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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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I'm an American who wants to write a book set in Toronto and I want to characterize the city in a way that is respectful to the city, its people, and its culture. My problem is that I am unable to travel to Toronto to get a vibe for the city and I don't know any place's online where I get influence from Torontonians. Reddit is useless because if I post my questions there, the mods will ban me for crowdsourcing. Is there a way or place to get the info I need in a respectful manner toward Toronto locals and others online?

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You now remember when this dude was taken seriously and his views were debated daily on /lit/
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…what crawled up your ass and died?
It was an interesting contrarian take and I’ve read his poetry and while it’s clear there’s a structure to it, it’s not something obvious like iambic pentameter
>Tim Dillon appearance is even more sus
Probably introduced by Anna and Dasha or someone else in the Dimes Square scene. What's more sus is that neither Rogan nor Friedman have had him on yet.
Why is that "sus"?
Because it suggests that he is in fact subversive enough that they don't want to associate.

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This free ebook lightly touches on just about every philosophy in existence starting with important virtues and values.

This new addition has an added section on managing negative thoughts, which is essential in today's world of negativity and depression. I'd love it if someone would do a word search for "thought control" and comment on the new addition.


Post Pic is by Marc Alange

What is it with this disease? How did it have such an extreme impact on literature? Will it make a comeback?
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Yates caught TB in the army during WW2. A couple of stories in this were set in TB wards in hospitals.
Yeah, and that would constitute a bad death. Suicides go straight to aych eey double hockey sticks. Meanwhile, death from pulmonary tuberculosis is slow and thought to be relatively painless, allowing the sufferer to settle their affairs and give a few deathbed speeches with a clear mind. That's a good death.
Haven't you even read Ars moriendi?
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>mfw I'm writing a novel about a character who gets TB & already elbow-deep in textbooks on the subject
fuck realism b-t-w, I'm dramatizing the fuck out of that shit
It doesn’t appear to have been painless to her.
Weird, It's almost as if the people of her era had a grossly distorted view of the disease given to them by both popular literature and medical writings alike.

posh spice takes it up the arse edition

previous >>23343802
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9 months at minimum is not what I would call "a few months." Also man if you hate having your parents "open cabinets" near you, you're not going to do well with a child
That's a whole different topic, anon. I was just assessing if you were lonely, and it sounds like you are not if you don't feel a lack of anything living the way you do. This is, of course, assuming you've experienced socializing and friendship and love and whatnot before to be able to compare your current life with.
She didn't get pregnant yesterday you bonehead. And it's very different when it's your wife and your kid.
>Embarrassing, vile, inhuman
Embarrassing is what you're doing. You act as if being annoyed by one of your parents is some grave sin. Get over yourself you fucking child.
I have a weird tension at the base of my head, where my head connects with my spine. It feels like the tension goes through my brain up to my nose and right eye.
The analysis of any given historical and political situation is self-evident. What is not is how this situation could be described as truthfully as possible in a way that still fits into the overton window of the age.

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How do I write a fantasy novel that doesn't suck?
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this. lotr handled magic beautifully. very biblical in its disposition
Actually the best advice in the thread. Everything's themes and vibes with those two instead of muh plotlines and muh worldbuilding, which is why adults can actually enjoy them.
>No one cares about the deep lore of your setting. Keep the plot as straightforward as possible. If it necessitates multiple huge exposition dumps for readers to understand what's going on, it drags hard.
Stick to the Heros Journey - avoid "subverting expectations" unless the subversion actually makes the story more interesting.

Embrace the fantasy - don't try to minimise magic or fantastical elements, or tie them down to a "system".

World build as you need to - Too much world building will tie your narrative down because you'll trip up the story trying not to violate minor elements of the canon.

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Fantasy Landscape Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23335672
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Modern writers influenced by Dunsany? I'm looking for something wistful and atmospheric
Feed it to me
To whomstd was asking about AI last thread might want to check this out

where do i start with clark ashton smith? I've read a fair bit of lovecraft and howard.
Here are some fantasy novels inspired by Lord Dunsany 1 2:

- "The King of Elfland's Daughter": This 1924 novel by Lord Dunsany is a fantasy novel that is widely recognized as one of the most influential and acclaimed works in all of fantasy literature.
- "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Tolkien is said to have handed out copies of Dunsany’s work to those who assisted with the assembly of the Silmarillion as a touchstone of influence and style.
- "The Cthulu Mythos" by H.P. Lovecraft: Lovecraft was influenced by Dunsany's rich language, cosmic point of view, remote dream-world and exquisite sense of the fantastic.

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The greatest piece of art ever made.
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The reference to greek here is not simply a comparison of quality but a matter of artistic philosophy anon. Wagner's artwork was a renvigoration of the spirit of Greek tragedy in its all-encompasing synthesis. It was only with Wagner, picking up the trail from Beethoven, who rediscovered the power in this soul-origin of artwork.
What's the best recorded version of The Ring>
Wagner is like The Beatles who should probably be considered the best band of all time. They couldn't write lyrics like Leonard Cohen. They couldn't play instruments like The Doors. They couldn't sing like Robert Plant but they were good enough in all these and made enough consistently good albums to be considered the best. For me though I prefer being the best in one category than being a jack of all trades master of none.
>It is utterly superficial.
Wagner isn't that deep. It's the best in an art form that is more about the music. That doesn't amount to much. Wagner's philosophy was superficial
For me Karajan 1968 has the best singers.

It came off as the ramblings of a midwit reddit fanboy who thinks too highly of his own intellect. It was hardly insightful and sometimes downright silly.

Idk, makes me less interested in hearing about anything else he has to say or read his book.
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I mean yeah that's his whole style. It's about making the trash bigger and bolder. Don't elevate the trash to something beyond trash make it more memorable make it stick out more as trash. Make it so that the trash is what people want to keep not get rid of.
I think this video does a good job of explaining Tarantino
while lynch do eraserhead, elephant man and dune. jarmusch do permanent vacation and stranger than paradise.
and they do down by law and blue velvet in the same year.
i dont think the lynchian surrealism is the same as the hip surrealism of jarmuch that really permates the entire 90s zeitgeist.

tarantino, (his own filmography unfolds it) have more interest in b movies and old hollywood than anything really surreal.
there is nothing surreal about tarantino. he is not making more palatable nothing.
I thought he explained Lynchian pretty well. no one else attempted it and I bet if you asked Lynch himself he wouldn't be able to articulate it.
just imagine lynch saying lost highway is about domestic abuse. its part of the appeal the child-genius-who-dont-know-of-his-magic. if he explain himself in plain words the accusations of hack would be over the top.
i always interpret lynch non-linear-narrative films as nightmares and sensations of repressed or spiritually repressed people, as lynch himself, i think, is. in fact the dfw essay explain it in that way, dfw is a reprresed man himself.
its all about the fakeness for people who are fake and think their fakeness is some deep layer of reality.
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>this shitty author probably knows more about somebody's craft than the man who actually practices it
Go to bed Franzen

What books can I read in order to get an unbiased understanding of the driving forces and sociocultural context of (post)modernism?
>unbiased understanding of the driving forces and sociocultural context of (post)modernism?
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
Maurice Samuel - You Gentiles
E. Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns
The Babylonian Talmud
The old order changeth, yielding place to new,
And God fulfils Himself in many ways

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>using “ascribe” to mean “subscribe”

I sure hope you guys don’t do this
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>don't talk to media
>relies on media essentially to enhance itself

What did they mean by this?
Are American leftists finally purging the lumpens from their ranks?
They’re finally saying the quiet part aloud, that they want Sharia Law
Israel has a right to genocide the natives stop this antisemitism this instant
Don't give interviews to CNN. Are you being willfully retarded or does it come naturally to you?

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What did you think of it?
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its like a realistic version of this webm.
i liked it, breddy good stuff.
which character do you think best depicts Dosto's character?
The Prince of course. The Idiot is a fictionalized autobiography.
*BRZTTTT* wrong. The Idiot is his most personal work.
What the FUCK was the protag's problem fr tho?

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Have any sociologists/philosophers written on the subject of Korean Wave i.e. sudden interest in Korean culture as a symptom of decaying late neoliberal capitalism? I really don't get the appeal of Korea, the women are pretty I guess but the culture itself is so soulless that even the fucking Netherlands looks like it exudes soul compared to them
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See that Bee symbolism, on some of the corpses? I think the ones covered with the non-orange blankets are innocents who were collateral. The ones in orange blanket are probably whatever type of slave they have for these ceremonies.

That or they just didn't have blankets for everybody kek. But who keeps bee blankets on the ready for these kinds of events kek.
This isn't really what's happening at all. You're reading to much into it. Average people (the mainstream) are just being exposed to something they didn't know existed.
Same thing has happened with a lot of things.
Your desire to filter it through this lens of capitalism or whatever else is a projection the same kind that tries to filter everything through a feminist lens or an LGBTQ lens or whatever else. You're putting everything where you want it to be, wherever is convenient to you.
Of course you don't get the appeal of Korea. You're not Korean. Like all the normies you didn't care about Korea until everybody else did. You're as late to the party as everybody else The only difference between you and them is they responded positively to a new stimulus and you responded negatively. Like most Asian nations Korea is pretty old, old enough that your exposure and reaction to it now does not hold much significance.
The question wasn't about getting korea, its about why korea is getting airtime when its clearly known that their culture is a watered down imitation of japan and the us. Their imitation game is too fucking strong and people are wondering why they are relevant.
lol only asians and arabs can die this way
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Successful marketing campaign and good timing. Globohomo-pushed narrative fucked entertainment industry, and a segment of its consumers, to the point where Koreans could swoop in and provide their own alternative.

That's all there is to it at the end of the day. Once you've established that fact the discussion can only go into the territory of Globohomo-alientation, K-Pop pimping harvesting coomers - East Asian women stand in direct oppossition to cellulite nigger-ass standard, which is ugly to everyone who's not a shitskin - and perhaps the overall decline of internet and capitalists focusing more on the shitskin market. Check out the picrel. 1997-2007 Internet was purely Western-era, consequently that's when things were more or less good. These days it's invaded by brownoids, who make up the consumer majority, hence the culture is slowly morphing to their ugly standards in hopes of capturing their bucks.

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Genuinely curious about you guy’s opinion.
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best one I've ever seen, not joking, you combine a lot of things I like the basic atmosphere of
You've got a bookshelf after my own heart. Is there a Robert E. Howard book somewhere so the big three Weird Tales magazine guys are all together?

lmao captcha was SODOM.

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