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For someone who is 40 and overweight, by 50 to 100lbs, and has never exercised before, is there any hope? Can this person realistically achieve that fawkin' joocy physique or should they just accept it's over?
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Zepbound -> anavar only cycle
It's only too late when you're dead. So long as your heart beats and lungs breath, you can attempt to make it.
For (you), idk. Do you want to make it or just want to talk about making it? What have you been doing these past 40 years?

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What do the intellectual giants of /fit/ think of honey?
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Did this and holy shit I never thought honey could taste so good, putting it in my greek yogurt became an obsession. It was my breakfast every morning for a month.
Those are normal foods you nigger
LOOK AT that neanderthal face
>Honey I shrunk the kids
Is the porn version of this "Honey, I Shrunk My Dick?"
When he got punched by some black guy a couple years back, all I could think of was "Honey, I Punched a Yid."

Name a gayer sport

Hard mode: can't say cycling
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they're there to get a boyfriend, climbing gyms are the modern day bars for single people
No they're not, chud. Bars still exist. Don't interrupt em
Which one
Anavar only cycling

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Does this count as OHP?
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Stop promoting morbid obesity
If you’re going to be disgustingly obese and assault non sub humans by existing this is the least you can do.
Okay, he looks retarded
You should be at 135 within a year max
Lol. So this is what fatlords fantasise in their head

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Resistance tubes are based
Based on what
Yeah, I've made great gains using your mom's resistance tube every night.
that's my kick's pfp

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does this stuff work?

sprained my ankle last month
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Supplements literally do nothing. If they did anything, they'd have side effects which would require them to be labeled as drugs and in some cases would require a restriction.

That being said, collagen supplements are a meme. Literally a scam to get you to buy waste products from the food industry. Just eat more meat and eggs.
>bro just eat more meat and eggs
What do you think collagen peptides are made out of it newfag.
Lurk moar before posting.
I take the pill thats type 1, 2, 3 or something and I am not sure i can tell if its doing anything,
this nigga is retarded
I wouldn't say they literally do nothing; nutritional supplements contain nutrients. They're not some magic cheat code, they're just a way to help ensure you're actually meeting your full nutritional needs without adding too many extra calories or putting in much effort.

Ate a bag of chips and felt so sluggish in the gym. Need to tell my roommate to hide their snacks in their room from now on.
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they are high in fat which interferes with your blood flow
>I'm an unhealthy tard with no self control
cool thanks for letting us know
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>Ate your roommate's food
based germanbro
I’m an Agency Nurse so I work across 3 different hospitals and generally go to a different place every day.

I went into the break room and caught some intern Doctor eating my lunch, figured he thought he could get away with stealing my food because I’m not regular staff. Dude was sitting at the table with my sushi and I immediately called him out on it. If he straight up admitted to stealing it I might have forgiven him but he lied and said he “must have ordered the same thing” despite my sushi being gone from the fridge and the post-it note with my name on it sitting in the trash.

I called a code black and had hospital security come and hold him until police arrived. Pressed charges for theft on the motherfucker and he’ll plead out for sure. I’ve been seeing the hospital psychologist every day since playing up the emotional damage hoping the piece of shit will be struck off.

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Is there anything cringier than the hate of Lookism/Blackpill theory from users on /fit/?

Lookism theories, blackpill, incel shit all spawned on this fucking board. Now you all act above it and cope.

It's time we go back to our old ways and embrace the facts.

Face Height Frame + Lifting.
Sounds like you need to embrace a good anavar only cycle.

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Why are millenials aging so much better than their parents while Zoomers are aging worse?
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It's like they went straight from low teens to looking 40.
During highschool.
>from underdeveloped to overaged
zoomers are the most youthful looking gen

but thats because of xenoestrogens in the water

nobody here is natty, you are all taking exonegous estrogen
Boomers smoked, zoomers vape. Millennials don't do either.

Working out increases T for a short time.
Abstaining from ejaculation for 7 weeks raises T by 146%.

Having sex/releasing sperm temporarily lowers T.

Conclusion. For optimal post work out recovery GAINS and MASS, abstain from sex/ejaculation during the post work out period.

>But when to RELEASE?
At least 24 hours before gym day. Having sex causes a temporary drop in T levels.

This BrohD broscience is strictly meant for small, NATTY guys like myself.
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I thought the test increase was after 7 days, not weeks, and then it returned to baseline. If someone could link the study that'd be great, but I'm pretty sure the whole meme was to hit PR on your 7th day and then bust a nut to reset T levels for the following week.
Ah yes, 7 days not 7 weeks. Ty for the proofread. I'm saying busting after hitting PR is bad, since it will affect the recovery and GAINZ period.

7 days nojac > hit PR > recover for 4-5 days > bust > go to gym after 24-36 hours.

Everyone is different however.
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My thesis in bro science: Lust provoking images boost test by 60% for 5 minutes as long as you don't fap. Lust provoking pheromones from hot chicks at the gym boost test by 600% for your next set. Just make sure to get a sniff between sets or else you're not going to get maximum gainz.
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An intriguing hypothesis, it does seem optimal to keep test levels at baseline for recovery before tanking them by ejaculating, which has to be done at some point to induce the 146% test boost 7 days after. Its really all about finding the most optimal time to coom.

Together, /fit/ shall lift the weight of Mankind out of the darkness of being small.

>It's estimated that a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight.

That's 72,7% of Americans.

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Bmi doesn't apply tonchads like me
If this is the case, and I definitely believe it so to be, how come the average life expectancy for the US, and for that matter other fat countries around the world, is still like 75-80???
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50+% of americans will be obese by 2030
>I'm 6'0 tall and weigh this much

I love goyslop so much. Eating like garbage and ruining my body feel so fucking good
nothing wrong with that meal EXCEPT for the soda.

ive become INCREDIBLY SMALL by quitting soda completely (diet and regular) and replacing soda with sparkling water.

yet, even now, seeing your picture, i remember the cool, sweet taste of Pepsi in ice.
I swapped it for alcohol
I eat healthy but drink a ton to maintain a balance, albeit not a healthy balance
I can't do it anymore because of stupid fucking reflux. If I ate a bunch of greasy shit and soda, I would be burping sulfur and have a burning throat all night. I miss being able to be a pig.
Chicken wings and fries, mmmm, but a very small portion, I was eating 4x that amount during the lockdowns.
I love restricting my calories so much
Eating nothing and feeling hunger pains feels so fucking good

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Do I have a 6 pack under this or is it over?
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The top mid patch? really?
You need to cut far more and train your core muscles to get them to "pop"
I'm in the same boat. I can feel some firmness under the fat, so I'm cutting
I mean everyone has the muscles for it. Yours just aren't developed or revealed
just keep cutting and you'll find out. it looks like you have some formation there. i estimate you're about 24%, go down to 18%.
You're good bro keep doing what you're doin

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Is she correct?
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She’s right, fat is more natural on women.

The real question is how do I go beyond 2pl8 bench without getting fat? Even while bulking hard increasing is a struggle.
Shes right, but her intent is wrong. Shes trying to cover for lazy fat women, but shes also correct that men shouldn't let themselves go.
but we've never broken up though? and she never had a bf previously though? I'm going to marry her. you think you know mate but you just make all these assumptions about things.
Women naturally are supposed to have higher body fat than men, so they can have booba and give birth. Women also more likely to die being less than 8% bodyfat. Men who get fat get boobah and more estrogen. In a way that checks out to associate fat with feminitiy.

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Why does the fitness world attract narcissists?
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god I love being a narcissist
A lot of self absorbed zoomers thinking they are god's gift to earth. Its funny because they are timid as hell in public. But they talk a lot of shit online and behind other people's backs. Just an observstion from a boomer.
>they shame themselves internally
That's all this self improvement crap is at the end of the day. Repetitive behaviour that's meant to alleviate shame. You're not "self improving" you're engaging in ritualistic behaviour because you know you're a piece of shit. It's ocd masquerading as self improvement.
A lot of them here
Brown people are very narcissistic
I dont take anything women say seriously.

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