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I have a stay at home husband. I make six figures. I’m not a demanding wife. This week a pipe broke for our yard that runs water to the field. A Mexican the FIL hired to mow the lawn ran over the pipe. Our dog had a foot issue that required medication twice day since Sunday. I appreciate that he has taken care of that. Today the FIL whom has a bad hip and is elderly looked at the water pipe. When I got home, I asked the husband does he have the materials and know how long it takes to fix. He says maybe tomorrow, it is about 50 feet of pipe. I ask why can’t it be done tomorrow? He hems and haws and says he doesn’t know how to drive with the trailer attached to the FIL truck. Not saying he has to learn tomorrow but I say you need to learn how to do that. He explodes and gets defensive and accuses me of raising my voice and shitting on him. I point out I did not raise my voice and he agrees but has an angry tone with me. He then takes my car and gets some couplings or something, returns and gets mad at me. I’m quite confused. Can someone please explain this to me? Thank you.
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>county provided irrigation line
>I’m a stupid woman and don’t know
ok, you got me to respond. congrats
>I have a stay at home husband.
Who has zero sense of self worth.
I appreciate the response. His father is more of the "nag" than me, but once he told me it should only take 3-4 hours, I didn't understand why it couldn't get done tomorrow. He is reluctant to take his father with him because he gets stressed around him, that's why he doesn't the FIL driving/shitting on him/distracting him. I can understand that, but after a while I figure he needs to be able to do stuff without worrying about what his father thinks. His father did not teach him a lot, merely shit on him and I do understand that. At some point though I feel one has to venture on. Maybe I'm wrong on that. This has been the most helpful post so far, thank you.
I will admit I am a stupid woman. What I need to understand is why a county irrigation line is horse shit.
Yes his parents shat on him and he feels this way but I tell him at the end of the day, he is the one holding himself back. I understand shitter Boomer parents, had them myself, but there is only so far that goes.
Yeah his insecurity shows, but that means he wants to be a better person. The reason he doesn't want to get his father involved is because he wants to learn to do it himself so he can be seen as more reliable by you and others around him.
My advice is give him encouragement.
>"I am not too well versed in these things, but if it takes you time so you can become better at doing this, then take your time with it! Would be nice if its done sooner, so it doesn't have to be perfect."
This is just enough of a POV for us to not worry about perfectionism and it will downplay our insecurity fear if things dont go as planned (which tends to happen more than usual)

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Is there any way I can remove my sex drive? I wish I could just be a child again who just did things I found fun. Life was extremely simple. All the sex drive does is make me discontent. It's not even a matter of the fact that I can't get a woman, it's the fact that it is never satisfied. It always comes back. I value my independence and autonomy and these things are impossible with a woman in my life.
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I watched a lot of medical gore bc Im an idiot and it completely killed any sex drive I could have had in my life. I don't recommend it bc it's a really stupid thing to do but hey it worked.
long ass response with every word spelled except "because"
I'm aroused by medical gore, don't think it would work for me.
>I wish I could just be a child again who just did things I found fun
Wth you just answered your own question lol so get to it.
Only you can apply the solution to yourself, and you do it by taking actions.
What do you find fun? What brings you the kind of joy that unwittingly draws you away from all other human desire including the desire for food?
I'm sure there were instances when you were a kid that your mom had to force you to eat at because you were too focused on doing something interesting and didn't seem all that interested in eating lol.
If you don't know what really brings you that kind of joy now, you have no choice but to find out by trial and error. Try something you find appealing, and if you find yourself having to force yourself to continue, try something else. Repeat until you land on something that draws you in away from hunger, fatigue, sexual desire etc.
If you don't have the means (time, money/resources, financial freedom etc) to do this, you have to work on those first.
I have a couple of friends who could go for several days with very little sleep and food just playing video games. I asked them how they are able to do such a thing without taking any drugs, and they all tell me they just don't feel that tired or hungry. I figure they don't feel any sex drive either? lol
One of them is married, but I know that guy misses the good ol' days haha

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A few months ago I had to move back home at 30.

I couldn't bring my cat with me. Had to leave him with some friends. It's been almost a year and a half now. When I go to see him now, I don't feel anything for him anymore. I had to close my heart to him to just survive.

I went and saw him the other week. Picked him up. Held him. Didn't feel anything at all anymore when I look at him.
Ocd eventually ruins everything i enjoy.
PP hort
Please please please please please please please love me :(
Most often it feels that the positive things in my life only existe to coerce me into continuing to exist to extend this suffering that is life.

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I lost my virginity two days ago (not with a prostitute). I can't believe how overhyped it is. It was decently fun, but people led me to believe that it would be something amazing. I can't believe for the longest time that I was missing out on something big, that this is what you're supposed to work so hard for. What a joke. Not circumcised either.
what did you think it would be? it depends how much value you put into it. did you love her/she you or was it some hookup/whore from tinder?

Regardless now you're a man
and just think... you could have died pure, now you're tainted.
First time sucks... you're not relaxed. You're nervous, used to jerking off and shit. It takes a good partner to enjoy sex, someone you're compatible with. You should try to keep in touch with this chick and use her to get experience, then you'll have fun.
During my first time my GF was on the pill and it was fucking awesome, sorry if you nerds didn't get to creampie raw pussy your first time.
told ya

Now that the dust has settled, who came out on top?

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It never ends well.
I want to stop it.
I can usually contain it, but sometimes I let my guard down and I start remembering and feeling things I despise.

How do I accept being alone? In my experience, relationships are poison and never worth it. I wish I could shut the hormones down.
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>inscribe your flesh with inked daggers in an ancient occult ritual going back thousands upon tens of thousands of years thought to imprint a spirit upon the soul
>get powerpuff girl tattoos
I will never understand women. bitch is hot tho. would
I think it's fake
what is this? tattooed chicken wings?
That's a mummy my guy

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How do I become self employed and become independent from society? With the way the economy is going on right now, it is pretty safe to say that the rat race is not worth it. however, I can't come out with a plan to become self employed. I tried to fiverr and upwork, it didn't go well. I couldn't get any clients despite offering my services up to 5$. the competition is pretty fierce there and every field is over saturated. I tried making a YT channel, didn't work at all. I literally got 0 views for most of my videos so I gave up completely. What are some ways to free lance and at least be able to pay the bills with it.
I have an engineering degree. however, I can't get any jobs. I am getting ghosted by most companies and I am stuck doing shitty warehouse jobs because nobody is fucking hiring right now. I don't know what to do.
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what if I can't land remote jobs?
There is no "can't," there is only giving up. If you give up then you give up, go work your shitty warehouse jobs.
shut the fuck up, faggot
Ok, I don't care. I continue making money fucking around all day that I got because I didn't give up.
>so I gave up completely.
that's the problem. You gave up far too early. If you stick to one thing despite failing you will get success after learning from each failure. you either do this or go back to the same rat race

don’t even go to a super prestigious uni although it’s in the top 100 globally and still it’s disproportionately filled with kids from the wealthiest parts of New York. I’m from a pretty average middle class background and I basically got admitted by the skin of my balls. Hooking up with girls is hard because I’m just an average Joe and they’re from insanely rich families.

Do they let rich kids in because they think they’re more intelligent or because they can pay the fees?
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>I’m from a pretty average middle class background
You are lucky enough to at least be culturally similar. As a lower class person, I don't even speak the same language as the folks at my university.
>Do they let rich kids in because they think they’re more intelligent or because they can pay the fees?
Some actually pay to be admitted. I remember seeing a guy post the stats - tons of students don't even go through the application process, they just have connections and make some donations, and they get admitted.
>Do they let rich kids in because they think they’re more intelligent or because they can pay the fees?
Are you sure it's not just mostly rich kids that apply? Most middle class kids just go to a state school unless they're very ambitious.
There was this one Jewish girl who seemed to like me but she was already engaged to some jackass barrister who was like 10 years old. It always ends up like that.
>culturally similar
Not really, both my parents were working class/lower middle class gen xers that just did well with investments so I relate more to the working class than the elite class. My parents used to drive Toyotas and send me to public schools. I’m now living in a slumden in East Village while I get my degree. I know what it’s like to diligently scrape by with no money and it taught me humility and honour. Hanging out with rich kids makes me feel like I don’t belong.
There's highschools dedicated to helping you enter ivy's. They have strong ties and inside info on them.

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I graduated last summer with an awful gpa but want to attend university and study religon, is it even possible if your gpa sucks ? Do i just kill myself ?
If you actually wanted to go to University you would have put in the work
I was an insane person taking 9 pills a day

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How can I remove these? I've had the same mattress for years

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if my friend gay if he uses a wallpaper of this guys art for his wallpaper desktop thing? specifically an image of the black haired kid being squished into a sandwich with mayo dripping all over his mostly naked body. ive tried looking for the specific image he uses and I cant find it which means its either a very rare drawing or a comissioned piece. he also used the black haired kid as his pfp for a while. he also went by '---girl' for a little while on steam and used a picture of an anime girl cumming. still uses that picture. is he gay? like i know hes gay i just need one of you fags to tell me
worse, trans/agp
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whats agp?
autogynephilia, a fetish of imagining yourself as the woman you'd like to fuck
he has been growing his hair out....and his mantits. I offered him a testoterone pill and he refused. what kinda man turns down a STR+1 buff? someone not trying to go with a strength build if you get my drift.
exogenous testosterone is retarded unless you're old. it hurts your body's natural production.
but it sounds like the usual anime -> agp -> trans -> hrt pipeline

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I genuinely do not enjoy being autistic and it's ruining my chance to live a happy fulfilling life.

I have almost never had a conversation with someone where it felt like they were engaging out of genuine interest and not pity, I have never been approached by someone to have a conversation besides people who talk to me like I'm a child.
I do not understand when to stop talking, when to start, or when to change the conversation, or if they're annoyed or tired of the conversation.
I am 20, it's been like this my entire life, I don't think I've ever had a genuine close friend, and I don't know what to do anymore.
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Anon, as people grow up and mature and develop into adults, and differentiate themselves from one another, mutual engagement becomes less involved in keeping conversations going, and toleration comes to replace it.
Instant back and forth requires a kind of "hive mind" mentality. It can be really pleasant and give you a sense of unity with others, but it comes at the cost of unique self-identity.
Most of the people I speak to now, I speak to by asking them about things I don't really care to learn, by showing interest in things that don't really interest me, and by tolerating tics and social "mistakes" that don't really amuse me. If I stopped tolerating these things, I would not be able to talk to anyone. That's what it means to have a personality that's significantly distinct from those of others.
Do not worry so much on whether others are humouring you or not - it is doubtful whether you'd be able to verify that anyway. Think of yourself as being a few years ahead of schedule, connecting with others on the basis of mutual toleration instead of eager connection.
I understand, but I'm just so lonely all the time, I just wish I had someone else to talk to face to face that actually cared about me
I empathise. I wish I had close connections too, but it is what it is. You can try to look for people with similar interests if you haven't already. It might work better.
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I know it's ugly looking but it's so unique to me and no one has seen this figure in person. It's whereabouts are unknown.
Thank you for sharing anon

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I tried to reconnect with local friends / connections, initially seeing a good friend since my high school days. He introduced me to a lot of people when I had no friends.

Later I reconnected with this other friend he'd introduced me to who had asked about me. They wanted me to come over, smoke weed / play video games, etc. which I did - went over there three days coming back after each day and then linking up with the friend I mentioned before (who has known this person since grade school, and doesn't hang around him anymore because he's schizophrenic, uses hard drugs, etc.). I hadn't really perceived him conveying that he would prefer I not go over there, but he later said he had given the energy he didn't.

On the third day I linked up with him after chilling with his old friend, my spirits were good but he basically laid it out that (a) I am being used - this honestly appears to be true and I am glad he made me aware of certain aspects of it; (b) I have prioritized this person over him and other older friends; (c) my behaviour looks like "friend jumping / poaching", and have crossed a boundary by hanging out with someone he introduced me to repeatedly without him. I had never even heard that term before, and told him that I don't really view friendship through a frame of politics, manipulation, etc. and that those who do have no lives. He ridiculed this saying I don't have a life (true) so how can I make that comment about people who are social and developed these rules through experience. He said I have no social experience so have no place to have an opinion on things like this, which arerecognized by everyone. He said it's not the world's issue that I don't understand it, it's mine, and to curse it on that basis is childish. It really pissed me off because although we were kids it is this person who always told me to be / think for myself, as he always did and I somewhat modeled that after him.
Although on the other hand, he's not being inconsistent here because he has in the past taken the view of "people who say looks don't matter are just pissed they're ugly," "not following social cues doesn't put you above normies - you're angry at them for not missing out on everything you've chosen to," "it's better to appear to be part of the system so you can do what you want within it [basically hide your power level]," etc.

He decided to "troll" me by saying I was gay for this other friend which I'm not but to be honest we had a running meme about me looking up to this friend for being more gangster, etc. and so I had played into that joke before. I have no issue being trolled, but when the person "trolling" me is getting angry, making attacks on my character, etc. it goes beyond that and becomes a personal affront. Especially when he cites things from years ago to like use them against me, that he saw this friend kill a spider before which disgusts me but since I'm not condemning him absolutely on that basis it proves that I don't really love animals but "like to be seen as if I do" which is retarded because (a) who would I be showing that off too - most of the world disagrees with it; (b) if the only person I'm showing that to is myself, that implies I do care about it (or at least want to which is the same thing - I wouldn't even make that qualification but this conversation has me questioning myself).
We've since hung out and ostensibly gone past it, but some of the shit he said was honestly extremely ignorant and difficult to forget. He basically got this idea in his head then repeatedly interrogated me with it, dismissed all my attempts at truthfully explaining it and wouldn't settle for anything other than his explanation that there was some weird sexual or romantic thing going on. then when i'd finally be like "okay maybe there's something i don't consciously know about" (because i'm a weak pushover, a common theme in this whole drama) he would be like "There it is, and that's really weird to have a friend say that about someone they introduced you to." Then if I denied it it would be like "well you said that before" with seemingly no recognizance he pushed me into that corner. Like, 9 denials mean nothing but one "fine maybe it's true" is taken as gospel.

Idk, this dude is going through some serious shit and lately I have been in some not as serious but still fucked up shit and we're all kinda unbalanced. But,

I feel like I was just trying to have the normalcy of having friends I go chill and smoke and play video games with. It really pissed me off to have someone repeatedly tell me they know what's going on, and ignore everything I said except when it fit their viewpoint (which ironically all those statements were the least reliable, basically like a false confession to someone who isn't accepting the truth).

I also love my friend and know he's going through crazy shit, so I don't want to resent him either. But lately (and it's been more than a year since we started hanging out again) it feels like communication between us doesn't flow naturally anymore, and to a larger degree I feel like I don't even know who I am. Is this what your 30s are like when you don't put any work in?

Am I making sense?
He’s gaslighting you hard, and has some sort of abandonment/self-worth issues in my opinion based on his reaction

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It became a part of my daily routine for some reason and I fucking hate it because I honestly could be doing something better with my time.
I play for like 8 hours until exhaustion eventually takes over and once I do get off I feel a sense of regret and guilt.
I didn't even get the chance to eat something because as soon as I got home from work I got on my PC. Should I get rid of my Graphics Card? Should I get rid of my phone (because Im sure i'll just pivot to mobile games if I don't)?
Slowly phase them out and replace them with healthier activities. As you get older you will naturally find them empty and a waste of time, too.
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have you considered killing yourself?

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I’m 27 and made a vow to experience sex before I turn 28 at all costs. Dating apps didn’t work, asking girls didn’t work, so I finally gave up and paid for sex.

The act itself felt good in the moment but after it was done it left me in the worst mental state I’ve experienced in my life so far. Never in my life have I felt more worthless and unwanted than I do now. And it’s really hard for me to accept that this is the closest to being with a woman that I can get. I can’t imagine being alive and coping with this for much longer. To think that so many people have experienced love since they the time they were a child and it is something I never got to experience to this day.
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On the flip side, you discovered that what you wanted wasn't sex in itself, but love. Consider that a win.
>I deliberately engaged in adultery, and now I am suspicious of marital fidelity. How could this be happening to me?!
That's a very negative way to go about things. You penetrated a woman and that's something.
Wow, I lost my virginity to a hooker at age 27 too, and I've experienced the same existential pain too!
I wish I could have been there before you made the decision to see a hooker so that I could tell you about the potential side effects of seeing a hooker in your circumstances. That way, you could have made an informed decision, and if you really wanted to find out what it is like to have sex that way, you could have taken measures to prepare yourself for the psychological pain you might endure afterwards.
I am only telling you this, because I remember just how painful it was for me psychologically after a similar experience, and I wish someone had warned me about it before.
Those who never lived a similar life as you and experienced what you had experienced in a similar way will NEVER understand just how much pain you are under right now, so don't pay much attention to them when they dismiss your pain as something that you can just shake off.
I will tell you about my miracle, because I consider it nothing short of miracle how I managed to survive through the existential pain that brought me to death's door, and if you do what I did, you might just end up pulling through by the same kind of miracle.
Be a honest with yourself as possible, record what lead you to make such a decision. Be as specific about all the things that went through your mind - what you thought you'd experience, what you really were hoping to experience, why did you chose such option, what other options have you tried and how.
I must warn you, your pain might get even worse when make such reflections, but if you really are suicidal, it shouldn't matter to you, because you would know that you have the power to end the pain at any moment.
Once you finish with your psychological autopsy (if you will), look for patterns to work out what was it that you value the most. If you are not in the right state of mind, seek help from the person that knows you well and can trust.
Remember that only you can perform the most accurate psychological autopsy on yourself, because no one can access your consciousness, and if you die, people can only speculate at best.
I figure when people feel psychological pain that drives them to death, there has to be a cause, much the same way a physical death can be traced back to a primary cause.
In case of physical death, it occurs when the primary cause isn't dealt with or couldn't be dealt with.
To me, suicide is just a final symptom of a psychological death.
If it is possible to work out the cause of a psychological death, it might then be possible to deal with it in a manner that brings it back to life from death - a miracle basically lol.
Well, if I experienced the miracle of being brought back to life that way, I am the living proof that it is not impossible, and I am grateful to be alive today that I feel obligated to tell others who might be going through a similar pain I had endured.
You might be grateful to be alive in the future if you chose to live on instead, but to be able to live on, you will need a miracle of being brought back from a psychological death.
And you might just be able to perform that miracle yourself with some help from your trusted ones.
Hope this helps, and for some strange reason I feel like you will become a force to be reckoned with once you revive yourself.
When you do, give me a shoutout, will ya? lol.

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