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How much has motorized vehicle dependence impacted human health?

Post things normies think are /fit/
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Love these lil niggas tbf
Sadly yes. They put that shit into everything here in Finland.
Local "bakery" even rapes focaccia with that shit. And most people think its healthy and 95% of doctors/nurses will have a shitfit if you even mention eating more than 1 small egg a week.
>not filling at all
> with phytosterol. they did not do a single study on whether or not this is actually good for you.
Yeah and everything so far suggests that phytosterols are fucking horrible for us and are in fact the #1 reason for the sudden appearance of heart issues since ~1900s since we started using plant oils in excess.
>Even in the pic she is a fat whore
You can't make that shit up

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Post brvtal moggings
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right was way cuter in the previous video. but Cherie is great in general
lmao, he does look like he;s straight cosplaying paul.
How did you know I'm black?
>now my only avenue is being super skinny
Good, that's what all women should aspire for. Gymthots are just as hideous as the obese. Women should be light and willowy. If your man wants your tits to be bigger, he can just knock you up.
Would then
Would now
The brunette is more my type tho.

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>low T
>heart palpitations
>muscle cramps
>can't hold on to electrolytes

carnisisters, i don't feel so good, how do we debunk this?
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>eat cows
>cows eat plants
He basically did eat plants. He needs to level up and become a carnivorevore. Only eat animals that have eaten other animals.
I mean, he still eats a shitton of meat and dairy. It's just that he eats fruit and raw honey in addition to that.
This guy had extreme eczema issues, in addition to other problems. Going carnivore fixed all that for him.
Many people doing these diets are not just doing it for weight loss.
Correct. I was never fat because I have self control, but I do have an autoimmune disease that gets triggered when I eat inflammatory foods, which is most carbs and oils for me. So I don't eat those.
Ok Boomer!

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Well I used to be a pretty outgoing and confident person in the past, full of life vigour and extraversion. Due to years of disappointments in my life as well as degradation by my peers and so called friends I have become a recluse, a coward and very shy. I am afraid of making any actions or standing tall figuratively speaking because I am subconsciously afraid of the same thing happening again. I have become a reactive person rather than an active one.
I just want to feel empowered again, feel confident and extroverted, like I could do these things unconsciously without the fear and freezing up I experience.
Making a pact with a /fit/demon is just one option.
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shut the fuck up

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Why are they like this?
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>take a b12 supplement
>get the rest of your nutrients from a wide range of plant foods
>probably Jewish aswell
I don't even have to ask you to post body. I will pray for your soul, Christ is King.
really? are christcucks the one always virtue signaling protesting for palestine blocking roads and shit? didnt know
Saturated fat is not hard to obtain in a vegan diet. Same goes for K2 and A. The body can produce cholesterol if it's not in the diet. CLA is a meme. CoQ10 is not necessary, the science behind supplement is weak unless you're a patient with heart issues.
The rest is kind of true except for Vitamin F which is a scam.
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than explain this?

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it's curdled and separated but smells fine

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>open catalog
>mfw no /fit/ humor

provide entertainment for my workout, I'll start
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Me whenever i have a woman being my boss.
it's way better to use rings but you do what you gotta do
Wtf? Only 2019? I swear I remember reading this as early as 2017
Because once a woman feels like you're not going anywhere, she will stop putting in effort. Meanwhile men maintain the same amount of effort the entire time until they realize that the woman isn't doing the same.

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What exercises should I focus on to get a killer right hook like Pereira? Like if I want to be able to kill someone with ny bare hands in a defense situation?
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some people are born with a perfect knockout punch. my friend was some timid, skinny bignosed nerd lookin guy and used to get picked on a little freshman year of highschool. eventually some nigger who supposedly known for being a "gnarly fighter" harassed his girlfriend and my friend knocked him out with one punch. after that he gained a ton of confidence and started heeming anyone who gave him shit. between ages 17 and 20 he probably knocked out around 30 people and most of them were alot bigger than him. and he got beat up twice maybe. and then eventually went to prison for giving some kid a brain injury. got out on parole and knocked out 3 more guys in a barfight and one of them got their teeth super fucked up. went right back to prison on a parole violation. now he's out again and makes like 150k working for some water district. anyways, he was just born to heem.
>If that guy hit me I would have killed him
This but unironically I would have dropkicked him as soon as he approached me. Poor guy would stand NO chance.
it's so over for that pedo
WRONG! You'd dropkick him but only hurt to yourself like when the black boy drop kicked old man Arnold Swartsmogger

>have no problems with sleep
>start hitting gym
>learn the importance of sleep
>start waking up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall asleep again

Why is my body sabotaging me?
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why would my cortisol suddenly increase?
Are you training right before bed?
No, I'm hitting gym in the morning. And jogging in the evening 2 days a week (on leg days) for 30 minutes. But didn't notice any correlation between sleeping after jogging days and non-jogging days.
I'm really fucking bad at sleeping and I've had problems with it my whole life, falling asleep fine but not being able to stay sleep. I tried everything, all kinds of supps. What helped me the most was
soft disposable ones for sleeping, you can get a jar on amazon
>vitamin b complex
>no caffeine after 1pm
Quitting caffeine entirely made my sleep worse
You need to keep trying stuff, keep a "diary" where you add or eliminate one thing at a time, try every possible "sleep hygine" thing, maybe you're too warm, or too cold? liquids too close to bed? etc etc
Sleeping is a feminine activity anyways I wouldn’t worry about it bro

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Why is it that society is encouraging the feminization of men, while also banning and attacking the masculinization of men? Why is encouraging men to be their best and strongest is somehow destructive to young men? Meanwhile the sissification of men is praised and accepted. Redpill communities are being banned while feminization hypnosis is perfectly fine.

Theres definitely a nichie or market for young men to consume content for improvement and all this red pill bs. However the issue is that society and the mainstream media is actively pushing a narrative that this is toxic. Yet having men castrate themselves hormonally is being pushed. Is this an agenda brought to us by the CIA or our illuminiati overlords. Does the ruling class intend to enslave it's working class for the benefits of the ruling class?
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wouldn't say they're doing that great. feminism is everywhere

The USA was doing this shit in the 1920s and then when they started worrying about Hitler they got back into masculinity up until the 60s
Denazification started in Nuremberg by Mossad smashing the testicles of all the defendants. Mind you these are the people who want you circumcised and trooned and gooned.
Ah look safe masculinity!
Many expect Ukrainian men to go and fight or go to prison while women flee to the West.
Along with years of attacks on nationalism and patriotism while those people expect men protect them, they wonder why men are dropping out of society or are becoming more extreme.
Africa and the Middle East? Millions of men have fled at the hint of any trouble.
That movie flopped and seems forgettable. Not even Cavill could save it.

Has anyone tried GOHAN(gallon of honey a night)?
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>Not wanting to unlock super saiyan mode. .
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>Me sparring after one week of gohan.
would love have a GOHAN down my throat
Good post, thanks- too many people are caught up in trying to buy their way into a sport or hobby.

You must have the right gear, you have to suck the gel, you need to consume the protein versions of what would otherwise be just slop.

Is the power block 175lb commercial set worth the money or is the 100lb one the only one I need?
Gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess you're not an athlete or have a history of athletics.
It's a waste of money no matter what but the average dyel gym-scared guy probably wouldn't need more than 2 60s in their first year since most of db lifts will be heavily bottlenecked by your wrists and stabilizers which is usually why you see noobs progressing so fast with barbells and not so much db only routines or calisthenics.

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What is the best way to get a fat ass this summer if I'm poor and can't afford a gym membership?
Anavar only cycle.
Bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges and RDLs with whatever weight you can hold.
>Bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges
They affect my back/legs more than they affect my glutes
>RDLs with whatever weight you can hold.
Weights are too expensive
Hip thrusts

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Literally all you need
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What the hell is that
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>Squats (preferably in a smith machine)
1 wife
2 dogs
3 kids
4 friends
>all you need
>incline press on a smith machine
(preferably in a smith machine)
Stopped reading there

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