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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Are there any secrets left to be learned from this vehicle?

Or is all this decades old tech from the US pretty common nowadays. Is this a real "get" for them or just a feather in cap trophy with no real exploitations to glean?
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>brings up gay sex acts unprompted
Yeah, definitely Russian.
Is subtlety an alien concept to ziggers? Every single piece of propaganda to come from them is so obvious and on the nose, it's crazy.
I don't think they understand that what works at home doesn't work abroad.
No real human being would ever oppose the military aid to Ukraine, you got us here. Here's your (You).

>Russian T-80BV tank hit by FGM-148 Javelin
I may be wrong but wasn't the point of those cope cages to stop that from happening?
because it clearly doesn't do shit
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I don't think it "drove to cover". It looks like the driver moved it forward but then either bailed or died because it slammed into that building at speed.
Just zoom in on the fire and there you have it
That's a name I haven't heard of for a long time. Where are the Javelins that anal raped zigger at the start of the war we heard so much about?
>Screw you guys, I'm going home
>reversing doesn't start until right after the hit
>turret moves after 5 seconds of intense flame
they were alive in there, for a little bit anyway . imagine it

You go to a hot springs and you see this wyd annons?
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For some reason in the 90s someone decided to "relocate" 600 japanese macaques to Texas, which probably seemed like a great place for japanese snow monkeys to them.
monke business
Could we remove the air from his brain and replace it with a mini SAM?
Brain sticks to itself so it can't move
>monkeys stealing people's guns
Good to see that the US isn't the only place with this problem.

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Private investigators get fucked
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That actually sounds like something Kerouac might write
>70s/80s detective or private detective
>get in shoot outs with your snub against guys with mac 10s and ww 2 german guns
>100 yrd 1 shot stops with lead round nose

fucking based.
Camel Straights are superior
>She walked through my door like a tigress walks into a Burmese orphanage — strawberry blonde and had legs for hours. No dame her age could afford a coat like that, and the kinda makeup she had on gave me a good idea how she got it. She had bad news written on her like October of '29
Sheet nigga I forgor to corp

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Tactical gear thread.
Post gear, discuss gear.
Old: >>61487115
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I got the fanny sack mk3 from them and its kinda mid, theres some plastic filling between the fabric, its 3.5/5 not worth $70
Where does RMA fall on the armor list?
Nevermind Im apparently blind.
Why does RMA fall on the shit list?
What was your guy's next purchase after setting up a reliable carbine, chest rig, ifak and assault pack to support it? Already have mags and ammo squared away.
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>t2 better under nods than eotech
Lol what a fuckin retard
Confirmed nonods

AK General /akg/
Mag Dong Edition
>Thread 2023

Old thread here >>61517852
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It does look scrubbed...kind of. In any case it's a deal -breaker for me. I know it's the autism but when I was looking for a ((10)) kit to build, it had to have the correct trunnion marking and include a Cyrillic character in the serial.
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>Smacks lips
Ah like dis choppa rite hur ufeelme?
Of course, fucking faggots. I don’t understand why can’t someone import ISD rifles in the country though? Do they not create rifles anymore? There would be a huge market for ak100 clones here seems like a no brainer
Best we can get is an Arsenal SLR 107r aka the Bulgarian WASR. I guess they ran out of 74 kits to rebuild.
Jokes on you I fucks with this
For real though that's a nice rifle

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Holo sun
Won't you cum
And wash away the jewish prices
Holo sun
Won't you cum
Won't you cum
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Post your 7 PSA builds first (good enough because you can't afford a BCM upper and an aero lower (even though you've now paid way more in total than one decent mid tier rifle would have cost))
I posted my colt a couple of threads ago and I don't complain about other people's rifles. If you're going to fling shit about poorfags and all this other shit it looks retarded if you aren't setting the stage with your own shit. It's so obtuse that it should be bannable.
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good evening bros, had some good fencing tonight
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I don't mind poorfags unless they start coping about cheap no q/c parts being good.
I hate gunthots

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What weapons related hijinks will this original odd couple get into now?
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How would it be treason? I've written posts on 4chan about wanting sedition laws to come back to string up fifth columnist tankies, but there is no treason remotely in that webm because the USA and RF are not political belligerents so their armed forces personnel are not opponents.
They can move out of Ukraine any time. They can stop propagating vranyo and dedovschina at any time. That they choose not too demonstrates they are not working from a position of good faith as a global polity.
Terrible dancing but wholesome.
>Zig draft notice
your pic is very related
If you're really going to whip out the logic card, logically prove that all slavs, specifically, "act like animals"

>the Russian
Enjoy the outcome you're reaping.
War is ingrained in mankind.

Post 'em
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Choosing an AK is always a sign of tastelessness.
I was thinking more about 12 gauge & it’s spread, seems fitting for a blind bandit. Box mag cuz easier to manipulate too.

Did they make more FLCL? i've been away too long i think.
…yeah, she had a small role. Just being silly and not really anything

they made the second part token “crazy girl” actually a boy trapped in his alternate dimension counterpart (which is a girl in said dimension) and main protag fell in love with her/him. He also got the power of atomsk now and can jump dimensions . He visit his lover in his native dimension who is back in his boy body. That’s how FLCL ends
whats wrong with saiga? AR shotguns any better?

You now remember the DOD made Khakis in ACU cuts for deploying civilians.
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Like what? Housing?
I assume he means stuff like education. The main issue with that is that most DoD employees don’t need education because they already got one or they don’t care for it.
Would dressing like this wreck stolen valor criers?
Probably would make some stolen valor screeches pop a blood vessel. Even though half of them can’t even define the term stolen valor

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Is there a reason women tend to male excellent snipers? From the Soviets, to the Vietnamese, to today women just seem to have a predisposition to good marksmanship.
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> the competition includes pistol marksmanship, CQB, obstacle course, physical fitness and other events.

If anyone is wonder why these events are necessary, it's because a sniper team is expected to clear a building they want to shoot out of.
Propaganda. Soviet snipers were average, and even the good ones were inflated by the USSR for propaganda purposes.
they don't have to stop to poop.
That's already what he said retard.
Colorado National Guard doesn't fuck around.

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What if the Navy seal could teleport and also turn Invisible?
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>THE navy seal
Oh shit, they all merged again didn’t they
Video games are for children.
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because Morrowind is genuinely one of top 3 RPGs ever made despite the technical limitations (It would be Deus Ex, VtMB and Morrowind). Sawyer and Avelone wish they were Michael Kirkbride. The story shits over Fallout 1/2 and NV imo although its more of a religious rather than a political story.

You are dropped as a spy into an alien otherworldly land trying to figure out the weird culture and religious (it has major Kim by Kipling vibes) when you start to learn of the Incarnate messiah and eventually start fulfilling religious prophesy of a heretical desert sect. Unlike Skyrim where everyone licks your ass 20 minutes into the game you actually have to complete half the game and face the cavern of the incarnate (genuinely the best part of the game but I won't spoil it) before the tribes proclaim you Nerevarine and Hortator before you get to debate a living god about political islam.

Even though its a fake story I like the claim that Kirkbride wrote the entire 36 Lessons of Vivec over 3 days while using LSD and amphetamines to channel his CHIM.
No they weren't
Fallout 76 is the living proof that game companies can go full criminal raping consoomers and get away with zero consequences and record profit because gen-z gaymers are hopelessly brain dead.

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There were very few videos of BUK destruction during winter, but now we have a new one every few days.
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Does anyone have the full video this was sourced from?
He's running from the one that doesn't get hit.
Ah! Now I see him. Thanks. :)
lmao I bet that guy survives the war
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>somewhat of a foreshadowing for the Gherkin

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