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How much has motorized vehicle dependence impacted human health?
hate sex with fucking morons
It greatly improved it by making healthy food cheap and readily available. Dog bless Carl Benz.
>In a staggeringly ambitious new literature review, a team of UK and Germany-based researchers combed through nearly 500 studies from around the world that quantified the many harms of “automobility,” an academic term for the interlocking systems of power and culture that conspire to make cars our primary mode of transportation.
>What they found was overwhelming — and, by the researchers’ own admission, a significant undercount. Just taking into account car crashes and fatalities linked directly to car-related air pollution and lead exposure, automobility kills at least 1.67 million people around the world every year — a total of 60 to 80 million since the advent of the automobile.
>“While some people benefit from automobility, nearly everyone — whether or not they drive — is harmed by it,” the authors wrote. “Slowing automobility’s violence and pollution will be impossible without the replacement of policies that encourage car harm with policies that reduce it.”
>“There are so many different things that we can do to make our cities healthier, and more sustainable and happier places to live,” added Miner. “And a lot of those things involve creating more space and safety for walking, cycling, wheeling, and public transport. So whether that’s creating new car-light areas in cities, or even just reducing traffic speeds — all of these things can help.”
>interlocking systems of power and culture
Massive red flag. Smells like postmodern garbage research.
>zoomies are really going to go down the luddite path of "what if we outlawed cars bro?"
>“Slowing automobility’s violence and pollution
You can just tell these are the same researchers who would come to similar conclusions about 'whiteness' or the dangers of 'maleness' or whatever
I live downtown in a major city and I have grown to hate the people who drive in from the suburbs. Fine those fuckers.
is that fucking Gremblos wife?
it's her prototype from the "get out of my car" video.
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boy do I wonder...
Almost none.
You can't outrun a shitty diet, much less outwalk. How many calories are you expecting to burn walking 10 to 30 extra minutes? It wouldn't be significant.
>There are so many different things that we can do to make our cities healthier, and more sustainable and happier places to live
We all know what's making people avoid cities. Until you actually try to solve that problem you're just being annoying.
I sold my car and moved to a walkable city last month and my activity has skyrocketed. It’s only been a month and I already list 15 pounds.
it is
The excessive need for concrete spaces for cars to run has absolutely decimated the mental health of adults and children all over the world. Just as much as it's decimated green space. Motor vehicles should be reserved for essential deliveries such as food and medical aid then public transport. Everything else can be delivered by trains. People shouldn't be allowed to drive. Public transport should be sufficient to not require a car and shouldn't be used for journeys of less than 5 miles. You can walk five miles in an hour fifteen and cycle it in less than half that.
>he says as some dyel nigger gangbanger plows his blue haired gf in the adjacent room
Only works in a racially homogeneous society where christian morals are held as the gold standard.
I'm not sharing a bus with ranjit, xiang, jamar, and juan.
Stop forcing this shit until you solve the (((problem))).
>his mind immediately thinks of black dick
Where's the dick in my post anon?
I don't see any dick.
Is there something you want to tell us?
Driving cars hasn't affected us nearly as much as the amount of cars running us over or causing us cancer and asthma from the exhaust
Is the "problem" in the room with us right now anon?
Enjoy eventual societal collapse. You won't be there for when we rebuild.
How would you get her out of her car without sounding mad?
I guess it would be calling the cops and waiting for them to take her away?
The problem just replied to me.
>live in massive hellish bugman cities completely outside what the human organism was ever intended to be in
>clearly the cars are the problem
>surely it's not the sedentary lifestyle and the tools that enable it
>it must be the miasma
Suburbs are dogshit. I grew up in a small town, I live in a city, these have value. Suburbs have no value and are a tax leech on the cities they exist near.

My taxes support those fuckers clogging up my city.
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next you're going to tell me pollution is causing (((globo warming)))
Driving a car is the single greatest form of personal autonomy and if you want to take that away from average citizens you are anti-freedom and therefore the enemy.
>astroturfed anti-car slide thread on /fit/ of all places
holy shit KYS OP
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>Driving a car is the single greatest form of personal autonomy
Commies get the rope
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>america stuck at 0.8 cars per person
>america fat fucks
>europe roughly 0.6 cars per person
>not nearly as fat
>asian countries less than 0.2 cars per person
>not fat
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People in my home town unironically hop in their f150 to go two doors down to visit the neighbours. It would be a 2 minute walk.
Asia .8 cucks per person
Erope .6 cucks per person
Merica .2 cucks per person
ok fat fuck
Rent free in your mind and your hard drive

ngl he was acting kinda zesty.
dammit op, give me the sauce.
That’s because of sugar and seed oils, not because of the car. You’re doing the work of corporations by blaming people for not moving more. In the 70s we had plenty of cars, but everyone was skinny.
>not nearly as fat
White weebs from Europe thinking they're closer to Asia than America in things like this is so cute. You're all fat white and brown pigs
You move less while burning more rubber and gasoline. If you have ever inhaled car exhaust or seen a tire fire, you know that shit isn't good for you. We got it right with trams and trains bc they don't tear up the roads. Unfortunately, they don't make money so we scrapped them bc car companies lobbied the government after ww2 bc they produced the trucks and tanks.
Kill yourself
>How many calories are you expecting to burn walking 10 to 30 extra minutes? It wouldn't be significant.
Not to defend dumb /n/ redditors, there's obviously more to the story than cars, but it's definitely significant.
First, cars typically save a lot more than 30 minutes of walking. Second, 30 minutes one way is 60 minutes both ways and that's a solid amount of low-intensity cardio. Not only will it burn several hundred calories 5 days per week outright, it will strengthen legs and encourage a more physically active lifestyle overall.

If you look at bodybuilder cutting regimens, daily routine activities that rate as low-intensity cardio (ie walking around doing chores/etc. and not just laying on the couch resting) are among the most important.
Hate cars.
this is just another stupid "walkable cities" thread.
And they want everything you need - work, grocery store, gay bars, etc all within a few blocks of your shitty shoebox apartment and they act like walking around twice a day in these several-block containment zones will solve le obesity epidemic
>another 4chan retard who, for some reason, rages about the idea of not BEING REQUIRED to have a car to do every single basic acitviity you could want to do
whats the deal with this?
Do you think cars running over us is a good thing?
>This is your brain on ultra retardation
>BEING REQUIRED to have a car to do every single basic activity

COuldn't agree more, I forgot to bring my vehicles identity card to the grocery store the other day and couldn't get in. Who do they think they are amirite?
>Do you think cars running over us is a good thing?
if youre too retarded not to jump in front of a fucking car we're better off without you
yes I would exterminate retards and cripples if I could
i just dont get why 4chan gets so angry about this. no one is saying to completely ban cars, take all your personal freedom away, etc. but for people on 4chan, it seems like the mere mention of not being absolutely required to have a car at all times to get literally anywhere you ever want to go, and that you might have a grocery store, businesses, and other activities around that you could potentially be able to walk/bike/scooter to or betweenand not have to worry about finding parking spots, dealing with traffic, paying for parking, potentially having to move a car after a certain timeframe, etc. just drives 4channers into a rage.
I spent 12 years walking everywhere before I bought my second car 2 years ago. Here's what I found:

Walking Everywhere:
+ Staying active. Luckily I live in the middle of my town so everything was in walking distance and I would walk all over the place to get stuff.
- Limited carrying capacity. I was limited to a camping backpack worth of carriable stuff.
+ Necessities only. I only got the necessary stuff, no fast food or anything.
- Sweat. I sweat like a stuck pig and getting places would often mean I would arrive looking like I ran a marathon.
- Winter. Winter.
+- Recognition. People began to recognize me as I walked.
- Time. I would have to think my routes through and allot time for them.
- Personal shame. My parents live too far out for me to walk and I would have to rely on my 75 year old parents for rides. They insisted that they didn't mind giving me rides but I felt bad and ashamed that I was 35 and relying on my elderly parents for transportation.

+ Go anywhere I want, do errands.
+ Carrying capacity is what I fit in my car.
+ Don't have to plan trips, can make impromptu runs to the store.
- Fast food is well within easy reach now
+ Can go see my parents any time I want
- Stopped walking.
- Cost money

I will take driving over not driving, if only so I can visit my parents and not hassle them with giving me a ride. An adult man should not have to rely on his parents. I take care of my physical health at home and in the gym, the car giving me personal transportation has done loads for my mental/emotional health.
>- Personal shame. My parents live too far out for me to walk and I would have to rely on my 75 year old parents for rides. They insisted that they didn't mind giving me rides but I felt bad and ashamed that I was 35 and relying on my elderly parents for transportation.

This really spoke to me anon. I'm a 32 year old autistic loser living with my parents, and I've personally never owned a car or even driven one alone. I got my license at 26 after taking driving lessons, then when I passed the test, I haven't sat behind the wheel of a car since.

However, I don't walk everywhere but I do bike everywhere, including down (AM) and up (PM) the massive hill my parents live on the top of. The area we live has a pretty good subway system and luckily the town has a station, so I can use a combo of the bike and subway to get a lot of places, and also can use carpooling or ridesharing if going to the few places I go. But I do still humiliatingly, usually rarely, get a ride from my parents if the weather is particularly bad or some unforseen issue.

I understand about cars giving personal freedom and I'm embarrassed and ashamed and humiliated not owning one and basically not even knowing how to drive one at this point, but at the same time, not having to deal with car ownership and the massive costs and frustrations of it is something I enjoy.
you're probably a commie anyway soiboi
>if you walk, you're a "soiboi commie"
amerilards ladies and gentlemen
having a car is the single greatest freedom available to man
next you're going to tell me cars cause (((globo warming)))
how much do they pay you kikes per post?
>no one:
what a sperg
while we're on the topic of cars, when do you guys think these prices are gonna get better? i bought a shitty old ford ranger about 12 years ago and it's on its last legs. burning oil like crazy and i want something more reliable but these prices and interest rates are just ridiculous
The main difference with my experience is that living in the city without driving meant that I was eating a whole lot more takeout. Not McDonalds and shit but it's not like burritos and pad thai is really much healthier. Now that I work from home and drive everywhere, I almost never eat out anywhere.
impossible challenge: someone who works from home not telling people they work from home at every opportunity.
>can't even disprove it
I knew you were making shit up soiboi kike
go spread your shill lies somewhere else
15 minute walkable cities are commie goyslop garbage I will not eat ze bug I will not live in ze pod
Out of all the dumbass /n/ posts itt you picked that one to respond shit on?
>Now that I work from home and drive everywhere, I almost never eat out anywhere
not him but same here. i go to costco twice a month and meal prep all my meals. i don't go out to eat unless hanging out with friends. i am healthier, feel better generally, and i'm saving money too
It's relevant to the conversation. I'm not going to tiptoe around your crippling insecurities.
post body kikefag
this is me btw
>i don't go out to eat unless hanging out with friends
damn so you really eat out zero times a year?
Post it
>hey bro did i mention i work from home? yeah driving in the city means i dont eat out as much especially since i work from home because since i work from home i dont need to eat out, since i work from home
about once a month. i really should socialize more but i have horrible social anxiety and being at home in my pajamas shitposting all night is so comfy
>have nice road bike
>monday thru friday i can take the subway to my shitty job and park in my private bike locker at the station
>have "roommates" who do grocery shopping so i dont need a car to transport groceries, or i could just order delivery groceries
>for the few hobbies i do, i can either bike to them or carpool with people and pitch in 10-15 bucks for gas and such

i know how pathetic it is to be nearly 30 and not have a car and little driving experience at all. i know that women would be disgusted by it, if i ever talked to women. i know i should get a car and learn to drive again. but i honestly truly dont really have much of a need for one given how limited my life is. it would just be a large upfront cost of buying a car especially in todays market even if i wanted an old japanese shitbox, then a fixed monthly cost of insurance, the high gas prices, for something that would probably be sitting around unused most of the time. i just dont see a point.
Idk if you’re jesting but I’m in Spain rn and everyone is hot and skinny. The women are sexy and there’s no tortas walking around. No fat guys either.

A city doesn’t have to be walkable but it sure seems like it helps. If it isn’t walkable it should be easily connected by trains like in Japan so that you don’t have to have a vehicle.
Bro don’t be so hard on yourself and give yourself grace. You sound like a decent guy. Just work on some goals and conquer your fears slowly and you’ll get to where you want to be I think
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It's because "walkable cities" is a euphemism for yet another slippery slope for totalitarianism. If you want your cities to be "walkable" get on your city council's and civil engineer's ass and demand better landscaping for the city. If enough of you care as much as you say they'll listen. Just don't be surprised when taxes go up for a while to pay for all the roman soldiers having to pave stone everything. Also, just anecdotally, In the first world I've never been to a city that's not "walkable", are people really just that fat?
I have never driven in my life.
I have never even owned or wanted to own a license.
I am 26 years old.
Every single day I run at least 15km.
I am never tired or sick.
I have become the automobile.
Your fuel costs multiple dollars per a litre. My fuel?
60c of pasta.
Decent amount. I lived in Asia and I had to walk all the time and it was easier keeping weight off. But I’d rather have a car and just have a little discipline for the same result
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>In the 70s we had plenty of cars, but everyone was skinny.
Yeah, and cities looked like pic related.
Who cares, not being able to walk anywhere is freedom and that's what I'm all about!
How many children do you have?
Are we just ignoring all the parking lots and roads
Go back to your propaganda circlejerks on X and reddit, you morons have already ruined /n/.
Women hate losers. Not having a car is merely one signal of loserdom and can be overcome, especially with uber and lyft and shit. Not knowing how to drive is a bigger signal, but still not the end of the world. But if you have a deep-seated, pathetic loser mindset, having a car won't solve anything.
>commie thread still up
>Nonone is trying to take your freedom
Jack booted retard on malicious jew. Kill yourself.
"Walkable cities" is the most blatant chink propaganda posted on this shit website. While even the poorest hood negro in America can afford a car, China is too poor to afford basic infrastructure for each of their citizens, so instead they spend out the ass on propaganda campaigns pretending their rampant poverty is actually le good using money that could be helping their populace in other ways.
No walking a few extra minutes isn't going to make you thin. Eating less is what you need.
And another thing? I for one can't wait until Xi skinned alive and shamed like the leaders of failed communist states that came before him.
That would require a violent youth revolt. Instead they are just not working and choosing to die homeless instead. Everything else is true. They even require passports to leave their birth city. One of the reasons they get away with slave labor is because factory owners “look the other way” when people don’t have their paperwork. They technically pay them the standard wage but in their “kindness” they let the people live on site and feed them so the wage is deducted to pay for that until at most they take home 25 cents.
Sadly bongs and cockroaches that live in cities eat it up as the newest trend, forgetting that this was the original vision for Disney World until Walt died. He wanted people to live as exhibits/experiments to make him richer all in the guise of a “live-able city”. He even wanted to charge residents if they wanted to leave, be it a vacation or permanently, just like the Chinese government.
My taxes already go to funding the suburban lifestyle because they can't find themselves. Just tax the fuck out of suburbia if they love it enough they'll stay. I don't want to pay for it.
> Not knowing how to drive is a bigger signal, but still not the end of the world.
Yeah I know it’s a big red flag. But it’s like if I’ve never really needed a car, if I’m not going to own a car, why would I be driving one? And then I can’t practice driving, and then lose the ability to do it.

But the loser mindset is why I’m in this position to begin with, if I wasn’t a massive loser, I would have a reason to have a car
Being able to use your own two legs instead of needing a license and insurance to move around sounds better to me
walkable cities in the US just means lowlifes dont have to take the bus to find you. actual walkable cities would involve being monocultural and designers not being diversity/nepo hires who don't know the difference between a street and road
Not mutually exclusive. Why are "walkable cities" faggots so stupid and dishonest?
Ironic you’re talking about mutual exclusiveness and being dishonest when that’s exactly what you REEEE WALKABLE CITY retards do. Where the mere idea of someone wanting to live somewhere where they do t have to deal with needing a car to do literally every single basic task they could ever want to do, and the mere idea of wanting to be able to walk/bike to do some activities, not even saying they hate cars just that they wish they didn’t have to use the 24/7, makes you fly into a rage about communism or some shit
I've autistically paced around all day my entire life and, trust me, it doesn't help with anything except pissing off the people who live with you when such people exist.
UK cities are perfectly walkable. There's just too many people here.
No, what's ironic is that I lived in a walkable city for 10 years and know and appreciate the benefits of that lifestyle even better than you do, yet I always wind up arguing for cars because you motherfuckers are just so utterly incapable of rational thought. I would say you're false-flagging to make your side look bad on purpose but I know better. You're just that stupid.
This post is dumb.
I accept your concession.
every city that isn't laden with black people should prioritize bike infrastructure for day-to-day travel. no, they shouldn't share roads with cars.
everyone would be /fit/ and the air would be cleaner and shit.
Always clip cyclists with your car. It is morally correct to do so.

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