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Why can't men wear compression clothing to the gym
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Looks like Gimli
No one ever stopped me from doing this.
If I was a shower I’d do this but my dick looks tiny when not erect.
I've done it even though my dick looks tiny.
Because it's gay as shit.

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Rate my dumbbells

Btw, any tips on how to exercise the back at home without equipment? Found nothing really on Youtube except towels ones that does nothing but stretching
Inverted rows and pullups. You can buy rings and hang them from a pullup bar. Also anavar only cycle.
Cant you go to the park with the gym equipment?
Try pushups at an incline.
Also just buy a dumbell, you can do a ton with one. Like 15kg or is good enough i feel, maybe 20 if you're more developed

Is benching 400lbs good enough for people in the gym to look?
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kill your self
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>6 pl8 ohp
Fuck off OP, world record is 200 kg (401 lbs)
They might be able to do 2 plate bench and 4 plate deadlift (especially the latter for grip-heavy jobs) but with snap city levek form. Assuming that they aren't already injured in their lower back/shoulders
Just by doing 1/2/3/4 you are already stronger that 90% of the population.
More than 99%
How many people in the street do you think can deadlift 4pl8?

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Why is it that you can build bigger biceps but calves are "down to genetics"?
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I think the point is that the stacy gene chick still has a cute face despite being very overweight. It's probably photoshop/filters though.
I'll give you my routine
calf raises 3xweek, 3 sets with1 time high volume low-ish weight 2 times 8 reps max high weight
Walk uphill for 20 to 30 minutes at least once a week
Wow some people really are stupid. Look at the face, THAT'S NOT THE SAME WOMAN, plus it looks super fake. retards keep falling for this deepfake trash. Her real name is Colleen Sheehan, you'll find nudes if you look hard enough, they're out there
>I can't build cope because /fit/ told me it's genetics
Nice cope.
It's mostly 3 reasons.

Reason 1: Calf insertions can make or break your calf aesthetics. Too short and you look like a 40 year old dad. Too high and you look like you have chicken legs. Someone like CBUM has perfect calf insertions, not too high not too low.

Reason 2: misconception. Most people do 10+ hard sets a week for their biceps + whatever pulling compounds they're doing, meanwhile for their calves they only do 3 sets at RPE 5 at the end of leg days which they rarely stay consistent with.

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Pushup Thread! Roll them bones, dubs we all do 20, trips we do 50.

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rolling for 6 am

>start balding
>took the fin then the dut poison
>balding stops
>boners and sex drive also stop
I've been off for almost 7 months. When the FUCK does this shit get out of my system? My balding nor boners are back!
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Reddit paragraphing unironically makes posts easier to read.
Why did you stop
i realized i didn't care if i went bald anymore and it felt gay to take pills for something that's a non-issue.
Are you a newfag? Fin is constantly shilled here
>any man that's bald before marriage is probably going to stay single forever
That’s a doomer’s cope for having no personality or balls. If I listened to /fit/, I would be miserable: I’m 5’7, deaf, bald. Still got 5 gfs and 1 fwb, longest relationship was 7 years. Stop listening to crabs and spend time engaging in different activities.

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How do I stop feeling hungry?
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It won't. You're bitchmade if it would. It won't
eat foods that are high in fat (the good kinds), it will keep you feeling full longer
don't drink your calories
don't eat junk food
Less intensive cardio, more walking
Drink more water
Zepbound, nigger, inject it.
pop some addy son

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I eat too much because I'm a crypto trader and the stress of following the charts causes me to graze: I eat 3000 cals a day and am about 45lb overweight.
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Literally just don't leave food in reach.
Don't you have any self control?
No. I saw a /fit/ post last week about doing CICO with Kit Kat bars, so thought I'd try it and ordered 12, expecting to split them between two days (1254cals each day). But I ate them all in one go, and then had chicken and mash and gravy too.
The fuck? If you were really stressed you wouldn't have time to buy and eat food.
lol what a fucking faggot.
since self control clearly isn't gonna work for you, maybe you should do hard stimulants. or eat expired oysters to give yourself food poisoning. or develop bulimia.

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List EVERTHING you have eaten today
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16 fl oz Reign (sour gummy worm flavor)
16 fl oz 2% milk
30 g whey protein
mom's sloppa. doesn't have a name, it's just egg noodles, crushed tomatos, mushrooms and sausage. then a pint of van luewin pistachio ice cream. then three mandarin oranges and an entire carton of strawberries. then caccio de peepee with shrimp. then a peach. i've only been awake for six hours btw.
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woke up at 5:30 am
watched f1
fell asleep at 9am~12pm
did homework
ate a pudding cup 1pm~
it's 3 pm now, I'm thinking about some cheeky KFC
Two glasses of water. I'm going to eat two eggs, a tomato and a couple of cucumber slices for breakfast.
A small plate of fried rice for breakfast. A big plate of falafel and fries bought at the local slop shop for lunch and a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner.
-cup of coffee with milk
-trader joe's dark chocolate bar
-greek yogurt with cheerio's and dried cranberries
-arizona green tea
-red bull
-two mcdoubles
-half a pound of baby carrots
-half a pound of pasta with just sauce
-some more peanuts
-a slice of potato bread with avocado oil mayonnaise on it as a midnight snack

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>mom found the neck harness
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>are you winning son?
Why's this retard dumping it in the sink instead of the toilet?
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>mom close the door please I am trainiiing
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She could just dump it in the bin

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blacks literally do bodyweight street park shit and they already look like this just doing pull ups.
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Ive been to this bar. You live near Rutgers campus? I'll hang around here so I can kick your ass if I see some faggot taking pictures of people.
fucking hell
Look at the random cute blondes they are casually slaying


The big black pill is brutal
I want all racespergs to die a swift, extremely painful death
darkies = visual pollution
>Whites living their lives
>this upsets blacks, blacks need attention
>our fields of vision and our thoughts are forcibly polluted by ugly blacks

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can this be real?


doing ab work right before cardio burns 2.5 times more fat on that area, according to research

What deodorant do you wear to the gym, /fit/?
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I don't use soap or deodorant. I'm about to start getting laid so I'll see what girls have to say
I go for the most detergent, chemical smell possible.
I get told I smell good all the time
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Been using natural deodorant for like 15 years, no artificial shit, no aluminum, only scented with essential oils. Tried lots of different brands, currently using Humble.
>wearing deodorant
I'm not a woman and my carnivore diet removes any bad odour from my smell.

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What is the best way to get a fat ass this summer if I'm poor and can't afford a gym membership?
Anavar only cycle.
Bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges and RDLs with whatever weight you can hold.
>Bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges
They affect my back/legs more than they affect my glutes
>RDLs with whatever weight you can hold.
Weights are too expensive

Post things normies think are /fit/
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>You don’t eat it as a snack anymore than you would swig olive oil, retard.
you must be new here
There are definitely better popcorn options but (leaner) popcorn is 100% /fit/, saves my cut evrytim
>the company that makes statins is responsible for the 'clinical study' they mention on the packet
Literally true for all medications. Nobody is doing random studies of random drugs just because
Fat is 9cal/g are you fucking retarded or what?
Tbf I drink one of these a day and my bowel movements are regular af anon. It's just a bit sugary.

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