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>open catalog
>mfw no /fit/ humor

provide entertainment for my workout, I'll start
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I unironically am the small weight plate fetishist. It's easier to put ten 10lb plates on that two 50lb plates and it looks neater too.
has anyone else noticed it's der coomer on the right?
Ever been with a woman before? They tend to let themselves go when they think they have a man in the bag.
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Why can't men wear compression clothing to the gym
where's your foreskin buddy?
who is stopping you? only person ive ever seen do it was a 6'3 180lb muscular gay bottom
Because... well, you just can't okay!?

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>be me
>high test
>run competitive track
>have impressive lifts
>eat right
>be attracted to fat women
Is there any hope for me? And if so, how can I save myself?
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It's the high test, take estrogen and t-blockers and be attracted to men.
I'm an architect too. It was always super embarrassing for me when my friends would find out and crack jokes. And believe me the people around you will always find out. but the more you can take jokes, the better. At this point I just brazenly hit on hogs in public because I'm never gonna not like fat chick's so who am i to deny it? God gives his thickest battles to his highest T soldiers. My advice is to just make sure you stay jacked and successful in the other areas of your life and people will respect you.
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holy based
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God what I would give to be behind that brehs
How do you guys get women to put on more weight? I always offered to buy this one girl food, and tried to even feed her but she has no appetite and I need her to put on a few pounds. Any tips?


It's infuriating because I believe the Chad in that the Uber driver stiffed him his change.
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Wait. It is.

Wow your memory is good!
Manlet bros you need to bloatmax and carry weapons it's getting crazy put there
*grabs you by the neck and lifts you up with one hand while holding a beer bottle in his other hand*
After seeing this the guys not even that big kek just higher bf
I don't think you should get arrested for just fighting or manhandling people if you aren't using a weapon and no one is seriously injured. Imagine how much better that would make the world. Strong men would go around asserting their will constantly.

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Meanwhile in adult human male land:
>This little guy is getting ornery. If he were a buck I would break him in an instant.
>He shilled BLM and the vax
source on this? Not saying I don't believe you but it's be funny to see him directly succumb to such a cucked ideology.
In trying to find a source, its actually worse than I thought. I remember watching a video around the time st george groid was killed and he opened one of his videos with some new age psychobabble about system racism and bias and how we all needed to do better. Just found this on his IG.

For the vax shit, sorry to link reddit but its one of the first things ive found. He literally DEBOONKS "Antivax" disinfo. Again, worse than i thought. All i remembered from that time was him posting a pic of him getting vaxxed. This is even worse.

Dude is thoroughly fucking pozzed and an agent of evil
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ears are a pretty good indicator of actual height

Women know our secret?
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Same. You’re not alone.
My cock is 100% hard for her rape hole
zoomer men always talk like this but will forever love girls deep down in their hearts
>anon discovers that women are different than men
>decides to ragequit women

Also as a personal rant, the percentages argument for dating, i.e people who refer to the igotstandardsbro and realitycalc websites are kind of silly.
It doesn't matter that much if only
>woman says something deluded and insane
>"omg I was just jooooooooking"
>we all know it's not a joke she actually thinks EVERY guy who sees her thinks about impressing her

looking for BULK huge container of power electrolyte mix but everything I see has a ton of vitamins or BCAAs mixed with it. Powerade and Gatorade dont make big containers for the zero sugar, or atleast i cant find any.
You could always get the ingredients from Bulk Powders and make your own. Mix together the electrolytes in the ratio you want with some non calorie sweetener, vitamin c, and flavoring powder
You need fucking sugar anyway, might as well get it in a sports drink.
why don't you want sugar in your sports drink? that's the one drink where it makes sense
have you considered just using salt?

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I eat too much because I'm a crypto trader and the stress of following the charts causes me to graze: I eat 3000 cals a day and am about 45lb overweight.
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kys blogger
Ok, thanks for sharing
I aim to retire soon with 1 million USD
Literally just don't leave food in reach.
Don't you have any self control?
No. I saw a /fit/ post last week about doing CICO with Kit Kat bars, so thought I'd try it and ordered 12, expecting to split them between two days (1254cals each day). But I ate them all in one go, and then had chicken and mash and gravy too.

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74192805
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think i should do a deload week before starting a actual program? I had a super tough dead sesh on friday that i couldnt complete and my new program calls for 2x6 deads at 70%
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Based reddit strikes again
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It actually took me a bit to find it since 9-sama wasn't very helpful.

>2x6 @70%
You mean 80%? 70% would be pretty easy
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I think you asked once, but i had used up my bottle recently and couldn't remember the company

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Easter edition
I’m gay
>my cousin and his wife said i look like i've been working out when i met up with them this morning
>had sex with my ex yesterday. we were taking a break from fucking and she asked me to flex a 'cep so she could take my pic while i had a hard-on for her spank bank.

op is gay.
miring men is gay

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How do I stop feeling hungry?
There is no way. You have to cry and wish you were dead every time you smell a distant barbecue - for the rest of your life.
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chew gum or start chewing water cress.
I almost never felt hungry when doing keto.
Fuck you

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What lifts will make me 18 again?

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Will I get in trouble at Planet Fitness if anybody sees my chastity cage that my gf makes me wear? I can’t take it off and need to shower after I workout and before work
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workout = noun
work out = phrasal verb that refers to the action of exercising.
No wonder she caged you.
as long as you use a private stall or stay in the corner and keep it hidden you shouldn't have any problems. Some guys might look, but I doubt they'll mention it
yep. stage 2
does she fucks bbc while you watch tho?
Don't do it, anon.
More than half the guys at PF are fags, and if they see you with a cage they'll go wild with lust.

How do I get this body?
Don't eat very much

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Connor Murphy attacks gf with golf club
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Fair enough. It's still funny you pulled an unfounded statistic out your ass though
Have you tried derma stamping? Apparently it's pretty promising in amplifying your fin/min response
>ego death is scary
It's a very odd experience. I ended up in hospital I had such a massive panic attack.
>Constantly shill psychedelics to the mentally weak or unstable downtrodden and depressed as a miracle cure
>"but if this drug makes it worse and has life-ruining side effects, it's your fault"
Thanks for further proving how morally bankrupt the average psychedelic shill is, faggot.
This guy most likely had Leo and Longevity murdered, and now put Connor in prison. The second fitness influencer he's taken out within a year

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