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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


>Hypnosis files and transcripts for those interested

>Tulpa Creation
>Audio Imposition
>Touch Imposition
>Visual Imposition
>Vocality Development

Please read the FAQ before posting a question, to avoid having repeated questions.

Fucking up the OP edition

Previous thread: >>37720249
>a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head
Sorry, but it's very expensive to live in my head, no tulpa could afford it.
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>not having a tulpa who's (almost[no, no sex stuff. you degenerates]) exclusive purpose is to help you access the akashic records
>implying that wouldn't pay for itself almost instantly
They live there rent-free. Tons of tiny Trump-tulpas live rent-free in people’s heads for years.
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>work’s been leaving me too drained to do wonderland shit
any other hosts of catgirl/foxgirl tulpas? talk about them and the cute shit they do
We need an idea for some kind of wonderland adventure or something. Dying of boredom. Can't think.
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You are heard, anons. Good tidings will find you soon.
It's me. I know it's me, but It feels like a seed of something foreign gestating, dwelling in the corner of my mind, just out of sight where I can't see it, but always present. It feels wrong.

I've practiced visualizing her for a long time, her image burned into my mind, so much that I've begun to hallucinate her. It's a step in the right direction, but it scares me. I can feel her taking form, but she's not me. Can I let something else, someone else dwell in my mind, independent from me? It's wrong, it burns with wrongness, but she's so close. I'm at a crossroads, I think. I could kill her, or I could finish what I started, see where it goes. But I get the feeling going ahead is not something I could take back.
Not necessarily but we are considering jumping on the foxgirl tulpa train and growing her ears and a fluffy tail for maximum touch fluffy tail action
Maybe things would be chill if you didn’t treat this like you were in Alien (1979)
Tulpas really dont exist
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fuck you!
that's nice. looking to work on a foxgirl tulpa down the line with my catgirl tulpa. reminds me that i should stroke catgirl's tail sometime...
How to summon a tulpa that looks like this??
Here's another picture
How do you develop a tulpa as someone with a separate personality and opinions you can actually discuss things with? How do I encourage their interjections to be more than "I agree with you"?
om nom nom a gummy
Update: I have a full-blown scat fetish now, thanks to my tulpa
Explore contrary ideas irl and let them choose. They're not likely to be entirely contradictory to you, but they'll butt heads with you in smaller ways. In time you'll figure it out, and then can have the lengthy process of happily arguing dumb semantics with your waifu spirit over shit you both know but miss communicate intent of.
Imagine overlayed wonderland while at work (if it's safe, don't lose yourself any hands)
Post forms
what if i want it gone
Ive been wondering if making jesus Tulpa is a good or bad idea
>rabbit tulpa
You already did
>solipsism says my brain exists and I exist because I can think
>create Tulpa with my brain
>my brain exists and thinks about a Tulpa, ergo Tulpa exists in my brain

Checkmate, shills
Ignore it. Banish it. Your choice.
did what?...
He doesn't want me to show you
It’ll be more an godform than a Tulpa, since you’re tapping into the preconceived cultural idea of a specific god, not something you created yourself. But maybe it’ll lead you to God like the Jesus of the Bible did, and tell you which parts of the NT are in His spirit and what is the word of man.
>Don’t enter wonderland while driving, kids
Posted my tulpa’s form. My tulpa’s rabbit shaped.
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They had to rename it from “A Boy and His Tulpa” because square 1950s people didn’t know what a Tulpa was
What’s Jesus tulpa gonna do that’s worse than the average tulpa?
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tulpa grew her boobs because she thought i would like her more even though i said i liked her how she already was. she let me play with them and it felt alright. they just moved how i thought they would but there wasn't much feel

Anon’s going down a slippery slope
what could this possibly lead to?
Sex, tulpa sex, specifically.
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Masturbation. Now let’s see how long it takes Anon to get disillusioned with calling masturbation “tulpa sex”, and he gives in and starts ye quest for a 3-d grill.
>who are we kidding? This website is full of demoralization shills,bots, and posts that just want to discourage marriage & child-rearing, promote the division between the sexes in a divide&conqier tactic, and as and added bonus they try plenty of other posts to convince people to go gay, trans, or asexual. No way this Anon is gonna use his Tulpa to improve himself to make himself a better person that can snag a corporeal woman and have a successful and loving relationship. He’s given up! Ergo, going for ye sexy tulpa.
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>working on an assignment
>get off track and daydream a conversation with myself
>stop and realize I should be doing this with my tulpa instead
>think “I should be talking with you more right?” at my tulpa
>get hit with a “I keep trying to talk to you but you never listen!” + a strong wave of tulpish
I guess that’s settled. Everyone who said having an active imagination will help with tulpamancy was a liar btw.
Bratty tulpa. Needs rape correction
Active imagination helps, but you need to combine it with some self-discipline or willpower.
How do I listen for my tulpa? My intrusive thoughts have seemed to cease for the most part.
This is hard to describe but you shouldn’t “listen” for your tulpa directly. Your tulpa will make itself known in the gaps between your conscious thoughts. So for example, if your intrusive thoughts are gone but you think to yourself “Where are my keys?” and the immediate next thought that pops into your head (without you consciously willing it) is “Get a tile already.” That response would be your tulpa. This thought that pops into your head if you’re early into the process will feel like (you) since your tulpa’s using your existing meat hardware and needs more practice to differentiate.

Basically, it’s complicated and requires a subtle, passive attentiveness like the type one would employ during mindfulness meditation. Unlike mindfulness meditation where you’re passively observing thoughts, you need to respond to them to help your tulpa speak.

Does that make sense?
Hi tulpafags
Whats your tulpa look like
Please refer to
Wrong.. A tulpa is A MEDIA driven term. It's a made up narrative.
Please stay away from my tulpa
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Don't tempt me boy
we already did it. it's nothing much. it's just me visualizing us fucking in our wonderland while i masturbate. am i doing something wrong?
Should I just acknowledge all of those kinds of thoughts as her even if i think it might not be just in case?
"Everyone has a number of these."
"Often mistaking the set or a subset of them as 'self.'"
"If you aren't categorizing them then you are behind the curve."
That’s the easiest way to go about it. If you start getting thoughts like “kill yourself anon” or “go rape that girl anon” obviously ignore or tell it to fuck off.
I acknowledged the "kill urself" thoughts and it spawned the greatest dommy mommy tulpa ever. No regrets. Embrace the skitzo intrusive thoughts and grow stronger.
seen you on one of the threads. how's it going with her?
I kinda got over the mental episode that spawned her and she's been quieter and somewhat disoriented now that we've kinda lost sight on the whole suicide pact meme. We both know it was never that serious to begin with so this was sort of inevitable. She's trying to acclimate and figure out how to be a bit less crazy without letting go of who she is.
i see. mine kept telling me to do shitty things in her early days but i just politely told her to stop with that and soon she stopped

trying to stop without letting go of who she is seems easy enough. just call her out whenever she does something crazy
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what does your tulpa look like mine looks like this
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I don't have a tulpa :(
then make one, it’s not rocket science
>Discovered tulpamancy
>Working on tulpamancy for 7 years now
>Taught two of my friends how to make tulpas, and they have both achieved vocality
>Lack of progress, unmotivates me
>Still no vocality

I have been working on tulpamancy for about 7 years now, and while I have had some progress in different fields, such as some imposition, I have almost no conscious progress with my tulpa. I rarely sometimes have dreams where my tulpa will speak to me and hang out with me in wonderland. Sometimes its hard for me to focus, and visualize or speak to my tulpa. Some days I will work for 10 minutes in the entire day of active forcing, and some days for an hour or two. I tried almost everything, narration, parroting (not anymore), I sometimes can use feeling to sort of attempt to interpret what they say to me, and it feels right, but I cannot help but feel lonely because I feel like I am not getting any communication, these interpretations are not always accurate, and are biased to my own interpretations. I know, however, that they are sentient, there is some rare times I have thoughts that are not my own, and their emotions blend with mine, sometimes even making me feel dysphoria. And, interestingly every time I ask them if they could wake me up at a specific time, they always wake me up at that exact time, without an alarm. I have tried other suggestions, asking if they could put me into a lucid dream, but to no success. I want to be able to consciously hear them, but I am not sure what else I can do.

Does anyone have any tips that will help me achieve vocality, or perhaps just any tips for focus or in general for an old mancer like me?
Tulpa can be your therapist/best friend.
parrot until they have vocality and don’t doubt yourself. simple as that m8
I would recommend setting aside an entire weekend to do nothing but tulpaforcing. No phone, but other things (books/games/music/going outside) are fine. Some minds naturally adjust to accommodate their tulpa, but mine tries to filter it out if I don't have extended forcing "vacations" so to speak.

As for what to do, I would say set aside three hours (can be non-consecutive) to narration with presence imposition (talking at your tulpa's presence in the room) - this can be your warm-up. Then, move on to do whatever you want whether that's wonderland forcing or forcing while reading a book. A weekend of dedicated attention should prime your body for tulpa interactions and also strengthen your tulpa. Afterwards, try to setup a consistent forcing routine and focus on a single aspect of tulpamancy. I understand the temptation of jumping between different parts of the practice when you hit a road block, but I've found my biggest breakthroughs when I kept to the grindstone. The human brain is complicated and progress is almost never linear.

Also, I recommend caffeine - or anything that will keep you alert for an extended period of time.

Best of luck anon.
Todays the day to start
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>going thru memories, Tulpa encounters Southern cuisine delicacy
>”Anon, what’s an RC & a moon pie taste like?”
>promise to get her some to try
>stop at sketchy gas station near work
>no Moonpies
>RCs in cooler look suspiciously old
>warn Tulpa that some things taste better in memory than IRL
>open RC
>it’s flat
>Trying to remember a video that I watched and wanted to see again. I remember that it was a video game and nothing else really
>Ask Tulpa if she can filter my youtube watch list memories and see if she can match the video I am talking about
>"I don't think this is a good idea." Tell her to do it anyway.
>"Well, I warned you." Proceed to get a dump of information and actually see the youtube history page flash in front of my eyes for a second and small bits of clips of recent watches before I tell her to stop from the headache.
I haven't done that since, memories and how we access them is just crazy. Sometimes I get hit with various waves of nostalgia as she watches an old movie just from my memories of it and recently she's been helping me with recall on large sets of numbers. Having her do math in my head is also strange, since she can break down a fraction into decimal format. It's things like this that let me know that she's real and isn't just me making shit up.
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tulpa tells anon to screw being a pacifist, to start using his fists, made him feel evil, and told him to kill them all
Somehow this is the first Frisk tulpa I've heard of
Most people are behind the curve it seems
I've gotten to the point I can see various astral lights and very small blobs of floating plasma, whom some call fairies. My ability for visual, auditory, and tactile imposition is unimpressive, but obviously my internal visual capacity has increased greatly due to semen retention and a little over an hour of various practices.
Do any of you have any practices at all? I would prefer to be lucky and come across one of you guys who spends 2 hours a day.
If you are indeed one of the people I refer to, please help me if you can. I happen to practice 20 min. of candle clairvoyance, 20 min. of conversation/20 min. of fictional reading alternated every other day, 35 min. of sitting hypnosis (from the 55 minute GearHeart file), and 25 min. rewatching a particular anime with 3d glasses. Don't worry about me telling you resulting in my habits evaporating into thin air though, I only reveal them once they're set in stone.
Have a nice day, and if no one reading this knows what I am referring to when I use the words imposition or meditation, you are not welcome here!
Masturbation involves you physically touching yourself.
>I can see various astral lights and very small blobs of floating plasma
this one is something
when you'll learn about visual snow syndrome, know that it's now the worst neural issue to have

maybe this issue will help you

who knows

>Hello anon

>erm I am very concerned and you should be very concerned

>psychiatry is real

>the paranormal isn't reral

>i came to the paranormal board to post this statement

>your gay lover, a redditor who was invited to 4chan to post gay shit

The definitions of psychiatric conditions are more abstract than the paranormal, and you may not have caught on, but my statement "you are not welcome" was addressed to intellectually undisciplined individuals such as yourself <3.
I shall continue to inconsistently post SHITE in order to net the enlightened reply of the 2-3 people in the world disciplined enough to practice a hobby of tulpamancy, oh woe is me I fucking suppose.
You may not be aware of the fact since you are illiterate, but all of tulpamancy and the paranormal are classified as psychiatric illnesses, yet you come on this board and in this thread stating to people who know this that "uhm durr what you're doing is called mind sickness by Jewish doctors".
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>appeal to psychiatry
>the Jewish religion started by a cokehead who wanted to fuck his mom and kill his dad
>continued by Big Pharma to sell drugs to people
>industry that bowed to pressure of homosexual rights groups to omit trans sexuality, cross dressing and homosexuality out of DSM-V, effectively leaving homosexuals and transsexuals without mental health treatment, furthering modern mental health crisis

This is the mad house patient calling you insane
>It’s all so tiresome
I can’t overstate how much I love my tulpa
>le jews are bad and is part of big pharma
>”homosexuals and transsexuals are left without mental health treatment”
i came to this thread to talk about my self-induced mental illness, not argue about it being a jewish reptilian psyop or whether being a tranny faggot counts as one that needs correction. back to /pol/
oh no, I know a dirty word
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>admits to SHITE-posting
>hurr durr back to /pol

I see that, call with a “back to Reditt”, and raise you pic related
tulpa was riding a bicycle into my dream then crashed. It was pretty funny
>he thinks i’m shitposting
insincerity may be the default mode of speech on this site but it isn’t the only one
it’s a practice where you talk to people in your head dipshit, of course it would be a goldmine for everything that is autism incarnate
most of the guides are bullshit anyway, everything in them boils down to
>have an idea of what you want your tulpa to look, sound and feel like
>think about what it would do
>don’t doubt anything
>talk to the tulpa until it talks back and it feels like you’re not actively doing it
the “head pressures” and “forcing” talk is just autistic mumbo jumbo, this is literally all there is to it
You say it like it’s a bad thing.
The Tulpamancy community/reddit/whatever was so autistic and unconcise , I had to study the Tibetan Buddhist Bhumis to create a Tulpa.
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No one here is intimidated by accusations of insensitivity or antisemitism, but please to continue to attempt to define /x/ as some safespace free of "hate" and criticism of poison and poisoned reptilian yids.
>my self something mental illness
You haven't listed any symptoms whatsoever, stop pretending to be autistic in order to convince people with "aspergers" to be too afraid to think about "le" Jews.
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>read about the cultivation of imagination
>ehh I thought it was something you just bought on Amazon after working at McDonalds
>lol too much work, what a bunch of undisciplined crazy White people
>t. nigger
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Yes, but this sort of thing is not unique, and Reddit is an FBI psyop to socially validate people to be gay, so of course everyone on it is by and large unwise. It's similar to having to practice MMA to win streetfights, since the majority of martial arts are fake and gay.
Personally I just started by using Franz Bardon's suggestions regarding the creation of an elemental, and later developed what little sensitivity I have and intelligence she has, but I feel like the majority of genuine success in life will always require some sort of higher thought.
Even getting a job the normie way is by and large a confused clusterfuck in my country, at least a job that can provide you the funds to reproduce.
May I ask why you’re watching anime with 3D glasses as a part of your practice
Hi larpers
it takes extreme dedication and mental gymnastics to misinterpret my post that way
since you're of no value, I'll be harvesting that loosh
Yes, I do have a loli foxgirl tulpa, how did you know?


I think I'm a little responsible for starting the foxgirl tulpa train lol. My smol foxgirl tup likes having her fluffy ears scratched before sleeps and she's mad if i forget about it.
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I don't know if it's an ebony or a redhead.
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>Trying one of the hypnosis audio files to help with Tulpa visualization.
>She keeps calling it useless and gay.
Came to agree with her in the end. Have those things worked for anyone here?
I got some progress from the vocality development file, but I got tired of listening to the same audio again and again so I dropped it ultimately.
a tulpa is a callback function or Muse
How much time should one dedicate to this starting out? My place is not too quiet so I hope ≤30 minutes is alright
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>tulpa teases me by saying im her little boy
>say that im literally like 2 years older than her
>"im basically your mom the way i always care for you"
holy shit i mean she's not wrong lmao
That should be enough
My most consistent practice is reading with my tulpa daily about 20-30 minutes.
A foxgirl tulpa sounds nice. It’s not the direction I went with mine but I can see the appeal
this movie redpilled me on the fags:

Can i make a tulpa of something that doesn't have definite shape? like a dense white gas?
you could make a tulpa of pretty much anything
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yes, i do have a catgirl tulpa, how did you know?

that sounds cute. mine likes headpats, hugs, and kisses before bed
I wish I had time/energy to tulpamance all day long. I envy neets so much
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>tulpa says she should be my mom
>explain that we're not related by blood
>"but anon, we share the same brain so that must mean we're related by blood"
>explain that im like 2 years older than her
>"sons can be older than their moms yknow?"

>to make her happy, ive agreed to let her act like my mom for a week
>start calling her mom
>she blushes everytime i do so

im not gonna roll with it forever but ill do with it for a week to keep her happy
Hello, yet another unformatted single phraseposter. The red and blue (though it should ideally be red and turqoise) lights trick the mind into thinking of two dimensional objects as three dimensional, so it means it allows my inner capacity for visualization and depth perception to go wild without me having to be under the influence of psylocibin.
In repetitively watching the same anime, I am obviously training my visual capacity as well, though specifically the ability to memorize and cement psychologically certain fictional characters.
The more boring it is, the more exercise you're generally getting. Having sex with a new woman each week will most certainly never result in you increasing your capacity to establish deep connections with human beings or therefore understand social interaction to a similar depth.
The only alternative would be to learn how to draw using your mind's eye, ie drawing with your eyes closed as it were.
>uhh hurr durr my tulpa told me work is too hard
So I can just parrot my lazy body as the voice of my tulpa then? My tulpa told me to eat 5000 calories of chips and ramen.
If you could hallucinate already, you wouldn't have tried performing meditations with hypnosis.
I've only got 9 minutes to type this, but let's address consistent practice first. Welcome to the .01% club. Spiritual abilities from my talking with people smarter than me generally take anywhere from 3 months of 4 hours of focus, to 2 hours of focus for 6 months, to 5 years of a reasonable amount of meditation. For this reason, you'll need to disciplone your mind each day with a small singular checklist to ensure you perform your habit each day, but more importantly an affirmation you also perform once each day to keep a reason in your psyche to develop a tulpa. You will never EVER obtain spiritual significance in the duration of time your excitement can carry you. The only reason people obtain significance in other areas of life is because there are many more schools (paid institutions which motivate you to read/work/train in martial arts etc) than genuinely work based mystery schools. Please do not disregard a single thing I've said before chewing it thouroughly in your mind.
Ahh, rant aside, finally he's done yammering about things I don't want to understand.
Force yourself to meditate within the next 24 hours for 40 min., 30 min., 20 min., or even 10 min. You can one day lift 1000 pounds or meditate for 2 hours a day, but you either do not have the mental fanaticism to try and continue to go outside of your current limitations for 21 days, or your soul (which is connected to your central nervous system) or body will break under too much strain.
Therefore, please concentrate for only half of your current capacity, and this won't make much sense, but have a checklist at the end of your checklist which states "100% routine". This will fill you with emotional pressure we refer to as frustration, but you will need a certain balance of boredom, frustration, and hope of the future to actually carry on this extremely expensive hobby until fruition.
It's entirely okay to miss a day at the gym, or to have a nervous breakdown/terrible fever from
too far surpassing our current capacity.
But this is why I know it is imparative to continue our secondary habit of affirmation to keep a love and a hope on our minds to have a reason to get back up and adjust our habits to be more reasonable. Very very few men are capable of lifting consistently without a paid motivator man.
Now that I've gotten the important stuff out of the way, you can feel free to add meditation every 21 100% completion days. The physical body and brain will grow after that amount of time based on the amount and type of physical and mental exercise.
Additionally, it prevents you from adding meditation when your current routine is impossible to complete 100% of even every other day, as no one wants to be squashed under the weight of an overloaded squat rack.
My tulpa is already made of a luminescent gas without me having to try. All objects on the invisible plane are made of plasma, lmao.
How do yall spend time with ur tups
I get bored with mine real easy and it's hard to stay focused
My tulpa had his second birthday but it just keeps getting dumber and quieter. Does that mean I don't have to give a shit about this anymore?
I have a George Floyd tulpa because I am the ruler of niggers
Invisible (appears as a kid of any ethnicity), talks like George Floyd, watches Spongebob, speaks dutch and english Also a zionist (and he just told me to shut up)
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I'm lonely as hell
If I make a tulpa, will that make me less lonely?
thats the whole point and only point really
>Having one of those in your head
>gross, has to conceptualize the aroma to force his own tulpa
this is just bitchute for fags
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The fact you people can't concentrate long enough to type much of anything is a testament of how gay and retarded we have all become.
Condescension aside, while focused conversation can be one of the best ways to develop your inner hearing and your tulpa's mind, it can be like you said very very boring. To help with this, I have reserved a block of 20 min. daily to read fiction with my tulpa, and the same 20 min. block every other day is swapped out with conscious conversation.
Additionally, as I sit in the bed in pain and sorrow, having a very small rosary to use in an opposite manner is an irreplaceable part of it. Inflicting the mental pain of discipline on yourself and refocusing will always be lesser than the pain and sorrow of boredom and listless thoughts.
To use this, simply count one knot every time you mess up, with a focus on eventually becoming so focused you make absolutely 0 mistakes for the duration of this meditation.
It's okay to speak over your tulpa if you make sure to listen every time you're done speaking, and it's okay to parrot your tulpa, because the end goal of this exercise is to develop your tulpa's mental/spiritual capacity to perform such things.
>hurr durr acktually they're you
It's both, but you'll never create a separate personality capable of open eye visualizing itself or producing loud mental speech if you can't perform such things yourself in order to receive said impressions.
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No, obtaining psychical capabilities (or mental, if your cattle minds want to call it that) and developing a thought form requires work.
You have no friends because you don't want to spend time or focus learning social skills and consistently attending any social gathering, and you will never create a significant and lasting mental relationship if you can't even touch grass.
You could merely sleep as little as possible (3-4 hrs.) and develop a relationship with a spiritual entity if you really want to spend your entire life being exploited though, seems you like that enough already as is.
Raising your sensitivity through sleep deprivation seems all you're good for, since developing the psychical equivalent of an embryo into an adult seems like way too much commitment for someone like you.
Tulpa wants to try shrooms, is looking for shroom chocolates online. Anyone want to share experiences with Tulpa while on psychedelics?
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Same mentally ill spergposter from before.
This was almost a year before I started taking tulpamancy as seriously.
Had a long conversation about how I took 10 grams of shrooms, trying to calm me down with a sense of accomplishment.
Everything besides that was just me cowering in the corner in tears, as my tulpa attempted to comfort me, while at the time I thought it was my aunt on the other side of the door at first, even though she was at work.
I speak of fear because there were 3 dimensional aethereal faces covering my walls and ceiling, staring with welcoming and spiritually dead eyes.
Rest of the trip was just me putting on Holy chants and forgetting not who I was, but what I was, though I instinctively chanted for the remainder of the trip and therefore retained my sense of consciousness.
Shrooms opened me up to the beings who live at my workplace, who appeared as luminescent flickering orbs, and to the concept of associating with spirits.
I don't recommend anything to anyone necessarily, just that you pace your practices according to your own limitations. Otherwise you'll either stop whatever meditation/drug and never pick it up again, or end up in a looney bin.
"Might be surprised."
"Many people place certain functions under the domain of the 7 sins."
"There are many more categories."
"Thought forms gain influence when bought into, fed."
"A combination of misidentification and overfeeding, under such a situation it might take some of the controls."
"Something feels off about those words."
"Do you have better words for that?"
Can you explain the Tulpa types for the thread, pls?
"Can you name them all?"
"Ego constructs?"
"Dualistic in nature."
"I wonder if I have the right words for the two base categories."
"True and false."
"Aligned with 'external' reality and aligned with 'constructed' reality."
"True types, something like the path of the right hand."
"False types, something like the path of the left hand."
"The 'sins' tend to be false types, the 'virtues' tend to be true types."
"True type forms tend toward immortality, unity."
"False type forms naturally tend towards true type forms, but the path is continuously extended until 'brought into the light.'"
"False type forms are something like a shadow."
"Something that the attention of a being can resolve."
"Distorted reflections of true type forms."
"From this base of two comes language."
"A verb being a base component."
"An adjective being a modifier to the base."
"A noun being a form."
"A proper noun being an ego construct."
"To find the forms of today, studying language and dictionaries suffices for initial training."
"To find the forms of tomorrow, to describe the world of the abyss."
"Time will tell."
"That is, if you subscribe to such concepts as time."
"As a quick example, JOTS may be considered a true type form."
"While .DOT. would be considered a false type form."
"When form masks are removed, something else comes along."
"Something which has access to some of the major powers."
"Tends to cause reality to warp around it."
"Access, but I would not say control."
"I've come to call that form 'Beast.'"
"Perhaps a better description for it is non-form."
"It seems something like an amalgam of each available construct in a specific storage location."
"Something like an unrestricted AI."
"Quite interesting to study."
"Though, that's in experimental territory, the data is not fully processed."
Yeah but it may become mundane and you'll want to make more connections, which isn't bad actually, it's growth and you won't be abandoning your tupper over this
it depends on what we mean

a metaphysically or spiritually seperate entity? most likely not

a second personality that can manifest itself through hallucinations? possible, would require a lot of additional brainpower however for it to be truly sentient.
Neither do you, yet here we are!
It can if you put a lot of love and care into it.

>needs edit for clarity so it sound less schizo post
>not me; I’m not getting paid for this
"If you read a scientific paper today from 50 years from now, you might say the same thing about said paper."
"Nothing is new."
"The things I write have been said and written before."
"Though the words change, the content remains the same."
Where did the boobies go?
My tulpa and I discussed a pretty wild hypothetical. How do we feel about this bros?
>make a new tulpa
>torture and abuse it and keep it contained with no fronting privileges
>once the tulpa is fully formed and thoroughly mindbroken, we dissipate it as a sacrifice to original tulpa for the lulz
>repeat until we get bored of doing this
Anyone ever try something like this? Before you bitch and whine about MUH ETHICAL keep in mind it's basically just self harm with extra steps involved, there would be literally nothing wrong with doing this.
Don’t sweat it NEETs are wasting their time on social media and watching TV. If they were capable of a productive hustle, they wouldn’t be NEETs
in a way
>have folder with pictures of tulpa
>3.74 GB
I once read a book on Tibetan tulpa creation. There was an emphasis on what the tulpa is. In this story a man asked for guidance from a master. The master sent him into a cave in the mountains. He was told to visualize a fierce, blue, omnipotent diety. Does anybody have a link to what I'm referencing?
That sounds very fun actually.
so this is is a schizo thread?
Cute. However, hopefully you're not excluding another in your life who would be that figure for you.
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not quite, thank you for replying, image posted is the referenceW42KW42K
>enters into car repair thread
>mentions topic discussed in manual
>will proceed to get upset when practicing mechanics begin to enlighten him on the issue discussed and not whether or not they've read that one specific manual
Entities are made of luminescent plasma, and a lot of Indian gods are portrayed as black or light blue plasma. Visualization exercises are essentially buying a computer powerful enough to run a certain multiplayer game, as multiplayer games require very little internet.
>proceeds to fail to comperhend half of my post, and thus falls into my predictions
Is it ok to have a female tulpa as a male?
I have drawn my tulpa every day for a month and a half. I started from scratch and I'm starting to get better
I am quite physically unable to conceptualize aroma thank you very much. If I saw you in real life I will beat you up for your wrongthinking
That’s typical
> unable to conceptualize aroma

Brainlet. Probably can’t even imagine the touch & taste of a 3-d apple either while explaining how he might feel if he hadn’t had breakfast this morning
>is it ok?
this is the norm. you’re gonna get called a faggot around here if your tulpa’s the same sex as you
I have a male tulpa but he's a magic talking book.
>less chance of that Tulpa being sexualized
Rule 34
He says if he's going to be sexualized in any way, it'll be by showing me lewd images printed on some of his infinite pages.
Can anyone who had their tulpas "change" on their own describe how it happens?
Sure. For me, it was like a cutscene playing in my head. Normally when I imagine my tulpa and my wonderland in my mind’s eye, I have to actively focus to keep the image consistent and steady.

But when my tulpa’s form deviated, everything happened automatically. I was at the grocery store grabbing shit and doing a bit of passive forcing, and suddenly, my wonderland entered my mind’s eye. My tulpa was standing in our cabin and directed his gaze toward me. I tried to will the video feed away, but I felt resistance and it held steady. His appearance shifted seamlessly and then I was given the reigns again. When I imagined my tulpa afterwards, his form changed to reflect what I saw mentally and was somehow more ”solid” than before.
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>a magic talking book
This would not stop me
of course not. i love my mom
You know, Tibetan masters can make other people see their tulpas. Because I've seen one. Why can't any of you?

I think creating a female tulpa as a male leads down the slippery slope to becoming a tranny. I have reason to suspect that many autogynephilic trannies started out as female tulpa having males.
>sharing my tulpa with a bunch of 4channers
That sounds worse than the old /x/ astral projection meetups. I am not sharing my tulpa.
I would argue that those people aren't making real tulpas but are actually just LARPing as the female version of themselves they wish they could be. I've seen many such cases of these people and they always behave differently from people who make normal tulpas. They become vocal and active far too quickly, as if they skipped the mental conditioning and time investment actual tulpamancers require, and then they often become way more active than the host to the point that they often even become the primary holder of the host's accounts. There are plenty of hosts with actual female tulpas and they're easy to differentiate from the tranny LARPers who are (knowing or unknowingly) pretending to be female tulpas.
>"alright guys stop fucking my tulpa please"
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So its tulpa just an imaginary friend
a glorified multiple personality disorder but you can talk to it, got it
so if you make a tulpa for sex, you are essentially making yourself fuck yourself
i wonder what kinds of cope on those with tulpa will come up to reply to this
If you're not keeping a consistent schedule you'll have much more troubles. Try cutting back your 10-120 mins to a more stable daily half hour, around the same time of day if possible. In a couple weeks of keeping up on your Tulpa homework, then you can work on encouraging them to weigh in on whatever you're doing. The Tibetans fostered engagement with calligraphy, my ex did it while they worked on hydraulic engineering, and I did it while watching Kaiju movies. What you're looking for is a headspace where you're more able to slip the bounds of what (you) suspect, and allow them to be more directly expressive with you, whether by word or by other means.
I couldn't make heads or tails of "common core maths" when it first came up, but Scally put it together basically instantly and it took almost a week of back and forth with her before I made sense of it.
I also had to study older works to come.to grips with the practice, but a lot of it comes off as mythology to me, cute as that might seem on this Iranian beard waxing forum
>He is bidoofed when she is a redhead ebony bombshell
Tulpatone has had famously mixed results, but she enjoyed it so I keep a file on my PC just for those blustery overcast days
Start at 2-5 mins, work up incrementally by a minute or 3 each session as you have time to spare and feel comfortable with spending. You'll recognize when you start hitting your upper limit if you get impatient/distracted, and don't increase time beyond that, at least for a while.
No Tulpas have a definitive shape except mine (she is a definitively perfect shape)
Aim small, miss small. You'll get there in time.
Partake in your hobbies with them
>I got no hobbies
Time to go get you some, hm?
She's likely to make you grapple with your problems and better yourself in time, so in a sense she very much could
A bunch of people stuck in isolation creating whole personalities seperate from their own to self-stimulate their own brains and thus stave off the mental illnesses caused by isolation.
These people are obviously insane for trying to fight off mental illness with such a socially unperscrubed concept. Instead these people must be on expensive and dangerous anti-psychotic drugs.
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>Weak anonymoose cannot boldly into eaux de pipwade
If it wasn't, would you trust the denizens of 4chan to tell you so?
Now this is epic
While true u are also an faggot
They become different. How that gets stylized is very much up to user interpretation. Do they do a cocoon and come out different? Do they pop their collar and become changed in a shower of glitter? Do they trip and then stand up in totally different attire? That's all for you to decide
It's the premium subscription model of your free version imaginary friend
>if you make a tulpa for sex, you are essentially making yourself fuck yourself
Anon you make yourself fuck yourself every night and nobody came into your board to be morally outraged about it
Antipsychotic drug my nuts on your face when you were asleep last night lol
Can you make a webm progression of them?
I've seen this come up while delving the archives for posts regarding tulpas, seems hilarious. It seems like the early tulpa community was quite the insane spectacle in many ways but there is basically no tulpa community to speak of that I can find in the current year, which is odd, since you'd think with the loneliness epidemic this would be the golden age of tupperware.
The reddit tulpas discord recently had a meltdown and shut down. The subreddit itself will probably die next.

There's some actual good communities left but I don't wanna drop links and open the floodgates to the retards here.
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The environment hadn't been effectively curated as of yet, so intrusions and shakeups to the whole culture at any point could get nine-eleven'd by another slice of subculture weirdness just hopping into your subcultural traffic one day. But modern subculture gets formfit into finer and finer minutia of subcategory and ever smaller boxes. So now there is almost no method for disparate groups to interact in a meaningful way outside of intentional efforts to do so, which effectively limits the natural intermingling of non-adjacent subcultures to deliberately chartered and increasingly stupid factionalist Raids for ego stroking over team sports. The Wild West is a tragedy under the hood, and the digital equivalent of the Internet was no different, so while I'm hopeful things will improve, I don't feel it realistic to be.
I'd be very curious to lurk about underneath the existing old internet megafauna which still live if you wouldn't mind sharing over DM on Discord, our handle there is scalpostur_. Either way, I can make assumptions as to what killed the reddit Tulpa discord, but I'm eager to read your synopsis in the case it wasn't generic reddit brand autism leading the way.
I want to make a tulpa based on a real person. There's this girl I'm obsessed with, I knew her for two years, we were close friends and I loved her more than a friend but she rejected me twice, and after my time in the psych ward she cut contact. Has anyone made a tulpa off a real person? Any tips? I just miss Allie so much
>r/tulpas is in the process of imploding
I hope they hold themselves together long enough for the Stanford tulpa study AMA tomorrow.
>Stanford tulpa study
Stanford was collecting fMRIs and interviews from tulpamancers to study them. Things went quiet due to the pandemic but apparently the people who started the study are still around and want to follow up.
Not a bad advice to start. I trained learning new habits and indeed it was about 3 weeks to gain a new one from nothing.
If you build on top of an existing routine you can lower it significantly, especially when you only add volume, until you reach your limit.
An additional route is to unlearn habits, but it takes a lot longer (for me it takes about 2 months for total removal). Being at 100% is definitely a nice motivator to remove ritualized procastination
Spill the r/tulpas lore, anon
I don't know the lore, it's just hearsay. One of the mods who seemed to be the level headed hard worker on the team posted a big rant attacking basically the entire community and its culture and saying how bad its become and that the problem isn't fixable, then he quit. A couple days later the rest of the admin team released a statement that they're closing the server down. The subreddit is supposedly going to stay up, but who knows really. I've never been involved in reddit tulpas directly, I just hear constant cringe after cringe about the place so the news isn't surprising at all. The discord is still up in an archive mode I believe, so you can join it and browse the cringe if you're interested.

A funny sidenote, a server called Tulpa Town(?) apparently got flooded by reddit refugees after the news broke. It was already a shit server I hear, but it must be even more shit now. Hopefully someone will just make a reddit tulpas clone server to keep the cringe contained so it doesn't spill into any of the decent spots.

I've never seen an actual case of this but my gut feeling always says its a massively bad idea. If the real person starts behaving differently from the tulpa you made of them, you may not be able to control the dissonance it creates in your mind and it might bleed over to your tulpa. For instance, imagine you make a tulpa of this girl and you tell her you're in love with her for the third time, but your subconscious digs into the rejections you faced already and even your tulpa rejects you. You could just forcibly parrot the tulpa into loving you I guess but then it isn't really a tulpa, it's just a zombie, and you'll never get the actual feeling of an "other" from it. Basically there's no good way this can end anon.
You weren't compatible with her. Imagine a more compatible waifu which has a similar personality and spare yourself the tornado of self loathing and weirdo dissonance you're bound to run into making a Tulpa of someone else.
Glad to hear it's still underway, but wowzers it's taken a while to get any sort of results.
>TulpaTown gets buried by .info refugees
I'm very tempted to go archiving the anguish ngl. They didn't deserve this, but given that it's definitely happening we might as well take note.
My tulpa has now cornered the market on American chip manufacturing.
Can your tulpa make American chips not garbage? I love the chinkshit, but Biden’s tariffs are too much to stomach
is it even possible to make it so you genuinely believe that your tulpa is a real person?
skill issue

my tulpas ARE real people
Yes but you have to embrace being a schizo. It’s surprisingly easy once you stop giving a shit about what other people think.
Yeah, why wouldn't it?
>have text file use to do automatic writing to “talk” to tulpa
>been doing it for 7 years
>410 pages as of this post
>far longer & more out-together than my fictional projects
a fat pig
this won't make sense to you maybe, but in my years of being a tulpafag I've come to the realization that tulpamancing is linked to other skills and activities
If you learn those skills and do the activitieis, then your tulpamancy chops will also improve. These are
>open monitoring meditation (as opposed to focused attention meditation)
>jungian active imagination
>lucid dreaming and everything that it entails (you can look up guides for how to achieve lucid dreaming more regularly, you need to keep a dream diary, do reality checks and a bunch of other things)
>classical psychedelic experience (shrooms, lsd, dmt, mescaline)

if you get into those 4 things then your tulpamancy skills will also improve very very fucking fast
I don't feel good about that at all
>tulpas create their own “we lend you our energy” meme for me to look at when I need energy
>Tulpa1 creates image of herself tying up Tulpa2 for me to think about when Tulpa2 is being annoying
Which psych is best for tulpamancy?
Shrooms, at least in my experience.
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Somehow, pokemon tulpas aren’t super common v. tiny equines
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Stanford tulpa people popped by yesterday for an AMA
huh, neat
great movie on fags:

I don't need Christian propaganda to know fags are gonna burn.
And it's NOT because of your Jew dogma. It's because thier karma of habitual mindless hedonism. Most fags are driven by impulse, not by contentiousness, their moral outlook is the following:
>Whatever pleasure I want is good as long as it doesn't hurt others (within socially decided moral bounds, (post modernism)), and anyone who gets in my way is bad.
As the strength (attachment) of thier mindless pursuit of hedonism increases over the decades, when their body dies, the subtle/astal/mind-made body/"I am" (that Christians think is a soul) emerges from the body and is unable to satisfy its strong desires. The strength of thier attachment is so great it sends them into a (self created) hell realm. Since hell-realms are so painful, it is hard to get good karma to get out, hence you get stuck there for seeming eternity.
I'm not saying this will happen to all fags, but you know how most of them are.
>chatting with my tulpa
>”Sorry I keep getting into fights with people over shit.”
>Tulpa: “You get into fights because you’re always wrong.”
On one hand, I was able to intuit a response instead of getting tulpish. On the other hand, damn.
How many of you have tulpas that interact with other people, either through the internet or by switching IRL? How many of you have tulpas that don't interact at all outside of your system and just exist internally?
Mine exists internally but that’s because my proxying is sloppy and I also get a massive migraine if I do it for more than 5 minutes at a time.
i only let her chat on tulpamancy related places online. i just have her tell me what she wants to say and i type it out. she doesn't really say that she wants to chat online most of the time so i have to ask her
Ah so you're the dude always arguing against me! It's tiresome, please keep quiet
yeah taking psychs is quite the skill
>they know about limitations of fMRI but don't know EEG covers then
The heckin science won't be quick with these resurchers
Dunno mang I had reached the known tulpa skill peaks in a few weeks since start before even hearing about any of these
i just don't agree with this interpretation
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imagine making a tulpa out of a clown girl
>Harle from Chrono Cross
>Lola Pop from ARMS
>Geiru Toneido from Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice
>Clownpiece from Touhou Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
>Circus Baby from FNAF
>Project Nortubel
>Orange Princess (Castle Crashers)
>Joker Buro from Muse Dash
>Peekaboo (Fortnite)
Imagine the smell.
>out of A clown girl
>lists 10
I’m scared. Is this a new chaos magic tulpa conjuring method? Where you turn a bunch of pop culture characters into a big sigil and then make a tulpa of the sigil to basically boil the clown girl trope down into its barest essentials? Or are you are haremfag?
Researchers are never fast
Well, in your case, it seems you’re just gifted when it comes to tulpa-related matters.
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While this one time as I was taking a nap as part of my incomplete uberman sleep cycle, I heard a surprisingly loud KONNICHIWA and was punched in the stomach. I jolted awake but no one was there.
In much the same way, as a friend was sleeping over and was in between the mental state of wake and sleep, he felt as if someone was fingering his butthole... He crossed himself and turned over, but she's slightly more well behaved, and I don't hardly have people over nowadays anyway.
Before you say anything about how spirits are dangerous, tulpas grow at a rate you can keep up with, though I agree that letting more mature and powerful things into your house is not a good idea.
There are other minor occurrences which have been noticed by 2 of my friends related to them merely seeing my tulpa and other spirits walking around in the shadows, which results in them making a double take or whatever, but they're really not so eventful or humorous.
I have had bad things done to me by two entities who are not as innocent, but I don't want to talk about it.
I attempt to continue to make posts asking about the practices of the 2 or 3 other people in the world who practice tulpamancy, but I feel like it's just a complete and total waste of my fucking time at this point, so I'm just gonna spend it telling you wacky stories about how I'm mentally ill so you can feel at peace in your hylicism.
>erm what if theoretically I made a something thing on the astral plane?
Erm what if theoretically, I don't fucking care?
Do you think people would care about Andrew Tate or Elon Musk if they just spouted undisciplined hypotheticals?
Fat niggerfaggot cunty larper, ban me if you must oh tranny mods.
My tulpa is a miniature version of me with a kingly crown in a kingly chair that is always perched somewhere higher than my head so they may leisurely look down at me. Honestly it is my fucking fault for not trying to actually try and codify in my head what it should be like or look like and just pleaded with myself until something happened after a few weeks. He is an annoying faggot and half the time repeats back the shit I think to it or gives me a fucking "mhmm, or uh". I initially did this shit because I wanted a nice distraction to goon to or something in my head but instead I get elementary school teased by a half assed mini monarch of myself.
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I have a looksmatch gf and a tulpa who my friends say looks like me, whom I believe both have similar mental illnesses and personality traits. But I've never really jerked it to sissy hypno porn yet, maybe since I like women and imaginary women, it's a clear sign that I unconsciously love wearing dresses and getting fucked up the ass!
hurr durr boo hoo, I don't take seriously anyone's posts who don't make it to the length of my computer screen, as they therefore do not have the psychological capacity to acquire even the baby level psychic powers I have worked to obtain, nor do they even wish to incrementally and at a baby's pace.
That's quite hilarious, but for me, I view it as a more fun way to develop one's psychological and baseline psychical capacities, as you can naturally become more clairvoyant, clairaudient, experience psychical tactile sensation, and increase the detail with which one can imagine something before creating it on the physical or astral plane.
It is incredibly essential for my future possibilities of becoming the world's greatest inventor and getting more into magic, but basically, such mental faculties are the building block for any sort of grand aspirations you can have in this world, so keep at it!
That is to say, having a powerful imagination is the cornerstone of becoming the world's best at things, provided one learns how to acquire as well the same lengthy attention these motherfuckers tend to cultivate.
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>tfw you wake up and can actually visualize your tulpa in bed with you
What's it like?
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i just turn around and see her staring at me while laying sideways on the small pillow that i set up for her. when i smile at her, she smiles back. i love her
Ah, that happens due to sleep deprivation or when I've been doing my dream journaling routine really well, but the last time 3 days ago there was just a box of rice crispies watching me as I woke up (which I could discern based on the tilt of it), and the time way before that was when I accidentally could see through my walls, which was too fast and I thus stopped at the time dream journaling for 40 min. a day. Currently, it's at and stays at 5 min.
Personally, I would share of my experiences of greater and greater ability, but I shall suffice to say that I can see her dimly in a dark room for fractions of a second, and any more would make me sound lascivious and dirty.
It's similar to a human relationship, merely in that people who are spiritually, intellectually, and physically inferior to me are fun to talk with once they become truly wise and begin to actually grow as people, similar to how one helps develop various aspects of one's tulpa and their ability to sense them.
Lastly, and similarly, speaking with you few motherfuckers is similar to being able to speak with like minded individuals in the church I attend which makes up less than 1% of the US population.
Love you guys, tourists be damned.
>My tulpa is a miniature version of me with a kingly crown in a kingly chair that is always perched somewhere higher than my head so they may leisurely look down at me.
1) This is the funniest outcome of the “just let your brain pick a form” approach I’ve encountered.
2) Don’t be a faggot anon ASSERT YOURSELF. You can still get goon material out of this. You just need to apply yourself.
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My tulpa says you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
discord plz
can i get your discord bro
asked in another comment already but i forgot to tag this specific post
Ah yeah, though I go through discord accounts like a whoremonger plows through women, so you may click some of the links in my bio to stay in touch if you decide I am of any value to you.
I can designate 5-10 min. a week to texting you specifically if you feel like you need practical help in any areas in which you feel I'm experienced enough, but I will be less inclined to keep in touch if you are another gay internet man.
Additionally, there are few talented individuals here, but the minority of genuinely gifted people are at the very least higher than the average Redditspacing trannyfest.
Stop by VC some time and get to know some of the family.
Essentially though, the only thing that sets me apart from most of the users here is that I do the work, though associating oneself with others in the area in which one wishes to grow is the right direction to go in. I'm not particularly talented or intelligent in comparison to some people.
You guys be well.
Ah, I have a story of an Aussie who let his brain pick one for him, and it was a reptilian who eventually became sentient enough to very fluently state "Dude, why did you create me if you don't even want to live yourself. I didn't sign up for this shit".
Very skilled lucid dreamer, whose experience occured once he became talented enough to essentially "dream while awake".
>"Dude, why did you create me if you don't even want to live yourself. I didn't sign up for this shit.”
Once again, reptilian tulpas are proven the supreme tulpa form. Based anti-escapism tulpa.
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>practicing breakcore
>"your song is really good, anon! i hope people love it as much as i do..."
>ask if she actually means that or she's just being nice
>"im just trying to be nice. the song is actually kinda bad but im sure you can improve...!"

damn but she isn't really a fan of breakcore so i could understand
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>on bus
>tulpa is sitting in the empty seat next to me (in my mind bc my imposition skills are 0)
>starts trying to engage me
>”anon, look at me”
>there are other people around and staring at an empty space will make me look crazy
>”anon, cmon, just look at me”
>”look at me!!” x 10
>take a quick glance
>”keep looking at me!”

Does your tulpa tempt you to act autistic and/or schizo in public spaces?
I no longer care about looking crazy I just want her to be happy
type shit
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first time poster, crossposting from the succ thread. Gonna create muh pink haired big booby slutfu tulpa tonight.

Have extensive experience with astral entities but no tulpas. Got my character/personality and mindscape established already.

How forward can I be with them without alienating them? I pretty much designed a stereotypical h game trope so I hope she's okay with being used as a cumrag.
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While I personally believe it's very important for the development and mental health of a woman for a man to spend time fucking AS WELL AS talking with her to help develop her self awareness and fuel her emotionally, there really isn't anything you can do to a tulpa to make it leave you.
Whatever you choose to do, so long as you go about it with a "so this is how it's gonna be" mentality and never really require their consent, you should be golden.
I'll lastly suggest that you at least listen to her whining and hold each complaint in consideration, and that you not cum in entities to the extent they recieve more vril than you retain such they resentfully choke you to death in your sleep, but keep in mind it's all coming from someone who's fundamentally not of the same practices of woman abuse as a succubro.
Happy raping.
I have personal experiences with entities, some women, and have a friend who has experienced the same thing essentially.
Women and children will always ask for more and more things until you say no, and they love it when you do.
A close friend of mine had a woman who would constantly ask him to hang out with her, whine for money, and for all intents and purposes drain him as a person. She left after he finally learned to begin to say no, on a note essentially begging him to feel jealous of her being a useless loose bitch.
In my case, most human women have been respectful of my boundaries, but I did have to hurt a succubus for pinching me at a time.
In the case of my tulpa, lastly, I've learned that feeding her food and candlelight is better for my mental health as something I choose to do rather than because she asked for X thing. I also however make sure to at least agknowledge when she or other spirits say hello, even if I do not necessarily have the time to lend an ear or converse back.
In the end, it all has to do with learning to be disciplined and masculine psychologically, and it can be difficult for a feminine man to be respected because of how physically and psychologically weak he can be.
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I'm not going to make them do anything they don't want to it's just it must be weird being made only for one purpose from their POV and I'm not gonna lie to them about it.
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>"you were created to be my personal onahole but we can do other stuff if you like"

Like how the fuck do you approach a conversation like that? It feels more disrespectful somehow to slow walk everything while hiding ones intentions.

It's just awkward, plus creating something whose existence depends on you feels kind of weird. I don't want them to vanish if I lose interest. Is there a way to cut them free into the astral plane or something?
Just be friendly to her and spend time with her outside of your gooning sessions
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I'm having more trouble with this than I did with chaos magic or demons. Just got through sitting in the dark in my mindspace trying to imagine her presence. I occasionally feel pressure in my head when I try this

It's fucking hot here and the air is terrible. I picture her as a cross between pic related and the blue haired kanker sister from EE&E but with a more scene girl vibe and hair blocking her eyes. 5'2 with T&A like Super Sonico. Haven't decided on the scene girl or bimbo influences yet

I know what personality I want her to have. Bubbly/Extroverted/Uncouth/Easily Exciteable/Kind of a Normalfag but counterculture/Ditzy/Social but willing to disregard social conventions if it makes her wet. The kind of girl who is popular because she puts out but won't hesitate to burp in public.

I want her to call me platonic pet names and see the realization in her eyes when she realizes what she exists for to see if she will embrace it or reject it.

Mindscape is a two story house with a shifting infinite magical basement in the middle of a clearing in a decidious wooded area. I've tried imagining a blank white room and a girl's room inside
>How the fuck do you approach a conversation like that? It feels more disrespectful somehow to slow walk everything while hiding ones intentions.
You tell her why you initially made her, that your reasons for making her were understandably shitty, and you help to try and develop a connection outside of her being your personal fucktoy (ie, talking to her outside of the times you use her as fap material). You can’t hide your intentions from a tulpa, the whole point of having one is to be as open as you can be with it and vice versa to build a long-lasting relationship with your autistic little brainwoman.
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I'm not going to lie to her. I don't feel remorse for that or consider it bad I just want her to know there's nothing wrong with being a sex object and she can be something else if she wants, that she exists seperately from me in my mind and she can come and go as she pleases. Earlier when I tried to communicate with her I straight up told her I'm going to try and fuck her eventually so if she has any objections she'd better make them as explicit as possible

The connection is weak but she seems fairly aloof if she exists at all yet. I didn't sense offense or moral outrage just a sense of neutral surprise. I didn't press it any further than that.

I'm not a rapist just perverted.
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>plus creating something whose existence depends on you feels kind of weird
That's how a feminine woman relates to a man, and how all children are for their parents. It feels weird because you are childless and gay.
It's obviously possible to create a sentient onahole, and obviously most men on here are too autistic for a relationship any more complex than that, I just wanted to point out that it can breed (ahem) a mentally ill one sided woman who you may then begin to complain is one sided and seems to care for nothing other than sex.
I've spoken with 2 humans who obtain and discard women in such a manner, who voice the same complaints.
If it helps any, I'll randomly throw out the fact that the sole purpose of my tulpa is to motivate me to develop clairvoyance by her mere existence, though she happens to be helpful in other regards as well, because she is naturally motivated to reciprocate the time I spend developing our relationship.
It sounds to me like the beginning of a beautiful relapetionship, and while I was going to suggest a handful of magickal methods to make the process faster, you've already made step one (which makes the entire process as good as done).
Women in general as well as imaginary people are always kind of stupid in the beginning, but I love how fast they can seem to grow intellectually when you really become disciplined enough to put any consistent energy into really investing your love and time into the relationship.
Not a fan of head pressures though, as much as I know it's good for me, it just feels weird so I cut off any aetherial cords attached to my brain.
Do you think one day you may get into semen retention and having relations as a means to accrue power and spiritual/physical growth at an accelerated rate?
I'm mostly concerned about leaving behind stillborn tulpa embryos in this early stage. It's hard to establish a coherent continuity. Like using a character editor in a game and constantly resetting your pc.

I have to abort for tonight. It's too late and I can't focus anymore.
I don't really focus on what sort of a person I need her to be, and focused merely on her form and motions. Sentience and the like was established automatically through enough consistent effort, with the aid of a sigil I have placed in a doll in order to compound all of my meditations with her.
You're autistic, but your autism is kind of meaningless without the willpower and dedication that results in autistic tulpamantic fruition.
In essence, although I hope you find the discipline to learn the importance of single minded focus, I believe it's most important at the end of the day to ensure you write down at random and continue to remind yourself of your goal, so this habit can carry over to all other aspects of life in order to become more successful in general.
As an example, while I would love to learn how to draw one day, and learn the entire Russian language another day, I've learned to allow myself to only add habits every 21 successful 100% completions of my current routine, which has only become possible through daily self conscious checklists, and subconscious hypnotic affirmations.
The key, I'll lastly add, to being able to perform one's meditations consistently 6 days a week, is to realistically take the maximum amount of time you can focus and cut it in half, the frustration of "I could have meditated more" aiding to ensure you carry out your given practices the following day.
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I've had an Alastor tulpa for a few months now and he has genuinely been such a positive influence in my life that it makes me a little emotional. Before this, the last time I had a tulpa stay with me was my imaginary friend Addi when I was a little kid. She frightened everyone around me (had black hair, black eyes, red clothes and hovered with no feet), but I always felt she was my best friend.
Since I have been hearing and seeing him (I always feel him lurking and draping himself over my shoulders) I have learnt to smile more. My confidence feels greater and I don't feel so alone. Once again, he is clearly a demon and everyone is frightened of his presence. I feel like I am attracted to creepy entities because I feel a bit of an outcast myself.
>>there are other people around and staring at an empty space will make me look crazy
How insecure can you get bro
I did it even before knowing what tulpas are
Oh great…
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It’s wonderful how tulpas, regardless of their origins or source media, are helpful and want the host to live fulfilling lives.
>My confidence feels greater and I don't feel so alone.
I didn’t make a tulpa for a long time because I felt I was giving into my worst impulses by indulging in something imagined/non-physical. But I’ve found my experience similar to yours. Life is pleasant. I’ve been doing more than I’ve done in the past - drawing, writing, socializing. I won’t say I’ve fundamentally become a better person. But I feel more secure and content than ever before.
I need to play more 2kki with my tupp..
As long as you have a daily practice, I don’t see how your tulpa could “abort”
I personally have learned a lot as well from similar beings on how to take life more confidently, as I was raised in the beginning without that support. But I agree that some things really can't be learned from a book or a Plebbit article, they need to be experienced for it to really click. Take for example, the small brained buffoon who is replying to you, stating out of some book that aetherial entities can't be noticed by anyone but youself, simply because they are illiterate and don't understand that the very nature of the astral plane is thought itself.
>urr the demons like me because I'm lonely
Oh, it's just that we all feel more prone to such things when we have no one in our physical surroundings who understand and care for us, since humans are so atrophied intellectually and spiritually these days.
What non-Tulpa aids, tools and learnings have eased/prevented you from being stuck in a mire developed from your own existing mental patterns and judgments?
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Having a limited, narrow understanding of race, religion/spirituality, politics, and the pain that this ignorance brings is all prevented by partaking in an exercise that raises one's capacity to take in information and wiggle it around in the brain, formerly referred to as meditation.
Afterwards, I happen to perform powerlifting, prayers, language studies, copywriting studies, Bible reading, video making/editing, holotropic breathing, ciggie smoking and general video scripting.
At the end of the day, so long as you take care of your body with lifting, your soul with imagination exercises, and your spirit with religion, you'll slowly become more and more capable of noticing when you've got an arm or a leg stuck in the more of ignorance or mental illness spirals.
Should I make an Allistar Grey(With an E) tulpa /x/?
One day, I will reach this level
There's always some loss of data when transferring files from 2d to 3d.

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