without believing it" - but really you're not even truly following it since presumably you're not stoning women for adultery and shit like that, so you pick and choose. Well what do you pick and choose based on? Oh, it's your inherent system of values you got from civilized society. So actually there was never a need for a religious text at all.
Christ is king.

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Hiroshimoot says we're allowed one thread to discuss board direction/culture.

My question is why are the mods so quick to delete /sig/ threads or sexual health threads when shit like the 'feels bar' is allowed to stay up?

/sig/ actually discusses lifting, I think it's a great addition to /fit/ culture
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im kinda autist, way more thinker than feeler. recommend any reads on "reading the room" im bout to go out to a n outdoor social event with lots of acquaintances and strangers

i am a semi-normy
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General advice: polite smiles go a long way, ask questions and genuinely listen to and engage with the answers. Initiate, follow up. Also remember that real smiles involve the eyes; if only your mouth moves, it tends to become that tight-lipped White people smile they give to each other as they pass one another on the street. There is no book you can read on how to read a room or socialize, you learn by practice. Go make friends, champ.
i disagree that books and reading info cant help. i could tell me things to look for and practice that i would have otherwise been oblivious too
This, and I have been seeing this alot more recently and it's genuinely frightening.
We need to come together as a community and encourage a more inclusive comminity, whereby we understand that physical fitness is a space for all, and is controlled by a monopoly of white, privileged men.
We must champion women, minorities, working-class and the LGBTQ++ communities, and make this a safe place for them to create grass roots movements, with aims to make it a safer and healthier space for all.
>My question is why are the mods so quick to delete /sig/ threads or sexual health threads when shit like the 'feels bar' is allowed to stay up?
Depends on the Janny, but /sig/ gets deleted because it's the opposite of crabs-in-a-bucket or because it actually convinces people to go outside instead of being on 4chan. Remember, the Internet does not select for data-- it selects for engagement.
>/sig/ actually discusses lifting, I think it's a great addition to /fit/ culture
It's the best part of /fit/ culture that has emerged. It's unironically one of the greatest bastions that exists on the Internet, and that's why its assaulted by institutions and their sycophants.
The best way to engage in /sig/ culture is to go and live a strong, healthy, happy, beautiful, and loving life.


fit and the rest of the culture of this website has essentially been replaced by Thirdies, faggots, and mild conservatives. Essentially nothing new can be made here, only the distribution of data from a superior culture.

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30 bpm right now. It was nice knowing and talking to people. think i might die
Valhalla only waits for those who are brave enough, be strong, warrior.
Rolling for last 2 digits of push ups tho

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Most accidental deaths or deaths from fights seem to happen when someone falls backwards and their head whips backwards into concrete so wouldn't having shit posture make you much safer? it seems like a positive adaptive mutation
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He hit him with the stone age stunner
Kek they’re actually pretty good
This is kino where can I watch more?
>did you know that Ugandans were also invented by the British?

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Best supplements to increase libido???
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How do I lower libido?
busting a Nut on Meth is the peak of Humanity
>>Feeling dizzy and nauseous for 2 days
No thanks
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Anon I...
The highest scientific achievement of hip hop nogdom.

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how can i increase my testosterone?
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Take bee pollen
that is a man
How I find women like this.
>that is a man
So... Yes?
I need the source of this video immediately so I can get a test boost for lmao 5plt diddly

>be turbo r9kbot
>lift, lose weight
>catch women checking me out
>check out women with their DYEL bfs
>they check me out
>too small to capitalize
>too gay to capitalize
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22 year old KHV and I'm not like you wizards: I yearn for the warm embrace of a woman, it's driving me nuts.
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That doesn't ever go away. You gain a hatred of them in addition to your love and longing. 32 yo virgin. I did kiss a girl once she said I kissed weird. I told her it was my first kiss. She ghosted me within minutes. as in she got up, walked away and I never saw her again.
Why'd she write 2015 so off-center?

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How can I fix this

39 years old
178 lbs

Distance Runner. Ex weight lifter
fix what, you look fine
Need more muscle mass
hey butthead, your shoe's untied
>naturalgraham is actually natural now

>be me
>on cut
>feel hungry
>burn 1000 calories on exercise bike
>get to eat a 1000 calorie meal
>hungry goes away
>still in calorie deficit at the end of the day
I love this life hack
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About 4.
Are you retarded? Do you even read?
Go and read OP again, slowly.
No, you go back to /b/ and have your fun there.
Can’t imagine wasting this much time every day to just eat extra slop

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Allergies, particularly congestion is significantly impacting my motivation to workout and generally be productive. I have tried different supplements, neti pot, and drinking more water. No relief. Only thing that helps is Mucinex D, but the rebound when it wears off sucks and I hate being reliant on it. What do I do allergy bros? How do you cope?
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don't want to be reliant on them
How long do your allergies last? I only take them for like 3-4 weeks and they help
as soon as winter is gone they last year round


Click this link

Now delete this thread
I get spring allergies so I just take Allegra for a month or so this time of year till they stop.
>don't want to be reliant on them
Antihistamines don't cause dependency, you tard.
>as soon as winter is gone they last year round
so take them until winter, then stop, then start again after winter. you literally just take them when you need them.
I swear almost everyone on this board is fucking brain damaged.
>guys how do I fix my allergies help me
>take allergy medicine
>nooooo I don't wanna
get fucked

Ate a bag of chips and felt so sluggish in the gym. Need to tell my roommate to hide their snacks in their room from now on.
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Odd thing to say
I’m guessing you have considerable experience with eating shit
they are high in fat which interferes with your blood flow
>I'm an unhealthy tard with no self control
cool thanks for letting us know
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>Ate your roommate's food
based germanbro

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How common is it to see buff men where you live
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At that height and weight, you’re probably fat.
There are always at least a few, yeah. East LA will have swole latinos, west LA will have swole whites and persians. The SFV will have both. Central/south LA will have both plus swole blacks.
Fitness culture is huge in general here, and has been for a long time.
thats way too fat
I'm 6'4, pretty buff (can do 1/2/3/4), and I'm probably 13%BF at 190. Your height and 180lbs is fat.
I live in a nice (i.e. upper class) town. All the rich dads at my kid's school are tall guys who look like they do triathalthons and cycling and shit. I'm your typical jacked short guy. The people around here are very fit compared to your average USian and it's always a big shock when I go to another town and I start seeing really obese people.

180 lbs at 5'9 is not fat lol. You sound like a skinny geek and those lifting numbers aren't impressive at all.

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