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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Are Tieflings overrepresented in DnD media? Despite Humans and Half-Elves constituting the majority of "played" races, Tieflings seem to be everywhere; every time a "group shot" is posted, there's at least one Tiefling, sometimes two. Whenever you flick on a Let's Play of Baldur's Gate, they're running a Tiefling. Every time somebody's gushing about their character or a situation that happened in their game, a Tiefling is mentioned. They're extremely common, if we went by the people that talk or draw their campaigns.

What's with that?
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Yeah, because that's a piece of corporate art meant to sell a product to liberals. Obviously not a real character played by somebody.
What I hate is how all the tiefling art is like that, some technicolor freak with a tail and horns. I remember reading an old sourcebook that had a little table of mutations, like a mouthful of needle-like teeth, vestigial wings, huge black eyes and burn marks like chains up and down their arms. Sure the new material says tieflings can have massively varied appearance, but the art that comes out has virtually none.
>Dragonborn would be just as popular, but WOTC fucked the stat-line and made them just a little bit weaker than vanilla races despite the breath weapon.

It's insane how hard they fucked up the Dragonborn just because they thought they could get away with playing as a "Dragon" as a selling point and not whether or not it would be fun
Also fucking up their design, I figure most people who get told about Dragonborn imagine a big guy with wings and tails and then get met with this extremely watered down, barely meeting halfway race design
Genasi really suffered from a combination of bad decisions when they debuted in Planescape:
1) Didn't show up until the Planewalker's Handbook, so fewer people saw them.
2) Never got an official trait customization table the way tieflings did - aasimar may have had theirs hidden in Warriors of Heaven, but at least they GOT one.
3) Dull and underwhelming mechanics, far weaker than either tieflings or aasimars.
4) Insistence on treating them as four races further divided writer effort and both writer and player attention, reducing the amount of individual interest.

Add to it that they weren't even deemed good enough to get into the Monster Manual like their tiefling and aasimar cousins, instead getting stuck in the Forgotten Realms splats, and that further kept people from noticing them.

Also, 4e genasi = best genasi.
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In fairness... none of the OG tiefling artwork ever leaned into the chaotic variety promised by the variation table in the Planewalker's Handbook. If you look at it, it's all just different styles of horns, tails and maybe hooves.

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I'm tired of GMing. Every time I GM I'm a perfectionist, and when I do make a mistake, I own up to it. I've GMd for the last 11 years, and I'm essentially a forever GM. This has, predictably, worn me out on GMing.

I have a notepad where I've been collecting the usernames of every player I've shadowbanned from my board. These are the worst of the worst players, furries, metagamers, etc..

I want to have fun GMing for once, in the most selfish way possible.
Tell me how to be the worst GM possible, bad enough that these players will flee to reddit with stories of how bad I am.

Setting will be a homebrew D&D 5e world. I don't just want your bad experiences, I want to know how to intentionally misinterpret 5e rules to make it the most unplayable experience possible for all 8 players. Yes, 8 players, because I want combat to be as excruciatingly slow as possible for all of them.

They're all desperate to play because they get banned from every table they visit, so even if the first couple sessions go terribly, at least a few will probably still show up for more sessions, so feel free to have multi-session ideas like settings and overarching plots (if those still exist).

Give me your ideas, anons.
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And then everyone will stand up and clap.
Just run a tippyverse
...and all the skeletons they already killed reformed while they were away.

You can't fool me, James.
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>Tell your players to create high level characters
>run entire campaign backwards, starting at the big reveal and boss fight, don't tell PCs you are running it backwards, let them find out session 2 when you timehop backwards
>keep time hopping backwards, removing items and levels
>fill your players in on backstory they have already obviously pieced together
>continue deleveling your players, make backstory more pointless and tedious
>create annoying NPCs that die at the end (immediately in the campaign) that will have de-facto plot armor in flashbacks as they live until they die later, make NPCs have obnoxious one liners and take PC items
>make one NPC that dies but is extremely cool, have him stick around for one session as he was introduced that session and dies in the future (previous session)
>laugh maniacally as powergamers get more and more upset and inevitably drop out
>use testing experience to fix your new campaign, run it forwards with a good group as it will still be fresh and interesting to you
>laugh with your friends about that time you made a group of bad boy retard gamers play it in reverse

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Banshees wearing shades edition

Last Thread: >>92679615

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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someone elses cat issued it a batchall
don't you mean batchpawl?
Sarna has a timeline of product releases but can't find it right now.
never post this image again.
It's never comfy when you can look at a pic someone posted online and recognize your pussy, is it?

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Play by the book edition.

Welcome to /usgen/
It is dedicated to discussing universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal systems and related settings, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D and no GURPS)
2. If you talk about specific system write its name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player-made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal systems that were published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off-topic discussions to minimum.

Thread question: Do you own any universal systems book? If yes, tell us which one.
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I really wish Genesys didn't have range bands. By far the worst thing about that system, everything else is great even if the magic is a bit boring.
The last time I used Genesys (2016 or so, the Star Wars version), I just decided how far each range band was, and from then on just used the distances.

>Everything Else is Great.
Ehh. It wasn't the worst. I would run it again.
>Ehh. It wasn't the worst. I would run it again.
I suppose it could use more talents and I prefer being able to improve characteristics besides only during character creation, but it is still the most fun system of dice rolling that I have used. Also it is hard for characters to die, but you can have house rules to circumvent that.
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OP here.
Some pastebin would be useful, but I never make one.
When I will have some free time, I try to make something.

Thanks! It's nice that somebody archived /gengen/.

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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Give it a rest, anon. Take a break and come up with some new material.
Public service right here.
That sounds like you've read it straight from the Thousand Actions of the Upright Soldier. You know, the Age of Sorrows Dragonblood propaganda.

One perfect warrior can, in fact, murder a million upright soldiers if he's willing to sacrifice everything to do it.
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You use the Gift Point system, and if you want to be an animal, you can give yourself negative points to grant yourself bonus points. The Gift Point system earlier mostly lays it out very clearly, but just keep in mind that non strictly conflict related Supernatural 1 and 3 can be achieved by the "narrative advantage 1/3"

Shapeshifting for them is very important for all playstyles of them. Shifting between forms is emphasised as more important than in other editions, because you don't just use Shapeshifting for purely combat purposes or shifting into humans. You need it for various other purposes too. Also, naturally, Shapeshifting is a lot more customisable as a result.
Wtf is that pic of?

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"Cityfighting in Tzaragrad" edition
Previous thread: >>92559710

>/GROG/ Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn (embed)

>What is Oldhammer? The long settled definition is 80s Warhammer, this includes up to the third ed of WHFB, and Rogue Trader. Nevertheless, in this general people are happy to talk about games and editions from the 90s and early 00s.
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He just feels that older 40k was bad because it would qoute unqoute "arbitrarily punish you for no fucking reason. How can you paly a fair and balanced and fun game if your models randomly decide to kill themselves?"
He speaks mostly of the vehicle rules, where I felt that it adds a level of strategy and concern whenever vheicle criticals affect the unit. He thinks that if he spent 300 points to bring a tank to the table, only for it in the first turn not be able to move anywhere because of a lucky die roll is bad design, and that there should at least be some type of mechanic to negate it. And above all that, the mechanic should be removed entirely, since a vehicle is just a unit and adding "bullshit gotcha roll tables" only slows the game down and distracts from the actual strategy.

that being said, I think it might be my fault because he's never palyed any edition asides from a few games of 9th and 8th, and he gets his old edition knowledge from me because "why the fuck would I read outdated and retcon'd rule books? theyre worthless."
Renegade scout is good system for that mindset, I ran it and had fun, it's good for newbies as it's more complex but not too complex and not as simple as something like warcry which is just piss easy.
Also as I started in 8th myself, I can say it's good marrying feel of RT with more modern improvements in rule writting.
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I always ask those guys why they want to play with models and not tokens with standardized sizes and identifying colors. Something really cracks me up about the idea of a bunch of autist number crunchers pushing around meeples because there's no logical argument against it.
It's insane to me how much people are willing to pay for a better chance to "win" at a game of make-believe toys, outside of a tournament context.
I think the easy answer to your question though is that little colored tokens aren't allowed in GW stores, and they're literally too stupid to play anywhere else, on any other table in the world. It's just sad. But also funny.
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Hello /grog/. What edition of oldhammer was Brian Ansell playing in this image? Does anyone know?

Is a serial killer character a concept that can actually be pulled off or is it just a pipe dream?
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You'll need buy-in from the DM and--unless your goal is to die to PVP--the other players. The easiest way to go about it would be a "leashed" concept, where he has a handler that keeps him from going off-task, so he has to figure out ways to make his approved tasks satisfy his urges.
Easily. Whenever in a town or alone with an npc just let the DM know discretely that you kill someone.
There you go, you're a serial killer.
Obviously it requires a convo with your game manager.
Lol I could see this working
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There's a whole WOD supplement about it. At some point I'll run a Hunter: the Vigil game where one of the players is secretly a serial killer, should be fun when the rest of the party slowly begins to catch on.
It's possible, just be aware that it's going to conflict with your Party and even the DM
It's gonna be difficult trying to play a pyscho who just wants to kill people when your Party is probably a crew of normal decent people and the really high possibility of your DM punishing you for trying to play your character
You're going to have to play smart and kill when your Party isn't around or use being an Adventurer as a way to get your jollies but all and all chances are your character is on a Shelf life because of the way you want to play so enjoy it while you can

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
'The Slow Life' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92667489
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Think through a sound plan for them to enter a fight with, introduce the chaos of a fight, write how they try to adapt after it all went to Hell
Everyone knows you can just punch your way out of Ultra Impenetrable Prison Box.
Nobody ever tried hard enough with enough FIGHTING SPIRIT
>Smokin' Sexy figure out how a gunfight in a hotel happened
niggas got ran up on lmao

>if Kampai is still alive after it
Toru's coked out of his mind thanks to getting hit in the face with a brick of cocaine and stole a gun because at some point I want to write him doing a drive-by shooting. Take that how you will.
Too bad JJK died horribly, I kinda wanted to see the character thats entire gimmick was doing the impossible stuff like that.
Why haven’t you done it anon? Show that box who’s boss

Start of Liberator edition

Previous >>92608928

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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no the main difference is that required 2 colours anad was all turns, this one has no requirement but is only your turn. It being liberator has no impact on anything.
perhaps there will be a shed a LIBERATOR for protection jogress or such eventually
>that picture
Mimi's slight smirk makes it funnier than it is
who is that meant to be? tai and izzy?

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The Newbie Didn't See a Thread and Made One Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"The Fall of Delta Green" has been reprinted.

Current Book Club Topic:

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Alas, I uploaded it again later in the thread, here it is because I am awesome:

gofile (DOT) io/d/MbCyWJ
I do think it's something he got better at with his later stories, perhaps influenced by other pulp writers like Robert E. Howard. At the Mountains of Madness ends with a chase by a Shoggoth. The Haunter of the Dark has the main character personally getting hunted by the titular villain. The Shadow Out of Time has the encounter with the flying polyp at the end.
Not always the case, but he got better at making his stories entertaining as well as intellectually fascinating.
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I thought the Twilight Abysses were really similar to the feel of Steve Dikto Doctor Strange art. Pretty cool stuff.
The horror from cosmic horror doesn't come from interacting with cosmic entities in any direct way. It's not about "can I punch Azathoth in the face" or "maybe Azathoth could eat me."

The horror comes from the simple realization of how insignificant you are/humanity is.
I'm pretty sure they name the winners each year, which are usually good (though sometimes that's the voting community picking a scenario that does something new and interesting rather than flat good.
Black Buzz, A Flame Unto My Path, 46 Second Preview, Apoptosis and An Excitable Girl were good from 2023.

Is XP a good way reflect character growth or do some games have a better alternative?
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Completely sidestepped the question.
Where are the PCs going to find enough gold to level up.
Nah, you don't get it! His is cool because... it's... just the dungeon, and nothing else.
Only when you can spend xp gained through play to directly buy/upgrade attributes and skills, ideally with a scaling cost to represent the extra effort required to become better at things. My character in Hunter: the Reckoning has recently begun hitting the gym and practicing with a knife since he ran out of ammo in the middle of a fight on our last hunt, thus becoming stronger, faster, and better at handling himself in a fight, he didn’t just cross an invisible threshold and get better at all the things simultaneously because that goblin nest in the sewers was just enough xp.
BRP based games (CoC, Runequest, etc...) have the equivalent of the elder scrolls games "increase as you use it" mechanic.

I also like the gurps time sheet where you can train the character (and/or maintain high level skills) in downtime.

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Previously: >>92674017

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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should I do it?
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yes, embrace biker mice
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The first ability is really interesting, but I wish I could just erase the second half of that text box. It doesn't do anything meaningful, but it makes you unnecessarily threatening to the table and includes two cringe non-keywords.
Missy is based
nothing about Doctor Who is based

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>GM sees that mystery flesh pit national park image ONCE
>becomes obsessed with le scary biodungeons
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>OP sees the mention of biodungeons
>has an autistic fit because he's not very well-read and only knows about memes like the mystery flesh pit national park
Prove this actually happened.
cool idea actually

might make a bio-dungeon that was beneficial to a nearby town as it acted as a near perfect sewer, but parasites have infected it and the party is sent down into it to clear it of parasites, while keeping the bio-dungeon itself alive.
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Based GM, show him some of these maps so he gets more good ideas.
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Mystery flesh pit national park?
Nah son

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