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I've reached plateau after lifting for six months

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I think my mental health is fucked /fit/ and I don't know what to do about it.

I can't follow any consistent routine, I'll get it started and planned and drop in a few days later

I doomscroll for hours, I masturbate too much. I'm chasing short term dopamine rushes half the time, then the other half I'm doing fuck all and just sitting there watching videos I don't even want to watch.

I'm 32, 400lbs and my mental health is killing me, what the fuck do I do?
I've been in a party surrounded by friends and never felt more lonely and depressed. None of them truely knew me because I mask my autism. I wasn't me around them and the real me was depressed and lonely as fuck. I went into the woods to kill myself but there I found salvation. I was sat alone in absolute silence from man made sounds. All I could hear was nature. I had never been more alone miles into this forest and yet I had never felt less lonely. There was nobody here I had to hide my autism from for fear of being discarded as a wierdo. I sat there for hours in silence. I even did some stupid things my autistic brain wanted to do, was free to do.

When I went back and saw one of my better friends, I told him I was autistic and that for years I'd never told anybody. Slowly I started to unmask and be myself. Im able to laugh at some of my more stupid traits now but I've never told anybody else and I don't believe he would have. I've just slowly become more wierd around them as time has gone on. They see it as me just being more outgoing.

Every few weeks, I'll go back to that forest and sit there or sometimes ill camp there for a long weekend. I also go kayaking alone on the rivers. The splash of ice cold water on my face as I navigate the rapids is exilirating and refreshing. I feel alive and connected to the world and everything in it.
Not even mad that was a lovely read
>I'm 32, 400lbs and my mental health is killing me, what the fuck do I do?
Turn off your pc and sit, if you get up to turn the pc back on you should unplug it and toss it int he trash. Make yourself even more miserable. Wen you feel like finding pleasure say out loud "im misery maxing"
I get the sentiment anon, that like I'm actively doing things that make me miserable in the long term but it's not that easy, I don't know why. I should go back to therapy I suppose
one last bump then I'll let this die

I just wish I could stick to a routine

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Both my brothers and sister are taller than me, and I also started lifting seriously this year too (at 24). High five I guess. Wagmi
>taller and stronger than my father
>same height but bigger that my brother
Feels good
its not too late if you have good genetics, i started at 17 then took years off, got back in the gym around 24-25 and year later i managed to mog 90% of gym goers
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Im the tallest person in my family (6 foot) and started lifting at 19
Feels good
I'm the smallest male in my family. Never noticed until I started browsing this board, now I want to kill myself.

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I have been pretty frustrated with my workouts lately. I am steadily increasing weight on the lifts and workouts and increasing reps. However, I just don't feel happy about them. IN my head I will think "Well, you probably could have always done one rep more or add 5 pounds. This means nothing." I just don't feel happy and I feel like my lifts are just shit and nothing to be proud of. I go into the gym frustrated and leave frustrated because I feel I didn't do well.

I also get frustrated when I feel I should be able to do more reps or more weight but can't. On a lot of exercises I literally go into the muscle can't finish another rep completely. But I get frustrated because I feel like I should be able to but can't. Then I wonder "Oh, is it because I am dog shit or is it because I didn't rest long enough?" How do I improve my mindset on all of this? What are valid and reachable goals I should strive for?
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No 9ne beat the kid. His dickless söy sauce sucking father is probably scared of him.
Where are people finding women with jaws of this caliber?
I bet she fucked him after
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Have you tried meth?

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i drink half a bottle of whisky every single day
i dont think i have much time left
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you retard, you get the panic attack if you try to "just le stop le bro, its le easy, just get some le willpower xd"
What's a bottle? Pint bottle a day is danger territory but sustainable. More than that is pretty unhinged.

As an ex heavy drinker, you do realize that the drinking causes the anxiety and panic attacks, no? Make it through a week of quitting and you notice you aren't having panics.

You just have to get over that hump. Easier said than done, but many have been able to with some smart planning and elbow grease.
Sounds like you weren’t a real alcoholic anoN
Cope. Alcoholic isn't even a real fucking word. You have alcohol use disorder. I was a daily drinker that would regularly do coke. Be a fucking man you faggot.
Alcoholic detected

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Assuming you are completely natural without gear, what is a reasonable amount of muscle gain in 3 months time?

Obviously if you are bulking it may not be entirely muscle, but what would be expected weight gain if you workout everyday and eat plenty?
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No you didn't.
5lbs of actual muscle would be impressive and easier if youre focusing legs. Itd be impressive as shit if its mostly upper you kimd of have to pick one to go hard on because legs make it difficult to go 100% on upper lifts as frequently.
The secret to putting on size during a bulk is focusing a main lift and not goimg too hard on arms and shit the day before doimg a hard bench day.

Or extend your bulk by eating mainly protein amd fat on off days and limiting carbs to a few hours before and right before lifting. But during a bulk leave no muscle unworked for more than it has to so youre always building muscle.
So basically back chest shoulders leg
you gained 5 lbs of muscle and 25 pounds of fat and water. if you were underweight then it might look like muscle, and it might even have been a good thing that you put it on, but its not all muscle, not even close.

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What's his routine?
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Rubbing hands together until failure
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He's a hero
>ole miss
Probably Doctor or Lawyer classes x F
Based lol
If he's a traditional college student timeline he would be like 10 or 12 in these posts no?

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Post brvtal moggings
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Dumb fuck, you're confusing Frye with Severn. That's why I said the first four. The Gracies were scared to death of wrestlers and made sure they had several years to prepare. Shut your mouth, retard.
this one is BRVT/\L
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Because you're a twink
Hafthor is untermensh
BJJ is gay af

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is this a good pre-workout or will the red 40 circumcise my brain
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>non meme branding on the tub
acesulfame potassium is banned in other countries as a potential carcinogen. it's a shame because it's the one sweetener that doesn't taste like ass to me. gonna run through my supply of preworkouts and then never touch it again. may just end up making my own or ponying up for one sweetened with sugar
That’s a man isn’t it

If i ate enough to make sure my workouts go well will i get hypertrophy

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>Jason Blaha is STILL posting multiple videos every day
How the fuck? How does this fat fuck survive living in the US? He sure as shit isn't working a normal job.
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Source: random anon's asshole
He's got a pretty legit gym. All the gear, calibrated rogue plates, rack is prob close to like 10k
He tore muscles climbing stairs. It's like owning car and not being able to drive. Let the severely retarded asmr gamer die in peace.
You have missed a lot lol
With the spics and retarded haitians excreting over the border of the u.s. they now need experienced powder wars soldiers... nay... rogues... to quell the tortillic surge of aztec mutants. There was one who's name is never spoken but the crack of his .308 is part of the human consciousness. The clinton years my friend, they're back.

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Be honest bros
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kino Vegeta hair
that's about like me but I'm pretty sure I had a little triangle in front that's gone now
we've got the English hair type, from what I've seen it tends to thin but very slowly, we're the guys who are balding in our 40s and 50s (look at Lindybeige on youtube) fin might help, the cream might help
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>on dut
>still get morning boners
>dick still gets hard in sexual situations

Works on my machine. I think it it has had some impact on my libido since I don't often get random boners anymore, but I'm also 31 and sleep like shit so I'd think that compounds that as well. Been on fin/dut since 2021 and never had a situation where I couldn't fuck some hookup 2-3 times over the night and morning together. If I was bald the hookup wouldn't happen to begin with so I guess it's an overall benefit to me.

GT20029 is coming to market in about two years and when it does I'll switch to that over dut since I'd still rather not fuck with DHT levels, but for now it keeps my hair on my head around a NW2 leaning towards a 2.5-3 on the right, but I can style it to look decent. Any more and I'd have to buzz and be RIP.
Transplantation only works when you still have most of your hair up top.
And transplantation only survives when you get on fin that your Turkish surgeon will insist you get on.

You have to choose, transplant and drugs or living with it.
Bro your front hairline isn't atrocious but that crown needs to get cut shorter or you need to shave it.
Oh nooo! He looks like a shaolin monk now, even has a gf and seems confident. How will he ever recover?

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How to attain this physique?
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steal it from your enemy
contract AIDS and then fuck your father. works like a cheat code
Find an Archeologist Martial-arts master and steal his body
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Why do you gains pretend Dio wasn't absolutelly yolked in his own body?
Kill a buff guy and attach your head to his body, I am being serious.

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How is this body attainable?
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It doesn't look that bad, unless he's sucking it in or whatever in the first ten seconds and it requires effort to do that.
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Why so much toilet paper? What's it used for?
A tiktok joke
she has a big butt and the joke is she poops a lot. get it?

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