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Rich in imagination before becoming old and jaded

Yes the topic has been covered by some religions
The voice is my ego, not me. I am my consciousness.
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beware of orwellian editing. earlier copies may have content that is not present or is altered in later versions.. while even the original had its own small bit of editing 'error' designed to throw shade.

you can notice that negatively affected mental health was a feature of their programs. if my work ever becomes popularized the terms 'natural cognitive connection' and 'natural consciousness attachment' will be reoccurring throughout the dialogue.

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Any esoteric methods to break the shackles of wageslavery?

>inb4 claim NEETbux

I have a family to support
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What if you aren't much good or passionate about anything that can be monetized
I think you're stuck in the mindset that you have to choose something right now and that has to be the thing you do for the next few decades. Most people don't just have one job for their whole life. Probably a strong majority of people bounce around to new jobs all the time. Being an electrician isn't that bad. You don't have to work 8 hour shifts a lot of times, you get paid to travel a lot and, especially when you're new, there's a lot of standing around not doing much.
You can start learning about crypto. I don't necessarily suggest you buy anything particular, but it's cool to learn about at least.
touch grass
Think in abundance
think creatively
Expand upon the abundance thought.
>I have a family to support

big mistake.

This indian guy is blowing my mind in so many ways. I was prepared to hate him, but he is spitting on truth after another.

>we are being controlled by a 'higher self'
>the 'higher self' is putting us through multiple iterations of our life, with different variations
>some of our iterations we are 'NPCs' because we are being run in a reserve simulation, not an active one.
>we are basically being puppeted by a higher being.
>they change things around literally switching timelines like chess pieces
>when they do this, they are unable to change our memories, hence, the mandela effect
>they send us on missions for reasons we don't know, but reasons they know.
>we all volunteered to be here, we willingly chose to get our memories wiped.
>after every incarnation the memory is restored.
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>half of le higher self is clearly the manipulative aspect contorting the topography of your being when subjected to emotions induced by thought or observation
you think why is this happening to me
why do I feel this way
you reason with yourself
you didn't already know
how would you react
will you lie to me now
will your higher self know
Man, these guys really think they know it all, don't they?

It amuses me how so many on /x/ know this guy doesn't have it quite right, but he's not so far off the mark that it's insane, he's pretty close by himself.
This. I was pulled into the dream, nothing more. Soon I will awaken on the shore
Yes he is close because so much of it rings true. My favorite thing that he said is how we plan out people that we will go on adventures with, and try to remember who. They say, you will know me because I will be in a red hat.
People we are fated to know because we were friends on the other side.
just another shill on a zionist CIA platform

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what would the world look like if humans didn't have souls ?
>Never right about anything in your life
>I'll be right about this though
Everything would be like the Anglosphere.
I would be dead or a mass murderer
ma è lui o non è lui?

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Twin flames arent a good name
Its called twin souls.

Remind me of burning lavapools

Sounds more like a bad choice partner

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Why do paranormal activity peak at 3 AM?
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No matter what I do where I sleep how rested or sleepy I am I always wake up around 3am 10 or so min before or after or right on the dot. I'm able to fall back asleep easily but it always happens.
>its 3am everywhere at the same time
1-2 REM cycles through the first sleep for polyphasic sleepers.
Ghosts experience time lag so for them it's like middle of day
Why do ESLs put no effort into using proper grammar when typing?
>Why does paranormal activity peak at 3AM?
Is that so hard?

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ITT: We read each other’s birthcharts and expose the depths of our personalities.

I’ll go first…
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dafuq is that?
as I said 80% I see how it could be true. Again Im open and if youre right Im gonna admit that
can anyone help me? the only answer i got from an earlier thread is that it looks cool

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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Somehow, pokemon tulpas aren’t super common v. tiny equines
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Stanford tulpa people popped by yesterday for an AMA
huh, neat
great movie on fags:


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the entities in my dream have revealed to me that aliens are currently drilling huge holes into the sun for some reason. they do not care what happens to earth and humanity and the entities don't know why they are doing it.
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So it's like a tagine pot or a dum biryani?
>we scoop the sun for fun
>we scoop the sun for one
How do you drill into a ball of radioactive plasma

I hate y'all dumbass "tell a vision" fuckers, I really do. The schizos at least have an excuse. They have both a mental illness fucking with their ability to form coherent sentences and also to have presence of mind enough to think to take 2 seconds to Google something before they say it. But no, you guys are Dunning Kruger effect personified.

>Inb4 "glowie" because I called out your stupidity
>he thinks the sun is real at all
>drilling holes in an object made of gas
very high-IQ post, OP. Good stuff.

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i don't remember allowing anyone taking pictures of me without permission, GET THAT PICTURE OFF THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has a friend!
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No one has posted this one yet
>Mutilated cow and mantit
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lol that's the lowest fucking rez version ever of that fucking pic...
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also fake— doctored version of a generated image already debunked long ago. artifacts in my upload match (albeit blurry) on yours, as well as the colour changes which were not hidden well to begin with


It always fascinated me how they have a strong influence on powerful underground esoteric societes despite their old existance, They always use Egyptian symbolism in their rituals and even in Decorations (Epstein's Island temple), It's like Esoteric and spiritual knowledge have peaked in the Egyptian civilization.

And even in Astral projection a lot of people have said that they have seen Pyramids and Egyptian Gods, And it is said that Egyptians believed in out of body travel, It's really insane.
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"Egypt received nine of the ten measures of magic that came into the world" - The Talmud
the pic OP posted was created in the modern age using egyptian symbolism to convey the geometrical proportions of the kabbalah tree of life. how is this the kabbalah bastardizing egyptian beliefs? that makes no sense if you are using OPs picture as proof.
I'm not 100% sure but if my memory is not playing with me I think René Guenon hinted at some contaminations between egyptian metaphysics and hebrew kabbalah in his "Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles"
>the talmud
This documentary opened my eyes to the Talmud, Jews etc.:

Neoplatonism was heavily influenced by egyptian metaphysics as well. I mean, even plain platonism, considering how Plato himself was initiated into the egyptian mysteries

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This video (1992 EBE) has been stuck in my mind for days now, does anyone know more about it? feel free to post similar pictures or videos.
not much
just that it happened in quebec and that no one has come forward claiming to have hoaxed it and none of the people in the video have been identified
ufologist have mostly ignored this case for some reason
Nearly all of the good information was swept under the veil of "only crackpots talk about that silly stuff" until July 2021...

So much needs to be revisited.
How bout you post a link to it instead of making people go search for it

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When did you realize that people are demonically possessed and they are out to get you? I started smoking when I was 15 by snagging my moms cigarette's and she totally didn't say 'no'. My dad gave me alcohol when I was 10 or 12. My dad has never once in my life told me to stop drinking, even though it makes me non-functional just like smoking.

You don't really know what's it like to be raised by the devils children, you will get brainwashed into being an edgy rebel like lucifer and you will think you're unique and different, but actually I was just a narcissistic asshole. I mean I guess I could say that at least my parents taught me how to do it wrong, so now I know how to do it right.
12 years ago, unironically.
most people aren't possessed. They just have demonic obsessions.
>everyone is possessed by cruel demons
>well they don’t stop me from doing what I want to do even if those things are bad for me
I hope that in some point of your life you will find a little bit of agency for yourself.

Have you ever thought of the spiritual implications of your body being made up of cells but your mind/spirit is only alive within your brain?
>become paralysed
>can no longer sense or control the cells that make up your entire body
>those cells don't die and still grow and repair like normal even without your brain being able to sense when it is damaged
>this implies that you could switch out your brain with a completely new brain and your body would never notice and vice versa
What does this say about people who believe we are all God? Individually we have none of the powers of God. If you aren't in a group with other people then you are the equivalent of a flaking skin cell or an isolated neuron pretending it's an entire brain. Are you vital enough that your death would be the equivalent of an aneurism?
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You are an immortal being, a miniscule fragment of God.
A tiny fragment of God does not have the total power of God.
You are in a temporary mortal body, a vehicle you need in order to experience the learning opportunities of this world; this world itself is a mortal body.
Eventually you will return to Source, and you will bring all the lessons you have learned with you.
>literally says nothing
>the soul is in the heart
>heart attacks don't change anything about your personality or spirituality
>mind altering drugs do in fact change your personality and spirituality
>toenail claiming to be the human being
Unless being a God is just being a scientist this is pointless. Nothing you get from this life would prepare you for an entirely new universe with entirely different physics or even psychology/ethics.
L. Ron Hubbard taught that the thetan (You) is a symbiotic parasite on the genetic entity (or what Mary Mueller Shutan calls the "body deva"), both of which have their own series of past lives. Michael Newton's Journey of Souls reveals the same thing in the scenes where the hypnotic subject takes a new body and essentially possesses the fetus.
>this implies that you could switch out your brain with a completely new brain and your body would never notice and vice versa

it does not imply that. if you know anyone who had an organ transplant, you will know that they have to keep their immune system knocked out with pills because otherwise the body is gonna reject.

the physical body is the projection of the etheric double.
the mind is a faculty of the etheric double.
the mind has nothing to do with how your body functions - you do not consciously beat your heart or breath.
the etheric double (your soul) is the archetype after which phsyical reality models itself after through the power of your spirit (self).
this faculty is not impeded when you are parlyzed. paralysis is a physical phenomenon and has nothing to do with your soul..

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You have to admit, he does make a good point. Don't remain ingnorant about your reality.
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Satan is not the Jewish devil.
Satan is entropy, struggle, strife and change. Without this frictive force this reality would stagnate into heat death.
Agios O Satanas
Without this force, there'd be no need for change. Satan is the concept of decension into base desires, silly.
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Even if that were true(and who the fuck said anything about Christ killers?), none of those things are capital G Good. Again, Satan takes another big L
Wrong bitch
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