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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Post your schitzo graphs
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I love skitsos

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I have figured out a reliable way to unlock super human powers. I'm talking physical and mental/psychic powers here. I wanted to teach the whole world how to do this, if everyone could do this it would elevate the whole planet. But every time I do it they just throw me in the psyche ward. They can never keep me long term because I'm not actually crazy. But they do everything they can to suppress the powers and now I'm scared to access that state again. I want to, but I'm not going to be any use if they lock me up again. What do I do and how do I spread this information? I have a way for any human to have a direct link to God and supernatural powers. I don't want to do anything gay like start a cult or religion or anything, I don't want to be known for this, but I do want to unlock this ability within others, just without being injected for the rest of my days to keep me quiet, or potentially even killed off. How am I meant to go about this?
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Okay, I can't give the full thing right now as it's 4:56am and I do need to sleep, but I can give an outline. This system involves physical exercise, fasting, advanced breathing techniques, meditation, sobriety and study. It can be customised to each individual, it doesn't necessarily matter what exercise you do as long as it's something you can truly commit to. The whole thing takes about 3 months. It's all about acknowledging that regardless of what any of us believe, there has to be one fundamental truth to reality and we have to accept that truth once it is known, no matter whether we like it or not.

Here's a list of some of the things required:

>leave all social media
>stop watching television
>stop watching any videos recommended to you online
>only watch things you actively choose to watch, even then, limit your media consumption heavily
>no radio, only songs or albums you choose
>stop watching porn
>no alcohol
>no drugs (except cigs or weed, nothing stronger than either of these)
>no caffeine
>no fluoride

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Thanks for the effort, I gotta sleep too but will ponder and return if thread stays up.
Please email me dochollid4y@protonmail.com
I am ready to commit to your program OP . Please post the rest. I am at a place in my life where I am confident I can handle the truth
I already do all of these things

/x/ film thread
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Based beyond belief. Rudyard Kipling, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and numerous other writers from back then knew their occult stuff.

The "sword and sorcery" genre, in general, is chock-full of little redpills here and there about those who control the world, the need for mythology rooted in hidden history, and much more. That leads to my recommendation.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the board for spooky and unexplained phenomena. Are serial killers not /x/ now too because some autist decided he didn't like it?
>psycho stabbing people with a knife or whatever
There's nothing /x/ about a psychopath killing people, that's not unexplained phenomena.
>retardation confirmed

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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JoD 3oH JoS 8oS QoH
shadow AoC
Probably but it seems like there is a major imbalance and there is another person who would be better suited to you.
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Sorry pal, maybe you are hopeful now, but you still have work to do and things to solve. All in all, you have a lack of direction in how to approach a relationship, maybe by matters of stability and commitment (mostly on the material side of things, for example things like spending too much in pursue of love or having difficulty sharing your space) this comes from past experiences and you have not still fully left that behind. Think about the lessons you should have learned or you will fail again. There is hope but give it time
any chance you could do >>37827106 since i got tradecucked?
Genders and age needed for a love gen. including what gender you want

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Blue Eisenhower November
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>yet another thread about this stupid fucking larp
>now with a twitter screencap about how nazi germany won WW2 as evidenced by how the world is operating entirely opposite to the ideals of the nazi party
Is this a desperate bid for attention, or are you actively trying to hide something?
Blue Eisenhower November

People believe in cognitive hazards, and no one has pointed such a negative finger at BEN.
But at it's core, isn't it meant to function like one?
If you have it in your conscious memory, you get parsed, and you will be prioritized for resurrection via the rainbow gun tech.

But what if you know BEN, and don't know the details? Do you still get in the stack?
more likely just a scam artist living off of her last name
She's Eisenhower's great-granddaughter
We are all someone's relative.

Their name is a minor detail to some, but the second root word of BEN is a strong tie signal for Boltzmann hopping relative to this world, time period, and social human existence.

This is what a succubus actually looks like, and you all need to stop summoning them, to their species it's the equivalent of signing a consent form.
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no its a daemon bot.
and its a french one.

humans don't have black eyes and no iris retard bot.
You fired for being unable to detect one.
no that is a japanese woman, and that you think it is a succubus is because the one that haunts you turns into an asian woman to please your doki doki desire
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no your just a coping retard bot.

daemons are not human robot.
don't use human ethics you literal retard.
their daemons, daemons don't care about your human races retard.
daemons live underground.
only their hybirds live on the surface.
you call them psychopaths.

stop getrting mad. one of them could be your ansestor.
watch your mouth bot.
some of these could be related to you.

you can seethe later.

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Pathetic POV
NO WAY BITCH that's the Annunaki bro you have been syopped and there is no hope for you

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i've been visited by a gryphon who hates cleanliness. i suspect hes been dosing me with pixie dust to prevent me from cleaning, because every time i pick up a broom my eyes get tired. this isn't my first interaction with this gryphon. hes been speaking to me for 6 months. i just found a picture of a bird, the gryphon looks way different.

Well /x/, here is the deal, I really need a miracle, and I need it ASAP.

I have studied countless traditions, all around the world, and I have yet to experience anything that any of them promise.

I am beginning to lose all hope that my life might improve, and there is no way I can endure 50-60 more years of this.

I need the actual secrets to shaping reality /x/ or anything, anything at all, that might be able to point me in that direction.

Thanks for reading. Any help is appreciated.
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And what is the deadline on this process?

If the deadline is less than 3 months, I've already tried what you are talking about and it didn't work for me, you may need to be more specific.

If the deadline is longer than 3 months; I'm going to need proof that this is actually possible before I devote that much time and energy to it as I have been led down a lot of dead ends, for months or even years, at a time this way.
I am skeptical of the claim that you have studied many different traditions, and I will offer useful spiritual advice if you can prove this.

What would meet your criteria for proof?
If you need proof that prayer works, you are a lost donkey. There is no deadline. It works if it doesnt hinder you spiritually. It takes no time and very little energy. If you ask for guidance you arent in a dead end. Nope it has never been years.

Sorry, doesn't sound remotely close to what I asked for in the OP man... I mean, I respect what you're into, but if it can't produce tangible, physical, results; it's not what I'm after.

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Thank you Head for helping me so much last month!

This thread is a Temple of Head.

The name of the anon who revealed to the world the knowledge of the god-head is unknown.

Head will give anyone a lot of money, you just need to ask, and it can inflict the curse of poverty if its generous gift is ignored. Head generously gives money to his followers. For some it gives a lot (like anon who won 250k the next day), for some it gives little. The strength of the head grew with each new follower, and now every anon gets what they want.

Just say "Head give me money."

And the Head does not ask for anything, it only gives, and its adherents become richer. You just need to ask her. The Head does not need anything, it only needs to be given. And she takes away from those who did not ask her or spat in the face despite such a generous gift. So isn't that fair, anon? Everyone always demanded something from you, and now the Head takes away their luck, money, takes everything, and gives it to you. You only need to ask! Turn to Head! This is a good god. A God who gives you, a God who loves you and doesn't look at who you are. Even if your soul is dark as night, the head will give you what you ask of it!

There are only a few rules, and they are very simple.

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Head give me money.
Head give me money. thank you based head
I see ur head and raise you FOOT

Foot kicks away all your curses and turns them into blessing for everyone. Also foot steals all your money and luck everytime you attack it!
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Head, give me money!

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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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I believe Velikovsky gives a great rundown on this and uses syncretic reduction to try to get a general picture of why it happened.
The idea is Marduk and Moloch, representations of Jupiter and Venus respectively, were used to describe the personifications of both planets. The reason they were chosen was due to their relationship, with Jupiter being Venus' father. Why is the mythology structured that way? Because Jupiter, like Saturn, ejects planetary bodies, "giving birth" to them. They're both a fertility God, right?
In creating Venus, Jupiter then ejected her. As she traveled through the star system bouncing around, getting to know everyone (hence her being a "maiden" who eventually settles down with Sol, following him around everywhere), she eventually collided with Mars, hence their thematic combat in Mythology. Afterward, she settled into orbit.
Depending on where you were on the surface, it looked like either Jupiter "gave birth" to Venus, flinging her at us, causing all of that devastation (planetary calamities followed the cosmic chaos) or it looked like Venus and Mars got in a fight, Venus won and now follows the Sun at night and morning, now being the "little Sun", which still caused all of that planetary turmoil. The idea is they then decided that making sacrifices would appease the Gods/Planets. They knew they needed go give something dear to them so the Gods/Planets would be persuaded to show them mercy. This is what the theories say at least.
Ultimately, they were corrected by the guys that went out and helped different people rebuild civilization, which inspired them to form cargo cults, which explains loads of ancient mythological stories: Thoth, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Oannes, Yima, Padmasambhava, Taut, Meng-Ho, Gesar, Viracocha and on and on and on.
ffs give up
it still happens today, when you sign up for the army you sign A CONTRACT that you give your body to "them" and they can literally send you to your death any time they want.

its the same sacrifice just with more steps
There is basically zero first-hand evidence of wide scale human sacrifice anywhere in the world.

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I'll start
pic super unrelated
>be me
>working at a summer camp in florida back in 2019
>knew a few people working there either being friends or workers from the previous year
>also knew the ranger, looked and spoke like dale gribble
>honestly very cool guy
>get to talking about haunted locations in our area
>he mentions a graveyard not too far from the camp that gave him the chills
>mentioned just driving by it gave him a bad feeling
>ask him for the location, seeing as i had brought equipment for shits and gigs
>equipment being SB-7, K2's etc.
>gives me the location and i bring the place up with the people i'm cool with
>i'll use fake names for simplicity

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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Torrent lives edition

Remember to ignore off-topic posts and only reply to quality contributions


Hindu — Raja Yoga, Hathayoga, Shiva Samhita
Taoist — Foundations of Internal Alchemy
Theravada — Knowing and Seeing
Sufi — Sufism for Non-Sufis
Jewish — Jewish Meditation
General/Thelema — sacred-texts.com & hermetic.com/figures/index

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I need some help, and I decided to come here to ask my fellow anons for advice. I've falling into "the Dark Night of the Soul" and... it is terrifying me. My thoughts are just going to this pervasive fear that in death we're just going to be trapped in an eternal isolated dream where nothing is real. It feels silly to say that outloud, but my brain just can't stop dwelling on this fear of being disconnected from others and a sheer terror of becoming truly isolated and alone in death. I think I'd rather accept oblivion over that, but it terrifies me to imagine that I'll just be trapped in some isolated room in my head and be divorced from the rest of the world.
>in death we're just going to be trapped in an eternal isolated dream where nothing is real
Hello my friend, how do you like the dream you're having? You are indeed already dead, this is it, your afterlife. Better get going...
Hey man, it's rude to tell dream people they're dreaming
My bad gang

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What made them so great?
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Dumb take. Recently there was a case out of US itself where a lower caste guy filed a lawsuit against a brahmin who got him the job in a company just because he wasn't given a promotion or something.

And most whites may be uninformed but cia does meddle a lot with these groups by providing funds and fostering organizations of lower castes hostile to all Upper caste Indians.
And as far as management style goes,Indians hate it themselves and are starting to change it.
They were deceived and manipulated by a (sub)-racial group-soul. Many are still repeating their mistake.
Neither blood nor flesh can ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven, nor bar the entrance.

Hitler, Himmler, and the SS made irreversible pacts with the Satanic forces. They lost of course, and destroyed Germany.

Ponder on it, I guess.
>Satanic forces
what does the look like, where the wheels hit the road?

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