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Here's what I got, I know the procedure but not the correct ratios for the amounts, especially stock and wine
>Beef chuck roast
>Onion, carrot, celery
>Syrah and Madeira wine, dark beer
>Better than Bouillon paste (chicken, beef), chicken stock cubes, chicken stock powder, More than Gourmet demi-glace
>Worcestershire Sauce, balsamic and apple cider vinegar
>Tomato paste and crushed tomatoes
>thyme, rosemary, salt pepper, bay leaf, most other common spices
>baby bella mushrooms, shallots, whole garlic
>flour, oil, butter

I don't have a dutch oven but I have stainless pan for browning and a stock pot and crock pot I can transfer everything to. I mainly need help with the ratio of wine, bouillon/stock, and water if needed.
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Keep going, I wanna see tasty end result
I know, I'm just nervous about not really having a starting point since I'm using bouillon paste or powder and either beer or wine. When I make pan sauces with them I've had good luck eyeballing it but there's so much more liquid in this I don't know the right ratio as my starting point.
>I'm just nervous about not really having a starting point
Well for a starting point you would want to decide how much beef you want to use, since that's the main component of a beef stew. 1 lb for 2-3 servings, 2lbs for 4-6, 4lbs for 8-12, etc.
Oh yeah it's a 2lb chuck, I was just going to convert from whatever I saw posted here.
2lbs of beef, 1 large onion, 1 cup of dark beer, 8 cups of water, 1tbsp of bouillon paste, 2oz of tomato paste, 2tbsp of thyme, 2 bay leaves, 1tbsp black pepper, 5 large carrots, 4 large potatoes.
There's your starting point. Taste as you go, and use your judgment to adjust as necessary.
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Sounds good, seems like a lot of water but I can either start with a little less or just reduce at the end with the met and veg removed. Thanks fren.

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KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and McDonald's have all seen declines in same store sales in the first quarter of 2024. With fast food prices up 5% from the same period last year, customers have started changing their eating habits as grocery prices have risen a more modest 1.4%.
KFC is responding by trying out a simpler menu while McDonald's has pledged to introduce more Value Menu items. Will it be enough to win back consumers fed up with high fast food prices?
YUM! Brands, parent of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell says they believe most of the lost customers in their KFC and Pizza Hut brands have switched to their Taco Bell brand, which is where the company earns 75% of its domestic income. There are no plans to make more changes to Taco Bell's menu or introduce new value items at the chain.
Not all chains have seen a decline in sales. Chipotle, Popeye's, and Wingstop have all seen same store increases during the first quarter of 2024.
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Why the fuck does a burger peddler need to support Israel or BLM or Conservatives anyways? Just focus on selling food and stay out of politics.
disgusting soulless dreck
I hate AI art because we’ll never get any real funny shitty meme drawings ever again. People used to have to cobble together whatever they could manage in MS paint, and it was fun and soulful. Now it’s all complete commercialized consoooomer images. depressing.
I've been catching 2-3 pound largemouth bass at the lake and eatin good for free.
Are you an Asian? No one eats largemouth bass they are super gamey since they are hunting carnivores with lots of fast twitch muscles. Same reason no one but Asians eats cats. Target panfish they taste much better.

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You don't order your steak above medium rare, right anon?
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Well it depends on the steak, doesn't it? The more fatty the steak, the more you want to cook it so that fat becomes juicy and delicious. Filet: rare. Strip: medium rare. Ribeye: medium.
Foodies will literally risk their lives to impress people on the internet.
I prefer medium rare but everyone who tries to police how other people eat their steaks is an autistic retard.
Different people like different things. And some of them enjoy well done steaks - that's not something for you to care.
>has to use sauce
lol pleb
Why did you sauce your fork, anon?
Are you going to eat it?

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>organic goat milk
>beats the A2 cow milk psyop
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I've had donkey's milk but not mare's. Is good.
This actually got me wtf...
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muh nigga

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Flavor profile
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muito al dente
Eat a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Now eat a spoonful of sour cream.

The difference is what well adjusted people mean when they say
You can also use the word
How can you get annoyed by a word that describes a real thing, and make 500 identical threads about it as though everyone else isn't incredibly annoyed by how uncreative YOU are?

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Why don't people just put it in the freezer for a minute or two as a hack?
I literally cook my beef frozen so that I can get a better sear on it while keeping it med-rare.
Probably because by the time the interior has cooled down and reabsorbed its fluid, the outside would be cold.
I miss her man...
resting meat does nothing. the wireless thermometer guy made a video testing it recently.
The time of the rest retains the juice.

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What can i get you?
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>I side with the people who say what I want to hear
I side with the French
Yeah so like I said
I'm the guy who originally brought in the fact that French people eat loads of this stuff and don't get cancer
What I said still applies. You are singling out exceptions and siding with that because its what you want to hear. Its the same as saying shoes dont protect your feet because one out of 20 hikers got and infection trudging through a thorny bush

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Do you scrape your plate into the trash, or are your pipes good enough that you don't need to?
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Pretty sure muttland is like 25% “undocumented immigrant” as you cucks call them so you really can’t talk
I eat everything on my plate except for bones.
bones go into freezer and eventually into stock
used bones go into trash
Not having a garbage disposal is almost as 3rd world as not having indoor plumbing at all. It's like one of those European countries who's plumbing is so bad they have to throw their toilet paper in a little garbage can next to the toilet and their bathroom always smells like shit.
Why would I scrape my plane onto you? You count.

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20433454
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You should buy cheap liubao instead. It does chocolate notes better then ripe puer imo
Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'll get some liubao next. Your thoughts on fuzhuan and where to start?
nta but here are some suggestions from last thread:
Thank you. I was considering these samplers.
any recommendations for some good lapsang souchong?

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just tryna get a hamburger
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For me? It's two hot dogs
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Could be some resort in a shithole where they need to import everything but use the dollar.
Groggy joes monopoly bucks
I haven't played golf in a while but this seems about right for a 19th hole cafe factoring in Bidenflation.

What’s your order?
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ummmmmmmm, yeahhhhhhhhhh, lemme get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh number 8 with a pepsi
i'm going to Del Taco instead
3 crunchy taco supreme meal, Baja Blast for the drink and an order of cinnamon twists
oh shit, I missed the caramel apple empanada, add one of those too
just did this order online (substituted the empanada for another twist order), it comes out to $14.77. What a disgrace.

And what are the best recipes?
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>he most likely now knows
t. Leon Black
they dont look cute eating a plate of food
chinese dim sum is better

What 3 vegetarian ingredients (except extra cheese) would you add to this cheese pizza?
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fresh garlic, sliced mushrooms, black olive halves
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Black olives, anchovies, fresh tomato slices, jackie chan.
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>throw out the pizza
>get a white broccoli thin-crust instead
It's the perfect pizza
Depends heavily on the type of cheese on the pizza.

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Is it just me or does bacon seem like it'd be a japanese food? It's a photogenic, small portion of meat that looks like it'd go on one of those grills they have at their little tables.
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>posts pic of fake bacon
what did OP mean by this?
means i wasn't wearing my glasses when i quickly grabbed a pic for the thread.
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Post the most delicious substances known to men
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Cocksocker detected

Quit sucking cock your mom is worried about you choking on dick
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I had curried duck today. Delicious.
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The real redpill is that yellow mustard is actually the best and truest form of mustard
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