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Discuss your favorite elves and elf-related things ITT.
Question to start us off: what are your favorite elf minis and games to use them in?
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Not that the cities don't have crudes uncouth dudes
It's more of a class thing, blue vs white collars
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it is obviously a metaphor for the natural world vs. industrialization and how one group is against industrialization at the cost of nature, while the other is willing to further their own goals at the cost of nature if it means further development
the elves are more in touch with nature and support a world in which balance is important, big developments can take ages and patience is key, while the dwarves are industrious folk and rather get things done than wait - their rivalry is based on two completely contradictory philosophies which got memed into dwarves and elves being enemies
How common are half-elves in your setting?
She farted or something?
Possibly. Also AI.

what do you guys think of this system? I got invited to a game using it and I'm not really hooked after looking at the manual, it seems really jank
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Looks like a convoluted d20 heartbreaker.
The combat was the worst part to me. It has like 8 esoteric steps and the way turns flow is ass.
Looks terrible from just skimming through it.

Also, I know making TTRPGs is pretty much not something you choose to do and instead is more like trying to kill this brainworm that is eating you from the inside, but holy shit I can't think of anything else right now that could interest me less than this, what is even the point of this crap.

Anyway, I'm not the target audience, I still hope it sells well and people play it, author-kun.
bro it's $25 and i ain't paying that beaner shitlord the privilege, try again
Got banned from their discord for asking questions about one of the game's OWN MAJOR FACTIONS because apparently showing interest in said faction is wrongthink. Imagine joining a Fallout discord and getting banned for asking questions about the Enclave. It's THAT bad.

Yeah, yeah, discord drama I know. Still, killed my interest in the community and wanting to run the game entirely.

dark sun thread?
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Sometimes... Dead is better, Honestly nobody wants Dark Sun with Flowercrowns & sharing circles.
im trying to figure out if tg just hates remakes or if they are spineless cowards afraid of their moms.
you guys sound like arm chair entrepeneurs and not artists.
your like a guy going into his flgs and saying that a certain item wont sell becuase his mom doesnt like it.
Dark Sun - DSS2 Earth, Air, Fire and Water. It details the clerics of the elements and their attempts to restore Athas.
>Also finding art for a mul character is a FUCKING BITCH AND A HALF.
commission an artist , we fucking need it

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game about worms produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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PanO with the rest of the EU.
PanO as Poland was a mistake
>Alright, it did affect their work on infinity positively. Next complaint?
Okay, so I'm right? Thanks. No need for me to continue, but since you're so eager...
>Did that benefit the game so much? Or maybe you could shoot camo without discovering it? Maybe flamethrower was available to every faction on a commonly used unit - for each faction, by the way - so that everyone could use it? No, I dont think so, and pretty sure this removal caused alot of shrugs. Outrages? No. Only you due to some incomprehensible flaw in your thinking.
You can't even comprehend how it worked and assume it was some OP shit, when really all it did was turn those special skills into mimetism only after a successful hit. The problem is that it's such a simple rule and made complete sense, but they dumbed it down for no real reason.
Actually, it was a rule from at least as far back as N2. I think it's an emblematic problem with the current game state... the rules are easier to learn, surely, but a few things have been lost in the translation from prior editions to C1/N4, and most of them weren't so complicated or game-changing that they needed to be.

Overall, the rules are fine, but if they're the best part of the game by far and people still have a laundry list of issues, there's clearly a problem.
>Unnecessary simplification (e.g: removing Fire ammo type)
>Profile creep (25-40 points gets you WAY more than it used to, and some of the newest profiles shown are really busted).
>Reinforcements is so completely lame and pointless that CB just gives the new profiles to the base units and pushes the reinforcement option into the bin.

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Have you ever ran Elder Scrolls inspired settings? I plan to run a west marshes set in High Rock and Skyrim using D&D 5th edition.
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I can't imagine another game system to introduce potential players to the hobby though. The starter & essentials set are basically gold standard. From D&D other systems either become more complex or simpler, so, it's good to induct them with the legacy game they have heard of before.
>nOoOoo, don’t play the most popular system and the better way to get people on board with your campaign idea just because the system is kinda unbalanced and kinda meh.
You are a bunch of retards, and the saddest part is that you are too mongoloid to even realize you are fucking retarded.
Man, I’ve played countless hours of Morrowind and Skyrim and I have no idea what is the meat of the elder scrolls setting besides generic Northern Europe fantasy, for real. Maybe because I just fuck around in those games instead of paying attention to the lore and reading the in game books
If you want to convince people, you need a better way to communicate your ideas. If you want to mock people, you need a better way to not look like a rogue chatbot.

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what are the best RPGs for women?
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isn't GURPS just generic? which setting?
Any of them? Sticking only to one setting is very much an autistic male thing.
I can't believe this is real. I even checked out the rules. Wow.
i would expect women to care more about the setting than about the rules, as long as they aren't too autistic, so maybe you had something specific in mind
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Thread 416: Mayoiuta Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- D-TB04 Touken Ranbu ONLINE 2023: 5/24 (L E L)

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Returning player. I dropped the game and general in mid 2020. Came to check what was up with the game nowhadays and WTF. When did vanguard die on 4chan? Why? I remember it was very lively in 2018-2020
We're all weissGAWDS now. Join us brother.
Just like you eveyone seems to have quit the game from that year on.
Not a lorefag but I thought Arkhite was gonna turn herself into a kaiju.
VG has always been niche even on 4chan.

I have no idea what you are on. This place is infested with cattle ready to pretend like their """game""" is a better choice because you can stop the opponent from playing and never have to worry about being challenged hence all the trigger shitposting.

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Female Fire Warriors look like THAT!?
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I wanna suck her hooves.
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No they don't
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Gotta treat T'au properly.
Didn’t you hear, everything is canon now according to GW
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I reject reality and substitute my headcanon.

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Previous thread: >>92746016

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which is your lesser known rule that you think more people should use?
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How about allowing to use missiles are "feint" so they can strike with other means of attack?
I this trick being used sometimes on mecha animes like Gundam and Macross.
I must commend you for playing GURPS in tabletopsim, especially with newbies.
Limited maximum invested skillpoints and techniques that default from brawling only.
Also advatnages and perks that have a streetfighting school prerequisite if your gm adheres to that structure.
Having two skills doing the same job is always going to be inefficient, but it shouldn't cripple your character concept unless you're sinking massive amounts of points into your unarmed skills.
Say you've got 4 points in Brawling and 8 in Karate. Compared to someone with 12 points in Karate:
>You can get +1 to hit at the cost of -1 damage (per die) and ignore encumbrance penalties (effectively getting an even bigger bonus to hit and maybe defend)
>You can use Brawling-only techniques and options like biting and slamming
>You parries may be slightly worse when retreating or defending against swung weapons
Overall, it isn't the optimal build in most cases, but the cost is low, comparable to a point or two in flavourful background skills.
>You can use Brawling-only techniques and options like biting and slamming
The list of Brawling-only techniques and perks can be expanded if your GM is enforcing Styles from Martial Arts, or at least certain aspects of that subsystem. Reinventing techniques from first principals is hard stuff, so if you're learning Karate or related techniques/perks, you're probably doing so at the feet of a teacher. That teacher can limit what they'll teach for a whole host of reasons, from a sense of honor or fair play to simply not prioritizing certain options. When that happens, a student will have to source unorthodox techniques elsewhere. A history of streetfighting gives you experience with dirty tricks that you already know how to apply through Brawling. The differences between Brawling and Karate mean these moves can't just carry over 1:1, so you will occasionally have to rely on your older "style" if you want to use them.

>tl;dr It's thematic and arguably realistic to limit things like Headbutt or Improvised Weapon or Clinch to Brawling only, even if RAW they can be taken for Karate. This can be done through requiring Styles or simply by GM (or player) fiat.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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I've been compiling a lot of the ones that at least appear on the wikipedia list of published adventures. Were there any in particular you were looking for and haven't been able to find?
Dunno if these are what you want, but here's what I have :
Got it. Thanks anon. I will see if the ones I was looking for are in there.
*holds up spork*

Seriously though, its nice to see some light hearted fantasy content that isn't just 10 shades of freakshit races holding hands singing kumbaya. Genuine storybook stuff is sweet and fun.

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores
• Stay on topic

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Hi, can someone do a medieval/fantasy version of a DBZ scouter? Keeping the format of attaching to one ear, having a tinted rectangular lens over one eye, but looking less futuristic, is what I'm thinking, maybe with some metal fixtures or something.
Thank you in advance.
So the end of the world create happy animal people.
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How fantasy are you talking? The spiderwick seeing stone/eyepice sounds like it would fir that bill
I've never read or seen spiderwick. I'd prefer something with a lens, but the way it attaches to the face is great.
yes, of course, that is what the preceding 14,327 years of history were for

A while ago I asked if anyone would be interested in a thread about folkloric monsters from Siberia. The responses were... really lukewarm and few in number, so I shelved the idea. But right now I desperately need to kill some time, so I'm going to make this thread anyway.

Before we begin, I'm going to make two things clear. One might be self-explanatory, but it wouldn't hurt stressing it to avoid unnecessary confusion going forward. There's no such ethnicity as "Siberian", much like there's no single "Native American" ethnic group. All of the creatures that I'm going to write about belong to different folklores, but I'm not going to mention their exact provenance to save space and spare you the boring details.

Second, because most of these creatures come from fairly obscure fairy tales, not all of them have quality illustrations. Because of that, I'm going to search for pictures that best approximate their descriptions and post them instead. I've also contemplated using AI art, but ultimately decided against it.
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Our next creature is kinda famous, as it's proudly represented on the distinctively Eldar-looking coat of arms of the Republic of Altai. Too Eldar-looking for it to be a coincidence. Was Jes Goodwin inspired by ancient Altaic heraldry? Stranger things have happened. Anyway, the griffin you see before you is called Kan-Kerede. It's got an avian head and wings with golden feathers and a leonine body with golden spots and purple extremities. Interestingly, this one may well be the OG griffin that the rest of them across Eurasia are derived from. It's well-attested that the original griffin was an invention of early nomadic Indo-Europeans who used to live in and around the Altai mountains. This more recent incarnation of it might be a direct cultural descendant of the original thing. That being said, its name is most definitely not original: it's actually a local corruption of "Lord Garuda", an Indian bird deity that you can see depicted on another coat of arms, that of Thailand.
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Our penultimate creature is another dweller of the empyrean, a gigantic bird called Minley. It's got seven pairs of iron wings which it uses to raise the winds wherever the chief deity would order it to. What you perceive as thunder is actually the clapping of its wings, and lightning is but a sparkle in its eyes. Sometimes it can get naughty and kidnap people, but it's entirely within a powerful shaman's power to put a stop to its shenanigans or even to mount it and travel around the world on its back.

Minley's origin story is kind of crazy. Apparently, the divine personification of the wind was created when a little boy stabbed a little girl to death while they were playing. Her father saw that and avenged her by stabbing the boy with not just one, but with two knives. Somehow that turned him into Minley. Don't ask me how this story is supposed to make sense, it's about as logical as Palpatine's return. Maybe the folklorist who wrote down this story was pranked by a drunk fisherman.
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Let's finish up with Sins, fairly mundane mythical creatures who don't fly, don't breathe fire and don't even take tea at the bottom of the sea. They are very shaggy humanoid animals that live on birches and like playing tricks on people. Now doesn't that sound shockingly similar to apes? Yet no monkeys other than humans have ever lived in Siberia, so the origin of this legend, which describes monkeys very unambiguously, is a real head-scratcher. Somehow it's stuff like this that makes me truly amazed, rather than all those outlandish fantastical monsters. Because of their extreme rarity, most likely caused by overhunting in the past, sin fur is the most valuable type of fur out there. Skis lined with sin fur are said to make their owner faster than greased lightning.
Before I go, I want to comment on an issue that caused some people here to get their panties in a twist. I don't give a fuck if my thread is screencapped, "stolen" or reposted on reddit without giving me credit. I did this on a whim and expect no recognition for whatever little effort I made compiling all this info. If anything, I wholeheartedly welcome such actions. Heavens know, Siberian mythology is incredibly obscure anywhere that's not Siberia, so if my thread could popularise it at least a tiny bit, that would make me a very happy camper.

And with that, I'm fucking off as promised. Toodle doo, dipshits.
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what a goddamn fucking legend.
hail siberiachad.

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Are you excited for the revival and engoodening of 4E?
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I like Matt's ideas, but his implementation is usually horrendous and his ideas basically require complete table buy-in around the new toys to work properly.

I know this because I tried running one of his companies and it was pretty bad, just way too many rules. Now I do it without all the overhead of officers and company turns and all that shit
Sorry I tried to pay attention to your post but I rolled a 1, so I've only got like a total 11.
I'll get my friend here to roll, he's only got a 1 but, oh like a 17 he heard you perfectly!
rolling for retarded shit you shouldn't have to roll for is not a fault of a single d20 roll but you aren't trying to argue with any sincerity so I don't know why I'm telling you this
Yeah, his ideas and his pitch tend to be a lot better than the implementation, sadly.

I think you can see it with how specific and deeply imagined the races and so forth are going to be in the game, with their own take on Dwarves and all the rest. I don't mind it, but there's definitely some kind of flavour buy-in in the system that you'd need to do some work to strip away from it for other use.
i ran a 2 year campaign in 4E and I never had that problem
we had a

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War calls edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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At base, a campaign is just linked fights; you guys can die, get injuries, but new gear. There can be storied campaigns or just a series of scenarios.

I don't generally like one off games, as development is the whole draw for me, and I don't really 'get' it, but it can be done - everything has a points value.
Necromunda is quite complicated because of a lot of small niche rules. Thing like , if you shoot and someone is in the way you have to roll if you hit him instead , or , if you hit someone at a cliff you have to roll if he falls down , and there are a lot of small rules like that. That sayed, these rules make it less suitable for just now and then games more for regular games.
The campaign system is mostly based on risk assessment because a match now changes the what team comp you have the next match. Is this action worth risking loosing that model, what to spend the money on or keep it save until something happened like emergency healings to not loose a model. stuff like that. Otherwise there are different types but the most common is just to make your own story along the way fighting to conquer a map and get boni depending on what territory you own.
It plays more like third edition 40k then 10th but both are completly different to necromunda, so not really worth comparing them.
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Understandable. The Styx is a full support cruiser and as a chaos player you want to engage. And when it is defeated you loose many points at once.

Hades is nice too.
I'm looking on some advice for a Mordheim campaign I'm trying to set up. The intent is to onboard my brother-in-law into TOW through Mordheim, so I've roped various other relatives and friends into a very casual setting. Is there a best way to intro new players in beyond just jumping into the deep end and going through a practice match? I played a lot of Mordheim in high school, but the rest of the players are completely new to chucking dice.

Second, what's a good resource for terrain? I'd like being able to be comfy at home, but I'm well aware that Mordheim is greatly helped with good and plentiful terrain. I'm not opposed to making it, but I'm a bit of an artistic incompetent and struggle to visualize projects without examples/guides. I'd also be fine with 3d printing/buying cheaper plastic/wood/cardboard kits as long as they work with the setting.

Your TOW plan is flawed because the play experience is completely different between the two, and you should be playing games for their own enjoyment. That being said, no one starts off good at terrain making, especially if it's part of the game, because you don't know yet how the game works. Look into the Dev articles in WD at the time. A good start is to thumbnail on paper 12x12" squares with the ground floor footprint of the buildings as tetris shapes, and work on LOS blocks and scatter.

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Adherence to Rules As Written is what causes so many to dog on D&D 5th edition. A big part of the system is DM's word is final, and acknowledging the rule of cool. If you don't play looser with the core rules then you wont understand what makes 5e so enjoyable for most people who play it.
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NTA, building your own system can be fun but I think anon's point was he was unsatisfied with the shitbrew he cobbled together and decided to start fresh.
I've also gone down the 5e shitbrew road and it led me to the same place.
At a certain point you release you should just use a different edition/game for your core rules and build off that instead of bending, breaking and modifying everything about 5th edition to fit your needs.
I'd sooner just grab Fantasy Craft, which is somehow more broken in hilarious new ways.
>you're happy to have made your own system, right?
The 5e take I had been working on? Abandoned it when I realised that by the time I was done I would have invented a whole new system with no decent compatible pool of content to use.

The 3.x based one I've been working on? Sure. But it's been more of a 'unique compilation' project rather than 'design everything from 0.' There are original parts, but I had a whole bunch of good shit to start from.
And it's cross compatible with large contents of 3.x content I can grab and use that I actually like.
Almost ready. Going to use it for the first time in an upcoming campaign.

I had picked up 5e after friends kept talking about how it "solved my annoyances with PF1". It mostly replaced them with new annoyances, while also discarding everything I found fun from PF1 / 3.5, and not really bringing in anything new I found fun to replace it.
I tried FTD and ICRPG too, of the 5e derivatives. Didn't care for them.

I looked at FC. Grabbed a couple mechanics from it, but by and large it didn't give me what I was looking for, and was sorely lacking in prefab NPC / monster content, which means more work.
>I looked at FC. Grabbed a couple mechanics from it, but by and large it didn't give me what I was looking for, and was sorely lacking in prefab NPC / monster content, which means more work.
The NPC/Monsters rules were the first thing that jumped to mind as something FC uniquely sucks at when I thought about running it again.
A massive portion of what led to *this* https://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/92748799/#q92789301 was "I want a D&D like that I like. I also don't want to have to build out a big catalogue of monsters, magic items, and spells, nor to have to spend a ton of time on statting those things up as campaign prep."
So cross compatibility with the spells, magic items, and monsters for 3.5/pf1 was a big selling point / shortcut.

I also knew I wanted point buy but didn't want to pour the raw hours into pricing out everything in spreadsheets. Then I stumbled across Eclipse for 3.x which had already done a decent job of it (unlike besmd20 or anime5e).

I considered just using GURPS but I don't really like GURPS magic that much (rather less than AD&D magic), and it's also sorely lacking in the 'interesting wondrous items' category. So even if there's a Russian Autist obsessively converting d&d monsters to gurps, it still falls flat in those other areas. It also sucks for fortress / town building & management IMO. Whereas the 3.x take on that in Strongholds and Dynasties (Mongoose) is pretty good.

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