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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

>/vrpg/ says Fallout 4 is bad
>Is actually fun
What gives?
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Everything related to the synths or the institute is easily the worst part of the game.
Right after the settlement-mechanics that are forced on you.
there's a way to get around that kind of. before you go visit preston go to all the locations in the game with settlements and take over them. if that means the people currently living there die under msyterious circumstances so be it. than you have all of the settlements getting your help and you dont gotta go on preston missions. I think I ended up with only like 7 settlers in the main settlement (your home town) and my def system kept it safe. also who said you need to play thru the main story at all. be a scav who has a base or 2 and dont do settlements.
>remember the settlement-building shit
you only need to make 500 wall-mounted shelves at the start of the game and the teleporter setup at the end, you can completely ignore crafting in between
Vault girls don't look like this because Bethesda has godawful character artists
>I wish there was a mod the remove that whole part of the game.

Sim Settlements automates it for you, anon.

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Name 1(one) good game made in rpg maker
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Stop shilling your game.
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Laxius Power
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News: https://www.artix.com/news/allnews

What are you guys grinding? I finally got all the prereq armors for RGOW so that's exciting. Trying to get back into AQC and DF as well.
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>12.22.23 LQS POJ IYKYK
4.5 months actually, another 6 months for the first contest winner.

Drago is easy, a CAv once taunted the wrong mob and we still won.
>Drago is easy, a CAv once taunted the wrong mob and we still won.
Does levels below 100 mean a harder ultra? im on 88 right now, not sure if i should be 100 to be on the safe side.

>that pic
holy shit
>P.S. So, I flew back to my hometown for a funeral. While it was a sad time, I am grateful for the opportunity spend time with family there. While there, I went to a store to pick up medications and a man standing next to me dropped item without realizing it.
>I picked it up to help him and then the man collapsed. His hand was shaking uncontrollably. I rushed to help him and then swiftly went to alert the store's staff so they could call in an ambulance. But as the staff went back to the man... he was gone.
>He had suddenly stood up and walked around to the cash register to check out. It was so surreal. Have ever been in a sorta weird head space and then additional strange things happen around you that sorta breaks your brain?
>Because then I went back to the hotel. As I was walking down the hallway to the elevator a hotel staff person yelled out to me, "Hey!". He warned me that a man was roaming the higher floors without pants. It was one of those sorta days.
I see Artix is playing the Elergy of Madness Saga for Arcana Invoker.

>It would take an infinity. This was not why we named the game Infinity!
You could have fooled me!

I was only level ~90 when I killed Ultra Nulgath for my first 51% weapon and Drago is way easier.
I recommend lv95 and a 51% if you plan on being the DPS often, maybe Absolution if you're LoO.
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I was hoping the Classic Blade of Awe was gonna be this....
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>Vote for the Arcana Invoker Badge
>Help choose the character page badge art

>Check out the 3 options for the Arcana Invoker Class character page badge art below.
>Log in to AQWorlds and vote by Thursday, May 9th.
>The winning entry will be used on character pages starting Friday, May 10th.

>How to Vote
>1. Log in to AQWorlds
>2. Click the Polls button on your Game Menu
>3. Choose your favorite option and hit submit

That's what originally Alina implied, but I guess they lost the old Blade of Awe files?

What went wrong? How can the next Final Fantasy game be saved?
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PS5 exclusive, I don't know if it's good or bad but I'm not going to buy a snoystation to find out.
That's just wishful thinking at this point, when does anything ever get better anymore?
X is kino and 12 is garbage offline mmo that plays itself with the story that no one even rememebers after finishing it. But it is better than everything else they did after not gonna deny that.
I have an Idea that basicslly comes down to making final fantasy final inspired by the great RPGs of old while, at the same time, looking at modern sandbox adventures games, like totk
My reply in another thread:
Id make a sandbox final fantasy highly inspired by old school crpgs like Wizardry 7 and other more modern non-rpg titles, with ff1 in the mix.
5 member party and you get to start with your Basic Job-characters. Games lets you accumulate characters of other Jobs, being there, ideally, 2 characters of each job.
You have a heroes of light Quest as the main objective, in which you must defeat the big Evil in his sky temple, but you cant really reach there at the beginning.
Like Elminage, you need to collect some mcguffins to access the a tower that leads you to the space station.
That what the sandbox is for. In Zelda totk-fashion you wander a nice world, filled with dungeons, Villages, Monsters Lairs etc to hunt these Dungeons where the endgame treasures are hidden, make little sidequests to access them, by solving the problems they cause, and also to get new characters (like world of Ruin ff6) and their jobs.
When the mcguffins are collected, through the clearing of increasingly high level Dungeons, you access the Tower and are allowed to beat the final boss after clearing his space station Dungeon.
The game world doesnt even need to be huge, but simply full of things to do.
Id suggest a 3d top view pov, Bravely style, but with fog of war, for Dungeons and a more zelda-like camera for overworld travel.
Turn based combat with ATB, simply because that is a staple of the series.
Expansive bestiary, with effort put into Monster lore, and really, great world lore in general, which is a thing that generates a lot of organic interest for the game.
Dungeons must be really fun and expansive for It to work, so the best dungeon crawlers must be the source of inspiration here.
Classes must feel inspired and have some degree of complexity
Combat must offer risk, permadeath, in fact, could be an option. Though you should, like ff1 did back in its days, be allowed to revive characters at the city church/clinic. Make phoenix dawns extremely rare

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Why do you guys act like RPG games is a challenging genre? I see a lot of people say, "Have you even played x game?" As if people would lie about playing something? I don't get it.

If you can, name some RPG's you consider being the hardest. Because quite frankly, I don't think it's all that hard.
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>If you can, name some RPG's you consider being the hardest
fallout 1 and especially 2
>There were strategy guides everywhere even before the great internet boom so I don't think it was that much of an issue.

It would still require you to either have access to the guide itself or someone who did. Outside that most game secrets and stratagems where figured out through group discussion and experimentation. It's why we had so many YOU CAN TOTALLY REVIVE AERITH GUYS rumors and shit.
You had to get your folks to drive you to the store and then you had to hope they had a guide for the game you were stuck in. Kids now can just open their smart phone and look at google immediately when they get stuck. Completely different.
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This is really important so pay attention. The issue isn't whether or not a game is hard or not, its whether or not the content you are consuming is shallow and lazy. Like everyone can enjoy watching a trashie movie once in awhile, but no one wants to be around someone who consumes trash all the time. Like the guy who only plays final fantasy games and types up giant text walls on wiki theories or has hundreds of hours in elder scrolls, that person is a smelly retard and needs to fuck off. We should have 20 good threads for every 1 thread on the trash you play, but instead we have 1 good thread for every 20 pretty much identical threads on the absolute goyslop you play. Its really that simple. Can't play shit games all the time and people are politely giving you a push in the right direction instead of pointing out that you're an unlikable subhuman retard and an enormous burden on everyone around you.
Some people do their best to play games in the most autistic unfun manner and complain about it online. Best to ignore.

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All that money for such a shitty game, huh?
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Is the game actually unfinished?
It feels so barebones.
>dungeons are bland hallways
>overworld maps are mostly empty and have no secret locations
>random houses you can enter that are empty
>no real side quests outside of recruitment
>dialogue is just characters throwing one liners at each other
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>Think where we'd be if everyone didn't have to create everything from scratch every time.
>Legion Saga series
The save carry over in those was really impressive for a RM2k game.
Dude all the best games come from schizos stealing assets. Real outsider art shit.
The game has absolutely zero depth.

I don't know what the fuck they were doing with this to be completely honest.

It's the every character interaction is this strange predictable one liner that each character bounces off one another.

There's almost no actual dialogue. I can't say I've ever experienced this in three decades of playing RPGs.

Also, the cooking minigame is out right broken. It doesn't work at intended and you can literally pick the same three combinations and win every single cooking contest.

I am finishing it the remaining few hours and forgetting it exists.

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just played through the intro and it's kind of meh. is it worth playing through this?
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Nope. Not really.

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You would think that one of the most popular pulp genres would lend itself rather well to RPGs.

Why are there no noteworthy horror RPGs?
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>still gaslighting
These anons are like rival cacti in a desert wrestling match, but deep down, they're just two lost tumbleweeds in a bizarre love dance.
Bloodborne scares the shit out of me
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Darkwood has RPG elements.
System Shock 2
Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
Fear & Hunger
Parasite Eve
Darkest Dungeon

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>4 threads on this board shilling Morrowind
>has been like this since the board came to be
>try it
>gameplay is lietrally just pressing one button over and over again

Is this game made for actual retards? Is that why 4chan loves it so much?
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>play game
>press buttons
>quit game
wtf bros, where's our buttonless game????
in skyrim you can press two button
>is this game for actual retards
nowadays, yes
back then, it could be excused because pretty much all they had was blobbers, 3d was just coming around, especially for big rpgs

but all the systems are complete shit, the quests are all shit, the dialog is horrendous and the world is a chore to explore
I've literally played all Bethesda games and I can even enjoy Arena and Daggerfall, Morrowind is the ONLY one that has zero redeeming qualities.
Morrowind was technically just an offline mmo. Thats why the combat is just auto attack and the whole thing is a grind.
Morrowind is actually a point-and-click game, that's why you point and click

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Shiren Mystery Dungeon 6 is out, post those rescue codes.
Have you beat the main dungeon yet? How far have you gotten?
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>clean up my psp and get new battery
>recently imported shiren4+ and decided to try it out w/ the english patch
>Game opens with shiren and koppa on a boat that gets swept up at sea and washing up on the shores of Hawaii
>fat natives accost them then try to burn them at the stake
>King from Tekken shows up and stops this telling Shiren and Koppa to go into the jungle and get a jaguar eye gem to prove they're actually adventurers
>One of the NPCs is like "what's an onigiri? We eat bananas here"
Shiren 4 is a weird game
ah, i see, thanks for that. i guess "the second shiren game that was made," would've been a better way to put it. my first run on hard mode made it to floor 10, so i'm feeling pretty optimistic about clearing it a little quicker (though i only needed around 45 or so attempts to clear shiren 1)
and that's interesting, i'm gonna have to try that next. shiren 1 sfc also has that trap maze dungeon for gaibara as postgame so i wanna try that out too... this is quite a series of games. i don't generally care for roguelikes but this one's been fun so far.
also now that i've finished shiren 1 sfc once, i can confirm that runs past the first clear don't start you out with a free onigiri, which will probably make things pretty rough
Congrats, man! And welcome to the cult.
thank you! i didn't expect to be so moved by completing the journey.

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>Reddit: The Character
Why are plebbitors always fawning about this basic bish?
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There’s Argonians and Khajit as playable races too, don’t forget! That’s three right there.
>3 White man races
Just set skin tone to black, dude. Nords can be more black than the blackest redguard in skyrim
A true Nord never blacks down.
>let's not forget the Dawnguard have no clue where Harkon's castle
Yeah dawnguard actually needs Serana's help and knowledge. Not to mention an uneasy alliance makes for a better story, just like turning into a vampire to traverse soul cairn is better than the soul trap copout.
>skyrim: white elves
>hammerfell: chocolate elves??

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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what game is that rofl
by yandere you mean yanfly?
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Love the concept but Resistance Records already made that game.
Whats the difference between the two versions of False Narrative?
The first one you kill a bunch of people with a sword.
The second version, you do the same thing, but sigma also claims his main critic (mouseworks) killed herself
Answer this question please: >>3473035
I wanna know too!

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You didn't beat the game if you cucked out to the Supreme Court.
You didn't beat the game if you weren't bros with Petr or Serge.
You didn't beat the game if you paid Rumburg reparations.

Genocide all Bluds. Women's Rights "Movement" should be back to the kitchen. Throw Arcasian and United Contana traitors into Antel Rock. That is all.
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You didn't beat the game if you don't beat and occupy Rumburg and your son doesn't survive
>Esquibel tells me literally all our neighbors support us for the gas field
>He lists off every country—all of South Merkopa
>"UnFoRtUnAtElY we couldn't secure enough votes for the gas field lol. How? Lespia and ATO, you see..."
yeah okay. Lists off every country one line at a time and how they support us in the AN, but then get told we got out-voted.
sure thing
The triggers are all fucked up, yes. That seems to be a constant complaint in these threads.
You didn't beat the game if you didn't pay Rumburg reparations.and united with GRACE against globohomo
*attacks u during a war (he is your ally)*

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Did you "save" your world?
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jannies are on the payroll of triple A studios, what do you expect? You don't think they miss the 10+ fallout threads due to not seeing them, do you?
I'm actually thinking about completing other people's abandoned projects. I need closure.
Like what?
Mainly the stories. A loose dungeon. Something fast and sloppy.
>And everyone died. The End.

It's not like I know where they were going with things. I don't think they really knew either. Beside some obvious revelation like the heroine being the reincarnation of a goddess or something.

I don't have a problem with the isekai setup and OP stats. I just want to see a conclusion.
Anyone know a good font without any legal bullshit attached?

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